How do I


Oct 2, 2007
remove myself from the forum? This forum has taken a nosedive. I don't like it when it's considered A-ok for posters to make threats re: job & family, so I'm out.

Please remove my name from the members list, I don't see how to do it, or I would.
All you can really do is just change your password to gibberish and sign off. That way you can never sign on again, as you can't remember the password.

Dramatic exits just cause laughter.
AllieBaba said:
remove myself from the forum? This forum has taken a nosedive. I don't like it when it's considered A-ok for posters to make threats re: job & family, so I'm out.
Im sorry you dont want to be with us anymore,this is an excellent place to be :)
remove myself from the forum? This forum has taken a nosedive. I don't like it when it's considered A-ok for posters to make threats re: job & family, so I'm out.

Please remove my name from the members list, I don't see how to do it, or I would.
Fuck them! Report them, Allie, don't let trolls run you off.
Forgive any unintentional insensitivity on my part when I say that I've never understood why users of a message board take personal threats seriously when it's widely accepted that issuer of such threats are usually thousands of miles from their targets, unaware of their target's real identity thus rendering such threats futile. Unless, of course, you've either inentionally or unintentially revealled your real identity and whereabouts, and are inclined to believe that any such anonymous agitator is prepared to travel great (or small) lengths to do you harm.

Perhaps if the latter of the above applies to you, Allie, you should take it as a lesson as to how much you reveal about your self if you use another message board in furure. In any case, no-one on here will ever know my real identity.
remove myself from the forum? This forum has taken a nosedive. I don't like it when it's considered A-ok for posters to make threats re: job & family, so I'm out.

Please remove my name from the members list, I don't see how to do it, or I would.

Shooting your way out of town can be fun......
remove myself from the forum? This forum has taken a nosedive. I don't like it when it's considered A-ok for posters to make threats re: job & family, so I'm out.

Please remove my name from the members list, I don't see how to do it, or I would.

Shooting your way out of town can be fun......

Indeed it can. Unless, of course, your opponent scores a confirmed/verifiable hit when returning fire. Which could lead to some rather embarrassing, not to mention difficult to remove, egg-on-face for either if not one of the parties involved.
Allie - I am sure if you let the Mods know what's up - they'll get rid of the person / those who are doing this. Ravi is correct.
allie babble what the fuck? you arent going who threatened you and your kids....who the hell threatens little ones....we would all like to know that....

you may be a hot mess...but i need a hot mess on occasion....
is this over this bullmal with sky dancer? i would love to know who threatened you....

damn it i will be all over facebook looking for your ass

okay hubby says i can re instate my fb account and find you......which is what i am gonna do....
Allie - I am sure if you let the Mods know what's up - they'll get rid of the person / those who are doing this. Ravi is correct.
If the assholes don't know what's up they aren't doing their job.
I was a mod on a couple of forums years ago and was confronted with something similar. A quick research, an email to the iSP, and the person received notification from the ISP that it was noted and any more nonsense would be a suspension of service and a notification to the law as to why.
Allie - I am sure if you let the Mods know what's up - they'll get rid of the person / those who are doing this. Ravi is correct.
If the assholes don't know what's up they aren't doing their job.
I was a mod on a couple of forums years ago and was confronted with something similar. A quick research, an email to the iSP, and the person received notification from the ISP that it was noted and any more nonsense would be a suspension of service and a notification to the law as to why.

Yeah, that happened to me a couple of years back after a stunt I pulled in revenge for being banned lost a couple of far-lefties their jobs in the real, offline world. Oh well, c'est la vie (which, incidentally, was my reply to their ISP referral warning).
Please don't leave us. If you leave, I'm going to take the batteries out of my mouse.
How do I

remove myself from the forum?

Well you could start by not tierra tossing your goodbye.

Then you could follow up by never logging in again.

Problem SOLVED.

threats on the internets is just so chickenshit.

Sorry to hear some idiot threatened you Allie
threats on the internets is just so chickenshit.

Sorry to hear some idiot threatened you Allie

threats on the internet are normally just smoke and mirrors...but not knowing what was said...or how close that person is to allie....i wont judge....someone threatens your realize allie has small ones.....that becomes serious...some people just cant tell cyber from reality

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