How Did Dingy Harry Reid Get Rich?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
To anyone who has ever read any of my posts on Dingy Harry, my loathing of this man cannot be disguised. So, when I first spotted this on the Blogger Gunny site, I instantly clicked to the linked site. I have no idea who the author of the site is but his or her pieces - 1st of 2 parts – hits the nail on the head. It covers everything I've ever learned about this political slug in the 34 years I've lived in Nevada. Here's a small excerpt from the piece that nails Harry to the wall:

David Damore — a University of Nevada, Las Vegas professor whose research focuses on Silver State politics — has closely followed Reid for years. He said that the balance between helping family and constituents is a common tension for powerful politicians. “I’m going to put this politely: Their personal interests, they seem to see, represent the common good. They don’t differentiate those two.”

The “they” he refers to probably includes his politically ambitious son, Rory.

This is not just a local scandal but goes to how entrenched politicians in Washington worm their way into the established hierarchy to gain positions of power. They then use that power to convince their voters that they can't be voted out of office as it would be detrimental to their own good. I clearly remember that as a main campaign theme last time Harry ran for office. More or less, “Forget every bad thing you've heard about me but I'm a poor farm boy from Searchlight who is in Washington to serve YOU!”

Read more @ Annals of the Richest .01%: How Did Harry Reid Get So Wealthy? | pundit from another planet with lots of links.
"Their personal interests, they seem to see, represent the common good."

Oooh! That's gotta hurt!
He is a criminal.

He uses his political office to take private land to make it public land then years later he makes that public land lucrative by funneling earmarks for roads, bridges, etc near that land....then wallah his friends are ready to buy that "wasteland" for easy money and kickback money to Dirty Hairy once millions are made.

Oh, his family is involved with lobbying in DC and representing these companies that make millions off getting "public land" stolen by Hairy Reid.
Yeah, he also uses his political position to know what stocks to buy and avoid, he also uses legislation to promote/destroy certain companies/stocks which he also makes money off too.

He is a fucking piece of shit criminal that should spend the rest of his life getting ass pounded by some 400 lbs black cellmate.
How did Harry Reid get rich?

By exploiting the fact that the Feds own 84% of the land in Nevada to reward his cronies and punish his enemies.
People on Wall Street go to Federal prison for insider trading while Reid and many other scum in Congress do it without raising an eyebrow.
How Did Dingy Harry Reid Get Rich?
I don't have time to read your post, but I will guess he got rich by caring for the poor colored people, by being a good businessman, you know like Madoff and Strauss khan, all these people are good businessmen who want nothing more than to stand up for a black man :doubt:
To anyone who has ever read any of my posts on Dingy Harry, my loathing of this man cannot be disguised. So, when I first spotted this on the Blogger Gunny site, I instantly clicked to the linked site. I have no idea who the author of the site is but his or her pieces - 1st of 2 parts – hits the nail on the head. It covers everything I've ever learned about this political slug in the 34 years I've lived in Nevada. Here's a small excerpt from the piece that nails Harry to the wall:

David Damore — a University of Nevada, Las Vegas professor whose research focuses on Silver State politics — has closely followed Reid for years. He said that the balance between helping family and constituents is a common tension for powerful politicians. “I’m going to put this politely: Their personal interests, they seem to see, represent the common good. They don’t differentiate those two.”
The “they” he refers to probably includes his politically ambitious son, Rory.

This is not just a local scandal but goes to how entrenched politicians in Washington worm their way into the established hierarchy to gain positions of power. They then use that power to convince their voters that they can't be voted out of office as it would be detrimental to their own good. I clearly remember that as a main campaign theme last time Harry ran for office. More or less, “Forget every bad thing you've heard about me but I'm a poor farm boy from Searchlight who is in Washington to serve YOU!”

Read more @ Annals of the Richest .01%: How Did Harry Reid Get So Wealthy? | pundit from another planet with lots of links.
He's a criminal...and there's a plethora more of them up there IN the District Of Criminals...
I have no doubt that there are plenty like reid in congress.

I am equally certain that there are morons out there who keep re-electing these scumbags.

Thanks, Fuckers.

How does any dingy politician get rich would be a better subject to steal onto your blog....

i find it funny that harry reid upsets them so.

you'd think they'd concern themselves more with the real losers in the senate.... like ted cruz

Cruz is certainly not my cup of tee, but Reid has used his power, and the power of his son when he was on the Clark County Commission, to enrich themselves at the cost of the taxpayer. He is the very definition of corrupt politician.
How does any dingy politician get rich would be a better subject to steal onto your blog....

i find it funny that harry reid upsets them so.

you'd think they'd concern themselves more with the real losers in the senate.... like ted cruz

Its like they're all marching around the kitchen table, chanting really stupid slogans. They don't think. They just yammer crap at each other.

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