How Did Life On Earth Happen?

How Did Life On Earth Happen

  • Perfect Conditions/By Chance

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • God Created It (Several thousand years ago)

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • God Created it (Billions of years ago)

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • Another Life in Another Galaxy put us here

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Black Magic

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 31.0%

  • Total voters
"When it comes to the origin of life, we have only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility...Spontaneous generation was scientifically disproved one hundred years ago by Louis Pasteur, Spellanzani, Reddy and others. That leads us scientifically to only one possible conclusion -- that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God...I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution."

George Wald, Nobel Laureate in Physiology / Medicine - Scientific American, August, 1954.
What's your personal belief/theory?


I believe God/Life always existed, and the development of our consciousness and awareness of the process has evolved ever since.

Since the energy needed to create life, either by God's creation or by the Big Bang, has to come from "somewhere" that means something had to be in existence in order to create existence as we know it.

so if there always has to be something in existence in order to create the starting point or the next point, however you enumerate the process, that means life/the universe has to be self-existent or eternal/infinite. It can have no beginning or end, because there would have to be something before that beginning point in order to have the energy to create it in the first place. It can have no end because energy can neither be created nor destroyed but converted from one form to another. And to always have energy for conversion means that energy has to come from another source. So this again points to a self-sustaining selfexisting system.

the point of our existence is to reach an understanding of it and to make the most of the energy resources and relations we have today. that's the most we can control is how we perceive, understand and utilize what we have in the present to the maximum benefit and good for all affected while we are here.
What's your personal belief/theory?


I think the evolution of the universe is all part of Gods plan. It seems random yet it is anything but random, the entire universe all the way down to quantum physics operates in cycles... everything is connected, and we are all connected. Some womans son dies on the other side of the world and somehow she feels it at the exact moment. How many times have we heard something like that happening?
What's your personal belief/theory?


I believe God/Life always existed, and the development of our consciousness and awareness of the process has evolved ever since.

Since the energy needed to create life, either by God's creation or by the Big Bang, has to come from "somewhere" that means something had to be in existence in order to create existence as we know it.

so if there always has to be something in existence in order to create the starting point or the next point, however you enumerate the process, that means life/the universe has to be self-existent or eternal/infinite. It can have no beginning or end, because there would have to be something before that beginning point in order to have the energy to create it in the first place. It can have no end because energy can neither be created nor destroyed but converted from one form to another. And to always have energy for conversion means that energy has to come from another source. So this again points to a self-sustaining selfexisting system.

the point of our existence is to reach an understanding of it and to make the most of the energy resources and relations we have today. that's the most we can control is how we perceive, understand and utilize what we have in the present to the maximum benefit and good for all affected while we are here.

So, life is not "here", but eternal, yes?
If so, this "form" of life is a blip on the radar. Why?
What's your personal belief/theory?


I believe God/Life always existed, and the development of our consciousness and awareness of the process has evolved ever since.

Since the energy needed to create life, either by God's creation or by the Big Bang, has to come from "somewhere" that means something had to be in existence in order to create existence as we know it.

so if there always has to be something in existence in order to create the starting point or the next point, however you enumerate the process, that means life/the universe has to be self-existent or eternal/infinite. It can have no beginning or end, because there would have to be something before that beginning point in order to have the energy to create it in the first place. It can have no end because energy can neither be created nor destroyed but converted from one form to another. And to always have energy for conversion means that energy has to come from another source. So this again points to a self-sustaining selfexisting system.

the point of our existence is to reach an understanding of it and to make the most of the energy resources and relations we have today. that's the most we can control is how we perceive, understand and utilize what we have in the present to the maximum benefit and good for all affected while we are here.

So, life is not "here", but eternal, yes?
If so, this "form" of life is a blip on the radar. Why?

Dear Bonzi
the spiritual consciousness of humanity is highly specialized.
We are meant to understand and communicate the relationships
between our existence and experience and the greater universal forces and laws going on.
So this takes much more concentrated development and evolution to perfect.

The process has been compared to getting a diamond out of the coal mine.
What % is the tiny diamond that is priceless compared to the masses
of coal and worthless chunk of rock surrounding it? The diamond is very tiny
while the material that is discarded is much more voluminous.

The choices that are off track, the ways to misunderstand, confuse
and contort our perception of the world are going to FAR OUTWEIGH
the points of correct understanding and right connections with the laws
governing our universe. So that is always going to be a tiny ratio.

Just because it is a tiny minuscule percentage doesn't mean
it is insignificant. It means the value is that much more concentrated in a tiny portion.
"When it comes to the origin of life, we have only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility...Spontaneous generation was scientifically disproved one hundred years ago by Louis Pasteur, Spellanzani, Reddy and others. That leads us scientifically to only one possible conclusion -- that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God...I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution."

George Wald, Nobel Laureate in Physiology / Medicine - Scientific American, August, 1954.

Pasteur did not disprove the spontaneous origin of life on earth four billion years ago. He showed fully formed microbes would not form in boiled milk.
"When it comes to the origin of life, we have only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility...Spontaneous generation was scientifically disproved one hundred years ago by Louis Pasteur, Spellanzani, Reddy and others. That leads us scientifically to only one possible conclusion -- that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God...I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution."

George Wald, Nobel Laureate in Physiology / Medicine - Scientific American, August, 1954.

Pasteur did not disprove the spontaneous origin of life on earth four billion years ago. He showed fully formed microbes would not form in boiled milk.
ummm... you think that Wald, a Nobel Laureate, got that wrong?

Through the Microscope
Spontaneously here on earth, not from elsewhere, not created by some supreme being.
Not possible. The folding sequence doesn't lend itself to chance.

No, totally possible. What other process do you suggest?
I don't know how life made the leap from inorganic matter.

As far as I know, no one does.

I certainly don't agree with you that it is possible for it to assemble itself without instructions.
What's your personal belief/theory?

None of the above. Selection does not operate randomly ("by chance"), and it certainly doesn't require "perfect" conditions to select for self-replicating proteins. In fact, "perfect conditions" is an utterly meaningless term, in this topic/context. Selection produces results that are stable in the conditions which exist. Different conditions would cause selection to produce different outcomes.
What's your personal belief/theory?


I believe God/Life always existed, and the development of our consciousness and awareness of the process has evolved ever since.

Since the energy needed to create life, either by God's creation or by the Big Bang, has to come from "somewhere" that means something had to be in existence in order to create existence as we know it.

so if there always has to be something in existence in order to create the starting point or the next point, however you enumerate the process, that means life/the universe has to be self-existent or eternal/infinite. It can have no beginning or end, because there would have to be something before that beginning point in order to have the energy to create it in the first place. It can have no end because energy can neither be created nor destroyed but converted from one form to another. And to always have energy for conversion means that energy has to come from another source. So this again points to a self-sustaining selfexisting system.

the point of our existence is to reach an understanding of it and to make the most of the energy resources and relations we have today. that's the most we can control is how we perceive, understand and utilize what we have in the present to the maximum benefit and good for all affected while we are here.

So, life is not "here", but eternal, yes?
If so, this "form" of life is a blip on the radar. Why?

Dear Bonzi
the spiritual consciousness of humanity is highly specialized.
We are meant to understand and communicate the relationships
between our existence and experience and the greater universal forces and laws going on.
So this takes much more concentrated development and evolution to perfect.

The process has been compared to getting a diamond out of the coal mine.
What % is the tiny diamond that is priceless compared to the masses
of coal and worthless chunk of rock surrounding it? The diamond is very tiny
while the material that is discarded is much more voluminous.

The choices that are off track, the ways to misunderstand, confuse
and contort our perception of the world are going to FAR OUTWEIGH
the points of correct understanding and right connections with the laws
governing our universe. So that is always going to be a tiny ratio.

Just because it is a tiny minuscule percentage doesn't mean
it is insignificant. It means the value is that much more concentrated in a tiny portion.
Your entire argument is egocentric and circular. We are "highly specialized" what standard? By the one you just made up, of course. I'm sure Olympic gymnasts would give themselves "10"s all the time, were they allowed to judge themselves.
What's your personal belief/theory?


I believe God/Life always existed, and the development of our consciousness and awareness of the process has evolved ever since.

Since the energy needed to create life, either by God's creation or by the Big Bang, has to come from "somewhere" that means something had to be in existence in order to create existence as we know it.

so if there always has to be something in existence in order to create the starting point or the next point, however you enumerate the process, that means life/the universe has to be self-existent or eternal/infinite. It can have no beginning or end, because there would have to be something before that beginning point in order to have the energy to create it in the first place. It can have no end because energy can neither be created nor destroyed but converted from one form to another. And to always have energy for conversion means that energy has to come from another source. So this again points to a self-sustaining selfexisting system.

the point of our existence is to reach an understanding of it and to make the most of the energy resources and relations we have today. that's the most we can control is how we perceive, understand and utilize what we have in the present to the maximum benefit and good for all affected while we are here.

So, life is not "here", but eternal, yes?
If so, this "form" of life is a blip on the radar. Why?

Dear Bonzi
the spiritual consciousness of humanity is highly specialized.
We are meant to understand and communicate the relationships
between our existence and experience and the greater universal forces and laws going on.
So this takes much more concentrated development and evolution to perfect.

The process has been compared to getting a diamond out of the coal mine.
What % is the tiny diamond that is priceless compared to the masses
of coal and worthless chunk of rock surrounding it? The diamond is very tiny
while the material that is discarded is much more voluminous.

The choices that are off track, the ways to misunderstand, confuse
and contort our perception of the world are going to FAR OUTWEIGH
the points of correct understanding and right connections with the laws
governing our universe. So that is always going to be a tiny ratio.

Just because it is a tiny minuscule percentage doesn't mean
it is insignificant. It means the value is that much more concentrated in a tiny portion.
Your entire argument is egocentric and circular. We are "highly specialized" what standard? By the one you just made up, of course. I'm sure Olympic gymnasts would give themselves "10"s all the time, were they allowed to judge themselves.

Dear Fort Fun Indiana
can you name any other species in our immediate knowledge and presence
that is using language to communicate across continents to try to
resolve policy issues on how to sustain society on this planet?

That's what I mean.

I'm not saying that human life is more important than the life of an elephant.
All species are critical to the survival of the ecosystem that uses all parts in harmony.

What I'm saying is that human role and responsibility is unique
in that we can communicate and orchestrate how we work together
on a conscious and verbally established level. And with the way our
minds and conscience work, such an established verbalized agreement
is necessary to get us all on the same page working in harmony.

So this is very specialized. Unlike the ants and elephants who cannot
communicate to us verbally what is going on in their part of the world,
we humans have to figure this out using science and observations,
studying and DOCUMENTING the laws and working in our world
in order to teach each other Consciously what is going on, so we
work WITH these laws of science and not against them by destroying things
in the world out of ignorance, greed and selfishness. Humans bear
greater responsibility because of our conscious ability to understand
and communicate this to other humans so we can develop sustainable society.

do you really have a problem grasping the responsibility that humans have?
The ants can't destroy us, but we can destroy the ants.
We have to be more careful and take responsibility
for our greater ability to either preserve or destroy the world around us.
Other animals and species don't have that same ability
to communicate consciously to establish these laws in writing
and reach a consensus globally with all humanity over time and space.
That's on us.
What's your personal belief/theory?


I believe God/Life always existed, and the development of our consciousness and awareness of the process has evolved ever since.

Since the energy needed to create life, either by God's creation or by the Big Bang, has to come from "somewhere" that means something had to be in existence in order to create existence as we know it.

so if there always has to be something in existence in order to create the starting point or the next point, however you enumerate the process, that means life/the universe has to be self-existent or eternal/infinite. It can have no beginning or end, because there would have to be something before that beginning point in order to have the energy to create it in the first place. It can have no end because energy can neither be created nor destroyed but converted from one form to another. And to always have energy for conversion means that energy has to come from another source. So this again points to a self-sustaining selfexisting system.

the point of our existence is to reach an understanding of it and to make the most of the energy resources and relations we have today. that's the most we can control is how we perceive, understand and utilize what we have in the present to the maximum benefit and good for all affected while we are here.

So, life is not "here", but eternal, yes?
If so, this "form" of life is a blip on the radar. Why?

Dear Bonzi
the spiritual consciousness of humanity is highly specialized.
We are meant to understand and communicate the relationships
between our existence and experience and the greater universal forces and laws going on.
So this takes much more concentrated development and evolution to perfect.

The process has been compared to getting a diamond out of the coal mine.
What % is the tiny diamond that is priceless compared to the masses
of coal and worthless chunk of rock surrounding it? The diamond is very tiny
while the material that is discarded is much more voluminous.

The choices that are off track, the ways to misunderstand, confuse
and contort our perception of the world are going to FAR OUTWEIGH
the points of correct understanding and right connections with the laws
governing our universe. So that is always going to be a tiny ratio.

Just because it is a tiny minuscule percentage doesn't mean
it is insignificant. It means the value is that much more concentrated in a tiny portion.
Your entire argument is egocentric and circular. We are "highly specialized" what standard? By the one you just made up, of course. I'm sure Olympic gymnasts would give themselves "10"s all the time, were they allowed to judge themselves.

Dear Fort Fun Indiana
can you name any other species in our immediate knowledge and presence
that is using language to communicate across continents to try to
resolve policy issues on how to sustain society on this planet?

That's what I mean.

I'm not saying that human life is more important than the life of an elephant.
All species are critical to the survival of the ecosystem that uses all parts in harmony.

What I'm saying is that human role and responsibility is unique
in that we can communicate and orchestrate how we work together
on a conscious and verbally established level. And with the way our
minds and conscience work, such an established verbalized agreement
is necessary to get us all on the same page working in harmony.

So this is very specialized. Unlike the ants and elephants who cannot
communicate to us verbally what is going on in their part of the world,
we humans have to figure this out using science and observations,
studying and DOCUMENTING the laws and working in our world
in order to teach each other Consciously what is going on, so we
work WITH these laws of science and not against them by destroying things
in the world out of ignorance, greed and selfishness. Humans bear
greater responsibility because of our conscious ability to understand
and communicate this to other humans so we can develop sustainable society.

do you really have a problem grasping the responsibility that humans have?
The ants can't destroy us, but we can destroy the ants.
We have to be more careful and take responsibility
for our greater ability to either preserve or destroy the world around us.
Other animals and species don't have that same ability
to communicate consciously to establish these laws in writing
and reach a consensus globally with all humanity over time and space.
That's on us.
That is not evidence of any specialization for believing magic. Believing magic is incidental to the fact that we evolved reason, yet remained abjectly ignorant of just about everything around us. Tides? Magic! Sun? Magic! Rain? Magic!

If anything, the fact that this magical thinking ALWAYS truns out to be wrong once we learn anything about anything should be a strong clue that this magical thinking is actually a hindrance to our reason and growth as a species.

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