How Did the Ancients Know About Dinosaurs?

Because the definition of a scientist is someone that is recognized as having an expertise in one of the sciences.
and your source for that is who???
a dictionary.
why did your edited definition leave out one very important word???

Learn to pronounce
  1. a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences.
    "a research scientist"
    synonyms: researcher, technologist;

My definition wasnt edited it was summarized from what I remember reading. So you think if someone takes a class in science that makes them a scientist? Would you trust their findings if they studied science for 2 hours?

its the definition that says that not me,,,
and as I pointed out there are bad ones just like there are good ones,,thats why facts and provable science should always be the defining factor,,,

not a piece of paper you paid someone to give you,,,
You brought up the point that I left out a word and now that you dont like what the word implies you are going to disregard my question? It says studying. Doesnt specify how long. Are you willing to run with that definition or one that actually makes sense like the one I gave you?
and your source for that is who???
a dictionary.
why did your edited definition leave out one very important word???

Learn to pronounce
  1. a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences.
    "a research scientist"
    synonyms: researcher, technologist;

My definition wasnt edited it was summarized from what I remember reading. So you think if someone takes a class in science that makes them a scientist? Would you trust their findings if they studied science for 2 hours?

its the definition that says that not me,,,
and as I pointed out there are bad ones just like there are good ones,,thats why facts and provable science should always be the defining factor,,,

not a piece of paper you paid someone to give you,,,
You brought up the point that I left out a word and now that you dont like what the word implies you are going to disregard my question? It says studying. Doesnt specify how long. Are you willing to run with that definition or one that actually makes sense like the one I gave you?

sorry but thats what it says,,,,

face it youre just wrong ,,,
Evidently there were dragons in every society also.

Those stories of dragons and giant serpents are probably as old as mankind itself, I suppose it is possible there may have been a few of these reptiles still around as human society was developing. I don't see why people would think that a complete impossibility.
400 million years is an awful long time. Dont you think at least one fossil would have showed up that was after that?

Animal bones have not been dug up that are less than 400 million years old? It may be true for the dinosaur bones that we are familiar with, the typical ones AKA Jurassic park material, but perhaps there was some other sort of creature in between that period that just hasn't been found yet.
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Sure it can be formed that way, but the moving tectonic plates of the earth crash into each other to form mountains and bend the rocks.That's also how we get earthquakes. And sea fossils in layers on top of mountains.

Go ahead and explain how plate tectonics bend rocks. It causes rocks and the earth to break in an earthquake. Like I said the bend is caused by molten rocks (magma) as the mountains rise up or sedimentary layers hardening by a chemical reaction with water. Sounds like you got another fail.
Sorry, not what real scientists say. You have no degree, so stfu.

Haha. You lost again. You cannot backup your claim. It is because you use fake science.

Let's review. You provided a link for dinosaurs and how they determine its age using how stuff works wiki web page. That isn't very scientific, but it will do for a forum. You could not explain in your own words, so I used that to my advantage. I have the research of soft tissue and blood cell evidence from the fossils. Second, there is the research of radiocarbon dating done on it. I shows thousands of years and not millions. All of the findings should be kept since we do not know what the C-14 rates were in the past. Secular scientists assume it was the same. Thus, the radiometric dating, including radiocarbon dating, could be off. This is valid science.

Moreover, we have the evidence of sedimentary layers forming with the Mt. St. Helens EQ. We know those are tens of years old, but radiometric dating provides about 350,000 years. Thus, radiometric dating isn't as accurate as we think because the conditions could have been different in the past, there was contamination in the sample, or our assumptions are wrong. No on actually knows what the ratio of parent-daughter isotopes were in the past. It's a best guess.

Finally, we have the bent rocks evidence. We can actually see that as it happened with Mt. St. Helens.

This is all evidence that backs up Noah's Flood and catastrophism. Bent rocks only happen when rock is molten or when sedimentary layers cause a chemical reaction with water to harden the sediment.
You have a link to back up all this fartsmoke?

Instead of my explaining, how about looking at how difficult bending rock is without breaking. Even when it is malleable, sedimentary layers would have to form rapidly or else it would crack and break. Part of it is the curing process. Notice how he speeds up the curing process or else you get properties of rock that are not mixed well.
Evidently there were dragons in every society also.

Those stories of dragons and giant serpents are probably as old as mankind itself, I suppose it is possible there may have been a few of these reptiles still around as human society was developing. I don't see why people would think that a complete impossibility.
400 million years is an awful long time. Dont you think at least one fossil would have showed up that was after that?

Animal bones have not been dug up that are less than 400 million years old? It may be true for the dinosaur bones that we are familiar with, the typical ones AKA Jurassic park material, but perhaps there was some other sort of creature in between that period that just hasn't been found yet.
Now I agree thats probable. The only problem is was it a dinosaur or not? What we know of as dinosaurs died out hundreds of millions of years before homo sapiens arose in Africa. There were other mammals around but we werent one of them when dinosaurs existed. Now I have noticed a particular instinct humans have that I cant account for. Our bodies instinctively react with fear at anything above our heads. Why? Genetic memory of a winged dinosaur or giant bird?
Evidently there were dragons in every society also.

Those stories of dragons and giant serpents are probably as old as mankind itself, I suppose it is possible there may have been a few of these reptiles still around as human society was developing. I don't see why people would think that a complete impossibility.
400 million years is an awful long time. Dont you think at least one fossil would have showed up that was after that?

Animal bones have not been dug up that are less than 400 million years old? It may be true for the dinosaur bones that we are familiar with, the typical ones AKA Jurassic park material, but perhaps there was some other sort of creature in between that period that just hasn't been found yet.
Now I agree thats probable. The only problem is was it a dinosaur or not? What we know of as dinosaurs died out hundreds of millions of years before homo sapiens arose in Africa. There were other mammals around but we werent one of them when dinosaurs existed. Now I have noticed a particular instinct humans have that I cant account for. Our bodies instinctively react with fear at anything above our heads. Why? Genetic memory of a winged dinosaur or giant bird?

Now that you mention it, I've had that sensation as well. Who knows? maybe something to that. And also, I feel there is much more unknown than is known even Though we may think our discoveries are so extensive. it's really a big world out there and it seems that every so often something new is still discovered. Even today they have some type of small gliding lizard called the Draco lizard. Not very big but in a hotter world with denser vegitation there could have been a larger version even something poisonous which may have lead to a myth of a fire breathing dragon. Well, still its all conjecture but it doesn't hurt to take a look at clues in human anthropology. sometimes you discover things while your looking for something entirely different
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Sure it can be formed that way, but the moving tectonic plates of the earth crash into each other to form mountains and bend the rocks.That's also how we get earthquakes. And sea fossils in layers on top of mountains.

Go ahead and explain how plate tectonics bend rocks. It causes rocks and the earth to break in an earthquake. Like I said the bend is caused by molten rocks (magma) as the mountains rise up or sedimentary layers hardening by a chemical reaction with water. Sounds like you got another fail.
Sorry, not what real scientists say. You have no degree, so stfu.

Haha. You lost again. You cannot backup your claim. It is because you use fake science.

Let's review. You provided a link for dinosaurs and how they determine its age using how stuff works wiki web page. That isn't very scientific, but it will do for a forum. You could not explain in your own words, so I used that to my advantage. I have the research of soft tissue and blood cell evidence from the fossils. Second, there is the research of radiocarbon dating done on it. I shows thousands of years and not millions. All of the findings should be kept since we do not know what the C-14 rates were in the past. Secular scientists assume it was the same. Thus, the radiometric dating, including radiocarbon dating, could be off. This is valid science.

Moreover, we have the evidence of sedimentary layers forming with the Mt. St. Helens EQ. We know those are tens of years old, but radiometric dating provides about 350,000 years. Thus, radiometric dating isn't as accurate as we think because the conditions could have been different in the past, there was contamination in the sample, or our assumptions are wrong. No on actually knows what the ratio of parent-daughter isotopes were in the past. It's a best guess.

Finally, we have the bent rocks evidence. We can actually see that as it happened with Mt. St. Helens.

This is all evidence that backs up Noah's Flood and catastrophism. Bent rocks only happen when rock is molten or when sedimentary layers cause a chemical reaction with water to harden the sediment.
You have a link to back up all this fartsmoke?

Instead of my explaining, how about looking at how difficult bending rock is without breaking. Even when it is malleable, sedimentary layers would have to form rapidly or else it would crack and break. Part of it is the curing process. Notice how he speeds up the curing process or else you get properties of rock that are not mixed well.

It’s a concrete table, not made out of rock. :cuckoo:
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Go ahead and explain how plate tectonics bend rocks. It causes rocks and the earth to break in an earthquake. Like I said the bend is caused by molten rocks (magma) as the mountains rise up or sedimentary layers hardening by a chemical reaction with water. Sounds like you got another fail.
Sorry, not what real scientists say. You have no degree, so stfu.

Haha. You lost again. You cannot backup your claim. It is because you use fake science.

Let's review. You provided a link for dinosaurs and how they determine its age using how stuff works wiki web page. That isn't very scientific, but it will do for a forum. You could not explain in your own words, so I used that to my advantage. I have the research of soft tissue and blood cell evidence from the fossils. Second, there is the research of radiocarbon dating done on it. I shows thousands of years and not millions. All of the findings should be kept since we do not know what the C-14 rates were in the past. Secular scientists assume it was the same. Thus, the radiometric dating, including radiocarbon dating, could be off. This is valid science.

Moreover, we have the evidence of sedimentary layers forming with the Mt. St. Helens EQ. We know those are tens of years old, but radiometric dating provides about 350,000 years. Thus, radiometric dating isn't as accurate as we think because the conditions could have been different in the past, there was contamination in the sample, or our assumptions are wrong. No on actually knows what the ratio of parent-daughter isotopes were in the past. It's a best guess.

Finally, we have the bent rocks evidence. We can actually see that as it happened with Mt. St. Helens.

This is all evidence that backs up Noah's Flood and catastrophism. Bent rocks only happen when rock is molten or when sedimentary layers cause a chemical reaction with water to harden the sediment.
You have a link to back up all this fartsmoke?

Instead of my explaining, how about looking at how difficult bending rock is without breaking. Even when it is malleable, sedimentary layers would have to form rapidly or else it would crack and break. Part of it is the curing process. Notice how he speeds up the curing process or else you get properties of rock that are not mixed well.

It’s a concrete table, not made out of rock. :cuckoo:

Stop being ignorant. It's an example of a gorgeous bent rock table. What I am getting at is the science. The forming of rock is via chemical bonding of the molecules in the sediment. It is similar to how concrete is cured under water through hydration. In the anhydrous (without water) state, four main types of minerals are normally present: alite, belite, aluminate (C3A), and a ferrite phase (C4AF). The reaction with water is called "hydration". It involves many different reactions, often occurring at the same time. As the reactions proceed, the products of the hydration process gradually bond together the individual sand and gravel particles, and other components of the concrete, to form a solid mass. We see this molecule bonding of the hydration process is best when it is rapid and when we keep the water there. That's what the man in the vid did. Thus, you do not want millions of years, but a day or days. The bending of rock isn't the norm for sedimentary layers, but it does happen. Sedimentary layers are relatively flat. That's why it's a big deal when we see it and how beautiful it is. Once you understand the science behind it, then we can take it elsewhere and on to bigger and better things.

If you want an example of ignorant, try this. This guy is a comedian.
They found human and dinosaur footprints together a few years ago and determined they had to be left about the same time. What we know of our world changes with new evidence. I'm no expert, not even really interested in it much but I thought this was cool.

Dinosaur Tracks
They found human and dinosaur footprints together a few years ago and determined they had to be left about the same time. What we know of our world changes with new evidence. I'm no expert, not even really interested in it much but I thought this was cool.

Dinosaur Tracks
good catch,,,

but prepare yourself for the beating you will get from evos calling you a crazy person for believing it,,,

they hate it when evidence comes up proving them wrong
They found human and dinosaur footprints together a few years ago and determined they had to be left about the same time.
They found human and dinosaur footprints together a few years ago and determined they had to be left about the same time.
thanks for adding so much info to back that up false claim,,,,
Just as much as was presented to support it. Duh, idiot.
They found human and dinosaur footprints together a few years ago and determined they had to be left about the same time.
They found human and dinosaur footprints together a few years ago and determined they had to be left about the same time.
thanks for adding so much info to back that up false claim,,,,
Just as much as was presented to support it. Duh, idiot.

if that were only true,,,
They found human and dinosaur footprints together a few years ago and determined they had to be left about the same time. What we know of our world changes with new evidence. I'm no expert, not even really interested in it much but I thought this was cool.

Dinosaur Tracks

I got a warning when I clicked on your link.

I'm going assume Taz 's head exploded from having to use his pea brain, so will move on to larger things. Once we know how rocks are formed through chemistry, bonding due to curing or the hydration process, and rapid hardening we take what we know and apply it to larger objects. I realize that in humans' case, we can only use synthetic rock because we aren't God who can move sediment and enough water to where he wants. However, the process is the same. If one does not do the hydration correctly, then one gets cracks and the bonding isn't complete. We want to cure rapidly and mold the synthetic rock to bend, curve, twist into whatever shape we design it for when it is sedimentary materials and can absorb water.

Next, is using the process we just learned and using Portland cement to build roads, highways, and other large transportation projects. I think you may know where I am going with this and that these roads twist and turn and are curved. They get a lot pressure applied to them by millions of cars traveling on them over the years.

Anyway, here are the different forces that affect the concrete. You notice that the concrete can be made flexible, but does break under different type of pressure. Thus, it cannot be bent once it has hardened. This is the same for sedimentary layer rock.

Now, if you want to see a Bill Nye type explain how his science works, then look at this video :abgg2q.jpg:. This fits what Taz types have been brought up on.
I'm going assume Taz 's head exploded from having to use his pea brain, so will move on to larger things. Once we know how rocks are formed through chemistry, bonding due to curing or the hydration process, and rapid hardening we take what we know and apply it to larger objects. I realize that in humans' case, we can only use synthetic rock because we aren't God who can move sediment and enough water to where he wants. However, the process is the same. If one does not do the hydration correctly, then one gets cracks and the bonding isn't complete. We want to cure rapidly and mold the synthetic rock to bend, curve, twist into whatever shape we design it for when it is sedimentary materials and can absorb water.

Next, is using the process we just learned and using Portland cement to build roads, highways, and other large transportation projects. I think you may know where I am going with this and that these roads twist and turn and are curved. They get a lot pressure applied to them by millions of cars traveling on them over the years.

Anyway, here are the different forces that affect the concrete. You notice that the concrete can be made flexible, but does break under different type of pressure. Thus, it cannot be bent once it has hardened. This is the same for sedimentary layer rock.

Now, if you want to see a Bill Nye type explain how his science works, then look at this video :abgg2q.jpg:. This fits what Taz types have been brought up on.

A truly ,embarrasingly stupid comparison on every level.
I'm going assume Taz 's head exploded from having to use his pea brain, so will move on to larger things. Once we know how rocks are formed through chemistry, bonding due to curing or the hydration process, and rapid hardening we take what we know and apply it to larger objects. I realize that in humans' case, we can only use synthetic rock because we aren't God who can move sediment and enough water to where he wants. However, the process is the same. If one does not do the hydration correctly, then one gets cracks and the bonding isn't complete. We want to cure rapidly and mold the synthetic rock to bend, curve, twist into whatever shape we design it for when it is sedimentary materials and can absorb water.

Next, is using the process we just learned and using Portland cement to build roads, highways, and other large transportation projects. I think you may know where I am going with this and that these roads twist and turn and are curved. They get a lot pressure applied to them by millions of cars traveling on them over the years.

Anyway, here are the different forces that affect the concrete. You notice that the concrete can be made flexible, but does break under different type of pressure. Thus, it cannot be bent once it has hardened. This is the same for sedimentary layer rock.

Now, if you want to see a Bill Nye type explain how his science works, then look at this video :abgg2q.jpg:. This fits what Taz types have been brought up on.

A truly ,embarrasingly stupid comparison on every level.

You're talking about that Bill Nye clone that evos believe. How many times have we heard rocks bend over millions of years under pressure? Your hero Bill Nye believes rocks are made this way :abgg2q.jpg:.

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