How did the Russians specifically harm Hillary in the election?

Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.

By who's laws?

Shouldn't Hillary be charged in Russia by fucking with Russia elections?

You're not aware that we have laws against hacking?
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.
No one said it was legal. But you want to ignore the skeleton in the Democrat's closet because somebody spilled the beans.

So you've taken the position that the Russians did influence the election.
Podesta's email wasn't hacked so much as it was phished. "Your Gmail account has been compromised. Give us your password so we can fix it"

They fell for a simple ploy. In a world where everyone is trying to spy on everyone, I would consider the leaks as self-inflicted wounds.

The revelations were damning. But I think Hillary lost due to 1,000 cuts rather than one kill shot.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.
No one said it was legal. But you want to ignore the skeleton in the Democrat's closet because somebody spilled the beans.

So you believe it would have been a good thing if someone had hacked Trump's tax returns for the last 10 years and revealed all of that to the public? Or any sealed documents related to any of his court cases?

What would that prove?

Someone like harry reading them, lying to his minions about them And saying he is not sorry for putting out fake news?

Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.

By who's laws?

Shouldn't Hillary be charged in Russia by fucking with Russia elections?

You're not aware that we have laws against hacking?
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.
No one said it was legal. But you want to ignore the skeleton in the Democrat's closet because somebody spilled the beans.

So you've taken the position that the Russians did influence the election.

Are you aware that Russia is its own country and don't play by the rules and laws of the United States?

Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

Again what did he do be specific.

It's funny how no lefty will never ever answer that question.

Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

How did we decide that the Russians did it! I thought it was Wikileaks,
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.
Hanky pinky??? :omg:
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.

So you can't name any specific thing that they claimed the e-mails said, and yet you believe it influenced actual votes? I guess I can't compete with the kool-aid Democrats are offering
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.

Yup the F. B. I. Hates Hillary for always slipping away as much as Putin hates Hilary for messing in his election.

BTW hun look at all the scandals Hillary came with, this is not 1984 no one except Hillary apologist could ignore them

Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.
That's not very specific?
  • Thanks
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Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

How did we decide that the Russians did it! I thought it was Wikileaks,

Agreed on the question, but that's a different thread. I'm trying to get the Democrats to explain their endless chant the e-mails influenced the election. Democrats aren't smart enough to engage in two discussions simultaneously
There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.
Hanky pinky??? :omg:
Hanky Panky !
There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.
That's not very specific?

What's even more laughable is that while she's claiming that the Russians did influence the election, she thinks the campaigns of the candidates and Republican voters in blue States knowing they have no chance of affecting the election doesn't affect voters. It's amazing
The emails revealed attempts to cheat in the election and also pay-for-play schemes. Pretty obvious that was bad publicity.

ocrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

How did we decide that the Russians did it! I thought it was Wikileaks,

All I can figure it was Obama being a narrcisist like he is and throwing another temper tantrum
There is no proves that Russian government was behind the email exposure of Killary, but this exposure harmed Killary, because her corruption and crimes became known to the American Normies.

Some idiots think that it would be better for American Normies, if they did not know the truth about Killary and elected a criminal into the office of POTUS.

True, but irrelevant to the thread. I am asking liberals to explain their logic. They believe the Russians did it. Even if the Russians did it all, I don't see how they affected the election
Because Trump inflated everything, and Flynn also , and then Comey comes out.
Clinton Cash, propaganda, Breibart, Lock her up.

Yes Putin was behind it, even your orange demigod finally admitted it.

I like how you object to what you think is dishonest information, then you call me a Trump supporter. What an idiot.

And I asked you to be specific. What did Trump or whoever say that the e-mails said that harmed her?
They obviously did by putting doubt in people mind, and Fox news , Sean Hannity, Head Rush, everything.
The main thing is Putin hated Obama and Clinton. So yes it did help take here down, but I believe there was hanky pinky in MI, WI and PA.
That's not very specific?

Add it up, Lock her up , Lock her up. She did nothing wrong except her server. And many Rep are guilty as well, like Gov Walker of WI. Oh the pay to play stuff, you want to see pay to play , you are going to see it on steroids now. All of it. All the propaganda, figure it out.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

What if Putin/Assange had released RNC/Trump private emails?

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