How does MAGA explain the Dominion lawsuits?

American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

Read more: Statement
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So who is lying? Trump or Dominion?
So who is lying? Trump or Dominion?

I don't think being wrong is always the same thing as lying. I think Donald really believes he was cheated.
Trump is deranged. Everyone around him should have been telling him he was wrong. But they are all weaklings in the face of a 289lbs blowhard.
"Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims."

That's rich, the corportacracy investigate itself? :auiqs.jpg:

Video Proof Comedy Legend George Carlin Questioned the Official Story of 9/11

". . . During a book signing event in October 2007, Carlin, when questioned on whether or not he believed the official investigation of the 9/11 attacks, said:

“I always question the received reality, the consensus reality is often intentionally misleading.” reports:

"When the interviewer then naively asked him if he supported a new investigation of 9/11, the politically savvy Carlin explained that the government would never hold itself truly accountable – likening it to the “Kennedy thing.”

“They don’t investigate themselves in this country. It would be like the Kennedy thing, like everything. The people in charge do what they want, and they will always do what they want. The power does what it wants to and I wouldn’t trust an investigation,” Carlin said.

At this point, apparently realizing he was being recorded, Carlin finished the conversation by saying, “it’s just fun, it’s good speculation. Oh you’re getting this on here. Well anyway now you know. Take care of yourself.”

The comedic genius of George Carlin was that he spoke such a plain truth through his art, with a prescient understanding of the rigged reality we all currently reside within.

Ironically, Carlin’s message is arguably more relevant today than ever before."

Of course American Thinker had to bend the knee. It saw what happened to Parlor.

Amazon Web services controls a majority of website traffic. The interlocking directorate controls the dominate paradigm, and THEY will tell folks what the truth is. You either get on board, or they will destroy you. It isn't like they had a choice.

Another so-called "conservative" media outfit has apologized to Dominion. Why are they apologizing when they can prove fraud occurred? Why are they backing down instead of counter-suing to get Dominion software for analysis?

I told them trump and Rudy stopped lying about dominion when they were threatened with slander and liable. Suddenly trumps not so sure those machines were hacked.
Another so-called "conservative" media outfit has apologized to Dominion. Why are they apologizing when they can prove fraud occurred? Why are they backing down instead of counter-suing to get Dominion software for analysis?

What's the point of rattling the chains of the Magat pigs? It was all a big wet dream invented by Sydney's offbeat sexual gratification and her Kraken has crawled up her hoop and disappeared until Rudy becomes the next psycho president.
Another so-called "conservative" media outfit has apologized to Dominion. Why are they apologizing when they can prove fraud occurred? Why are they backing down instead of counter-suing to get Dominion software for analysis?

All I want to know is if 13,000 dead people in Ga voted. And 36,000 non residents. Around 5000 illegals.

I don't know. But if that is proven what you say?

Only a coward would back down from that. Answer it.
So who is lying? Trump or Dominion?

I don't think being wrong is always the same thing as lying. I think Donald really believes he was cheated.
Dump is a liar. There is a reason he tried to mafia the Georgia voter officials and planned a failed insurrection.
You haven't heard yet. CNN said this was preplanned. Trump still had 20 min in his speech when it started.

All bullshit you mother fucking liar.
So who is lying? Trump or Dominion?

I don't think being wrong is always the same thing as lying. I think Donald really believes he was cheated.
Dump is a liar. There is a reason he tried to mafia the Georgia voter officials and planned a failed insurrection.
You haven't heard yet. CNN said this was preplanned. Trump still had 20 min in his speech when it started.

All bullshit you mother fucking liar.
Yes dummy thats what I said. The insurrection was planned. Dump gave them a pep talk and marching orders and then ran away to hide after claiming he was going there with them.
Another so-called "conservative" media outfit has apologized to Dominion. Why are they apologizing when they can prove fraud occurred? Why are they backing down instead of counter-suing to get Dominion software for analysis?

All I want to know is if 13,000 dead people in Ga voted. And 36,000 non residents. Around 5000 illegals.

I don't know. But if that is proven what you say?

Only a coward would back down from that. Answer it.

Prove it.
So who is lying? Trump or Dominion?

I don't think being wrong is always the same thing as lying. I think Donald really believes he was cheated.
Dump is a liar. There is a reason he tried to mafia the Georgia voter officials and planned a failed insurrection.
You haven't heard yet. CNN said this was preplanned. Trump still had 20 min in his speech when it started.

All bullshit you mother fucking liar.
Preplanned by Trump, Cruz, Jordon, Hawley, and the rest of the seditious members of Congress who will also be prosecuted.

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No, not fake news. Actual news.

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