How does atmospheric CO2 heat up the ocean under a glacier?

CO2 is absorbed by the ocean and transfers the heat it held into the water thereby melting the ice.

CO2 doesn't transfer hear into the ocean worth a hill of beans, it is negligible!

There is an active VOLCANO right by the Thwaites glacier!


Volcanic activity under Thwaites Glacier contributes to melting
Posted on 12. June 2014 by Rolf Stange


The Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica has recently attracted considerable media attention, as scientists have predict it to collaps largely in the future. It is up to 4 kilometres thick and large enough to contribute with 1-2 metres to global sea level rise – a dramatic value. So far, warm sea water has been made responsible for glacier melting on the coast, but now there is evidence that a significant part of melting actually takes place at the glacier base, away from the coast. Thwaites Glacier is largely based well below sea level, as is the case for large parts of the West Antarctic ice shield, a fact that contributes to its lack of stability.



There is one for Pine Island Glacier too:

National Science Foundation

Previously unsuspected volcanic activity confirmed under West Antarctic Ice Sheet at Pine Island Glacier


June 27, 2018

This material is available primarily for archival purposes. Telephone numbers or other contact information may be out of date; please see current contact information at media contacts.

Tracing a chemical signature of helium in seawater, an international team of scientists funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the United Kingdom's (U.K.) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) has discovered a previously unknown volcanic hotspot beneath the massive West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS).

Clearly, CO2 causes volcanoes.

Science is settled!
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.
Actually it acts more like a choke. Trap implies CO2 doesn't allow heat to escape which is false.
CO2 is absorbed by the ocean and transfers the heat it held into the water thereby melting the ice.

1) There is no ocean under glaciers. There is ocean under coastal ice sheets and under the northern ice cap, but not under glaciers. By definition, a glacier is an ice mass on land.
2) The ocean is warmed by direct sunlight, by infrared radiated by GHGs in the atmosphere and by conduction across the air/water interface.
3) Several recent studies have found the water under the Antarctic ice sheets warmer than expected. Besides melting the ice sheets from underneath, the "warm" ocean water is melting the ice from pinning points and beginning to infiltrate under the ice towards the grounding line. This will eventually lead to the catastrophic collapse of the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS)
CO2 is absorbed by the ocean and transfers the heat it held into the water thereby melting the ice.

1) There is no ocean under glaciers. There is ocean under coastal ice sheets and under the northern ice cap, but not under glaciers. By definition, a glacier is an ice mass on land.
2) The ocean is warmed by direct sunlight, by infrared radiated by GHGs in the atmosphere and by conduction across the air/water interface.
3) Several recent studies have found the water under the Antarctic ice sheets warmer than expected. Besides melting the ice sheets from underneath, the "warm" ocean water is melting the ice from pinning points and beginning to infiltrate under the ice towards the grounding line. This will eventually lead to the catastrophic collapse of the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS)

You left out the hot Volcano in the area.............., that is a significant cause of the warmer water.......
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.
Actually it acts more like a choke. Trap implies CO2 doesn't allow heat to escape which is false.
Trap is accurate. The CO2 is lid a cover on a pot as it reflect IR back to the earth. It is not 100% effective of course but it does trap a portion of the IR before it can radiate into space.
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.

Please show how CO2 puts a bunch of "heat" into the ocean waters.

CO2 doesn't trap anything, that is elementary school writing.
You must have skipped elementary school.
View attachment 478887

Ha ha, YOU must have skipped a course in rational thinking.

Your tiny unsourced chart is dead on arrival.

Try again.
What kind of person would rather voice an opinion than learn the facts? I guess you not only skipped elementary school but no one has told you about Google.
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.
Actually it acts more like a choke. Trap implies CO2 doesn't allow heat to escape which is false.
Trap is accurate. The CO2 is lid a cover on a pot as it reflect IR back to the earth. It is not 100% effective of course but it does trap a portion of the IR before it can radiate into space.

Actually, the GHGs in the atmosphere: water vapor, CO2 and methane, capture very close to every shred of IR that the planet radiates. But they simply reradiate it in random directions. Eventually, its gets reradiated to space and escapes. The addition of more GHGs to the atmosphere increases the amount of thermal energy caught in this slow conveyor belt to space and thus raises the atmosphere's energy content and, therefore, its temperature.
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.
Actually it acts more like a choke. Trap implies CO2 doesn't allow heat to escape which is false.
Trap is accurate. The CO2 is lid a cover on a pot as it reflect IR back to the earth. It is not 100% effective of course but it does trap a portion of the IR before it can radiate into space.

Um wouldn't it also prevent IR from that big yellow thing in the sky from reaching Earth surface? Maybe make a hot spot in the upper atmosphere?
Last edited:
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.
Actually it acts more like a choke. Trap implies CO2 doesn't allow heat to escape which is false.
Trap is accurate. The CO2 is lid a cover on a pot as it reflect IR back to the earth. It is not 100% effective of course but it does trap a portion of the IR before it can radiate into space.
Choke is more accurate. A cover on a pot isn't a choke. A choke would be more like a smoke stack on a smoker. It let's the heat out but the heat is choked at the inlet and builds up. There's a heat gradient across it. No heat gradient for a covered lid. But hey, what do I know, I only worked on fluid flow as an engineer for 37 years.
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.

Please show how CO2 puts a bunch of "heat" into the ocean waters.

CO2 doesn't trap anything, that is elementary school writing.
You must have skipped elementary school.
View attachment 478887

Ha ha, YOU must have skipped a course in rational thinking.

Your tiny unsourced chart is dead on arrival.

Try again.
What kind of person would rather voice an opinion than learn the facts? I guess you not only skipped elementary school but no one has told you about Google.


Then you don't have that link for your tiny cartoon you posted, YOU might try using Google to get it....... I will wait for YOU to bring up something better than nothing offered.

What is the AGW conjecture?
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.
Actually it acts more like a choke. Trap implies CO2 doesn't allow heat to escape which is false.
Trap is accurate. The CO2 is lid a cover on a pot as it reflect IR back to the earth. It is not 100% effective of course but it does trap a portion of the IR before it can radiate into space.
Choke is more accurate. A cover on a pot isn't a choke. A choke would be more like a smoke stack on a smoker. It let's the heat out but the heat is choked at the inlet and builds up. There's a heat gradient across it. No heat gradient for a covered lid. But hey, what do I know, I only worked on fluid flow as an engineer for 37 years.

It is a weak "choke" since most of the IR window isn't covered by their bogeyman molecule at all, just around 7% of the OUTGOING Terrestrial IR is absorbed that is it.

It has a very small effect on the overall heat budget, even the warmist/alarmists scientists agree with the climate realists on this, as both groups agree that CO2 by itself does little to generate warming.

Alang1216 has no idea how ignorant he is.
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.
Actually it acts more like a choke. Trap implies CO2 doesn't allow heat to escape which is false.
Trap is accurate. The CO2 is lid a cover on a pot as it reflect IR back to the earth. It is not 100% effective of course but it does trap a portion of the IR before it can radiate into space.
Choke is more accurate. A cover on a pot isn't a choke. A choke would be more like a smoke stack on a smoker. It let's the heat out but the heat is choked at the inlet and builds up. There's a heat gradient across it. No heat gradient for a covered lid. But hey, what do I know, I only worked on fluid flow as an engineer for 37 years.

It is a weak "choke" since most of the IR window isn't covered by their bogeyman molecule at all, just around 7% of the OUTGOING Terrestrial IR is absorbed that is it.

It has a very small effect on the overall heat budget, even the warmist/alarmists scientists agree with the climate realists on this, as both groups agree that CO2 by itself does little to generate warming.

Alang1216 has no idea how ignorant he is.
It's an extremely weak choke. Water vapor is doing the heavy lifting. And even that's a weak choke.
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.
Actually it acts more like a choke. Trap implies CO2 doesn't allow heat to escape which is false.
Trap is accurate. The CO2 is lid a cover on a pot as it reflect IR back to the earth. It is not 100% effective of course but it does trap a portion of the IR before it can radiate into space.

Um wouldn't it also prevent IR from that big yellow thing in the sky from reaching Earth surface? Maybe make a hot spot in the upper atmosphere?
Excellent point but the sun gives off powerful ultraviolet light which is absorbed by the earth and re-radiated as IR.
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??

Warm ocean waters flow under glaciers.
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.
Actually it acts more like a choke. Trap implies CO2 doesn't allow heat to escape which is false.
Trap is accurate. The CO2 is lid a cover on a pot as it reflect IR back to the earth. It is not 100% effective of course but it does trap a portion of the IR before it can radiate into space.
Choke is more accurate. A cover on a pot isn't a choke. A choke would be more like a smoke stack on a smoker. It let's the heat out but the heat is choked at the inlet and builds up. There's a heat gradient across it. No heat gradient for a covered lid. But hey, what do I know, I only worked on fluid flow as an engineer for 37 years.
You've never seen me cook. My pot covers are not sealed they release heat continuously.
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??

Warm ocean waters flow under glaciers.

No, really, tell us how that works from atmospheric CO2
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??

Warm ocean waters flow under glaciers.

No, really, tell us how that works from atmospheric CO2

Why don't you just focus on warming ocean temperatures.
I read some AGW porn on how the ocean under the Antarctic Thwaites Glacier the Doomsdsy Glacier eeeeekkkk! was warming and was gonna cause Obama's and Kerrys and Gore's beachfront properties to sink!

Can someone explain how adding 10, 20 or even 100ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere does that??
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the sun's heat, warming the oceans. As their waters circulate the heat is spread around the globe, even under Antarctic sea ice. The nightmare scenario is that the sea ice will break up and free the land glaciers to rapidly slide into the sea, rising sea levels.

I have no idea how the concentration of CO2 plays into this but the ice is in balance so any minor change in global temperatures will have an effect.
Actually it acts more like a choke. Trap implies CO2 doesn't allow heat to escape which is false.
Trap is accurate. The CO2 is lid a cover on a pot as it reflect IR back to the earth. It is not 100% effective of course but it does trap a portion of the IR before it can radiate into space.
Choke is more accurate. A cover on a pot isn't a choke. A choke would be more like a smoke stack on a smoker. It let's the heat out but the heat is choked at the inlet and builds up. There's a heat gradient across it. No heat gradient for a covered lid. But hey, what do I know, I only worked on fluid flow as an engineer for 37 years.
You've never seen me cook. My pot covers are not sealed they release heat continuously.
If you placed your lid skewed on the pot, so that it was not firmly seated on top, that would act like a choke.

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