How far can liberal protesters go before the government steps in?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This is a question we are all asking.

The protests of 2016, against pipelines and police shootings and a presidential candidate, have sparked lawmakers in eight states to consider bills boosting penalties for unlawful demonstrations. They include one that would protect drivers who “unintentionally” run over activists blocking roads and another aimed at forcing protesters to pay up to three times the costs of any damage they caused.

In Washington state, a lawmaker termed some protests “economic terrorism” and introduced a bill that would permit judges to tack on an additional year in jail to a sentence if the protester was “attempting to or causing an economic disruption.”

In Minnesota, a person convicted of participating or being present at “an unlawful assembly” could be held liable for costs incurred by police and other public agencies.

And in Indiana, a proposed law would direct police encountering a mass traffic obstruction to clear the road by “any means necessary,” echoing a phrase made famous by Malcolm X during the 1960s civil rights movement.

“We’re not trying to restrict people’s right to protest peaceably,” said Iowa state Sen. Jake Chapman (R), in comments similar to those by legislators involved with each of the measures. He introduced his bill, increasing the penalty for blocking a high-speed highway from a misdemeanor to a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, after an anti-Donald Trump protest by high school students in November blocked one direction of Interstate 80 for 30 minutes. “But there’s appropriate places and times. And the interstate is not one of those places. . . . Right now they’re going to get charged with jaywalking and fined $35. That doesn’t fit the crime, in my opinion.”

MORE: How far can protesters go before the government steps in?
Let'em protest....but the moment they start destroying property, attacking people or blocking traffic they need to be jailed
Can't have them impeding profits, just to save the environment....

LEO can act when the protesters break the law.

I wonder if the protesters found out the names of who ordered the use of water cannon spray in the winter and the names of those who carried out the order.
The protesters need to start killing people if they are to be taken seriously.
Just remember the law of physics that states: 'For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." and be prepared for the laws of physics to be enforced.
When they do shit like this, they should go to jail.

Anyone who does this for whatever reason must have a death wish.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And anyone who had the bean bags to carry out such a request would only be labeled a hero in my opinion for putting an end to such a disturbance. You know that them protesters in the photograph were well aware of the line that they were crossing by trying to take over that street.
On what grounds does the government have to step in ?

Well for instance when the local police refuse to step in and stop protesters from assaulting Trump supporters.

By the way, if you're an American citizen, Trump is your president.
On what grounds does the government have to step in ?
They have the right to protest.

They do not have the right to violence.

What you fall to realize is that if the Police fail to protect its citizens, we citizens have the right to protect ourselves.
They almost did in Ct
Protesters Mad at Trump's Immigration Policy Block Ambulance from Getting Very Ill Patient to Hospital: State Police
NEW HAVEN, CT — State Police and media reports say about 100 to 200 people, who were protesting President Trump's immigration policies, ended up blocking an ambulance from getting to a local hospital, which forced paramedics to perform an emergency medical procedure themselves on a "critically ill patient."
The leader that was arrested after first fleeing-

The protesters need to start killing people if they are to be taken seriously.

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