How Does God Help a Broken Heart?

Allow yourself to feel the sadness that comes with such an event.

Time heals all wounds
Just wondering. Something awful happened last night and I still feel it's affects.

When I was a believer, it really helped to feel that there was a personal, loving god that watched over me, and took care of me during difficult times.
Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart
until, in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.

Robert F. Kennedy (quoting Aeschylus)
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Its going to take time, it took a few months to get over an ex girlfriend a few years back.
If you're really bummed out about something IRL, the last thing you want to do is post about it here. Because in doing so you run the risk of some asshole making an insensitive crack about it probably just being a side effect of the hormone blocking treatment, or some similar remark.

But I'm going to go ahead and assume this is just part of your new found policy of posting untruths. :thup:
Just wondering. Something awful happened last night and I still feel it's affects.

When I was a believer, it really helped to feel that there was a personal, loving god that watched over me, and took care of me during difficult times.

Yeah, that's what I'm leaning into now. I feel like the stuffings have been knocked out of me. The good news is I have a teleclass for 2 and a half hours soon, and then I go and work with kids the rest of the day. That will keep my mind off this topic, and put me into thinking about others.
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If you're really bummed out about something IRL, the last thing you want to do is post about it here. Because in doing so you run the risk of some asshole making an insensitive crack about it probably just being a side effect of the hormone blocking treatment, or some similar remark.

But I'm going to go ahead and assume this is just part of your new found policy of posting untruths. :thup:

I'm not going to post details of the RL situation that came up late last night. I thought maybe people had stories of how they got over something rough. It's really shaken me up. I'm afraid to leave the house.
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Just wondering. Something awful happened last night and I still feel it's affects.

When I was a believer, it really helped to feel that there was a personal, loving god that watched over me, and took care of me during difficult times.

Yeah, that's what I'm leaning into now. I feel like the stuffings have been knocked out of me. The good news is I have a teleclass for 2 and a half hours soon, and then I go and work with kids the rest of the day. That will keep my mind off this topic, and put me into thinking about others.

Yeah, the best thing to do if you're feeling emotionally unstable is to spend time with other people's children. :thup:
When I was a believer, it really helped to feel that there was a personal, loving god that watched over me, and took care of me during difficult times.

Yeah, that's what I'm leaning into now. I feel like the stuffings have been knocked out of me. The good news is I have a teleclass for 2 and a half hours soon, and then I go and work with kids the rest of the day. That will keep my mind off this topic, and put me into thinking about others.

Yeah, the best thing to do if you're feeling emotionally unstable is to spend time with other people's children. :thup:

Believe me the children won't know because I am able to put my own needs aside to be present with them.

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