How did libertarianism take over conservatism?

OK, I expect to see some sensational intra-party fighting here. But keep it clean. You godless Ayn Randians and bible thumpers need to learn what a "big tent" means. Let's see if you can do it.
If Jerry Falwell and John Galt had sex you'd get Rand Paul. Ewww, maybe separate tents is a better idea. I think we need a 3rd party based on libertarianism or one on born againers, you guys make ugly children together.
What happened to the idea that the family is the basic unit of society? Where'd all this individualist shit come from?

How did communism take over the Democrat Party?

How did the Democratic party lift up the country's economic prospects after the preceding Republican presidents sent the economy into a recession? That's some fucking magic, right?
What happened to the idea that the family is the basic unit of society? Where'd all this individualist shit come from?

How did communism take over the Democrat Party?

How did the Democratic party lift up the country's economic prospects after the preceding Republican presidents sent the economy into a recession? That's some fucking magic, right?

You have the sequence wrong....Reagan cleaned up after carter, Bush inherited clinton's recession....and tried to stop the mortgage meltdown that the democrats pushed...and Obama has outspent all other Presidents combined....
What happened to the idea that the family is the basic unit of society? Where'd all this individualist shit come from?

How did communism take over the Democrat Party?

How did the Democratic party lift up the country's economic prospects after the preceding Republican presidents sent the economy into a recession? That's some fucking magic, right?

What kind of drugs are you taking?

Here's a clue for you: when has the economy ever not recovered after a recession? Oh . . . I know, when a Democrat gets put in charge of the recovery.

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