How Did Western universities become so full of Nazis?

When I hear liberals and this bashing of anyone that questions THEM and their high and mighty self importance, they remind me of Maximilien Robespierre and their paranoid delusions. Hmm everyone is a NAZI if they don't agree with liberals?
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Republicans believe colleges are bad for America, survey finds; ranking of 'liberal' universities includes Portland surprise

Republicans think college is bad for America.

The rest of the world want to send their kids to American Universities and colleges because they think American schools are the best in the world.

But look at the states Republicans live in. They are disasters. Their kids are pregnant, they can't find jobs. Look at Appalachia. Covers 13 Red States and are among the poorest places in the Country. Some parts don't even have electricity or running water which puts them behind what Trump calls sh!tholes in Africa and India. Infant mortality is rising and life expentancy is falling in those sh!tholes.

But it's OK. They still keep voting Republican.
I have to wonder, are liberals living in a reality bubble that the rest of us don't share? Or is it they are so wealthy that they somehow actually are better than us? So, to be a liberal, we need to be informed, our rich parents buy our education they are so better informed. So we need to be a wealthy elitist. Like Donald Trump. We come full circle.
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Anyo0ne that thinks Free Speech is not allowed , for whatever reason, is a freaking Nazi as far as I am concerned, but as the AMerican left is racist to the core of their being it fits much better than I had imagined a few years ago.
That's an easy question. Too many liberals went to the university to get a degree in general studies or basket weaving only to find out the only job they could get was teaching general studies or basket weaving. The conservatives graduated with business degrees and actually got jobs outside of the education/indoctrination system.

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