How does it help climate change to reduce drilling in the US while asking Saudia Arabia and Venezuela to drill more?

Baloney. US oil production in Jan 2016 was 9214K barrels. It dropped to 8544K in August of that year, then rose steadily during Trump's administration to a high of 13100k barrels in February of 2020 then dropped off some due to covid. After two years under Biden it has not yet reached the February 2020 figure. It doesn't matter what a person thinks of Trump or Biden, math is math.
When you're talking to a bed wetting leftist, there is no "thinking" involved, they have no capacity for it. They're just programmed to hate Trump and parrot whatever gibberish they've been fed.

/---/ And thanks to Joe, evil oil companies are making massive profits again by destroying the environment.
Bed wetters pretend billionaire democrook political donors don't own huge quantities of stock in oil companies.

Then again I'm talking about a group of "people" among whom the "intellectuals" need a college degree in biology before they understand the difference between male and female. Something the rest of us figure out before Pre-K. Apparently they need degrees in geography before they find out islands don't float on the water also.
I cant figure this one out.

Can someone explain to me how it helps climate change to reduce US drilling while increasing drilling in SA and Venezuela?

Walk me through the math.
Well, if it keeps prices up here, that could cut down consumption. But first, who told you that would help climate change?

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