Zone1 How Did God Come Into Existence?

God was invented by humans as a convenient way of explaining things.

Before humans, there was no God.

I would proffer that rather created as a way of explaining things, he/she was created for the purpose of controlling people first, and explaining what was once unexplainable second.
One does not need to KNOW KNOW THAT GOD EXISTS. God proves His existence by the evidence of the CREATED THINGS (Romans 1) that surround us.......without these created things possessing the knowledge to prove through Application of Science just how these created things came into existence. Fact: You cannot know the true nature of God without reading from the foundation of the Christian Faith ............. The word of God. There could be no Judeo/Christian faith without the Holy Scriptures. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." -- Romans 10:17

1. Science can't explain how the universe supposedly created itself from nothing.........with one of the greatest scientific minds of our age concluding that the UNIVERSE "must have" created itself from nothing because I refuse to believe in an intelligent creating force called God. Stephen Hawking declared that GRAVITY created the mass and the energy required to create the universe. His problem? Applied Science proves that gravity cannot exist void of mass/matter, yet he demands that the mule MUST HAVE pushed the plow instead of pulling it with his inverted hypothesis.

2. Science and the laws of physics can't explain how biological life created itself with its foundation being just 2 elements...........hydrogen and helium, the elements common to all stars. Science presents the hypothesis that life evolved from STAR DUST, if a star is left to a few billion years hydrogen and helium will self create life......yet not one NEW star has ever been OBSERVED popping into existence. Out of the billions and billions of stars and billions of Galaxies..........whose light takes billions of years to reach earth........not one new star has ever been observed creating itself. Science declares the universe has existed for some 13 billion + years...........with the speed of light being the measuring stick, why have no new stars.........created billions of years ago, appeared? Star's can be observed in death........but no new star has ever been witnessed in its infant state. With light taking eons to reach earth, stars should be witnessed popping into existence like hot popcorn. Their excuse...........we can observe star nurseries. The question must be asked.........where is the observable new star popping into existence if the universe has existed for 13 billion years? We have no had enough time to observe such a birth? proves that light speed billions of years to be observed on earth. WHERE ARE BABY STARS being born of the billions and trillions of observable stars?

Thus.........we know there is a superior (Supernatural) creating force based upon Science and the physical laws of reality lacking the ability to explain its own origins. There is no LAW of EVOLUTION for a reason......yet assumptions, conjectures, speculations, hypothesis, and theories are taught in all our schools as FACTS of SCIENCE. Talk about taking a leap of faith.

Knowing that God not enough. God wants us to know and comprehend certain things about His existence. And there is nothing magical about acquiring this knowledge. Jesus came to earth (as God the flesh) in order to declare God to us in a most knowable method. If you learn Christ, you learn God. If you know Christ, you know God the Father. Thus, studying the the testimony of Jesus Christ and His words of love, mission, and righteousness are the things required in getting to know the God of Creation. As observed by some the comments on this thread.........those who do not believe in God have never attempted to "get to know God", they are blinded by their predispositions they are indoctrinated in.

Jesus was sent to earth to represent the Father to us so we could know God. If you know Jesus, and the spirit gave us a complete testimony and conformation of Jesus being God in the flesh (by the witnessing of Sings and, miracles)-- John 1:1-14, 20:30-31, 16:13. THEN YOU KNOW ALL THAT IS REQUIRED OF GOD TO FIND ETERNAL SALVATION OF THE SOUL. "If you have seen have seen the Father." If you seek God and grope after Him you will find Him in Jesus, the FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD BODILY. Get to know Jesus and you get to know God. You will know His mind and heart (to the extend that He wants us to know) as expressed by Jesus Christ (John 3:16)
God has never had a need to come into existence. God has always existed. The Bible tells us that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. However, God Himself was before the beginning.
Yeah, but how?
Some things remain a mystery for good reason as most heathens only want to know the secrets of God so they can either harm God or destroy God. We already know they lie on God.

It is meant for us believers to trust God, and believe in the things God has told us to believe in our minds and hearts by faith. Blessed are the ones who believes without seeing.
This existence of this universe is a great mystery. The greatest mystery.

Why does it exist at all?

Did it create itself out of nothing?

Is it the product of some intelligent design?

I suspect that humanity will die out long before we figure this one out.

However, in the meantime, I cannot fathom the universe creating itself out of nothing. That is magic. I'll go with intelligent design, i.e. God. It makes more sense.

It is up to God to figure out where He came from.
Some things remain a mystery for good reason as most heathens only want to know the secrets of God so they can either harm God or destroy God. We already know they lie on God.

It is meant for us believers to trust God, and believe in the things God has told us to believe in our minds and hearts by faith. Blessed are the ones who believes without seeing.
Yep. Pretty much
Logic isn't applicable to issues concerning the god, or gods. Not to suggest that there has to be any more reason for that than to say that logic doesn't apply to the supernatural.
It's called philosophy and I'm pretty sure you can get a PhD in it.
The god delusions are definitely correctly defined as the supernatural. Nobody argues that!

And especially true is that all causes by definition are 'caused'.

You may have tried to say that all occurrences are not caused?
Given that the material world can only be made manifest by mind and it is primarily world renowned physicists who have considered the linkage between mind and matter maybe you are the one who is delusional.

I did say the only solution to an infinite series of eternal causes is an uncaused cause from which everything must logically proceed from. But I am glad to see that you don't believe in random events. I don't either.
Without your religion the god would have no identity known to man. Everything you imagine about the god has originated from man's bibles.

It's no more real than Genesis, on which we both agree has been deemed to be believed or rejected by the CC.
I disagree, the natural law is innate. I didn't need religion to discover God. I only needed to exist in his creation to discover him through the study of his creation which is exactly how I discovered God. You either do not posses the awareness or the motivation to do so.
Logic isn't applicable when discussing the supernatural.
Of course it is. You can only use science to describe the events of creation and evolution of space and time. Everything before that is the realm of philosophy. It's common knowledge. So for you to argue against something that is common knowledge is strange.

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