How do you forgive the most horrible acts against you?

A happy fool who makes other people happy.

It’s a high a zillion more times more powerful than hate.

Sorry, i spent 27 years paying lip service to that lie even though I knew better. In August of 2001 I gave up the lie. Now I’m honest about these things.
I’ve experienced hate. Had an anger issue BC.

I don’t think you’ve ever experienced true joy. It’s a zillion times more invigorating than hate.
A happy fool who makes other people happy.

It’s a high a zillion more times more powerful than hate.

Sorry, i spent 27 years paying lip service to that lie even though I knew better. In August of 2001 I gave up the lie. Now I’m honest about these things.
Yeah, sure ya are. You rationalize the retarded shit you believe, and thats due to insecurity. And thats fine, but youre window dressing it.

You believe in a "soul" but left the religion that likely brainwashed you into even believing in a soul in the 1st place merely because one of its mores doesnt fit with your hard headedness.

You're merely delusional and angry. Ya deserve what ya get.
I've easily forgiven people for minor infractions against me. Let bygones be bygones. No problem, people aren't perfect.

How do you forgive the really unforgivable? I prefer not to go into details, and it happened a long time ago, but, it was outright evil, and I almost feel even though I am the victim, it's not my place to forgive.

I'm trying to be a good Christian, and it's tough. This is one aspect I struggle with.

Thank you for your time.
Forgiveness is like releasing someone from prison to find out that person you released was you.

You can forgive someone and the next day you still feel the anger still there. So you forgive again. Then again. And yet again.

That’s why Jesus said 70 times 7. He wasn’t meaning do it 490 times. He meant it’s a process we must keep repeating until that feeling is gone. Because we are mere humans and everything about us is a process.
Forgiveness is for those who lack the power to deliver revenge.
Which never alleviates the pain and leaves even more of a victim.
Spoken like a person who has never exacted theirs.,,
I’ve experienced hate. Had an anger issue BC.

I don’t think you’ve ever experienced true joy. It’s a zillion times more invigorating than hate.

I don’t believe in love and definitely have never experienced “joy” whatever that is. Then again God put me in a position not to experience such things from the moment of my conception, so that’s probably not too surprising.
I’ve experienced hate. Had an anger issue BC.

I don’t think you’ve ever experienced true joy. It’s a zillion times more invigorating than hate.

I don’t believe in love and definitely have never experienced “joy” whatever that is. Then again God put me in a position not to experience such things from the moment of my conception, so that’s probably not too surprising.
So God created you to watch you suffer?
Sounds like you’ve been listening to the other guy to get that idea.
So God created you to watch you suffer? Sounds like you’ve been listening to the other guy to get that idea.

It is my belief that “God” created us ALL to suffer, in order to see how we react to it. Then again my view of “God” has significantly evolved in the last 18 years.
So God created you to watch you suffer? Sounds like you’ve been listening to the other guy to get that idea.

It is my belief that “God” created us ALL to suffer, in order to see how we react to it. Then again my view of “God” has significantly evolved in the last 18 years.
Yep, you’re listening to the great liar.

That’s the great deceiver talking.
Forgive generously and with a smile.

But NEVER forget.

Who knows when an opportunity might present itself!
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Why’s that?

Your “God” is a LIAR . At least my “God” is honest about not giving a fuck about people. Honesty is very important to me. Honest suffering for a lifetime is far better than three years of unanswered prayers leading to an agonizing and humiliating death in the prime of life.
You can forgive most things. You can not forgive some. Unfortunately that grows and grows if justice is not provided. Sadly most people who do the wrong will not admit to it and the group or organization they are from will lie as low as they. The good thing about a lawyer in legitimate causes is that the whole story can be told and not the one part that gets mentioned. That ends up questioning and/or indicting a lot more people. Good people will not even question when secondary people involved mouth off. People empowered can cause the most misery. They do it here and they do it in the world more severely. They can whip up a frenzy in other people who become their sheep and make mountains out of molehills when just disregarding vents would deescalate tensions and frustrations. Would you all consider this forum a closed loop opinion place or a place where surveillance could be used on posters. Perhaps to watch for violent tendencies, rebellious attitudes or to mine for information to use as broadcasting ideas or subversive or other agendas. We used to a lot more positive as individuals years ago. Right or wrong and by percentage of groups. Today it is far different and the politicians are terrible at inflaming the population.

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