How did the Russians specifically harm Hillary in the election?

An honest person would admit Trump's supporters would be pretty pissed off and loudly voicing their displeasure And an honest person would admit that they would be tying Hillary to the Russians with any number of conspiracy theories, and calling her win illegitimate.

Because an honest person would admit that both ends of the spectrum are very similar in many of their behaviors.
Another swingandamiss. We don't have to pretend anything. The RNC was not set up like the DNC. There was no phony primary. There was no collusion with media, providing questions, giving advice, etc. Trump wasn't even their preferred candidate. And all the RNC dirt was pretty much right out in the open. Pretty hard to hack that.

The problem isn't who spilled the beans but that the corruption is systemic with Democrats and they learned absolutely nothing except to cover their asses better.
Don't expect any answer because quite truthfully no one really knows. But until I meet someone who says, yeah I changed my vote because of the emails, I will believe this is just another case of the liberals being "lost causers." I think they should change their party's name to the "Only If" Party.

If someone changed their vote because they saw the truth about podesta and hilary's staffers, that doesn't count.....the only thing that would count is if they changed the vote totals by hacking the system...they didn't do the cry baby antics of the democrats has no merit.

Maybe the Russian hacking the election is their birth certificate.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Obviously you're such a partisan hack that you don't understand that the constant BS about emails drowned out the incompetence and insanity of the orange sociopath when the real story was that trump is a tool of Russia.

Exactly! And Comey forced Hillary to abandon how she had planned to close during the last two weeks of her campaign. Comey was the negative icing on the cake that forced her into a defensive mode.

Here's an inconvenient Truth for you. Trump out worked Hillary. Had it not been for the tape of Trump where he spoke of sexual misconduct, his win would have been more of a Landslide. People were not enthused about Hillary from the beginning and the numbers prove it. Bad press? Hillary hurt herself. The way she beat Bernie Sanders, that was bad for her among Democrats, The Fact that she did not comply to the FBI investigation years ago... that was her bad press. People trying to link Trump to Putin is just one more thing they will try to diminish the Republican win. Its just the Lefts usual tactic of putting republicans on the defense. Whats so upsetting to the Left now is that Trump not being a regular politician, doesnt play along with the media game where he is supposed to cower in the corner like a good conservative.

Stunning Numbers: Trump Leads Hillary in Rally Attendance by Half a Million People Since August
What is the purpose of advertising? To influence buying decisions. That includes both positive and negative advertising. Buying decisions against Hillary were influenced by a barrage of illegally-obtained private information. No similar information was released about Trump.

Russia didn't illegaly obtain them by Russia law..

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