HOW 'Free' are we in this country? Man faces jail for flying flag....

Do you know the government can dictate how long you can fly a flag on your own property? Does that sound like you are truly 'free' in this country? Doesn't that sound like a little bit too much government control?

Remember your answer
Does it make a difference now that the flag the man facing a $2,000 fine or jail has been flying is a Donald Trump "Make America Great Again" flag?

SHOULD it matter, on your own property? If your 1st reaction above was one of frustration and thinking this was / is a little too much government control. Now.... 'Funny' how much difference partisanship makes....

NJ Homeowner Faces Jail for Flying Trump Flag

NJ towns have LOTS OF STRANGE TOWN ORDINANCES. amazingly idiotic and mostly not even enforceable. ------like-----sex between married couples
must be ONLY in missionary position----(I am not kiddin'....). --------blue laws----
(that which cannot be sold on sunday-------milk yes------but not beer) ------grocery stores would adapt by CLOSING whole aisles-----or simply closing. -----there were more-------and neighbors would not hesitate to CALL THE COPS. I was once attacked by THREE SQUAD CARS for sitting on the swings in the child playground
-----one block from my house------on a warm june evening with a friend------parks
closed in that little Nazi town at "sundown" (the three squad cars was the WHOLE TOWN POLICE FORCE-------I hope no one else was engaged in crime at that moment and no cat had gotten stuck up a tree<<<< for that the fire department
responded anyway

So you were openly engaging in Communist Pleasure Swinging.

Those are some strange laws and weird laws like that can be found all over the country.

If people would just adopt the idea that you can do what you want but don't be a jackass about it things would be alot simpler. But Jackassery is not outlawed, so it flourishes.
Do you know the government can dictate how long you can fly a flag on your own property? Does that sound like you are truly 'free' in this country? Doesn't that sound like a little bit too much government control?

Remember your answer

Another good reason not to live in New Jersey.

such local town ordinances are not unique to jersey------there are actually DRY TOWNS out there in the BIBLE BELT
Now if that guy flies his Trump flag above the US flag, then go ahead and jail the motherfucker...:D
That's actually a fortuitous situation. Many times HOAs will have it in their bylaws that anyone who purchases a house in the neighborhood is automatically part of the HOA, regardless of notification or consent. And apparently the courts have affirmed that an HOA has the power to treat the mere act of purchase of the house as implied consent to join, as well as make membership in the HOA a mandatory condition of sale.
Great point leading to a great question.....that's a lot of power for potential 'neighbors', isn't it? Is it Constitutional for a group of neighbors to bond together and declare they have the authority to FORCE people to automatically become one of them and have to abide by their laws if you buy a house? (Reminds me of a UNION - you can have a job but that makes you one of us subject to OUR laws / rules.....)

Yes, it's constitutional, because constitutional protections apply to government actions. An HOA is a private entity subject to essentially the same kind of privileges to create burdens and duties as any private contract. Though IMO the whole idea of implicit consent is otherwise inconsistent with the concepts of contract law. The only real way to clip the wings of HOAs is through state law. Personally, I don't know why so many people are apathetic to HOA abuse and don't advocate their legislatures to protect their personal rights better. Maybe there's an HOA lobby out there that we don't know about.
That's actually a fortuitous situation. Many times HOAs will have it in their bylaws that anyone who purchases a house in the neighborhood is automatically part of the HOA, regardless of notification or consent. And apparently the courts have affirmed that an HOA has the power to treat the mere act of purchase of the house as implied consent to join, as well as make membership in the HOA a mandatory condition of sale.
Great point leading to a great question.....that's a lot of power for potential 'neighbors', isn't it? Is it Constitutional for a group of neighbors to bond together and declare they have the authority to FORCE people to automatically become one of them and have to abide by their laws if you buy a house? (Reminds me of a UNION - you can have a job but that makes you one of us subject to OUR laws / rules.....)

Yes, it's constitutional, because constitutional protections apply to government actions. An HOA is a private entity subject to essentially the same kind of privileges to create burdens and duties as any private contract. Though IMO the whole idea of implicit consent is otherwise inconsistent with the concepts of contract law. The only real way to clip the wings of HOAs is through state law. Personally, I don't know why so many people are apathetic to HOA abuse and don't advocate their legislatures to protect their personal rights better. Maybe there's an HOA lobby out there that we don't know about.
We have a few laws here in CA that protected us homeowners from the tyranny of HOAs. We can put satellite dishes up wherever they work best on our houses, we can put up solar our HOA, I refused to water our yard all last year due to the drought....they knew not to start something with me.
Goverments should control themselves
They make such stupid laws.... :shock:

grandfathered IN.......... how about laws against doing the laundry on sunday?----
in fact NUDE SUNBATHING in the back yard is also prohibited and-----drinking a beer whilst sitting on your own front steps-----is called PUBLIC DRINKING-----if you
LAWN is located------in view------no picnic with cans of beer during the family barbecue
Local laws. Dude should abide or move.

Nope, the guy has a first amendment right to fly the flags when ever he wants, political speech is protected, when ever a person choses to exercise it. See the Citizens United decision.
No one is totally free, crying about that is like crying about the existence of the sun
Not pushing back is slowly forfeiting your rights....

Pushing back against what? The rules?
The encroachment of the govt onto your rights.

For example - PRIME example" Passage of the ACA, whether you agree or not, was the result of a government / politicians not giving a damn what the people wanted and FORCING an agenda / edict onto them instead. Liberals FORCED a minority-supported piece of legislation that pushed an extremely liberal agenda into law against the overwhelming majority of opposition from the American people. Liberals arrogantly then issued the 'decree' that Americans did not even have the right to know what was in it until they had passed the 'edict' into law.

Citizens can either moan ad whimper like a whore, roll over and take it - surrendering more of their rights and freedom as the emboldened politicians, or they can push / fight back against such arrogant, non-representative self-appointed would-be ruling politicians.

And the GOP tried to stop the ACA with a minority in the Senate.
Do you know the government can dictate how long you can fly a flag on your own property? Does that sound like you are truly 'free' in this country? Doesn't that sound like a little bit too much government control?

Remember your answer
Does it make a difference now that the flag the man facing a $2,000 fine or jail has been flying is a Donald Trump "Make America Great Again" flag?

SHOULD it matter, on your own property? If your 1st reaction above was one of frustration and thinking this was / is a little too much government control. Now.... 'Funny' how much difference partisanship makes....

NJ Homeowner Faces Jail for Flying Trump Flag
You can’t go to Mexico or Canada or Europe. Hell you can’t even go to your friends homes Next door. They’re talking about no one being allowed to drive unless for a very few certain reasons. Like, you can’t say you’re going to your vacation home.

So for now you are only free to walk. And wherever you walk stay 6 feet away. No assembling. Maybe corona was from the government. Can’t even buy weapons right now.

orwellian shit
The government doesn't decide. That's a fallacy. The people decide. If they don't like it, all they have to do is petition their representatives or replace them.
LOL, that's a cute fantasy and makes for nice bumper stickers but actual results disagree with your assertions. You might want to check out the underlying statistics regarding the power of incumbency and do a little bit of checking at incidents of the individual getting crushed beneath the heel of government with no reasonable remuneration to be had.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but "We The People" aren't in charge anymore; welcome to the oligarchy, enjoy your stay and keep off the fucking grass.

"we the people" are a lot MORE in charge ----than "we the people" ever were in
history----------there are lots of very REACTIONARY people amongst "we the people"
Are you kidding? Government serves the corporations. They even buried their heads on corona because business said so. Maybe if we didn’t have a Billionaire science denier running the country.
Do you know the government can dictate how long you can fly a flag on your own property? Does that sound like you are truly 'free' in this country? Doesn't that sound like a little bit too much government control?

Remember your answer
Does it make a difference now that the flag the man facing a $2,000 fine or jail has been flying is a Donald Trump "Make America Great Again" flag?

SHOULD it matter, on your own property? If your 1st reaction above was one of frustration and thinking this was / is a little too much government control. Now.... 'Funny' how much difference partisanship makes....

NJ Homeowner Faces Jail for Flying Trump Flag
I live in a condo. Should I be free to fly a nazi flag or confederate flag?
If the facts of the OP story are correct and complete, then this is a fucking travesty. It is outrageous the city is outlawing a political sign. That's the whole POINT of free speech in America. It's to protect political dissent.

I can't believe anyone would excuse or favor making this guy take down his Trump flag.

If he loses the case, I hope he takes it all the way to the Supreme Court so they can kick that city in the nuts. Hard.
I live in condos. No signs. I’m going to ask the president if I could put a biden sign on the inside of my window. Just can’t have any signs or flags, although I do see MSU and u of m flags flyiNG so we don’t abide by that law because no ones complaining. But if someone does they’ll have to take the flags down.

if you live on ten acres it’s different than if you live in a subdivision

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