How Does Taxing the Rich "Help" the Middle Class?

If you do your homework you'll find that only about 2% of billionaires in America today inherited it.
Gates, Jobs, Oprah, Soros, Steyer, Uline, Bezos, The Facebook kid, etc all started out with nothing.
The evil rich CEOs didn't start out life as CEOs, the went to school, got advanced degrees, worked 100 hours a week to rise in the company. Or they had an idea. One that was totally different than anybody else's, and started a company. Most of these modern entrepreneurs didn't start out to become billionaires, they had a passion and thought it would work.
Today we have people on the left who don't have any of the ambition to make something of themselves who feel they are entitled to some of that money.
Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary, to a nonobservant Jewish family. His mother, Elizabeth (also known as Erzsébet), came from a family that owned a thriving silk shop. His father, Tivadar, (also known as Teodoro) was a lawyer

good one loon, now he (Soros) wants to keep capitalism for himself,, what made him rich, and enslave you and everybody else in socialism

You guys live in fantasyland. I'm independant btw.

no you only think you are btw

Sure kid. When you learn about the world come back and talk with the adults.


there is nothing special about you. i see people like you every day on these boards; claiming to be "independent". almost all of them are either to the far left or less often, to the far right. either way it's just a matter of degrees
Made back by himself? You are a joke, that is nothing like making it from nothing.

every lib here is a crybaby loser that wants to change the standard when confronted with inconveniant facts

go cry

And you are not very smart. He inherited a lot. It is much easier to go from millions to billions than thousands to millions.


so you're losing the debate and out come the arrogant "you're not too smart" thing from the left. So boring, predictable

Losing? I proved most of his examples of coming from nothing had great inheritances. That is winning.

no it isnt stupid; because the original claim was that most of the rich came from wealth; you have several million more rich people to prove came from wealth

destroyed his examples so yes it is. Also shows you clowns know nothing of the real world.
Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary, to a nonobservant Jewish family. His mother, Elizabeth (also known as Erzsébet), came from a family that owned a thriving silk shop. His father, Tivadar, (also known as Teodoro) was a lawyer

good one loon, now he (Soros) wants to keep capitalism for himself,, what made him rich, and enslave you and everybody else in socialism

You guys live in fantasyland. I'm independant btw.

no you only think you are btw

Sure kid. When you learn about the world come back and talk with the adults.


there is nothing special about you. i see people like you every day on these boards; claiming to be "independent". almost all of them are either to the far left or less often, to the far right. either way it's just a matter of degrees

So you make a fool of yourself every day? Shocking.
and still all the whining about the rich proves the left-wingers just want to soak the rich; they cant answer the original OP point, how will taxing the rich help the middle class/

especially when we know for a FACT that the Democrat Party wants to take that money from the rich and enslave more people in government dependency. the Middle Class are last on their list
good one loon, now he (Soros) wants to keep capitalism for himself,, what made him rich, and enslave you and everybody else in socialism

You guys live in fantasyland. I'm independant btw.

no you only think you are btw

Sure kid. When you learn about the world come back and talk with the adults.


there is nothing special about you. i see people like you every day on these boards; claiming to be "independent". almost all of them are either to the far left or less often, to the far right. either way it's just a matter of degrees

So you make a fool of yourself every day? Shocking.


did you say something???????
and still all the whining about the rich proves the left-wingers just want to soak the rich; they cant answer the original OP point, how will taxing the rich help the middle class/

especially when we know for a FACT that the Democrat Party wants to take that money from the rich and enslave more people in government dependency. the Middle Class are last on their list

The OP has been answered many times. Pay attention.
and still all the whining about the rich proves the left-wingers just want to soak the rich; they cant answer the original OP point, how will taxing the rich help the middle class/

especially when we know for a FACT that the Democrat Party wants to take that money from the rich and enslave more people in government dependency. the Middle Class are last on their list

The Waltons do a lot for gov dependence. They make billions while paying so little employees are on welfare.
Awww struck a cord I see. The moocher doesn't like to be called out for being a moocher. Listen, it's your heroes that say you are a cancer on our country. Why don't you start pitching in and working hard like the richest among us. What's the matter, life too hard for you slacker?
The rich don't work hard, most of them inherited their wealth.

not true lib.

Most of the world's billionaires made their own fortunes - Business Insider

Trump, Koch brothers and Waltons all had big inheritances.
So those three examples proves the rich don't work and most inherited their wealth.

You must have skipped math class.

Just 3 well known examples. It is very common.

Okay then....using your uh....logic...if one were to post 3 well known examples that refute yours, would that mean you are wrong to conclude all rich don't work hard and inherited their wealth?

Trump, Koch brothers and Waltons all had big inheritances.
So those three examples proves the rich don't work and most inherited their wealth.

You must have skipped math class.

Just 3 well known examples. It is very common.

Okay then....using your uh....logic...if one were to post 3 well known examples that refute yours, would that mean you are wrong to conclude all rich don't work hard and inherited their wealth?

maybe you can do better than the idiot who mentioned many who came from wealth.
I'm sure gates grew up worrying about his next meal:

Gates was born in Seattle, Washington. He is the son of William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. Gates' ancestral origin includes English, German, and Scots-Irish.[16][17] His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Gates's maternal grandfather was JW Maxwell, a national bank president.
So...anyone who is extremely wealthy today and did not start out dirt poor, you conclude all rich don't work hard and inherited their wealth. WTF?

Using your standard, there are many very wealthy people who did start out dirt poor. Dr. Ben Carson for one, which means your conclusions have been successfully refuted.
Pretty sure this guy had a comfortable childhood too:
Steyer was born in New York City in 1957. His mother, Marnie (née Fahr), was a teacher of remedial reading at the Brooklyn House of Detention, and his father, Roy Henry Steyer, was a partner in the New York law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell.
I'm sure gates grew up worrying about his next meal:

Gates was born in Seattle, Washington. He is the son of William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. Gates' ancestral origin includes English, German, and Scots-Irish.[16][17] His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Gates's maternal grandfather was JW Maxwell, a national bank president.
So...anyone who is extremely wealthy today and did not start out dirt poor, you conclude all rich don't work hard and inherited their wealth. WTF?

Using your standard, there are many very wealthy people who did start out dirt poor. Dr. Ben Carson for one, which means your conclusions have been successfully refuted.

I'm refuting somebodies examples of coming from nothing. Clearly they didn't.

I have not concluded ALL, but it is a lot. How much does Carson have?
I'm sure gates grew up worrying about his next meal:

Gates was born in Seattle, Washington. He is the son of William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. Gates' ancestral origin includes English, German, and Scots-Irish.[16][17] His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Gates's maternal grandfather was JW Maxwell, a national bank president.
So...anyone who is extremely wealthy today and did not start out dirt poor, you conclude all rich don't work hard and inherited their wealth. WTF?

Using your standard, there are many very wealthy people who did start out dirt poor. Dr. Ben Carson for one, which means your conclusions have been successfully refuted.

I'm refuting somebodies examples of coming from nothing. Clearly they didn't.

I have not concluded ALL, but it is a lot. How much does Carson have?
Okay then we can agree that many wealthy people are truly self made and some are not. But, if I come from a middle class family and become a billionaire, am I self made or not?

You will have to research Carson on your own, but he is a perfect example of a self made millionaire.
I'm sure gates grew up worrying about his next meal:

Gates was born in Seattle, Washington. He is the son of William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. Gates' ancestral origin includes English, German, and Scots-Irish.[16][17] His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Gates's maternal grandfather was JW Maxwell, a national bank president.
So...anyone who is extremely wealthy today and did not start out dirt poor, you conclude all rich don't work hard and inherited their wealth. WTF?

Using your standard, there are many very wealthy people who did start out dirt poor. Dr. Ben Carson for one, which means your conclusions have been successfully refuted.

I'm refuting somebodies examples of coming from nothing. Clearly they didn't.

I have not concluded ALL, but it is a lot. How much does Carson have?
Okay then we can agree that many wealthy people are truly self made and some are not. But, if I come from a middle class family and become a billionaire, am I self made or not?

You will have to research Carson on your own, but he is a perfect example of a self made millionaire.

I'm not saying some don't. The right however seem to think most do, when that isn't true. That idiot gave a list of rich from nothing and I've shown most came from very comfortable families. Most the big political donors are the inherited wealthy.

He has done well.
I'm sure gates grew up worrying about his next meal:

Gates was born in Seattle, Washington. He is the son of William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. Gates' ancestral origin includes English, German, and Scots-Irish.[16][17] His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Gates's maternal grandfather was JW Maxwell, a national bank president.
So...anyone who is extremely wealthy today and did not start out dirt poor, you conclude all rich don't work hard and inherited their wealth. WTF?

Using your standard, there are many very wealthy people who did start out dirt poor. Dr. Ben Carson for one, which means your conclusions have been successfully refuted.

I'm refuting somebodies examples of coming from nothing. Clearly they didn't.

I have not concluded ALL, but it is a lot. How much does Carson have?
Okay then we can agree that many wealthy people are truly self made and some are not. But, if I come from a middle class family and become a billionaire, am I self made or not?

You will have to research Carson on your own, but he is a perfect example of a self made millionaire.

Did Carson benefit from government programs? Yale isn't cheap. Carson may be a great example of how taxing the rich helps the middle class.
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Somebody has to bring that cost in line.....more responsible spending.
responsible spending is not giving financial aid to 12 million illegals, or initiating obamacare when the budget is in the shape it is.
what needs to be done is to start looking at social service cuts and getting rid of some of the non essential military bases around the world. Then reduce the burden on business so that they will come back to this country and create jobs.
Creating government jobs is not the answer. If the taxes taken from the people that work right now cant support the government spending, then moving millions more into government jobs can not be the right answer.

How about we cut our military budget in half.

The Military is irresponsible spending? We tried that under Clinton and got hit 6 years later on 9/11

We have the largest military in history and got beaten by a bunch of box cutters

A lot of military spending is intelligence so we can know the enemy. Clinton gutted that portion big time and that enabled box cutters to take us down. Bush and Cheney built it back up and Obama has left it alone.

Bush and Cheney did nothing to fight terrorism. They even refused to meet with their top terrorism expert. Bush did not want to be known for fighting terrorism, he wanted something resurrecting Star Wars or invading Iraq

9-11 showed how ill-prepared Bush was and he used it to get his war with Iraq
I'm sure gates grew up worrying about his next meal:

Gates was born in Seattle, Washington. He is the son of William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. Gates' ancestral origin includes English, German, and Scots-Irish.[16][17] His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way. Gates's maternal grandfather was JW Maxwell, a national bank president.
So...anyone who is extremely wealthy today and did not start out dirt poor, you conclude all rich don't work hard and inherited their wealth. WTF?

Using your standard, there are many very wealthy people who did start out dirt poor. Dr. Ben Carson for one, which means your conclusions have been successfully refuted.

I'm refuting somebodies examples of coming from nothing. Clearly they didn't.

I have not concluded ALL, but it is a lot. How much does Carson have?
Okay then we can agree that many wealthy people are truly self made and some are not. But, if I come from a middle class family and become a billionaire, am I self made or not?

You will have to research Carson on your own, but he is a perfect example of a self made millionaire.

Did Carson benefit from government programs? Yale isn't cheap.

Of course he did

His family got low cost housing and medical coverage. He wants to deny it to others
Sheldon Adelson -- $21.5 billion
Sheldon Adelson, owner of The Venetian hotel in Las Vegas, was the son of Ukrainian immigrants and grew up in the poor Dorchester neighborhood in Boston.
An entrepreneur from an early age, he started out selling newspapers on the street at the age of 12. He attended City College in New York and majored in corporate finance and real estate, but later dropped out to join the U.S. Army and worked as a court reporter on Wall Street.

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