How did the Universe get here?

Space still exists at t=0

You have NOT proven this.

You keep saying it, but if it's true, let's see the evidence?

BTW, when an honest person cuts off a statement in mid sentence like you just did, they indicate it with an ellipsis (...).

The full sentence you dishonestly edited:
"Space still exists at t=0, but there is no relative movement."
Here I must take a moment to apologize to our dear future readers for my primitive ignorance and arrogance.

Ass-U-Me-ing some future chemist does come across an experiment in which she can prove, by repeatability, how basic chemistry resulted in living things over time, origins may indeed come off the unprovable list.

good to see you still have faith in for me, I expect to find my proof much sooner, likely within the next twenty years or so......and if you hear of my demise, just imagine that one of two things is happening.....either I am in a void and nothing will ever happen again, or I am shouting back over my shoulder "I told you so!........

how basic chemistry resulted in living things over time - just imagine that (one of two) things is happening ...

the origin of life on Earth is simplistic to the consideration of a Spirit that discovers a viability post the expiration of its Physiology.

- good luck relying on a second hand publication for your pursuit and probable outcome as the Everlasting surly is itself destined by a book.

Onus is on you to provide proof your God actually exists first!

Until you can do that the Laws of Physics take precedence over your "lawless" mythical beliefs.

Did you see his comment ? You feel the same about the law of Biogenesis ?

So you have conceded that you have zero proof that your mythical God actually exists. Have a nice day.

If what you say here is true, then why is my faith in this creator so strong ? There is so much evidence pointing to a designer it seems silly to me to believe they were just random accidents.
What a bunch of nonsense thinking origins was not directed by something. Stop with the chemistry nonsense as well,for your information those chemicals that are found in the cell are soluble in water or would be destroyed by oxygen or the sun. A fully functioning cell is only produced by another fully functioning cell.

You can believe with a straight face it happened without direction ?
Did you see his comment ? You feel the same about the law of Biogenesis ?

So you have conceded that you have zero proof that your mythical God actually exists. Have a nice day.

If what you say here is true, then why is my faith in this creator so strong ? There is so much evidence pointing to a designer it seems silly to me to believe they were just random accidents.

There is zero credible verifiable evidence of an ID whatsoever. Your self delusions are not "evidence" at all. They are based upon your desire/gullibility to believe something and your rejection/ignorance of reality.
So you have conceded that you have zero proof that your mythical God actually exists. Have a nice day.

If what you say here is true, then why is my faith in this creator so strong ? There is so much evidence pointing to a designer it seems silly to me to believe they were just random accidents.

There is zero credible verifiable evidence of an ID whatsoever. Your self delusions are not "evidence" at all. They are based upon your desire/gullibility to believe something and your rejection/ignorance of reality.

Delusions :lol: you don't possess the ability to see things that you can only conclude was designed ? I wonder what is your exp looking in to the cell and seeing the molecular machines at work doing their purposeful job.
What a bunch of nonsense thinking origins was not directed by something. Stop with the chemistry nonsense as well,for your information those chemicals that are found in the cell are soluble in water or would be destroyed by oxygen or the sun. A fully functioning cell is only produced by another fully functioning cell.

You can believe with a straight face it happened without direction ?

Absolutely! Are you denying that DNA is a string of chemicals? Are you denying that your body is comprised of chemical molecules? We can take a cell and identify the chemical components. It will take more research to figure out how the process works to put them together into a living cell. But that is the scientific methos. It is a matter of step by step learning that builds upon itself.

I am willing to bet that science will figure out how to produce a living cell before you can ever provide definitive proof that your imaginary God exists.
If what you say here is true, then why is my faith in this creator so strong ? There is so much evidence pointing to a designer it seems silly to me to believe they were just random accidents.

There is zero credible verifiable evidence of an ID whatsoever. Your self delusions are not "evidence" at all. They are based upon your desire/gullibility to believe something and your rejection/ignorance of reality.

Delusions :lol: you don't possess the ability to see things that you can only conclude was designed ? I wonder what is your exp looking in to the cell and seeing the molecular machines at work doing their purposeful job.

Would you like to have another go with that response? Because that one makes no sense whatsoever.
What a bunch of nonsense thinking origins was not directed by something. Stop with the chemistry nonsense as well,for your information those chemicals that are found in the cell are soluble in water or would be destroyed by oxygen or the sun. A fully functioning cell is only produced by another fully functioning cell.

You can believe with a straight face it happened without direction ?

Absolutely! Are you denying that DNA is a string of chemicals? Are you denying that your body is comprised of chemical molecules? We can take a cell and identify the chemical components. It will take more research to figure out how the process works to put them together into a living cell. But that is the scientific methos. It is a matter of step by step learning that builds upon itself.

I am willing to bet that science will figure out how to produce a living cell before you can ever provide definitive proof that your imaginary God exists.

Where did I deny any of that ?did you not understand what I said ?
There is zero credible verifiable evidence of an ID whatsoever. Your self delusions are not "evidence" at all. They are based upon your desire/gullibility to believe something and your rejection/ignorance of reality.

Delusions :lol: you don't possess the ability to see things that you can only conclude was designed ? I wonder what is your exp looking in to the cell and seeing the molecular machines at work doing their purposeful job.

Would you like to have another go with that response? Because that one makes no sense whatsoever.

It is pretty simple,what is your experience in studying functioning cells ? do you not understand you needed all the components of the cell to already be precisely formed and come together then you also need something to protect that cell simultaneously or you would not have that fully functioning cell. I can only rationally draw the conclusion it was designed.
According to the Laws of Physics the matter/energy of the Universe has always existed and will always exist because it can neither be created not destroyed.

The current matter/energy state of the Universe where we exist is transitory but the matter/energy will continue to exist throughout eternity in some form or another.

Well then you've solved the question. GOD is the universe. GOD is energy/matter.

Well done! :eusa_clap:

BZZZT Wrong again!

The Universe is the Universe because the proof of it's existence is tangible. Your mythical God is imaginary and you have zero proof that it exists.

Ah... So in other words, nothing can ever prove God exists, even if God came up to you and shook your hand... you'd say, "You can't be God, you're too tangible and not mythical!"

So why do you keep asking us for proof? If nothing is ever going to prove God to you, then it doesn't matter what is presented as evidence.
What a bunch of nonsense thinking origins was not directed by something. Stop with the chemistry nonsense as well,for your information those chemicals that are found in the cell are soluble in water or would be destroyed by oxygen or the sun. A fully functioning cell is only produced by another fully functioning cell.

You can believe with a straight face it happened without direction ?

Absolutely! Are you denying that DNA is a string of chemicals? Are you denying that your body is comprised of chemical molecules? We can take a cell and identify the chemical components. It will take more research to figure out how the process works to put them together into a living cell. But that is the scientific methos. It is a matter of step by step learning that builds upon itself.

I am willing to bet that science will figure out how to produce a living cell before you can ever provide definitive proof that your imaginary God exists.

Where did I deny any of that ?did you not understand what I said ?

So now you are conceding that you are the result of an accumulation of chemicals?

Yes or no?
Delusions :lol: you don't possess the ability to see things that you can only conclude was designed ? I wonder what is your exp looking in to the cell and seeing the molecular machines at work doing their purposeful job.

Would you like to have another go with that response? Because that one makes no sense whatsoever.

It is pretty simple,what is your experience in studying functioning cells ? do you not understand you needed all the components of the cell to already be precisely formed and come together then you also need something to protect that cell simultaneously or you would not have that fully functioning cell. I can only rationally draw the conclusion it was designed.

Your ignorance is not rational.
Pages and pages and pages of nothing... no one knows where this all began... NO ONE... and no can PROVE where it all began either.

So why the big discussion about something that can "virtually" never be proven?

Because the atheistic so-called scientists seem to want to do an end-around and claim they DO know. It hasn't been proven, but yeah... it kinda has. They want to dismiss the possibility of God, intelligent designer, creation, etc. by trying to slyly claim science has answered this question, without actually having to produce any evidence. When they are confronted on this, they clear their throats, straighten their tie, and begin speaking in high-falutin science terms while denigrating the intelligence of others. You see, we're just too stupid to understand the evidence.

Because the theists seem to want to do an end-around and claim they DO know. It hasn't been proven, but yeah... it kinda has. They want to dismiss the possibility of chaos, of randomness, of natural creation, etc. by trying to slyly claim religion or spirituality has answered this question, without actually having to produce any evidence. When they are confronted on this, they clear their throats, straighten their ties, and begin speaking in self-righteous faith terms while denigrating the intelligence of others. You see, we're just too stupid to understand the evidence.

That sure was easy!

But go ahead, continue to blame atheists for everything. :)
Absolutely! Are you denying that DNA is a string of chemicals? Are you denying that your body is comprised of chemical molecules? We can take a cell and identify the chemical components. It will take more research to figure out how the process works to put them together into a living cell. But that is the scientific methos. It is a matter of step by step learning that builds upon itself.

I am willing to bet that science will figure out how to produce a living cell before you can ever provide definitive proof that your imaginary God exists.

Where did I deny any of that ?did you not understand what I said ?

So now you are conceding that you are the result of an accumulation of chemicals?

Yes or no?

If that is not enough the environment would have destroyed the cell before it could have formed.

The current environment is not the environment from when life first originated on this planet. Life formed in the oceans where it was protected from sunlight and what little oxygen was around at the time.

I am willing to bet that you are unaware that the current oxygen content of the atmosphere is actually as a result of the waste product of one of the earliest life forms on the planet.
Would you like to have another go with that response? Because that one makes no sense whatsoever.

It is pretty simple,what is your experience in studying functioning cells ? do you not understand you needed all the components of the cell to already be precisely formed and come together then you also need something to protect that cell simultaneously or you would not have that fully functioning cell. I can only rationally draw the conclusion it was designed.

Your ignorance is not rational.

So you concede you have no experience in cell research ?
If that is not enough the environment would have destroyed the cell before it could have formed.

The current environment is not the environment from when life first originated on this planet. Life formed in the oceans where it was protected from sunlight and what little oxygen was around at the time.

I am willing to bet that you are unaware that the current oxygen content of the atmosphere is actually as a result of the waste product of one of the earliest life forms on the planet.

That is only based in opinion not scientific fact,try again.

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