HOW 'Free' are we in this country? Man faces jail for flying flag....

There actually might be a law against flying a flag that is to high or some silly ordinance. I suspect if this was a go Obama flag this person would not be facing any charges at all. That is the real crime behind this. It would be kind of interesting if someone could show that the only reason this law was enforced was because the person enforcing it didn't like Donald Trump. It could violate a person's freedom of speech. Governments in this country are prohibited from doing such a thing.
There actually might be a law against flying a flag that is to high or some silly ordinance. I suspect if this was a go Obama flag this person would not be facing any charges at all. That is the real crime behind this. It would be kind of interesting if someone could show that the only reason this law was enforced was because the person enforcing it didn't like Donald Trump. It could violate a person's freedom of speech. Governments in this country are prohibited from doing such a thing.

right------and even little towns do not do it---------old ladies who spend their days
looking out of their windows REPORT it and cops MUST RESPOND-----because
of this or that ordinance
There actually might be a law against flying a flag that is to high or some silly ordinance. I suspect if this was a go Obama flag this person would not be facing any charges at all. That is the real crime behind this. It would be kind of interesting if someone could show that the only reason this law was enforced was because the person enforcing it didn't like Donald Trump. It could violate a person's freedom of speech. Governments in this country are prohibited from doing such a thing.

PS------it is often a matter of------"neighborhood old lady does not like her next door
The government doesn't decide. That's a fallacy. The people decide. If they don't like it, all they have to do is petition their representatives or replace them.
LOL, that's a cute fantasy and makes for nice bumper stickers but actual results disagree with your assertions. You might want to check out the underlying statistics regarding the power of incumbency and do a little bit of checking at incidents of the individual getting crushed beneath the heel of government with no reasonable remuneration to be had. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but "We The People" aren't in charge anymore; welcome to the oligarchy, enjoy your stay and keep off the fucking grass.
That's why we need public financing of elections. The present system ensures the oligarchy will thrive into the foreseeable future.

I agree with your assessment of the outcome but not your prescription for addressing it, "public financing" of elections is a red herring since any system of "public financing" is going to be designed and enforced by the people that are already in power, you think they're going to implement a system that removes them from power (or even in the tiniest way diminishes it)? You'd only end up with a "public financing" system that further entrenches the oligarchy.

Sorry no silver bullets to be had, this is just history repeating itself (i.e. same shit, different day and the sunsets aren't usually pretty).
P.S. According to the video this isn't about flags, it's about political signage.
So you're saying a 'flag' is a 'political sign'...and a government has the authority to tell you that you can't fly a 'political sign' on your own property...
The government doesn't decide. That's a fallacy. The people decide. If they don't like it, all they have to do is petition their representatives or replace them.
LOL, that's a cute fantasy and makes for nice bumper stickers but actual results disagree with your assertions. You might want to check out the underlying statistics regarding the power of incumbency and do a little bit of checking at incidents of the individual getting crushed beneath the heel of government with no reasonable remuneration to be had. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but "We The People" aren't in charge anymore; welcome to the oligarchy, enjoy your stay and keep off the fucking grass.
That's why we need public financing of elections. The present system ensures the oligarchy will thrive into the foreseeable future.

I agree with your assessment of the outcome but not your prescription for addressing it, "public financing" of elections is a red herring since any system of "public financing" is going to be designed and enforced by the people that are already in power, you think they're going to implement a system that removes them from power (or even in the tiniest way diminishes it)? You'd only end up with a "public financing" system that further entrenches the oligarchy.

Sorry no silver bullets to be had, this is just history repeating itself (i.e. same shit, different day and the sunsets aren't usually pretty).

Local laws. Dude should abide or move.
But do you agree that even the local government should have the authority to dictate what flag you can fly or for how long on your own property? How much is 'too far'? Seriously wondering, no 'attack'...
The government doesn't decide. That's a fallacy. The people decide. If they don't like it, all they have to do is petition their representatives or replace them.
Yeah, sorta the way the democrats forced a minority-supported piece of legislation into law against the will of the majority of Americans while telling them they had no right to know what was in it until it had been passed....
So you're saying a 'flag' is a 'political sign'

Perhaps. It's not unreasonable to treat a flag with a political slogan the same way as a sign with the same slogan.

...and a government has the authority to tell you that you can't fly a 'political sign' on your own property...

So you're saying a 'flag' is a 'political sign'

Perhaps. It's not unreasonable to treat a flag with a political slogan the same way as a sign with the same slogan.

...and a government has the authority to tell you that you can't fly a 'political sign' on your own property...


yes----local town ordinances can tell you when to MOW your lawn------overgrown grass on your own property can violate an ordinance
Simply a matter of whether or not the flag qualifies as political signage. In today's society where common sense is lacking on both sides, simple ordinances need a book to define each word in the ordinance and provide examples. In some of these cases I side with the community. While on others I think the individual is being an ass. It's one of those things where you know it when you see.

On this one I'd side with the individual and think a mountain is being made out of a molehill. To me it doesn't matter what the flag says, if it is being hung from a legitimately placed flagpole then I don't think its message is any more obtrusive than if it said Rutgers or Penn State. If I'm the judge I'm siding with the guy and determining the ordinance's intent points to a more limited definition of signage.
The government doesn't decide. That's a fallacy. The people decide. If they don't like it, all they have to do is petition their representatives or replace them.
LOL, that's a cute fantasy and makes for nice bumper stickers but actual results disagree with your assertions. You might want to check out the underlying statistics regarding the power of incumbency and do a little bit of checking at incidents of the individual getting crushed beneath the heel of government with no reasonable remuneration to be had. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but "We The People" aren't in charge anymore; welcome to the oligarchy, enjoy your stay and keep off the fucking grass.
That's why we need public financing of elections. The present system ensures the oligarchy will thrive into the foreseeable future.

I agree with your assessment of the outcome but not your prescription for addressing it, "public financing" of elections is a red herring since any system of "public financing" is going to be designed and enforced by the people that are already in power, you think they're going to implement a system that removes them from power (or even in the tiniest way diminishes it)? You'd only end up with a "public financing" system that further entrenches the oligarchy.

Sorry no silver bullets to be had, this is just history repeating itself (i.e. same shit, different day and the sunsets aren't usually pretty).

Yeah thanks, it's always pleasant to hear from the sheeple over at club conformity; best of luck in your endeavors to vote your way into freedom, peace & prosperity, let me know how that works out for ya.

In the meantime I need to go check on how the bread for those circuses is coming along.....

"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop" -- Herbert Stein
Simply a matter of whether or not the flag qualifies as political signage. In today's society where common sense is lacking on both sides, simple ordinances need a book to define each word in the ordinance and provide examples. In some of these cases I side with the community. While on others I think the individual is being an ass. It's one of those things where you know it when you see.

On this one I'd side with the individual and think a mountain is being made out of a molehill. To me it doesn't matter what the flag says, if it is being hung from a legitimately placed flagpole then I don't think its message is any more obtrusive than if it said Rutgers or Penn State. If I'm the judge I'm siding with the guy and determining the ordinance's intent points to a more limited definition of signage.

yeah? ok ------there are lots of TOWN ORDINANCES around the country-----I did hear of one long ago that forbid hanging laundry on the CLOTHES LINE in ones yard SUNDAY and encountered a person cited for it
No one is totally free, crying about that is like crying about the existence of the sun
Not pushing back is slowly forfeiting your rights....

Pushing back against what? The rules?
The encroachment of the govt onto your rights.

For example - PRIME example" Passage of the ACA, whether you agree or not, was the result of a government / politicians not giving a damn what the people wanted and FORCING an agenda / edict onto them instead. Liberals FORCED a minority-supported piece of legislation that pushed an extremely liberal agenda into law against the overwhelming majority of opposition from the American people. Liberals arrogantly then issued the 'decree' that Americans did not even have the right to know what was in it until they had passed the 'edict' into law.

Citizens can either moan ad whimper like a whore, roll over and take it - surrendering more of their rights and freedom as the emboldened politicians, or they can push / fight back against such arrogant, non-representative self-appointed would-be ruling politicians.
Nothing about this makes sense. There needs to be more information.


I surmise this is a HOA issue?

HOA's suck


I bought my house from a military buddy who got tapped with a short-notice deployment. Having to complete all the paperwork quickly, in the rush I was never asked prior to the sale being finalized to sign the document forcing me to become a member of the Housing Association.

After I bought the house I went on vacation later. I had someone put my trash cans out while I was gone, but because of an unexpected event I did not get home until 2 days after I had planned, leaving the trash cans out 1 (ONE) day longer than they should have been left out. Within 15 minutes of getting home, the President and the Vice of the HOA were at my door to point out how I had violated their rules and to threaten me with calling the police next time (no kidding). It was my great pleasure to tell them I was not a member and to check it out if they wanted...which they did, finding out to THEIR great DIS-pleasure I did NOT have to follow their rules. Afterwards they tried to pressure me and intimidate me to join, but I refused. (I eventually made it clear I would not do anything to detract from the value of the homes in the HOA / neighborhood because it did not benefit me in any way to do so but as far as their rules, they could stick them.)

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