How Did Cruz Screw It All Up After Wisconsin?

He won Colorado. And Trump was able to pretend he cheated somehow
You're too desperate bro lol. You believe & that's fine.

I know its fine and I dont need or seek your approval for it.

Trying to pretend you have all the answers is absurd.

All the answers? lol, I dont even know all the QUESTIONS, dude roflmao

Trying to say only your belief is the right belief is equally ignorant.

Never said that, but that doesnt mean that all other opinions are just as good as the next. No, some things like atheism is just 'shoot-my-head-off-with-a-double-barrel-shotgun kind of stupid.

I don't claim to have any special knowledge of how or why we're here, I just don't have ANY belief in the man with a magic finger nonsense

Yeah, and you apparently dont want to know anything about what you so ignorantly disparage.

For example, the Creator is not some guy with a finger in the sky, lol.

You disbelieve what no one is believing in anyway and you break your arm patting yourself on the back for it.
I was a DIE HARD BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN for over a decade. Prior to that I was a regular average Joe believer.
I'd go so far as to say I GUARANTEE you I've read the Bible front to back more than anyone on this forum. I went to and led bible studies 2 to 3 times a week. I went to Christian rock concerts. I went to every church function. I tithed 10% of my GROSS.

Then I woke up.

Uninformed lololololol
Are you some kind of idiot that needs a pat on the back for everything you do Jim? You know what they say about people who laugh in every uncomfortable situation. Putting a smiley face on every single post I make, makes you look very shallow.

You are just funny, in that monkey-flinging-shit sort of way.

You look stupid and ignorant and dont even realize it like the shit that gets all over the monkeys hands is more than he ever lands on his target.

Onto my avatar as an avenue to insult me now?
You've lost the debate
This isnt a debate, Sherlock.

This is me schooling your stupid ass.


I am not a nice Christian; sorry. I dont think it is my fault if you go to Hell, so I dont give a flying fuck what you think. But if you shove that stupid atheism bullshit in my face I'm gonna shove it right back at ya.
I haven't shoved anything in your face pussy. YOU asked a question. I answered it honestly. Your tampon got dislodged and here we are.

Fucking lightweight
Remember the two weeks after the Wisconsin Primary? Everyone was ready to write off Trump, and there were all the riots and the delegate poaching...I had just about lost confidence in Trump; if he couldnt keep a state organization going how could he run the whole country?

But then many of the things that looked bad for Trump seemed to have actually helped him.

1. The Rioters gave all kinds of sympathy for Trump and they didnt even bother with Cruz. The subtle message was that Trump was the real enemy for the hard core Marxist Left, not Ted. Trump gained poll points from these morons antics, just like he will in the coming fall also. I am praying that the dumbasses protest and riot in Cleveland during the GOP convention too. It should lock up the election for the GOP.

2. Cruz engaging in delegate poaching was short sighted. Americans hate cheaters, even exploiting cheaters that dont break the letter of the rules but steamroll the spirit of those rules. Cruz came off as a slimy little crook in that whole process.

3. Cruz' rhetoric was not helping him as he failed to rebrand Trump while Trump easily rebranded Cruz. Trump looks for what has a ring of Truth to it about his opponent and then beats it like a toy drum all day and night till people cant help but think of what Trump said about his opponent instead of anything factual about them. Cruz just said things intended to reduce Trump among conservatives and other targeted groups, as though mere repetition was what made it all work. No, there has to be something close to truthful to make it hook. Cruz never learned how to do it and the day of the Indiana primary when Trump used his other tactic of simple provocation into a full blown Cruz meltdown, suggesting that Cruz Dad had something to do with the JFK assassination, which ruined any chance of Cruz continuing.

4. The appearance of collusion with the GOP Establishment, and Kasich and Romney hurt Cruz with the anti-establishment wing of the party, and that was Cruz' home turf. Trump stole it from him.

5. While Trump won every county in five states, Cruz stole every delegate in antidemocratic pseudo-caucuses in Colorado and also in states Trump won, making him look like a sleazy cheating twink.

6. The Fiorina VP appointment made Cruz look desperate.

7. The governors endorsement of Cruz was the worst in history and actually was more positive toward Trump.

8. Cruz still had very few GOP people of stature support him. Boehner's slam on Cruz stung, even though Boehner is himself an ass hole who once said that if an American was the son of ditch diggers that they probably are meant to be ditch diggers. But despite Boehners history as a jack ass, his slam on Cruz still made Cruz look worse

9. The Kasich alliance was an insult to voters across the whole country, not just Indiana.

10. The Cruz vrs 'Trump supporter' debate. Cruz had this air like he was going to school this boy, and then got his ass handed to him by a guy wearing a Skull sweatshirt, lol.

What in Gawds Sweet Name did Cruz think he would accomplish with this?

All in all, it seems that Cruz was not emotionally prepared for the impact of losing to Trump in 6 straight North Eastern states. I figured he would have trouble with April, but I never thought he would self destruct.

Cruz screwed up before all of that. He screwed up when he did not take Trumps ability to appeal to that guy in the vedio. Look at trump. He has borrowed money from all the folks that are supposed to be so bad. The guy in the vedio mentioned Goldman Sachs, trump took money from then, ran in the crowed. He gave money to the establishment which was supposed to be the worst, he'll he WAS a bunch of the money behind it. Cruz also depended on the media, specifically Fox. He figured they were friendly, they were not. Cruz has been and is doing exactly as he said he would when he went to senate. It will be good to have him back. Cruz was. To polite. He diddnt take trump seriously and it hurt him. This was his to lose and he lost it.
Phony God bullshit
When did Cruz talk about a phony God?

Allot. Think back to when they all just started. Even trump was all about Gawd. They all did.
Trump appealed to the religious voters with mentions of God & respecting those that believed in him. Cruz acted as if God was in his pocket.

Big difference imo

Mm, okay. But Trump made a Campaign ad with his special Bible. Don't matter. We have bigger issues then stupid bibles and how special they are.
Phony God bullshit
When did Cruz talk about a phony God?

Allot. Think back to when they all just started. Even trump was all about Gawd. They all did.
Trump appealed to the religious voters with mentions of God & respecting those that believed in him. Cruz acted as if God was in his pocket.

Big difference imo

Mm, okay. But Trump made a Campaign ad with his special Bible. Don't matter. We have bigger issues then stupid bibles and how special they are.
Agreed but that was one event. Listening to Cruz's every campaign speech was like being in Sunday School every time he spoke.
Our country is founded on religious freedom not daily proselytizing from political leaders.
Between his smarmy attitude of "I can't beat you with the voters so I'll beat you with the establishment rules" and "deal with the devil Kasich to stop a candidate that was winning with voters" those were two straws that broke the back of his campaign.
ETA: and his campaign continually slamming Trump voters I personally believe many who were sitting on the fence went to hell with this shit and went and voted for Trump.

Yeah, because Donald "how stupid do you have to be to vote against me" Trump is the candidate of voter flattery.
Remember the two weeks after the Wisconsin Primary? Everyone was ready to write off Trump, and there were all the riots and the delegate poaching...I had just about lost confidence in Trump; if he couldnt keep a state organization going how could he run the whole country?

But then many of the things that looked bad for Trump seemed to have actually helped him.

1. The Rioters gave all kinds of sympathy for Trump and they didnt even bother with Cruz. The subtle message was that Trump was the real enemy for the hard core Marxist Left, not Ted. Trump gained poll points from these morons antics, just like he will in the coming fall also. I am praying that the dumbasses protest and riot in Cleveland during the GOP convention too. It should lock up the election for the GOP.

2. Cruz engaging in delegate poaching was short sighted. Americans hate cheaters, even exploiting cheaters that dont break the letter of the rules but steamroll the spirit of those rules. Cruz came off as a slimy little crook in that whole process.

3. Cruz' rhetoric was not helping him as he failed to rebrand Trump while Trump easily rebranded Cruz. Trump looks for what has a ring of Truth to it about his opponent and then beats it like a toy drum all day and night till people cant help but think of what Trump said about his opponent instead of anything factual about them. Cruz just said things intended to reduce Trump among conservatives and other targeted groups, as though mere repetition was what made it all work. No, there has to be something close to truthful to make it hook. Cruz never learned how to do it and the day of the Indiana primary when Trump used his other tactic of simple provocation into a full blown Cruz meltdown, suggesting that Cruz Dad had something to do with the JFK assassination, which ruined any chance of Cruz continuing.

4. The appearance of collusion with the GOP Establishment, and Kasich and Romney hurt Cruz with the anti-establishment wing of the party, and that was Cruz' home turf. Trump stole it from him.

5. While Trump won every county in five states, Cruz stole every delegate in antidemocratic pseudo-caucuses in Colorado and also in states Trump won, making him look like a sleazy cheating twink.

6. The Fiorina VP appointment made Cruz look desperate.

7. The governors endorsement of Cruz was the worst in history and actually was more positive toward Trump.

8. Cruz still had very few GOP people of stature support him. Boehner's slam on Cruz stung, even though Boehner is himself an ass hole who once said that if an American was the son of ditch diggers that they probably are meant to be ditch diggers. But despite Boehners history as a jack ass, his slam on Cruz still made Cruz look worse

9. The Kasich alliance was an insult to voters across the whole country, not just Indiana.

10. The Cruz vrs 'Trump supporter' debate. Cruz had this air like he was going to school this boy, and then got his ass handed to him by a guy wearing a Skull sweatshirt, lol.

What in Gawds Sweet Name did Cruz think he would accomplish with this?

All in all, it seems that Cruz was not emotionally prepared for the impact of losing to Trump in 6 straight North Eastern states. I figured he would have trouble with April, but I never thought he would self destruct.

The problem Cruz had was he exaggerated everything Trump did. He should have focused on his real faults but instead made a bunch of them up making himself look like a liar and look petty and dishonest. The last 48 hrs were especially embarrassing. We all have to admit that Cruz is better at being a prick than Rubio, but only because he's been one all his life.
The problem Cruz had was he exaggerated everything Trump did. He should have focused on his real faults but instead made a bunch of them up making himself look like a liar and look petty and dishonest.

Kinda like calling Obama a Kenyan?

Exaggerating bullshit is Cruz's M.O. Then again, it's also Trump's M.O. It's the favorite piss flavor of the bat-shit crazy vote. I guess what you're saying is that Trump out bat-shit crazied Cruz.
Exaggerating bullshit is Cruz's M.O. Then again, it's also Trump's M.O. It's the favorite piss flavor of the bat-shit crazy vote. I guess what you're saying is that Trump out bat-shit crazied Cruz.
No, you clearly are not paying attention to the differences between Trump and Cruz.

Trump made everything he said about his opponents stick and he did it without spending millions in attack ads.

Now how do you think he pulled that off without all the attack ads?

Here is a hint; when people saw Trumps rebranding of his opponents, it stuck in their minds because it was TRUE. It was something that they could see for themselves and confirm Trumps attack, every rebranding from 'low energy Jeb!' to 'Lying Ted'. It wasnt repetition that made the difference, it was the TRUTH that made the difference.

That is why Trump won; he has experience in using this kind of rebranding in his business competition and he has used it to amazing success in politics now. He is rewriting the book on how to run a campaign and dudes like you just stick it in your 'mean names' pigeonhole and will NEVER grasp the difference.

You will never grasp Trumps advantages because you havent experienced what he has and so you will never be able to grasp it at all.
Both Cruz and Trump are the biggest pompous asses we've seen run for president since who knows when.

Trump, however, is just able to make it work better in a rightwing environment.
Remember the two weeks after the Wisconsin Primary? Everyone was ready to write off Trump, and there were all the riots and the delegate poaching...I had just about lost confidence in Trump; if he couldnt keep a state organization going how could he run the whole country?

But then many of the things that looked bad for Trump seemed to have actually helped him.

1. The Rioters gave all kinds of sympathy for Trump and they didnt even bother with Cruz. The subtle message was that Trump was the real enemy for the hard core Marxist Left, not Ted. Trump gained poll points from these morons antics, just like he will in the coming fall also. I am praying that the dumbasses protest and riot in Cleveland during the GOP convention too. It should lock up the election for the GOP.

2. Cruz engaging in delegate poaching was short sighted. Americans hate cheaters, even exploiting cheaters that dont break the letter of the rules but steamroll the spirit of those rules. Cruz came off as a slimy little crook in that whole process.

3. Cruz' rhetoric was not helping him as he failed to rebrand Trump while Trump easily rebranded Cruz. Trump looks for what has a ring of Truth to it about his opponent and then beats it like a toy drum all day and night till people cant help but think of what Trump said about his opponent instead of anything factual about them. Cruz just said things intended to reduce Trump among conservatives and other targeted groups, as though mere repetition was what made it all work. No, there has to be something close to truthful to make it hook. Cruz never learned how to do it and the day of the Indiana primary when Trump used his other tactic of simple provocation into a full blown Cruz meltdown, suggesting that Cruz Dad had something to do with the JFK assassination, which ruined any chance of Cruz continuing.

4. The appearance of collusion with the GOP Establishment, and Kasich and Romney hurt Cruz with the anti-establishment wing of the party, and that was Cruz' home turf. Trump stole it from him.

5. While Trump won every county in five states, Cruz stole every delegate in antidemocratic pseudo-caucuses in Colorado and also in states Trump won, making him look like a sleazy cheating twink.

6. The Fiorina VP appointment made Cruz look desperate.

7. The governors endorsement of Cruz was the worst in history and actually was more positive toward Trump.

8. Cruz still had very few GOP people of stature support him. Boehner's slam on Cruz stung, even though Boehner is himself an ass hole who once said that if an American was the son of ditch diggers that they probably are meant to be ditch diggers. But despite Boehners history as a jack ass, his slam on Cruz still made Cruz look worse

9. The Kasich alliance was an insult to voters across the whole country, not just Indiana.

10. The Cruz vrs 'Trump supporter' debate. Cruz had this air like he was going to school this boy, and then got his ass handed to him by a guy wearing a Skull sweatshirt, lol.

What in Gawds Sweet Name did Cruz think he would accomplish with this?

All in all, it seems that Cruz was not emotionally prepared for the impact of losing to Trump in 6 straight North Eastern states. I figured he would have trouble with April, but I never thought he would self destruct.

The problem Cruz had was he exaggerated everything Trump did. He should have focused on his real faults but instead made a bunch of them up making himself look like a liar and look petty and dishonest. The last 48 hrs were especially embarrassing. We all have to admit that Cruz is better at being a prick than Rubio, but only because he's been one all his life.

Glen Beck didnt help him much either.

Glenn Beck Ends His Fast - Breitbart

He often couched his enthusiasm with a religious zeal for Cruz, who he declared to be “the next George Washington.” Cruz, according to Beck, was “anointed” by God and “raised for these times.” This week, the radio talker even stated that he believes God deliberately prolonged the GOP primary so that every state in the union would be forced to choose between “good or evil.”

Beck was often harshly critical of Evangelical Christian voters for not supporting Cruz, stating at one point that “real Christians” don’t support Donald Trump and that “all throughout the South the Evangelicals are not listening to their God” because Cruz lost the Southern primaries to Trump.

Indeed, the fervor of Beck’s support for Cruz has been matched only by the vehemence of his opposition to Trump. He has called the New York real estate mogul “a pathological narcissistic sociopath” and “a narcissistic psychopath” whose presidency “will lead to civil war or worse.

He has also repeatedly compared Trump to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, asserting that Trump’s populist policies were “the makings of Adolf Hitler.” During an appearance onABC News’s This Week, Beck actually held up a German ballot with Hitler’s name on it as a prop to emphasize his comparison of Trump to the Nazi leader. He even speculated at one point about whether Trump, whose daughter converted to Judaism, hates Jews. (He concluded, “I don’t think [Trump] hates Jews.”)
Pretty good article on this topic by Fred Barnes.

What Went Wrong for Ted Cruz

Cruz decided to make a stand in Indiana, brushing off the five Northeast states. He believed they "wouldn't make any difference in voters' minds in Indiana," says Rich Danker, who ran a pro-Cruz super PAC. But states "don't have to be all alike" for voters to be influenced by their outcome, he says.

After Cruz came in a distant third in New York, his poll numbers began to drop. Over ten days in late April, Cruz went from six percentage points behind Trump (WTHR/Howey Politics) to 15 points behind (NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist). Trump won Indiana by 16 points. On Monday, Gallup's editor in chief Frank Newport disclosed that "after a holding period of sorts in March and early April, Cruz's image began to deteriorate significantly in the last two weeks."
Michael Savage made a great point. Cruz should have refused to accept CO delegates and demanded a primary. He would have been far better off.
Remember the two weeks after the Wisconsin Primary? Everyone was ready to write off Trump, and there were all the riots and the delegate poaching...I had just about lost confidence in Trump; if he couldnt keep a state organization going how could he run the whole country?

But then many of the things that looked bad for Trump seemed to have actually helped him.

1. The Rioters gave all kinds of sympathy for Trump and they didnt even bother with Cruz. The subtle message was that Trump was the real enemy for the hard core Marxist Left, not Ted. Trump gained poll points from these morons antics, just like he will in the coming fall also. I am praying that the dumbasses protest and riot in Cleveland during the GOP convention too. It should lock up the election for the GOP.

2. Cruz engaging in delegate poaching was short sighted. Americans hate cheaters, even exploiting cheaters that dont break the letter of the rules but steamroll the spirit of those rules. Cruz came off as a slimy little crook in that whole process.

3. Cruz' rhetoric was not helping him as he failed to rebrand Trump while Trump easily rebranded Cruz. Trump looks for what has a ring of Truth to it about his opponent and then beats it like a toy drum all day and night till people cant help but think of what Trump said about his opponent instead of anything factual about them. Cruz just said things intended to reduce Trump among conservatives and other targeted groups, as though mere repetition was what made it all work. No, there has to be something close to truthful to make it hook. Cruz never learned how to do it and the day of the Indiana primary when Trump used his other tactic of simple provocation into a full blown Cruz meltdown, suggesting that Cruz Dad had something to do with the JFK assassination, which ruined any chance of Cruz continuing.

4. The appearance of collusion with the GOP Establishment, and Kasich and Romney hurt Cruz with the anti-establishment wing of the party, and that was Cruz' home turf. Trump stole it from him.

5. While Trump won every county in five states, Cruz stole every delegate in antidemocratic pseudo-caucuses in Colorado and also in states Trump won, making him look like a sleazy cheating twink.

6. The Fiorina VP appointment made Cruz look desperate.

7. The governors endorsement of Cruz was the worst in history and actually was more positive toward Trump.

8. Cruz still had very few GOP people of stature support him. Boehner's slam on Cruz stung, even though Boehner is himself an ass hole who once said that if an American was the son of ditch diggers that they probably are meant to be ditch diggers. But despite Boehners history as a jack ass, his slam on Cruz still made Cruz look worse

9. The Kasich alliance was an insult to voters across the whole country, not just Indiana.

10. The Cruz vrs 'Trump supporter' debate. Cruz had this air like he was going to school this boy, and then got his ass handed to him by a guy wearing a Skull sweatshirt, lol.

What in Gawds Sweet Name did Cruz think he would accomplish with this?

All in all, it seems that Cruz was not emotionally prepared for the impact of losing to Trump in 6 straight North Eastern states. I figured he would have trouble with April, but I never thought he would self destruct.

The problem Cruz had was he exaggerated everything Trump did. He should have focused on his real faults but instead made a bunch of them up making himself look like a liar and look petty and dishonest. The last 48 hrs were especially embarrassing. We all have to admit that Cruz is better at being a prick than Rubio, but only because he's been one all his life.

Shows how ignorant you are and how the average trump supporter is easily distracted by shiny stuff. Rick Santorum should have smashed trump. Even he has a record that can be looked at and is consistent with the views he runs on. The problem with these guys is, they let get away with the fact that he has not held a consistent position on anything, and has spent million of dollars financing everything that made the country a mess. Trump appeals because he says fuck on TV. The low info voter responds to that just like they did with Obammer. So with everyone talking about trump cussing on TV, trump gets away with flipping his stance on being PC. Meh, will be interesting to see how it go's. Now that the info sluts will get bored with him. Likely they will watch the Bernie Hillary thing unfold.
Shows how ignorant you are and how the average trump supporter is easily distracted by shiny stuff. Rick Santorum should have smashed trump. Even he has a record that can be looked at and is consistent with the views he runs on. The problem with these guys is, they let get away with the fact that he has not held a consistent position on anything, and has spent million of dollars financing everything that made the country a mess. Trump appeals because he says fuck on TV. The low info voter responds to that just like they did with Obammer. So with everyone talking about trump cussing on TV, trump gets away with flipping his stance on being PC. Meh, will be interesting to see how it go's. Now that the info sluts will get bored with him. Likely they will watch the Bernie Hillary thing unfold.
My, my, so judgemental of Trump supporters, but thats OK, I guess since we are mostly white?

Lol, you dont have the foggiest notion why Trump won, even 11 months after he started his campaign.

I guess its true; you just cant fix stupid.
What happened in Colorado (bribing/stealing/locking out delegates) doomed him. That single event sent his favorables tumbling and he never recovered.

You cannot disenfranchise millions of voters and think it's going to help your cause. Rules or not, there's something called common sense.

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