How did Canada manage to get it right?

Canada succeeded on coronavirus where America failed. Why?

"Canada and the United States are, in many respects, similar countries. With the coronavirus outbreak, the two North American nations had comparable risk profiles, sharing (for example) similarly aged populations and similar distance from the earliest hot spots in Europe and East Asia.

Yet the outbreak has been dramatically worse in the United States than its northern neighbor.

Per capita, the United States has about twice as many confirmed coronavirus cases as Canada and about 30 percent more deaths. Canadian testing rates have been consistently higher, especially during the critical early stages of the North American outbreaks: In mid-March, the Canadian testing rate was roughly five times higher than the American one."
In anticipation of Trumplehead idiocy--------deflection---------disparagement of the source-------- don't bother unless you can factually refute the reporting.
"There are a number of factors that have enabled Canada to perform at a higher level than the United States, including more consistent pre-virus funding for public health agencies and a universal health care system. But one of the most important seems to have been a difference in political leadership."
Why has Canadian leadership not spent wasted time on trying to find a scapegoat for their failure like Trump? Because they didn't fail.

TDS thread 1,492.

And it's total bullshit.

Take the Northeast out of the equation and we are fine. So suck on that....asshole.
Take the Northeast out of equation and the country loses about 25% of it's GDP , nearly 60 million people, and the nations capital..
Canada succeeded on coronavirus where America failed. Why?

"Canada and the United States are, in many respects, similar countries. With the coronavirus outbreak, the two North American nations had comparable risk profiles, sharing (for example) similarly aged populations and similar distance from the earliest hot spots in Europe and East Asia.

Yet the outbreak has been dramatically worse in the United States than its northern neighbor.

Per capita, the United States has about twice as many confirmed coronavirus cases as Canada and about 30 percent more deaths. Canadian testing rates have been consistently higher, especially during the critical early stages of the North American outbreaks: In mid-March, the Canadian testing rate was roughly five times higher than the American one."
In anticipation of Trumplehead idiocy--------deflection---------disparagement of the source-------- don't bother unless you can factually refute the reporting.
"There are a number of factors that have enabled Canada to perform at a higher level than the United States, including more consistent pre-virus funding for public health agencies and a universal health care system. But one of the most important seems to have been a difference in political leadership."
Why has Canadian leadership not spent wasted time on trying to find a scapegoat for their failure like Trump? Because they didn't fail.

TDS thread 1,492.

And it's total bullshit.

Take the Northeast out of the equation and we are fine. So suck on that....asshole.
Take the Northeast out of equation and the country loses about 25% of it's GDP , nearly 60 million people, and the nations capital..

That applies how ?

GDP correlates with infection ? Is that what you are saying ?
I love it when mental midgets compare our dense population centers of International traffic with a country larger than the US in land mass with a fraction of the population.
There is a marked difference in the quality of leadership. Why is Germany doing better than the UK ? Same reason - leadership.
The world is fortunate the Germans are not the settlers of the British Isles. For they are very intelligent. Their location is not the most ideal.
I am not all that impressed with Canada's response, to be honest. For comparison:

Country Deaths / million
Taiwan 0.3
Australia 3.8
New Zealand 4.2
South Korea 4.9
Greece 14
Norway 40
Finland 45
Germany 84
Portugal 104
Canada 106
U.S. ... 212
Sweden 277
France 381
UK ..... 443
Italy .... 487
Spain 544

That's an amazing spread of outcomes, preliminary as they may be. Remember when our righty friends gloated about that 2019 Global Health Security Index? "We are #1", they crowed. The UK came in second, after the U.S., in terms of pandemic preparedness. Turns out they were somewhat right, the U.S. and the UK came in first and second, respectively, in number of Covid-19 deaths.

Here's one of the most amazing things I have read in a long time:

Before first case reported

On 31 December 2019, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) implemented inspection measures for inbound flights from Wuhan, China in response to reports of an unidentified outbreak.[52] The passengers of all such flights were inspected by health officials before disembarking.[52] Taiwan's Central News Agency reported that Luo Yi-jun, deputy director for Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control, had been reading on PTT in the early hours of New Year's Eve when a thread about an unknown disease causing pneumonia in Wuhan caught his attention. He saw a post including screenshots from a group chat with Li Wenliang. He immediately emailed colleagues and put the country on alert.[53][54]

A six-year-old passenger who transferred in Wuhan and developed a fever was closely monitored by the CDC.[55] At this time, there were alleged to be 27 cases of the new pneumonia in Wuhan.[55]​

In order to contain a pandemic and protect the population, there is no substitute for early, fact-based, decisive action. Throwing red meat to the xenophobic base in the form of a travel ban (that wasn't) or similar mindless activism isn't quite what it's cracked up to be. Congratulations to Taiwan!
Australians never brag, but I was born in the USA and live in Australia now so I will do it for us Aussies.
Canada succeeded on coronavirus where America failed. Why?

"Canada and the United States are, in many respects, similar countries. With the coronavirus outbreak, the two North American nations had comparable risk profiles, sharing (for example) similarly aged populations and similar distance from the earliest hot spots in Europe and East Asia.

Yet the outbreak has been dramatically worse in the United States than its northern neighbor.

Per capita, the United States has about twice as many confirmed coronavirus cases as Canada and about 30 percent more deaths. Canadian testing rates have been consistently higher, especially during the critical early stages of the North American outbreaks: In mid-March, the Canadian testing rate was roughly five times higher than the American one."
In anticipation of Trumplehead idiocy--------deflection---------disparagement of the source-------- don't bother unless you can factually refute the reporting.
"There are a number of factors that have enabled Canada to perform at a higher level than the United States, including more consistent pre-virus funding for public health agencies and a universal health care system. But one of the most important seems to have been a difference in political leadership."
Why has Canadian leadership not spent wasted time on trying to find a scapegoat for their failure like Trump? Because they didn't fail.
Could have also had something to do with the fact that in the 150 miles from the US border where 95% of Canadians live, they have a population density of 17 people per sq. km The US has 36 people per sq km. Our rural areas have been hit less hard due to low population density.

I'm not saying leadership has nothing to do with it, that early testing had nothing to do with it, but they have significantly less people crowded together. Of course they have major cities, too, and they have kept it under control due to all the factors you cited, but the population density itself may play a role.
Didn't they ban Americans and pretty much just get drunk while staying home? And watching old hockey reruns?

Worse!! CURLING!!!

1. First and foremost, Trudeau and the Premiers took the warnings seriously. Ontario had a clear Pandemic Response Plan which they put in place after the Toronto SARS outbreak in 2002/03. This was enhanced during H1N1, and we have a national pandemic response unit.

2. The provinces gave full cooperation to the federal Liberal government, even though only 3 of Canada's 10 provinces and 3 territories have Liberal provincial governments. There was no partisanship in the response at all.

3. Universal health care - no copays, no extra-billing. No question this played a huge part in the willingness of Canadians to go for testing early and often. I hand them my photo ID OHIP card, the swipe it, and get a confirmation of my status on screen. They check my address, phone number and next of kin are correct, and we're done. I have never know a medical bill in my adult life. I complete no paperwork. This means that when we get sick, we get treated, right away.

4. We got the WHO tests and tested everyone coming into the country from overseas, and traced as long as possible. We didn't close any borders until we closed our border with you. Testing at ports of entry was relatively easy for all countries except the USA. We managed to retrieve our passengers from the Japanese cruise ship without creating an outbreak when they landed.

Closing the Canada/US border spiked our cases for the same reason that Trump's travel restrictions from China spiked yours. Trudeau told the Snowbirds to come home while they could and come home they did. They were told to self isolate for 14 days after they got home, and while many did, enough didn't that in no time, 20% of our cases tracked back to people who had recently travelled to the USA. That's when the tracking system got overwhelmed, and the virus got loose.

5. We ordered PPE's early and we ordered often. Trudeau signed a contract with Amazon to distribute our orders of PPE's to hospitals throughout Canada, so that for Canadian hospitals it was as simple as ordering off Amazon to get face shields, masks and gowns.

The shipment of masks from 3M that Trump tried to stop, was part of our third restocking. We bought PPE's to fully stock all hospitals in early January, and distributed tests to all airports and ports of entry, as soon as they became available. A second shipment to overstock hospitals came in February, to prepare for the onslaught, and the 3M masks were part of the restock. When Trump blocked the shipment, Trudeau said that talks were ongoing and he was confident it would be sorted soon. It took the weekend to sort it, and the shipment was released on Monday. Face shields came from Eddie Bauer, who make hockey masks.

4. When Trudeau announced stay at home, he announced EI plans to get workers paid, and promised employers who keep employees on the payroll with financial help in doing so, but said details would have to wait until the public health issue was under control, and we could better asses the situation for businesses. All laid off workers can get up to $2300 per month (55% of insurable earnings) from Employment Insurance. All businesses with more than 10 employees, can get assistance.

My neighbour only worked 2 days a week, but has been paid for a 40 hour week. They're up to 3 days a week starting this week.

5. I lived in Toronto when SARS hit. That was some scary shit, but we learned a lot from it and every lesson learned was applied this time.

I post a lot of shit about the Ford Brothers. Mayor Rob Ford, the worst joke of a politician in the free world until Donald Trump said "Hold my alcohol-free beer!!!" Doug Ford, Rob's dumber younger brother is currently our Premier. Dougie has managed to fuck up everything he has touched since he was elected, and his approval rating was hovering around 18% before this hit.

But Dougie has done an amazing job as Premier, in this pandemic. Not perfect, true, but that's an impossible standard. Canada's rate of death to closed cases is 13%. Ontario's rate of death to closed cases is below 10%. Ford even quietly settled the very unpopular teacher's strike during the March break so he could focus on the pandemic. And he lowered our electrical rates during peak hours so that everyone use power during the quarantine period at lower rates.
We had something before Trump that worked sort of like that. It was called Federalism. The term derived from the noun Federalist, which was the name of the US's first conservative party. It appears that Alexander Hamilton was the first to "coin it" (pun there). Perhaps ironically when compared to today was that one of the objections raised by Jefferson's followers was the notion that the natl debt would bankrupt honest taxpayers. That party was the first "liberal" political party that eventually evolved to the democratic party.
Australians never brag, but I was born in the USA and live in Australia now so I will do it for us Aussies.
I sense regret for leaving the greatest country in the world. Australia is an ugly wasteland surrounded by shark infested beaches.

The US is the greatest country in the world when it comes to prison population, suicides, drug addiction, crime, and juice harp playing.
Canada succeeded on coronavirus where America failed. Why?

"Canada and the United States are, in many respects, similar countries. With the coronavirus outbreak, the two North American nations had comparable risk profiles, sharing (for example) similarly aged populations and similar distance from the earliest hot spots in Europe and East Asia.

Yet the outbreak has been dramatically worse in the United States than its northern neighbor.

Per capita, the United States has about twice as many confirmed coronavirus cases as Canada and about 30 percent more deaths. Canadian testing rates have been consistently higher, especially during the critical early stages of the North American outbreaks: In mid-March, the Canadian testing rate was roughly five times higher than the American one."
In anticipation of Trumplehead idiocy--------deflection---------disparagement of the source-------- don't bother unless you can factually refute the reporting.
"There are a number of factors that have enabled Canada to perform at a higher level than the United States, including more consistent pre-virus funding for public health agencies and a universal health care system. But one of the most important seems to have been a difference in political leadership."
Why has Canadian leadership not spent wasted time on trying to find a scapegoat for their failure like Trump? Because they didn't fail.

TDS thread 1,492.

And it's total bullshit.

Take the Northeast out of the equation and we are fine. So suck on that....asshole.

That is a great argument, America is doing just fine if we just do not count the where a lot of Americans live.

Sure this virus is slow to get to rural areas and the US has a lot of rural population, but it is coming because the country just cannot figure out how to do rational controls like Australia.
Australians never brag, but I was born in the USA and live in Australia now so I will do it for us Aussies.
I sense regret for leaving the greatest country in the world. Australia is an ugly wasteland surrounded by shark infested beaches.

The US is the greatest country in the world when it comes to prison population, suicides, drug addiction, crime, and juice harp playing.
You have your opinion and I have mine.
Prison populations, suicide rates, drug addiction rates, crime rates are about statistics, not opinions.

But juice harp playing is subjective, I will give you that one.

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