How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment?

you do know wiki is 100% opinion and as you see in the title it doesnt speak on when human life begins,,,,

it also speaks to political aspect not scientific research,,


so do you have some science we can discuss or do you want to stick with opinions??
It talks about all types of viewpoints you dumb piece of shit.
the fertilization part catches my eye where it says the child is a genetically different than either parents,,
so the claim its the mothers body no longer works,,

so reading through that its clear that its saying a unique life is created at conception,,

and the dictionary is clear human life is a person...

sorry but you shouuld have read it before you posted it,, it supports everything I said
the fertilization part catches my eye where it says the child is a genetically different than either parents,,
so the claim its the mothers body no longer works,,

so reading through that its clear that its saying a unique life is created at conception,,

and the dictionary is clear human life is a person...

sorry but you shouuld have read it before you posted it,, it supports everything I said
God you're stupid.
you didnt even read it did you,,

Fertilization is the fusing of the gametes, that is a sperm cell and an ovum (egg cell), to form a zygote. At this point, the zygote is genetically distinct from either of its parents.
One of the viewpoints agrees with you. Several other dont. Just because your viewpoint was mentioned doesnt mean it is THE correct answer. You sure are a dumb son of a bitch.
One of the viewpoints agrees with you. Several other dont. Just because your viewpoint was mentioned doesnt mean it is THE correct answer. You sure are a dumb son of a bitch.
thats where the science studies come into play,,

you want to decide on opinions and I want to use the actual science,,
you sound devastated,,

give it some time and the hurting will go away,,
Take a look at the states banning abortion and who gets abortions (70% of women that get abortions consider themselves religious). It's gonna be the Red Hats that are hurting, not me, boy.
Take a look at the states banning abortion and who gets abortions (70% of women that get abortions consider themselves religious). It's gonna be the Red Hats that are hurting, not me, boy.
flailing around like a chicken with its head cut off isnt going to help the pain go away,,
A matter between a woman and her physician.
After the woman kills her baby, should she also be allowed to kill her husband because he doesn't give her what she wants? And who would that killing be between, a woman and her bank account or a woman and her selfish desires or a woman and her drug habit? I wonder why a woman killing her baby is so more acceptable to Democrats than a woman who shoots her dog. MAGA
Like the ChiCom flu jab?

What's that???? Oh yeah, ats the moronic name Trump attempted to pin on covid because he's an incompetent bloob who killed over a million Americans when he couldn't manage a pandemic.

You had to get a vaccine to go to school, to join the army, to travel abroad. You've had to get "jabs" all of your life to go anywhere or do anything.

Now you let liars and grifters convince you that this vaccine is unsafe. How gullible and stupid are YOU????

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