How Does Taxing the Rich "Help" the Middle Class?

This is what Liberals keep saying, but Just how does that work, when the Government keeps the money?

Somebody has to pay for the cost of government.
Somebody has to bring that cost in line.....more responsible spending.
responsible spending is not giving financial aid to 12 million illegals, or initiating obamacare when the budget is in the shape it is.
what needs to be done is to start looking at social service cuts and getting rid of some of the non essential military bases around the world. Then reduce the burden on business so that they will come back to this country and create jobs.
Creating government jobs is not the answer. If the taxes taken from the people that work right now cant support the government spending, then moving millions more into government jobs can not be the right answer.

How about we cut our military budget in half.

The Military is irresponsible spending? We tried that under Clinton and got hit 6 years later on 9/11

We have the largest military in history and got beaten by a bunch of box cutters
You paid nothing because you're a moocher. Right? You expected to be taken care of by the government. You must be proud.
aww, making shit up in a pathetic attempt to flame me.

Taxes come out of a paycheck moran.

better luck next time

And? You paid nothing because you're a moocher. People who don't pay taxes are looking to mooch off the rest of us that actually work hard for a living. Why didn't you kick in your fair share???
such as?

I didn't set the numbers, moronic leftist like you did. The tax system is set the way you want it, not me. So suck it my bitch, and while your at it, pick me up sammich.

"I didn't set the numbers, so I'm ok with being lazy and living off the people who actually work hard".
I don't live off anyone.
I pay my bills, buy my own food.

You're just a pathetic loser that has no idea how to support your own policies. You just want some pathetic revenge b/c someone has more than you.

You are years past time to have grown up and learned that life is not fair.

Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
Somebody has to pay for the cost of government.
Somebody has to bring that cost in line.....more responsible spending.
responsible spending is not giving financial aid to 12 million illegals, or initiating obamacare when the budget is in the shape it is.
what needs to be done is to start looking at social service cuts and getting rid of some of the non essential military bases around the world. Then reduce the burden on business so that they will come back to this country and create jobs.
Creating government jobs is not the answer. If the taxes taken from the people that work right now cant support the government spending, then moving millions more into government jobs can not be the right answer.

How about we cut our military budget in half.

The Military is irresponsible spending? We tried that under Clinton and got hit 6 years later on 9/11

We have the largest military in history and got beaten by a bunch of box cutters

A lot of military spending is intelligence so we can know the enemy. Clinton gutted that portion big time and that enabled box cutters to take us down. Bush and Cheney built it back up and Obama has left it alone.
aww, making shit up in a pathetic attempt to flame me.

Taxes come out of a paycheck moran.

better luck next time

And? You paid nothing because you're a moocher. People who don't pay taxes are looking to mooch off the rest of us that actually work hard for a living. Why didn't you kick in your fair share???
such as?

I didn't set the numbers, moronic leftist like you did. The tax system is set the way you want it, not me. So suck it my bitch, and while your at it, pick me up sammich.

"I didn't set the numbers, so I'm ok with being lazy and living off the people who actually work hard".
I don't live off anyone.
I pay my bills, buy my own food.

You're just a pathetic loser that has no idea how to support your own policies. You just want some pathetic revenge b/c someone has more than you.

You are years past time to have grown up and learned that life is not fair.

Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
Internet tough guy.

that's what you are

you lack the manhood to stay on subject, so you attack me and my personal life.

what a sad pathetic worm you are. Do you feel better acting like this? Does it make you feel all manly? Will you go tell you FB "friends" how you gave hell to a poor man?

I work and take no handouts.

when life gets hard, I dig in and push harder. wimps like you run to mommy and daddy and cry that it's not fair

shame they failed to raise you into a man
Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
The rich don't work hard, most of them inherited their wealth.
Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
The rich don't work hard, most of them inherited their wealth.

not true lib.

Most of the world's billionaires made their own fortunes - Business Insider
Well, I just went through 50 some posts of drivel and sniping, and only ONE person answered my question. Thank you Stephanie.
I am a firm believer that the entire 70,000 page tax code should be tossed into the woodstove and we should start over with a system where EVERYBODY pays something to run the government.
There should be no deductions for anything. I favor the Fair Tax proposal because when you buy a G6, you'll pay more in taxes than a used car which under the fair tax proposal wouldn't be taxed at all.
It would eliminate a trillion dollar (latest estimate) underground economy too. Those people who avoid paying taxes would pay just like everyone else.

You must not be very good at reading.
Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
The rich don't work hard, most of them inherited their wealth.

not true lib.

Most of the world's billionaires made their own fortunes - Business Insider

Trump, Koch brothers and Waltons all had big inheritances.
This is what Liberals keep saying, but Just how does that work, when the Government keeps the money?

Somebody has to pay for the cost of government.
Somebody has to bring that cost in line.....more responsible spending.
responsible spending is not giving financial aid to 12 million illegals, or initiating obamacare when the budget is in the shape it is.
what needs to be done is to start looking at social service cuts and getting rid of some of the non essential military bases around the world. Then reduce the burden on business so that they will come back to this country and create jobs.
Creating government jobs is not the answer. If the taxes taken from the people that work right now cant support the government spending, then moving millions more into government jobs can not be the right answer.

How about we cut our military budget in half.

The Military is irresponsible spending? We tried that under Clinton and got hit 6 years later on 9/11

Ten times the military budget wouldn't have stopped 9/11. Yes excessive spending on the military is irresponsible.
This is what Liberals keep saying, but Just how does that work, when the Government keeps the money?

Somebody has to pay for the cost of government.
Somebody has to bring that cost in line.....more responsible spending.
responsible spending is not giving financial aid to 12 million illegals, or initiating obamacare when the budget is in the shape it is.
what needs to be done is to start looking at social service cuts and getting rid of some of the non essential military bases around the world. Then reduce the burden on business so that they will come back to this country and create jobs.
Creating government jobs is not the answer. If the taxes taken from the people that work right now cant support the government spending, then moving millions more into government jobs can not be the right answer.

How about we cut our military budget in half.

The Military is irresponsible spending? We tried that under Clinton and got hit 6 years later on 9/11

See, people? The above post is classic mainstream conservatism -

pretend you want smaller government, but really, you just want less of the other guys' government.
Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
The rich don't work hard, most of them inherited their wealth.

not true lib.

Most of the world's billionaires made their own fortunes - Business Insider

Trump, Koch brothers and Waltons all had big inheritances.
So those three examples proves the rich don't work and most inherited their wealth.

You must have skipped math class.
Somebody has to pay for the cost of government.
Somebody has to bring that cost in line.....more responsible spending.
responsible spending is not giving financial aid to 12 million illegals, or initiating obamacare when the budget is in the shape it is.
what needs to be done is to start looking at social service cuts and getting rid of some of the non essential military bases around the world. Then reduce the burden on business so that they will come back to this country and create jobs.
Creating government jobs is not the answer. If the taxes taken from the people that work right now cant support the government spending, then moving millions more into government jobs can not be the right answer.

How about we cut our military budget in half.

The Military is irresponsible spending? We tried that under Clinton and got hit 6 years later on 9/11

Ten times the military budget wouldn't have stopped 9/11. Yes excessive spending on the military is irresponsible.

Say that with a straight face while ignoring $200k study to see if Wikipedia is sexist.
The rich don't work hard, most of them inherited their wealth.
If you do your homework you'll find that only about 2% of billionaires in America today inherited it.
Gates, Jobs, Oprah, Soros, Steyer, Uline, Bezos, The Facebook kid, etc all started out with nothing.
The evil rich CEOs didn't start out life as CEOs, the went to school, got advanced degrees, worked 100 hours a week to rise in the company. Or they had an idea. One that was totally different than anybody else's, and started a company. Most of these modern entrepreneurs didn't start out to become billionaires, they had a passion and thought it would work.
Today we have people on the left who don't have any of the ambition to make something of themselves who feel they are entitled to some of that money.
Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
The rich don't work hard, most of them inherited their wealth.

how will taxing them help the middle class?

understand that you answer needs to be epically awesome, since the truth is that is won't
[/QUOTE]Trump, Koch brothers and Waltons all had big inheritances.[/QUOTE]

And Sam Walton started out with nothing.
But those horrible people are responsible for 2,000,000 employees today. They can decide to close the doors tomorrow and fire 2,000,000 people.

The Koch Brothers are responsible for 70,000 employees and pay them an average salary of $76,000 a year.
Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
The rich don't work hard, most of them inherited their wealth.

not true lib.

Most of the world's billionaires made their own fortunes - Business Insider

Trump, Koch brothers and Waltons all had big inheritances.
So those three examples proves the rich don't work and most inherited their wealth.

You must have skipped math class.

Just 3 well known examples. It is very common.
For some reason people think that when the taxes are lowered for the rich it doesnt affect the other groups. Or they KNOW that the middle and lower class gets hit with the missing taxes and tell stories about how everything spending should be lowered.

When spending isnt lowered they still support lower taxes on the rich and say how spending SHOULDVE been lowered. But dont raise those taxes....on the rich. Let the poor and middle pay for it because...

If you taxed the rich their share (WHATS A FAIR SHARE DERP!) the taxes would be lowered on the middle class to adjust, right?
the lower class pays nothing now, so there's no adjustment unless you want to give 1/2 the country money.

but yes, everyones taxes should be lowered, since it's us that drives the economy and not the government.

But that's YOU. You said you are poor, so you're paying NOTHING in taxes? So aren't YOU the problem?
I'm single now, so I do pay taxes.

when I was married I paid nothing. We got it all back. But if you think about the cost to send me all my taxes back....

ooops, I asked you to think, sorry
Why didnt your broke ass pay your fair share though, like...voluntarily, on principle?
Trump, Koch brothers and Waltons all had big inheritances.[/QUOTE]

And Sam Walton started out with nothing.
But those horrible people are responsible for 2,000,000 employees today. They can decide to close the doors tomorrow and fire 2,000,000 people.

The Koch Brothers are responsible for 70,000 employees and pay them an average salary of $76,000 a year.[/QUOTE]
Id the megalyth big box companies all died at once as a whole...small business would once again thrive as a mother fucker.


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