How do we know God exists?


Gold Member
How do we know God exists?
Lets be real. We can question everything. Right now Im questioning myself some things. I was convinced that Im inspired by the Holy Spirit but one guy told me the holy spirit the christians have is some psychology or thought controll. Now Im questioning whether that is the case or not. I wish it is God and I want eternal life, but questioning everything is ok. Lets be real, how can intelligence like human beings exist if there is no higher intelligence, how can something be from nothing. So lets be real if there is a universe, a creation, and a higher intelligence there must be some higher intelligence behind. Also Im convinced I was under the controll and manipulation of black magic. But also white magic helped me. Jesus himself kicked out demons and healed the sick, that is white magic. So if white and black magic exists, and it does. There must be something beyond our reason, if that is possible, so there must be also God.

Any opinions?
Satan wants that we forget that God exists, Satan also wants that we forget he exists. When he tempts us and confused we need to remind ourselves with some reason that it must a God there. If there is intelligence, like the higher human intelligence, if there is a universe, a world, a creation. Then there must be also God. Because from nothing, nothing is begotten. So there is a higher intelligence behind this creation, behind our intelligence. We are in the image of God because we are intelligent. "God created men, as man and woman he created them and he made in the image of God".
How do we know God exists?
Lets be real. We can question everything.
No need to question anything. You know God is real when God comes and speaks to you personally. That is the way. You don't learn it in any book and it cannot be graphed or measured on any chart for others to see because God's home is within the Heart.
We don't know. We can't know. That's why they call it "faith".

But those that did know that God existed in the Bible, Adam and Eve in the Garden who lost faith and ate the apple, the children of Israel who watched the Red Sea part and then made and worshipped a golden calf and lost faith, knowing God existed did not give them faith in God.

So if you were God, proving he exists is not his top priority if you know wheat I mean.
How do we know God exists?
Lets be real. We can question everything. Right now Im questioning myself some things. I was convinced that Im inspired by the Holy Spirit but one guy told me the holy spirit the christians have is some psychology or thought controll. Now Im questioning whether that is the case or not. I wish it is God and I want eternal life, but questioning everything is ok. Lets be real, how can intelligence like human beings exist if there is no higher intelligence, how can something be from nothing. So lets be real if there is a universe, a creation, and a higher intelligence there must be some higher intelligence behind. Also Im convinced I was under the controll and manipulation of black magic. But also white magic helped me. Jesus himself kicked out demons and healed the sick, that is white magic. So if white and black magic exists, and it does. There must be something beyond our reason, if that is possible, so there must be also God.

Any opinions?

"Magic" is expressly condemned in the Bible.
How do we know God exists?
Lets be real. We can question everything. Right now Im questioning myself some things. I was convinced that Im inspired by the Holy Spirit but one guy told me the holy spirit the christians have is some psychology or thought controll. Now Im questioning whether that is the case or not. I wish it is God and I want eternal life, but questioning everything is ok. Lets be real, how can intelligence like human beings exist if there is no higher intelligence, how can something be from nothing. So lets be real if there is a universe, a creation, and a higher intelligence there must be some higher intelligence behind. Also Im convinced I was under the controll and manipulation of black magic. But also white magic helped me. Jesus himself kicked out demons and healed the sick, that is white magic. So if white and black magic exists, and it does. There must be something beyond our reason, if that is possible, so there must be also God.

Any opinions?
We don't know everything, Mortimer. For example, I do not remember being born, but I am here. My mother recounts being in labor 3 days, and my voice is identical to hers, but my hair is not red like hers was. So by deduction, I know I was born, but I don't recall it at all. So it is with our faith, except we probably remember the wonderful moment when we believed and felt God's presence because someone may have told us they knew God was there, even though they couldn't see him, and when we learn to understand his word, we may be flooded with his love, which becomes a part of us and is inside us. And be that as it will, we may be very joyful when we are around others who rejoice in the Lord, and which of us hasn't met someone critical of God and say they do not believe? They may even try to recruit us into doing as they do, which is be negative all the time. That's when it's time to pick up the Good book and start the learning process of how to keep our faith in God strong in a world that may seem stronger in their disbelief than we are in our beliefs. It's a good idea to take one day of rest off to worship God and study as we learned when we were first believing. The good book can keep us focused into living a life that favors God's commandments and if Christians, be blessed by his understanding of Godly things, which is why we know he is the Word, because he knows what's important to God, that it is not whether we kill a cow, drain its blood and burn it on an altar, but whether we believe that Christ sacrificed himself in place of animal sacrifice, and our belief is to remain true to the things of God as we understand them by the Word who loves us and redeems us when we keep his knowledge close by at all times and review them in an orderly way, and exercise prayers for understanding, praise, and for guidance to keep the commands that we love others as we love ourselves, and when we err, to remember that's why Christ gave himself, to be the token of our forgiveness in the sight of God, and when we know we are forgiven, we do not do that thing that tempted us again. Some things are huge stumbling blocks for us and take more time, but that is when we pray for patience and understanding. For example, I have trials with people who tell lies and are too arrogant to fess up. I have to remind myself that God is their judge, not me, and Christ teaches us it is wise to pray for those who offend God's laws, even to the point when they may try to kill us. We are taught to forgive as Christ forgave his tormentors on the day he died. And he commended himself to the spirit and made himself known to his disciples after he experienced a death on the cross and being laid into a grave, but when the women came to prepare his body, he wasn't in the tomb because as the angel who was waiting there in the tomb told his faithful friends, "He has risen and he is not here." And Christ appeared to his followers and reminded them to teach the world his words, showed them and let them touch his nail-scarred hands before he left so they would know he was alive through the Holy Spirit and would sustain them through their trials to keep true to his loving words of life. And the eleven elected another person to replace Judas, and the twelve disciples then went all over the world teaching and preaching the word and reminding people to bring up their children according to the words Jesus taught them during his ministry. Some of the people who accepted Christ early wrote down the teachings, which appear in four gospels, the Acts of the apostles, numerous letters of St. Paul, who was hating on Christians and participating in supportive ways of people who crucified many of them until that day on his travels to Damascus to do his sinister job, he was blinded and heard the voice of Jesus asking him why he was persecuting him, and urged him to repent of his life of tormenting Christians and their faith as well as directed him to visit St. Peter, who would touch him and his sight would return. The rest is history. St. James and St. Peter both were quoted in books of the Bible that bear their names, as well as others contributed writings to form the New Testament, that was inspired by the Word, explained in the first chapter of the book of John. Best wishes in your growth in the things of the Lord, and I will be praying for your faith to be strengthened to a greater degree about the Kingdom of God so you will not have any bad days of worry ahead, but confidence in the power God will give you when you receive his strength that requires prayer and your acceptance of strength and the encouragement it will be to you for all of your life when you accept the things that are unseen and put to rest all your worries by casting that burden upon the Lord, who will sustain you. :thup:
We know because "man" said so- LOL- by proxy we have faith in man- the pope is a man, rabbi's are men and so are mullah's- of course "we" is misleading- I suppose the better word would be some- another question can stem from this line of questioning as well- do we not all agree that we got here the same way- we were born, that being the case, and there being a God/Creator, why is it the alleged most christian country on earth, the US, has so many who don't believe that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights endowed by their Creator- what drives alleged christians (or of any "faith" for that matter) to be so arrogant that they believe in Manifest Destiny for them and not for others? What makes man, any man, believe his thoughts on God (any brand) is superior to anothers thoughts on his God and are willing to kill the other to prove his moral superiority? Killing another, made in the image of a God, is the ultimate disrespect of ANY God, unless of course that God is the vindictive sort, which kind of blows all to hell the strong believers of God will make it right in the future, since it's obvious the vindictive are attempting to make it right in the present- the obvious answer to all of the previous is faith in man- another man vs ones own conclusions- if indeed there is a God, who it is said is in charge of everything, he's doing a lousy job.
I personally don't subscribe to it- I used to, but the evidence of benevolence and tolerance hasn't been presented for analysis-
You don't need aliens to show up to know their existence. NASA said so then you can believe so. If NASA and the US government openly declare that they can confirm that aliens exist. Then you can believe.
Similarly, when you are in a boat in the middle of an ocean, and when the radio broadcast said that there's a tsunami coming your way, you should run. You don't need to see the tsunami to confirm.
So are histories for you to believe.

This is how our reality operates.

In a nutshell, humans rely on a middle media (which directly facing the facts) to get to the facts, instead of seeing them by eyes. Even science behaves this way. 99% humans don't have the evidence when they know for a fact that back holes exist. This piece of fact is coming from our scientists serving as the middle media between that fact itself and the rest of human kind.

Atheists are brainwashed and indoctrinated by a more intelligent being (Satan) through our secular education system (666) since childhood to acquire the God-fighting but fallacious line of reasoning that human individuals need evidence to get to facts while in reality they don't!
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You don't need aliens to show up to know their existence. NASA said so then you can believe so. If NASA and the US government openly declare that they can confirm that aliens exist. Then you can believe.
Similarly, when you are in a boat in the middle of an ocean, and when the radio broadcast said that there's a tsunami coming your way, you should run. You don't need to see the tsunami to confirm.
So are histories for you to believe.

This is how our reality operates.

In a nutshell, humans rely on a middle media (which directly facing the facts) to get to the facts, instead of seeing them by eyes. Even science behaves this way. 99% humans don't have the evidence when they know for a fact that back holes exist. This piece of fact is coming from our scientists serving as the middle media between that fact and the rest of human kind.
So, what you're saying is, in essence, man's word- thanks!
We don't know. We can't know. That's why they call it "faith".
Speak for yourself, Macadoodle. YOU don't know. YOU can't know. That's why YOU call it faith.

To the man who has seen the Sun rise, it isn't faith to know that it will rise again the following morning.

But when he tells the blind man who cannot see it rise that there is a sun and that it rises every morning, THAT is faith that he takes the sighted person's word for it.

Quit flattering yourself that you know ANYTHING about stuff far beyond your ken.
So, what you're saying is, in essence, man's word- thanks!

You missed the point somehow. It's about the nature of what testimonies are, and the fact that humans in majority don't read facts from evidence as atheists suggest.

Face the reality, or continue to live in dreams!
You missed the point somehow. It's about the nature of what testimonies are, and the fact that humans in majority don't read facts from evidence as atheists suggest.

Face the reality, or continue to live in dreams!
Apparently you're missing my point- faith in man's word which is the foundation of religion- testimony is immaterial as testimony is mans word. Ask different people about the same sight/situation you get different testimony = man's word.
We don't know. We can't know. That's why they call it "faith".
Speak for yourself, Macadoodle. YOU don't know. YOU can't know. That's why YOU call it faith.

To the man who has seen the Sun rise, it isn't faith to know that it will rise again the following morning.

But when he tells the blind man who cannot see it rise that there is a sun and that it rises every morning, THAT is faith that he takes the sighted person's word for it.

Quit flattering yourself that you know ANYTHING about stuff far beyond your ken.
So you're a Christian, are you?
We don't know. We can't know. That's why they call it "faith".
Speak for yourself, Macadoodle. YOU don't know. YOU can't know. That's why YOU call it faith.

To the man who has seen the Sun rise, it isn't faith to know that it will rise again the following morning.

But when he tells the blind man who cannot see it rise that there is a sun and that it rises every morning, THAT is faith that he takes the sighted person's word for it.

Quit flattering yourself that you know ANYTHING about stuff far beyond your ken.
So you're a Christian, are you?
Actually, no. I was baptized Lutheran as a baby but have not really practiced nor followed christian doctrine since my early teens.
We don't know. We can't know. That's why they call it "faith".
Speak for yourself, Macadoodle. YOU don't know. YOU can't know. That's why YOU call it faith.

To the man who has seen the Sun rise, it isn't faith to know that it will rise again the following morning.

But when he tells the blind man who cannot see it rise that there is a sun and that it rises every morning, THAT is faith that he takes the sighted person's word for it.

Quit flattering yourself that you know ANYTHING about stuff far beyond your ken.
So you're a Christian, are you?
Actually, no. I was baptized Lutheran as a baby but have not really practiced nor followed christian doctrine since my early teens.
Of course.

You guys crack me up.
We don't know. We can't know. That's why they call it "faith".
Speak for yourself, Macadoodle. YOU don't know. YOU can't know. That's why YOU call it faith.

To the man who has seen the Sun rise, it isn't faith to know that it will rise again the following morning.

But when he tells the blind man who cannot see it rise that there is a sun and that it rises every morning, THAT is faith that he takes the sighted person's word for it.

Quit flattering yourself that you know ANYTHING about stuff far beyond your ken.
So you're a Christian, are you?
Actually, no. I was baptized Lutheran as a baby but have not really practiced nor followed christian doctrine since my early teens.
Of course.

You guys crack me up.

Of course, WHAT, jackass?

WHICH guys? You know less than nothing about me.

You were hoping I'd say yes so you could disqualify by statements.

And now that I've told you no, without knowing a thing about what that means, you "crack up."

Do you investigate all matters you consider yourself expert on so thoroughly?

Just one time say something to impress me that you DON'T have the mental age of a 12 year old.


God exists

*****HAPPY SMILE*****


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