How far is the US from Fascism ?

One of the most shocking things about hitler was that the country virtually sleep walked into his hands.
If people vote trump because they dont like biden then that is missing the point in spectacular fashion.
No, they know what he is and they still want him. They are not sleepwalking.
They don't call him Slow Joe for nothing. Yet everyday that disaster is in office is one step closer to authoritarian rule.

The ridiculous notion that the party out of power is somehow shaping the direction is so misguided only an idiot foreigner could spew such nonsense. When it comes to idiot foreigners, Tommy always delivers.
The GOP owns the House, And trump owns the GOP. He uses that power to influence power solely for his own personal benefit and not for any good of the country.
Defund the enquiries impeach biden. Its all about trump.
What would he do if he actually won an election.?
The GOP owns the House, And trump owns the GOP. He uses that power to influence power solely for his own personal benefit and not for any good of the country.
Defund the enquiries impeach biden. Its all about trump.
What would he do if he actually won an election.?
So you have nothing but ludicrous foreign ramblings? Clearly you don't understand how this country works. Stick to your shithole country.
Stick to your shithole country.
:safetocomeoutff: which will be goosestepping far before the USofA.....


If the left stay in control. Not long. But us freedom fighters will stop em!
Freedom fighters? 🤔 Really?
You guys are scared of the truth! And no one can tell you what to do! But, go ahead. Fight for your freedom. Against whom? Your fellow citizens.
Go get'em cowboy! I hope you hit what you're aiming at! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

How far is the US from Fascism ?​

Move here and we will be a lot closer.

It took Hitler less than 6 months to tighten his grip on power. As I watched this programme I was struck by the similarities between Germany and the US. Hitler and Trump.
You should have been more struck between the similarities between Germany and Biden! Hitler was in power. Trump is only in court, fool.

Trump lanched an invasion of Congress.
From the looks of it, Congress NEEDED invaded. Look what it got us: Biden.

Hitler told Germans that he was the only answer to the problems of the state. Trump is doing that right now.
Really? Did Trump or Biden just send the FBI to declare half our country domestic terrorists for not voting for him???

Hitlers followers had a violent core of street thugs who beat and murdered anybody that Hitler didnt like
Sounds just like the demofascists who destroyed 350 cities doing billions of damage in 2020 injuring thousands over the arrest of a felon who died resisting arrest.

They were paramilitary and wore their own uniforms.
Sounds just like Antifa.

The threats of violence to prosecutors, judges and juries is something that they both share.
Are you talking about Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters?

Hitler took his revenge on those who opposed him.
Biden is trying to arrest and bankrupt his #1 political rival.

Hitler hated minorities.
Just like the democrats here now trying to build a wall And throw out all of the illegals they invited in. Xenophobes all.

The nazis told women to get back in the home.
Democrats don't know what a woman even is.

The nazis burned books
The democrats corrupt children with pornography.

Intellectuals were murdered by nazis.
There are no leftwing intellectuals TO murder.

This is not controversial.
Everything you say is controversial. And ignorant.

But Hitler just took the concession and moved on to the next level.
Maybe Hitler's greatest failure was in failing to completely bomb the UK out of existence.

Those GOP politicians who have facilitated the rise of trump
No one facilitated the rise of Trump but Trump. He rose because he had whatever every other leader lacked that people wanted.

looked the other way and swallowed their pride
I bet you are very good at swallowing stuff.

It took Hitler less than 6 months to tighten his grip on power. As I watched this programme I was struck by the similarities between Germany and the US. Hitler and Trump.

Hitler waged war on German institutions. Its government, its press and of course its court system. When he had finished there was nothing left.He burned fown the Reichstag. Trump lanched an invasion of Congress.

Hitler told Germans that he was the only answer to the problems of the state. Trump is doing that right now.

Hitlers followers had a violent core of street thugs who beat and murdered anybody that Hitler didnt like, They were paramilitary and wore their own uniforms. A bit like the proud boys and oath keepers. Violent thugs.

The threats of violence to prosecutors, judges and juries is something that they both share.

Hitler took his revenge on those who opposed him. Check out the story of Hans Litten. He was murdered in a camp for the crime of humiliating Hitler in court.

Of course Trump is threatening revenge on everyone who gets in his way.

Hitler and his group despised democracy. So do Trump and his chums. They just want power and too many "wrong" people vote. Election denying is pure fascism when it does not present any evidence. Its not just that trump is a narcissist. He is a deeply evil man.Like Hitler.

Hitler hated minorities. So does trump and trumpism. The nazis told women to get back in the home. So do trumpists. The nazis murdered gay folk. Trump vilifies them and works to remove them from society.

The nazis burned books, so does trumpism. Intellectuals were murdered by nazis. Check out trumpism and climate change.

This is not controversial. The biggest eye opener was the way that German society backed down at every opportunity. They thought that they were being clever. But Hitler just took the concession and moved on to the next level.

Those GOP politicians who have facilitated the rise of trump, looked the other way and swallowed their pride will have blood on their hands.

Trumpism isnt new. There is a long history of fascism in the US. If trump is elected then a noisy minority may see all their dreams come true.
We are right in the midst of it…the demafacist are in the White House, raging all out war on the working class and freedom
The Holocaust wouldn't have happened without Hitler. American fascism will not happen without Trump.

I'm not so sure about that. In fact, I don't think Trump is a fascist, despite the fact that man of his followers are. DeSantis, on the other hand ....
You could not travel in Germany without one, you ignorant baboon.
You certainly could fly in the US without one. I don't recall any one being stop on the road and have the Gestapo ask for their immunization record. But I live in Texas.

CDC uses a Do Not Board list to prevent travelers from boarding commercial airplanes if they are known or suspected to have a contagious disease that poses a threat to the public’s health.

The Do Not Board and Lookout lists have been used for people with suspected or confirmed infectious tuberculosis (TB), including multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), and measles. During 2020-2022, CDC used these authorities to restrict travel of people with COVID-19 and close contacts who were recommended to quarantine. These authorities were also used for mpox during 2022. Travel restrictions can also be used for other suspected or confirmed contagious diseases that could pose a public health threat during travel, including viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola.

The rabid right has gotten more rabid lately. Somethings bothering them these days.
I'm not so sure about that. In fact, I don't think Trump is a fascist, despite the fact that man of his followers are. DeSantis, on the other hand ....
Trump has no political ideology. What he wants can only be done by a dictator. He wants to be like Putin, a glorified thief in charge of a kleptocracy.
DeSantis has a sadistic streak in him. I bet he had a stiffy the whole time he was at Gitmo.
You certainly could fly in the US without one. I don't recall any one being stop on the road and have the Gestapo ask for their immunization record. But I live in Texas.

CDC uses a Do Not Board list to prevent travelers from boarding commercial airplanes if they are known or suspected to have a contagious disease that poses a threat to the public’s health.

The Do Not Board and Lookout lists have been used for people with suspected or confirmed infectious tuberculosis (TB), including multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), and measles. During 2020-2022, CDC used these authorities to restrict travel of people with COVID-19 and close contacts who were recommended to quarantine. These authorities were also used for mpox during 2022. Travel restrictions can also be used for other suspected or confirmed contagious diseases that could pose a public health threat during travel, including viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola.

The rabid right has gotten more rabid lately. Somethings bothering them these days.
Couldn’t travel,couldn’t go to a restaurant,ballgame or concert. Couldn’t work.

We’re you even paying attention?
A lecture to the Colonies about Fascism from a freaking country America saved from a Nazi invasion about 80 years ago? WTF?
Freedom fighters? 🤔 Really?
You guys are scared of the truth! And no one can tell you what to do! But, go ahead. Fight for your freedom. Against whom? Your fellow citizens.
Go get'em cowboy! I hope you hit what you're aiming at! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Lol, a lefty who believes Men can have babies preaching about truth.

How cute lil guy.
Its not just elections.It is every facet of a civilised society. When librarians are public enemies it is time to worry. Everything has been debaased and trashed in trumps image.
Indeed it has, BUT: He merely (and shamelessly, of course) took advantage of a condition that already existed. He released the Kraken.

So this has never been about him. This is about a sociological rot that has been growing for a long time. The question now is whether it's too late to do anything about it.

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