How did the Russians specifically harm Hillary in the election?

Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.

So how many crimes in the past 50 years has the US committed by trying to influence a outcome of an election in a foreign country?
What would we do without our Uncle Vlad watching over us ?!

BHO and Hillary would be steamrolling us but for Vlad's hard work.

The sanctions have got to go.

The US and Russia need to co-develop more Siberian oil fields.

We need to crush the goat fokking Arabs and their cartel once and for all !!!
I am watching the Sunday talk shows and all the democrats are united in the outrage. I did not hear this talk from them when obama went to Israel and meddled in their election! Did you?
That looks like such a beautiful tiger striped orange tabby kitty in your avatar -- with glasses on !!!
I have two of them. This one rockets around the house at night. He literally bounces off the furniture and walls.
What is the purpose of advertising? To influence buying decisions. That includes both positive and negative advertising. Buying decisions against Hillary were influenced by a barrage of illegally-obtained private information. No similar information was released about Trump.
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I am watching the Sunday talk shows and all the democrats are united in the outrage. I did not hear this talk from them when obama went to Israel and meddled in their election! Did you?
That looks like such a beautiful tiger striped orange tabby kitty in your avatar -- with glasses on !!!
I have two of them. This one rockets around the house at night. He literally bounces off the furniture and walls.
There is a poor feral cat who looks like that too here where I live.

I noticed him keeping warm under my car.

So I started putting out a bowl of kibbles for him every evening and he has been eating them every day.

My big half Maine Coon white Angora saw him the other night while we were going for a walk and it scared the poor orange tabby off. But he keeps coming back for the kibbles.
You know what else amazes me? The democrats have spent eight years dividing this country. Feinstein just said "we have never been more divided and fearful and Trump must step up and unite us." That is an astounding admission from a US Senator!
You know what else amazes me? The democrats have spent eight years dividing this country. Feinstein just said "we have never been more divided and fearful and Trump must step up and unite us." That is an astounding admission from a US Senator!
Well hopefully Trump will start thinking about his own legacy early on as well.

Hopefully he won't be jerked around by Ryan and McConnell.

The best thing Feinstein can do to unite the Nation is give up her gun control wet dreams.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.

Well yeah, just because Clinton did it too doesn't make it right for Putin. And just because Obama's administration interfered in haiti's election doesnt make it right for Putin either, but that still has nothing to do with Trump.

The U.S. Has Been Meddling In Other Countries' Elections For A Century. It Doesn't Feel Good. | The Huffington Post

Emails that have since surfaced show that Clinton and her team worked behind the scenes to fend off efforts by neighboring democracies through the Organization of American States to restore the elected president to power. “The OAS meeting today turned into a non-event ― just as we hoped,” wrote one top State official, celebrating a strategy of slow-walking a restoration.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.

Well yeah, just because Clinton did it too doesn't make it right for Putin. And just because Obama's administration interfered in haiti's election doesnt make it right for Putin either, but that still has nothing to do with Trump.

The U.S. Has Been Meddling In Other Countries' Elections For A Century. It Doesn't Feel Good. | The Huffington Post

Emails that have since surfaced show that Clinton and her team worked behind the scenes to fend off efforts by neighboring democracies through the Organization of American States to restore the elected president to power. “The OAS meeting today turned into a non-event ― just as we hoped,” wrote one top State official, celebrating a strategy of slow-walking a restoration.

Nothing was revealed that anyone didn't already know. Liberals didn't even bat an eye at getting evidence that she was a corrupt liar and in a lip lock with the DNC. That's why they didn't care. Everyone else knew that too, there was no effect at the release with anyone. Anyone who was bothered by her crimes and arrogance already wasn't voting for her.

As you point out, the hypocrisy is even more hysterical
What would we do without our Uncle Vlad watching over us ?!

BHO and Hillary would be steamrolling us but for Vlad's hard work.

The sanctions have got to go.

The US and Russia need to co-develop more Siberian oil fields.

We need to crush the goat fokking Arabs and their cartel once and for all !!!

Your idea of removing sanctions on an enemy of the United States is very telling, and VERY un-American, almost traitor-like.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Obviously you're such a partisan hack that you don't understand that the constant BS about emails drowned out the incompetence and insanity of the orange sociopath when the real story was that trump is a tool of Russia.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Obviously you're such a partisan hack that you don't understand that the constant BS about emails drowned out the incompetence and insanity of the orange sociopath when the real story was that trump is a tool of Russia.

I can't hear you over the butt hurt. Can you turn it down and try saying that again?
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Obviously you're such a partisan hack that you don't understand that the constant BS about emails drowned out the incompetence and insanity of the orange sociopath when the real story was that trump is a tool of Russia.

Exactly! And Comey forced Hillary to abandon how she had planned to close during the last two weeks of her campaign. Comey was the negative icing on the cake that forced her into a defensive mode.
Russia did not rig an election, if anyone rig an election it was the DNC!
Just ask any Bernie Supporter.
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Obviously you're such a partisan hack that you don't understand that the constant BS about emails drowned out the incompetence and insanity of the orange sociopath when the real story was that trump is a tool of Russia.

Exactly! And Comey forced Hillary to abandon how she had planned to close during the last two weeks of her campaign. Comey was the negative icing on the cake that forced her into a defensive mode.

And that she was actually corrupt and colluding with the DNC doesn't bother you a whit, only that it was disclosed. LOL, of course it does. If it were the other way around, you'd be making exactly the argument that the Republicans are crying about Trump being outed, not that he's corrupt. You're a couple of partisan hacks.

And Jillian, you're the funniest airhead. You support Hillary, I didn't support either one ... and I'm the one who is "partisan." Can't make up the airhead you continually prove yourself to be
What is the purpose of advertising? To influence buying decisions. That includes both positive and negative advertising. Buying decisions against Hillary were influenced by a barrage of illegally-obtained private information. No similar information was released about Trump.

You're all bent out of shape over how the emails were obtained, but have no objection over the damning evidence they contained. Selective outrage at its finest. Mad because she got caught, but not over the crime she committed.

About no evidence released about Trump. Has it ever occurred to you that they weren't able to phish/Hack the RNC and/or they found no evidence of wrong-doing?

Your assertion is that "We know the Democrats cheated, so the Republicans had to have also and I want proof!"
Democrats all over the board are running away from this question. Sure, they exposed her private e-mails. The question is how did that harm her? What did the released private e-mails say that turned votes against her? Be specific. How do you not grasp this question?

Attempting to influence an election by hacking is a crime whether or not the crime was successful.

It's like attempted murder.
No one said it was legal. But you want to ignore the skeleton in the Democrat's closet because somebody spilled the beans.

So you believe it would have been a good thing if someone had hacked Trump's tax returns for the last 10 years and revealed all of that to the public? Or any sealed documents related to any of his court cases?
I have no idea if it would have been good for him or not. Neither do you. But Democrats would have ran with anything less than stellar and would have been headlines on all msm outlets every day.

So your belly aching is funny. Stupid but funny.

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