How do you teach abstinence?

MtnBiker said:
What about other topics beyond sexuality?

Money management, work ethics, simple subjects like laundry and cooking?

Should these topics and more, be the resposibility of public schools as well?

Absolutely! Especially money management. I think we can leave laundry in home ec.
In 1994, Dr. Jocelyn Elders actually lost her job as the US surgeon-general because she stated that masturbation should actually be taught to boys. Although she lost her job for it, Elders made a very good point. Teaching lads how to masturbate can actually be quite beneficial in their lives.
Playing with your weasel can help you learn how to control and delay your responsiveness so that pleasure is heightened for both you and your partner when you finally do reach orgasm. Also, for some men, it is the foundation for learning advanced sexual techniques like becoming multi-orgasmic (although this one is quite a rarity among men).
liberalogic said:
It's also an alternate way to release all of the pent-up sexual energy that canend up causing an STD or pregnancy. It's actually very healthy.

My main point was what happened when this was suggested in 1994.
At what age would such masturbation classes be taught?

Do all childeren emotional mature at the same age? Is there a possiblity of one or a few childeren becoming very emotional upset with such a subject in a classroom setting?
MtnBiker said:
At what age would such masturbation classes be taught?

Do all childeren emotional mature at the same age? Is there a possiblity of one or a few childeren becoming very emotional upset with such a subject in a classroom setting?

I don't recommend they be taught--I just stated that I don't think it should be demonized. Kids figure this process out themselves.
liberalogic said:
I was just curious as to how we go about teaching abstinence in school? Other than don't do it because of pregnancy and STDs, what else is there to constitute an educational program based on this ideal? I'm just looking for suggestions if anyone has something to offer.

With all of the media pushing sexual content into programs for younger adults, it is hard to get them to think as a child. The rush to get them horemones to fly is probably based on marketing of "cool things" that kids just HAVE TO HAVE... Like Blackberry devices, so that they cans schedule the times to meet at the malls and hangout...

As baby boomers shit the bed, the TWEENS (kids older than adolecent, but not quite a teen) are being targeted by shrinks who help design the ads we see in Sunday papers and on TV commercials.

Looking at it from a sexual perspective, look at the clothes that the Tweens and early Teens are favoring. Low bust lines, low hip huggers.. Just can't wait to get them youngins to strut their "stuffs"... Pretty sad..

I went to Mexico back in the Mid eighties. The dads and moms brought their children out to the bazaar at night for an ice cream cone. SO help me this is true,,,... The dads had nice slacks that were tucked in, the moms wore dresses that were reminicent of the 50's and 60's,, Ozzie and Harriet for sure.. The daughters wore nice little dresses, and the little boys looked like small gentlemen versions of their dads.. IT WAS GREAT!!!

Even an old pervert, like myself, can appreciate the ladies, and young women who ran the small stores. You automaticaly treated them with more respect becuase their chests were properly covered, and were dressed for the venue they were in and the business they were engaged in.. Whether they changed this after the lights went down I don't know. But, while in public, most Mexican (not rich ones either) dressed, and behaved in ways that was honorable, and memorable.

IF we look at what is on our teles,, it isn't hard to understand. Look at the new Cingular advs for small pocket phones. It is a spoof on a back talking daughter who argues with her mom.. Passive compliant, but with hostility???

I don't know.. Maybe we should hold our kids to a higher moral standard, as we do the same for an example.. Probably like peeing into the wind, but it will depend on how bad we want to emphasize proper behavior in general, then in a sexual way...
Working Man said:
With all of the media pushing sexual content into programs for younger adults, it is hard to get them to think as a child. The rush to get them horemones to fly is probably based on marketing of "cool things" that kids just HAVE TO HAVE... Like Blackberry devices, so that they cans schedule the times to meet at the malls and hangout...

As baby boomers shit the bed, the TWEENS (kids older than adolecent, but not quite a teen) are being targeted by shrinks who help design the ads we see in Sunday papers and on TV commercials.

Looking at it from a sexual perspective, look at the clothes that the Tweens and early Teens are favoring. Low bust lines, low hip huggers.. Just can't wait to get them youngins to strut their "stuffs"... Pretty sad..

I went to Mexico back in the Mid eighties. The dads and moms brought their children out to the bazaar at night for an ice cream cone. SO help me this is true,,,... The dads had nice slacks that were tucked in, the moms wore dresses that were reminicent of the 50's and 60's,, Ozzie and Harriet for sure.. The daughters wore nice little dresses, and the little boys looked like small gentlemen versions of their dads.. IT WAS GREAT!!!

Even an old pervert, like myself, can appreciate the ladies, and young women who ran the small stores. You automaticaly treated them with more respect becuase their chests were properly covered, and were dressed for the venue they were in and the business they were engaged in.. Whether they changed this after the lights went down I don't know. But, while in public, most Mexican (not rich ones either) dressed, and behaved in ways that was honorable, and memorable.

IF we look at what is on our teles,, it isn't hard to understand. Look at the new Cingular advs for small pocket phones. It is a spoof on a back talking daughter who argues with her mom.. Passive compliant, but with hostility???

I don't know.. Maybe we should hold our kids to a higher moral standard, as we do the same for an example.. Probably like peeing into the wind, but it will depend on how bad we want to emphasize proper behavior in general, then in a sexual way...

I think you just explained the importance of sex education in modern America. I'm not sure dressing modestly will do it.
Do you really want to know how to solve the teen pregnancy issue. One word: castration. After you do that, there will be no need to worry about sex ed.
Mr.Conley said:
Do you really want to know how to solve the teen pregnancy issue. One word: castration. After you do that, there will be no need to worry about sex ed.
Or the next generation...
Working Man said:
With all of the media pushing sexual content into programs for younger adults, it is hard to get them to think as a child. The rush to get them horemones to fly is probably based on marketing of "cool things" that kids just HAVE TO HAVE... Like Blackberry devices, so that they cans schedule the times to meet at the malls and hangout...

As baby boomers shit the bed, the TWEENS (kids older than adolecent, but not quite a teen) are being targeted by shrinks who help design the ads we see in Sunday papers and on TV commercials.

Looking at it from a sexual perspective, look at the clothes that the Tweens and early Teens are favoring. Low bust lines, low hip huggers.. Just can't wait to get them youngins to strut their "stuffs"... Pretty sad..

I went to Mexico back in the Mid eighties. The dads and moms brought their children out to the bazaar at night for an ice cream cone. SO help me this is true,,,... The dads had nice slacks that were tucked in, the moms wore dresses that were reminicent of the 50's and 60's,, Ozzie and Harriet for sure.. The daughters wore nice little dresses, and the little boys looked like small gentlemen versions of their dads.. IT WAS GREAT!!!

Even an old pervert, like myself, can appreciate the ladies, and young women who ran the small stores. You automaticaly treated them with more respect becuase their chests were properly covered, and were dressed for the venue they were in and the business they were engaged in.. Whether they changed this after the lights went down I don't know. But, while in public, most Mexican (not rich ones either) dressed, and behaved in ways that was honorable, and memorable.

IF we look at what is on our teles,, it isn't hard to understand. Look at the new Cingular advs for small pocket phones. It is a spoof on a back talking daughter who argues with her mom.. Passive compliant, but with hostility???

I don't know.. Maybe we should hold our kids to a higher moral standard, as we do the same for an example.. Probably like peeing into the wind, but it will depend on how bad we want to emphasize proper behavior in general, then in a sexual way...

Bravo! I agree 100%!

What has happened in the United States it that parents have stopped teaching their children respect, morality, self-control, etc. TVs and video games have become parents because the real parents are either too busy working or playing to give their children the teachings they need.

What you described in Mexico in the 80's was very prevelent in Italy in the 90's. There are two schools of though in Italy; both that were present in this country back in the 60's and before.

1. They way children acted in public was a direct reflection of the quality of parenting they received. Kids basically showed the world how good of parents he/she had. Remember goofing off in the grocery story and having an adult - ANY adult - scold you? You would run off scared to death that your mom and/or dad heard you getting scolded because you knew if they did, you were going to get disciplined.

2. There is an Italian espression: Fare una bella figura. Literal translation is: To make a beautiful figure. It basically means "to look good" or "to make a good impression." What those people did when they walked around dressed nicely was fare una bella figure. I knew people who had two nice outfits. They wore one to church and one when they went out on Thursday nights to walk the piazza. Then the next week, they switched outfits so they didn't wear the same thing to church/piazza twice in a row.

Being honorable. Being proud. Having those traits taught to your children from an early age; then passed on from generation to generation.

That is what we need to work on.
liberalogic said:
I didn't start this thread to promote abstinence only teaching. As I've made very clear, I support teaching abstinence in conjunction with safe sex. But I've always been curious as to how a sex ed class could solely revolve around abstinence or even how it should be taught side by side with safe sex.

Some good points, and I specifically like those who bring in the emotional factor. If kids can realize the difference between true passion and the superficial demands of society, that would definitely increase the practice of abstinence. Girls should know that they are often duped and guys should realize that half of their bragging friends are just inventing stuff to appear cool.

In no way should the school make it a moral decision-- that's up to the parents. But they should present it as it is including both the physical and emotional consequences.

Does anyone think that the school should teach different forms of masturbation in addition to what I've mentioned? If the kids can keep themselves happy, this may reduce the urge to engage in sex.

When it comes time (or maybe it has) for you to teach your children about the "birds and the bees" - when they are age 9, 10, 11, etc...are you also going to talk about them "waiting" until they are married, etc?

Isn't that teaching abstinance?
GotZoom said:
....1. They way children acted in public was a direct reflection of the quality of parenting they received. Kids basically showed the world how good of parents he/she had. Remember goofing off in the grocery story and having an adult - ANY adult - scold you? You would run off scared to death that your mom and/or dad heard you getting scolded because you knew if they did, you were going to get disciplined...... That is what we need to work on.
But now if you do such a thing, you have some parent jumping your butt saying, "Don't you tell my kid what to do!"
If we look at the post, and some of the replys, I would guess we want to know at which time is it appropriate to enligten our kids to the sexual side of life.

I think there are groups out there that have usurped this role from the parents, and guardians, in order to make a buck off the innocent, they being the kids in our country.

Take a look at today's newspapers for the sales fliers. Who is creating these advertising themes, and for which age group do the thong panties belong to??

Why is an ad for a lace bra and panty set on the same page as those clothes being offered to middle school girls??? Kind of like the pervs who frequent Too many gray areas being created.

At what time does society think young GIRLS are ready to move up to the "racy" clothes typicaly purchased by young women who have reached some level of maturity?? Both psychological and sexual.

OK,, just look at the skirt designs being touted as appropriate for back to school. Short blue jean skirts that barely cover the pelvis area,, jeans that don't come close to reaching the navel... Brand names such as FLIRT??? Gee,, what is in a name??

OK ladies, why is this ok???

As far as the boys go, baggy jeans and polo shirts that will never be tucked in doesn't make much of a fashion statement. Wearing $70+ sneakers, without socks, doesn't cut it for me either. But I guess that goes with muscle shirts.

To me, dress codes in public schools should be nationwide. We spend a lot of money on public education so the emphasis should be on acedemic learning.

Parents should be taking a closer look at what they are buying for their kids, or what their kids school clothing allotment is being used for by their kids, and then ask themselves if this is what they really want for their kids.

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