How does the GOP get away with inciting violence?



Everyone knows what Carly said about what planned parenthood is doing. And we all know it was flat out lies. Some really ignorant Republicans still believe the lies, but that's just who they are. Worse, the mass murderer in San Bernadino was quoting her.

And what Donald said about Mexicans. Some GOP here on the USMB will ignorantly say, "Prove that caused violence".

"Donald Trump was right," the two men said, according to police, as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him. "All these illegals need to be deported."
Cops: Invoking Trump, 2 men beat up homeless man -

You Can Still Be Arrested for Being Gay in Red-State America

The small number of gays and over 20% of hate crimes are against them. I wonder what percentage of the perps are Republicans and what percentage are Democrat?
Wanna guess?
Latest Hate Crime Statistics Report Released

I just don't get how the GOP gets away with all that hate. Anyone?
Everyone knows what Carly said about what planned parenthood is doing. And we all know it was flat out lies. Some really ignorant Republicans still believe the lies, but that's just who they are. Worse, the mass murderer in San Bernadino was quoting her.

And what Donald said about Mexicans. Some GOP here on the USMB will ignorantly say, "Prove that caused violence".

"Donald Trump was right," the two men said, according to police, as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him. "All these illegals need to be deported."
Cops: Invoking Trump, 2 men beat up homeless man -

You Can Still Be Arrested for Being Gay in Red-State America

The small number of gays and over 20% of hate crimes are against them. I wonder what percentage of the perps are Republicans and what percentage are Democrat?
Wanna guess?
Latest Hate Crime Statistics Report Released

I just don't get how the GOP gets away with all that hate. Anyone?
Did your husband leave the toilet seat up again?
If you the people in this country has had ENOUGH of this crap from these progressive/democrats VOTE them out in 2016

this is the lowdown dirty game they play whenever something is THEIR FAULT. this terrorist attack happened under OBAMA and no one else CAUSED it, created it , made it happen blaaa blaaa blaa. Obama failed to Protect us.

some people will do anything for THEIR PARTY. even look like fools for them
Leftists are filth, blaming the victims? Really?

America’s Stasi: NYDN Applauds Jihad Slaughter in San Bernardino

In a new low even for the New York Daily News, which recently branded NRA chief Wayne LaPierre a terrorist, columnist Linda Stasi has penned a vile column justifying the San Bernardino jihad murders, saying that one of the victims was “the male equivalent of Pamela Geller.”
Just as the jihad attack on our free speech event in Garland, Texas last May exposed the RINOs and posers on the right such as Donald Trump, Bill O’Reilly, and Laura Ingraham who, cowed by Islamic violence, blamed us for the attempted mass murder, so now the San Bernardino jihad attack is exposing the leftist who cheerlead for jihad murder – as long the victims are “right-wingers.”

America’s Stasi: NYDN Applauds Jihad Slaughter in San Bernardino - Breitbart
Because unlike Muslims, their rhetoric is ok, and if it results in people killing...hey, it's not they are Muslims or anything. They're's ok.
Because unlike Muslims, their rhetoric is ok, and if it results in people killing...hey, it's not they are Muslims or anything. They're's ok.
They point the finger everywhere. Take responsibility for nothing. Not even when you give them video. The evidence simply doesn't matter.
You mean like when Obama, Mrs. Clinton and Rice incited violence when they lied about a video and Benghazi?
Everyone knows what Carly said about what planned parenthood is doing. And we all know it was flat out lies. Some really ignorant Republicans still believe the lies, but that's just who they are. Worse, the mass murderer in San Bernadino was quoting her.

And what Donald said about Mexicans. Some GOP here on the USMB will ignorantly say, "Prove that caused violence".

"Donald Trump was right," the two men said, according to police, as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him. "All these illegals need to be deported."
Cops: Invoking Trump, 2 men beat up homeless man -

You Can Still Be Arrested for Being Gay in Red-State America

The small number of gays and over 20% of hate crimes are against them. I wonder what percentage of the perps are Republicans and what percentage are Democrat?
Wanna guess?
Latest Hate Crime Statistics Report Released

I just don't get how the GOP gets away with all that hate. Anyone?

You're peddling hate and intolerance and using lies and distortions to justify doing so. Trump has never, ever said that all Mexicans are rapists, robbers, and murderers. And the Planned Parenthood videos were not deceptively edited but in fact prove that PP should be defunded and investigated for criminal activity. Finally, you continue to make the ridiculous argument of comparing emotionally disturbed lone gunmen to jihadist terrorists who are part of the radical Muslim movement to terrorize Western/pro-Western governments and peoples.

Here are the facts about the Planned Parenthood videos and Carly Fiorina's remarks

Who's Really Lying About The Planned Parenthood Videos? Carly Fiorina Or The Factcheckers?
Everyone knows what Carly said about what planned parenthood is doing. And we all know it was flat out lies. Some really ignorant Republicans still believe the lies, but that's just who they are. Worse, the mass murderer in San Bernadino was quoting her.

And what Donald said about Mexicans. Some GOP here on the USMB will ignorantly say, "Prove that caused violence".

"Donald Trump was right," the two men said, according to police, as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him. "All these illegals need to be deported."
Cops: Invoking Trump, 2 men beat up homeless man -

You Can Still Be Arrested for Being Gay in Red-State America

The small number of gays and over 20% of hate crimes are against them. I wonder what percentage of the perps are Republicans and what percentage are Democrat?
Wanna guess?
Latest Hate Crime Statistics Report Released

I just don't get how the GOP gets away with all that hate. Anyone?


Everyone knows what Carly said about what planned parenthood is doing. And we all know it was flat out lies. Some really ignorant Republicans still believe the lies, but that's just who they are. Worse, the mass murderer in San Bernadino was quoting her.

And what Donald said about Mexicans. Some GOP here on the USMB will ignorantly say, "Prove that caused violence".

"Donald Trump was right," the two men said, according to police, as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him. "All these illegals need to be deported."
Cops: Invoking Trump, 2 men beat up homeless man -

You Can Still Be Arrested for Being Gay in Red-State America

The small number of gays and over 20% of hate crimes are against them. I wonder what percentage of the perps are Republicans and what percentage are Democrat?
Wanna guess?
Latest Hate Crime Statistics Report Released

I just don't get how the GOP gets away with all that hate. Anyone?

You know...this is going to bite you guys on the ass....

You keep saying this guy targeted Planned parenthood/murder......

He shot 3 people outside of the clinic...entered the clinic and did not shoot one person in the building, not one doctor, one patient or one staff a building you guys keep saying he specifically targeted.....

He did not have electricity or running therefore no immediate access to a now you must allege he spent time on computers at the library...does he look like a library goer.....

And then you say some unknown police source, says he mumbled a lot of stuff and may have mentioned dead baby parts.....

Of course.......he was in the planned parenthood/murder facility for several hours roaming around....not shooting anyone...the place where he allegedly went to shoot people...but didn' one actually associated with the clinic was actually shot.....

So he is in there wandering it possible that he saw the dead baby parts in the facility as he was wandering around?

And if that is the guys are going to look like morons......again...
The left must be on a tirade about free speech lately. If they can't throw out the 2nd Amendment they will try for the 1st Amendment. Free speech only "incites violence" apparently when republicans talk about Planned Parenthood selling body parts. It doesn't count when the freaking democrat senate majority leader tries to impact the morale of the Troops when he claims "the war (in Iraq) is lost". It doesn't count when democrats purchase a $10,000 full page ad in the NY Times calling the US combat commander "betray-us" and it doesn't count when CBS uses obviously fake documents to try to influence a presidential election.
You mean like when Obama, Mrs. Clinton and Rice incited violence when they lied about a video and Benghazi?
What video, the one that caused violence protests all over Europe, the Middle East and Asia? That one?

Your determined ignorance makes you sickening.

Reactions to Innocence of Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On September 13, protests occurred at the U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen, resulting in the deaths of four protesters and injuries to thirty-five protesters and guards. On September 14, the U.S. consulate in Chennai was attacked, resulting in injuries to twenty-five protesters.[14]Protesters in Tunis, Tunisia, climbed the U.S. embassy walls and set trees on fire. At least four people were killed and forty-six injured during protests in Tunis on September 15.[6] Further protests were held at U.S. diplomatic missions and other locations in the days following the initial attacks. Related protests and attacks resulted in numerous deaths and injuries across the Middle East, Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Seriously, what is it that makes your kind so ignorant?
Everyone knows what Carly said about what planned parenthood is doing. And we all know it was flat out lies. Some really ignorant Republicans still believe the lies, but that's just who they are. Worse, the mass murderer in San Bernadino was quoting her.

And what Donald said about Mexicans. Some GOP here on the USMB will ignorantly say, "Prove that caused violence".

"Donald Trump was right," the two men said, according to police, as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him. "All these illegals need to be deported."
Cops: Invoking Trump, 2 men beat up homeless man -

You Can Still Be Arrested for Being Gay in Red-State America

The small number of gays and over 20% of hate crimes are against them. I wonder what percentage of the perps are Republicans and what percentage are Democrat?
Wanna guess?
Latest Hate Crime Statistics Report Released

I just don't get how the GOP gets away with all that hate. Anyone?

You know...this is going to bite you guys on the ass....

You keep saying this guy targeted Planned parenthood/murder......

He shot 3 people outside of the clinic...entered the clinic and did not shoot one person in the building, not one doctor, one patient or one staff a building you guys keep saying he specifically targeted.....

He did not have electricity or running therefore no immediate access to a now you must allege he spent time on computers at the library...does he look like a library goer.....

And then you say some unknown police source, says he mumbled a lot of stuff and may have mentioned dead baby parts.....

Of course.......he was in the planned parenthood/murder facility for several hours roaming around....not shooting anyone...the place where he allegedly went to shoot people...but didn' one actually associated with the clinic was actually shot.....

So he is in there wandering it possible that he saw the dead baby parts in the facility as he was wandering around?

And if that is the guys are going to look like morons......again...
He shot 3 people outside of the clinic...entered the clinic and did not shoot one person in the building, not one doctor, one patient or one staff a building you guys keep saying he specifically targeted.....


As had been reported, the people inside had been trained to avoid your kind. Clearly Fox isn't enough.
Everyone knows what Carly said about what planned parenthood is doing. And we all know it was flat out lies. Some really ignorant Republicans still believe the lies, but that's just who they are. Worse, the mass murderer in San Bernadino was quoting her.

And what Donald said about Mexicans. Some GOP here on the USMB will ignorantly say, "Prove that caused violence".

"Donald Trump was right," the two men said, according to police, as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him. "All these illegals need to be deported."
Cops: Invoking Trump, 2 men beat up homeless man -

You Can Still Be Arrested for Being Gay in Red-State America

The small number of gays and over 20% of hate crimes are against them. I wonder what percentage of the perps are Republicans and what percentage are Democrat?
Wanna guess?
Latest Hate Crime Statistics Report Released

I just don't get how the GOP gets away with all that hate. Anyone?

You know...this is going to bite you guys on the ass....

You keep saying this guy targeted Planned parenthood/murder......

He shot 3 people outside of the clinic...entered the clinic and did not shoot one person in the building, not one doctor, one patient or one staff a building you guys keep saying he specifically targeted.....

He did not have electricity or running therefore no immediate access to a now you must allege he spent time on computers at the library...does he look like a library goer.....

And then you say some unknown police source, says he mumbled a lot of stuff and may have mentioned dead baby parts.....

Of course.......he was in the planned parenthood/murder facility for several hours roaming around....not shooting anyone...the place where he allegedly went to shoot people...but didn' one actually associated with the clinic was actually shot.....

So he is in there wandering it possible that he saw the dead baby parts in the facility as he was wandering around?

And if that is the guys are going to look like morons......again...
He shot 3 people outside of the clinic...entered the clinic and did not shoot one person in the building, not one doctor, one patient or one staff a building you guys keep saying he specifically targeted.....


As had been reported, the people inside had been trained to avoid your kind. Clearly Fox isn't enough.

Did he shoot any doctors, patients or staff associated with the clinic? No. So it is still only conjecture that he was actually targeting the clinic.....and the fact that he mumbled something about baby parts...could easily have been from seeing actual baby parts in the clinic...

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