How did the Russians specifically harm Hillary in the election?

We also know from Project Veritas that the democrats actuallly did engage in actual voter fraud on a massive scale......on well as inciting violence at Trump rallies...

The only ones who hacked the election were the democrats.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

What if Putin/Assange had released RNC/Trump private emails?

Good.....I am all for finding the truth.........
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.
No one said it was legal. But you want to ignore the skeleton in the Democrat's closet because somebody spilled the beans.

So you believe it would have been a good thing if someone had hacked Trump's tax returns for the last 10 years and revealed all of that to the public? Or any sealed documents related to any of his court cases?
If it showed that he had broken the law and his rights had not been violated would they not prosecute? Would he not be getting what he deserved? Why would I have a problem with that? I wouldn't. I'd say everyone got what they deserved. So what the heck was in those emails that was so bad as to cause her to lose the election so you could blame the Russian's for leaking it? Seriously? I don't know what was in them. Do you?

Ever seen the movie where the US goes in and covertly kidnaps a wanted fugitive from foreign soil? The judge doesn't care how he got there as long as no US laws were violated by US government officials. That's how I feel about this kind of evidence. I don't care how it got there as long as no US laws were violated by US government officials. As long as it tells me something I should know.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.

By who's laws?

Shouldn't Hillary be charged in Russia by fucking with Russia elections?

You're not aware that we have laws against hacking?
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.
No one said it was legal. But you want to ignore the skeleton in the Democrat's closet because somebody spilled the beans.

So you've taken the position that the Russians did influence the election.
No. That the emails did.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?
Do you remember the email about trashing Bernie ?!

That one hurt her a lot.

There have been reports of others but this is the one I recall between Hillary and the DNC chair-woman at the time.

The chair-woman had to step down over this but not before she got to parade her teats and pooshie around some more for Hillary.

It may be that Bernie's Bolsheviks did not vote for Hillary after that -- speculative however.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?
Er, um, they just did because Obama said so
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.

Sorry.....doesn't matter.....CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times....and every other left wing controlled news organization attacked Trump mercislessly.....and then also aired the audio from the Bush real...
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?
At 6pm on November 8, every news organization had Hillary as a 6-1 favorite, what did the Russian do?????
Maybe Putin was mad about what hilary did to he was simply getting revenge for bernie....
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.
That's not very specific?

Add it up, Lock her up , Lock her up. She did nothing wrong except her server. And many Rep are guilty as well, like Gov Walker of WI. Oh the pay to play stuff, you want to see pay to play , you are going to see it on steroids now. All of it. All the propaganda, figure it out.

She did "nothing wrong?" You didn't listen to Comey's briefing, did you?

Comey had no right to give that briefing - especially all his personal and subjective bullshit. He never mentioned that Trump was under investigation.

That you think we shouldn't know what she did wrong doesn't contradict what I said. Neither does what he did or didn't say about Trump. The distsy chick said Hillary did "nothing wrong." She did, Comey clearly said so, your deflection doesn't change that.

Again, you knew she was corrupt. That's why you didn't bat an eye over seeing her e-mails
The Russians and Comey reminded us over and over again that she is corrupt and a liar.

Comey was more credible and convincing than the Russians however.

A lot of fake news comes out of Russia like the kiddie porn thing.

But Comey is like an Angel of God.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.
No one said it was legal. But you want to ignore the skeleton in the Democrat's closet because somebody spilled the beans.

So you believe it would have been a good thing if someone had hacked Trump's tax returns for the last 10 years and revealed all of that to the public? Or any sealed documents related to any of his court cases?
If it showed that he had broken the law and his rights had not been violated would they not prosecute? Would he not be getting what he deserved? Why would I have a problem with that? I wouldn't. I'd say everyone got what they deserved. So what the heck was in those emails that was so bad as to cause her to lose the election so you could blame the Russian's for leaking it? Seriously? I don't know what was in them. Do you?

Ever seen the movie where the US goes in and covertly kidnaps a wanted fugitive from foreign soil? The judge doesn't care how he got there as long as no US laws were violated by US government officials. That's how I feel about this kind of evidence. I don't care how it got there as long as no US laws were violated by US government officials. As long as it tells me something I should know.

Yeah...even Batman did that....
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.
There was no hanky panky. She lost because she was a lousy candidate and the midwestern worker no longer believes the Democratic Party has their interests at heart. You should have run Bernie.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?
Do you remember the email about trashing Bernie ?!

That one hurt her a lot.

There have been reports of others but this is the one I recall between Hillary and the DNC chair-woman at the time.

The chair-woman had to step down over this but not before she got to parade her teats and pooshie around some more for Hillary.

It may be that Bernie's Bolsheviks did not vote for Hillary after that -- speculative however.

So you think Hillary trashing Bernie was the ... Russians ... influencing the election? Isn't that Hillary doing it?
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.
That's not very specific?

Add it up, Lock her up , Lock her up. She did nothing wrong except her server. And many Rep are guilty as well, like Gov Walker of WI. Oh the pay to play stuff, you want to see pay to play , you are going to see it on steroids now. All of it. All the propaganda, figure it out.

She did "nothing wrong?" You didn't listen to Comey's briefing, did you?
You're twisting Comey's words.

He said she did nothing that they would have prosecuted her Federally for.

He also said if she were still in office there would be repercussions.

So you are lying like Lying Hillary when you yourself say "she did nothing wrong."
I am watching the Sunday talk shows and all the democrats are united in the outrage. I did not hear this talk from them when obama went to Israel and meddled in their election! Did you?
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?
Do you remember the email about trashing Bernie ?!

That one hurt her a lot.

There have been reports of others but this is the one I recall between Hillary and the DNC chair-woman at the time.

The chair-woman had to step down over this but not before she got to parade her teats and pooshie around some more for Hillary.

It may be that Bernie's Bolsheviks did not vote for Hillary after that -- speculative however.

So you think Hillary trashing Bernie was the ... Russians ... influencing the election? Isn't that Hillary doing it?
You don't seem to recall the email.

The chair-woman was colluding with Hillary to make Hillary the nominee.

That is fraud.

That's why this pretty kunt had to resign.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?
Do you remember the email about trashing Bernie ?!

That one hurt her a lot.

There have been reports of others but this is the one I recall between Hillary and the DNC chair-woman at the time.

The chair-woman had to step down over this but not before she got to parade her teats and pooshie around some more for Hillary.

It may be that Bernie's Bolsheviks did not vote for Hillary after that -- speculative however.

So you think Hillary trashing Bernie was the ... Russians ... influencing the election? Isn't that Hillary doing it?
You don't seem to recall the email.

The chair-woman was colluding with Hillary to make Hillary the nominee.

That is fraud.

That's why this pretty kunt had to resign.

I'm not sure how that contradicts what I said
I am watching the Sunday talk shows and all the democrats are united in the outrage. I did not hear this talk from them when obama went to Israel and meddled in their election! Did you?
That looks like such a beautiful tiger striped orange tabby kitty in your avatar -- with glasses on !!!
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?
Do you remember the email about trashing Bernie ?!

That one hurt her a lot.

There have been reports of others but this is the one I recall between Hillary and the DNC chair-woman at the time.

The chair-woman had to step down over this but not before she got to parade her teats and pooshie around some more for Hillary.

It may be that Bernie's Bolsheviks did not vote for Hillary after that -- speculative however.

So you think Hillary trashing Bernie was the ... Russians ... influencing the election? Isn't that Hillary doing it?
You don't seem to recall the email.

The chair-woman was colluding with Hillary to make Hillary the nominee.

That is fraud.

That's why this pretty kunt had to resign.

I'm not sure how that contradicts what I said
"nothing wrong" is the operative fallacy in what you said/typed.

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