How George Soros Became The Subject Of So Many Far-Right Conspiracies

Tried to hide it all. Got caught. You support the creepiest people.

There is no "all," moron. Taking a rid on your friend's plane is what's known as "hospitalty." It's not a taxable event. It's perfectly legal and it wasn't even against ethics rules until quite recently,

As always, you're just another Trump hating boob who doesn't know what he's talking about.
You mean like the billionaire who illegally bribes Clarence Thomas? If you don't like Soros legally donating, you must agree Clarence Thomas needs to step down after this was revealed right?

There are two distressing aspects to the scandal of Justice Clarence Thomas’s years of accepting luxurious vacations and private jet trips from a billionaire, as revealed last week in a damning investigation by ProPublica.

The first is that these gifts came from a man who seems to have strong feelings about issues that come before the Supreme Court. The second is the lack of bipartisan outrage at malfeasance that corrodes the standing of the nation’s highest court.

Suggesting that Democrats and Republicans agree on anything involving the Supreme Court these days sounds like the ramblings of a madman. But it is worth recalling that the last time such serious allegations were made against a sitting justice, Congress did respond firmly and in bipartisan fashion. Justice Abe Fortas’s departure from the court in 1969 is both a blueprint for how lawmakers could respond today and a benchmark of how far we have fallen.

Fortas, a Democratic appointee, got caught up in a scandal that involved much smaller dollar amounts than the lavish trips Justice Thomas took, even factoring in inflation.

This I got from the NY Times.

Clarence Thomas should have never been on the SCOTUS to begin with. He is an affirmative action hire.
That's why I'm all for an extra tax on inheritance over $10 million. 50% tax. So if my parents left me and my brother $20 million we would get $15 million. The other $5 million goes into Social Security Fund. Time for the rich to give back the money they "stole" from us legally through Reagan, Bush and Trump.

And the people who earned the money are dead. Can't feel sorry for them. And their kids still get $7.5 million each.
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

Take all inheritances over $100,000 from the Daddy-moochers. Anything more than that severely tilts the economic playing field.
So then don't worry about spending. Spending keeps the economy going. Don't worry about debt. When social security goes broke, just print more money to fund it.

Stop cutting social programs. If you aren't worried about the debt why make those cuts?
Here's the Mattress

The government owns $14 trillion in gold, which it uses to pay down the debt. Look it up. (The government sold off all its silver decades ago for the same reason).
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

Take all inheritances over $100,000 from the Daddy-moochers. Anything more than that severely tilts the economic playing field.
The daddy moochers? If daddy want's to let you mooch, who are you to say he can't? You seem to believe you have rights to his money.

You don't have shit to say about his money. The moochers are all the douchebags who believe they are entitled to a chunk of Daddy's money. What entitles you to any of it? What entitled government to any of it? Daddy is the only one who is entitled to say who gets his money. Not you, and not the government. You and government are the moochers. I've never heard of anything more absurd than calling someone's children "daddy moochers."
Clarence Thomas should have never been on the SCOTUS to begin with. He is an affirmative action hire.
Sotomayor, Kagan and Ketanji Jackson are the one who should not have been on it. They are literally affirmative action hires.
Just report it.

How about how the guy purchased Clarence's moms home and she still lives in it?

Come on dude. He has to disclose this stuff. He didn't. Why? Two reasons

1. It's unethical

2. It will look shady

You're acting like the Supreme Court Justice doesn't know the laws.
So you and your ilk stirred up this huge brouhaha so you could tell Thomas to report is trips and on friend's boat?

Thomas is only one of several owners. The house is only worth $143,000. How much do you image he made off the sale? $5000?

No one knows all the laws. We all know the real reason is so you can take the heat off of Joe and Hunter.

Tried to hide it all. Got caught. You support the creepiest people.

On thing. And the amount of money involved is trivial.

The Republicans love to use George Soros as their boogieman. For years it was only right wing conspiracy theorists, Fox News and Rush doing it. But now even the Republican front runner (Trump) is doing it. George Soros isn't the boogieman. For example, Trump said the prosecutor is tied to GEORGE SOROS. Yea, because George Soros donated to a group who donated to that prosecutor. But ANY connection and Republicans will see what they want to see. It's ridiculous and it's time us liberals stand up for George Soros. He is not a monster. He's simply a rich guy who donates to Democrats because like me he sees Republicans for what they are. And yes there is a bit of anti semitism in their attack on Mr Soros.
Soros donates to radical leftists that have infiltrated the Democrat party. He does this through foundations with nice sounding names. His ultimate aim is to take down America. He is a vile, evil man.
There is no "all," moron. Taking a rid on your friend's plane is what's known as "hospitalty." It's not a taxable event. It's perfectly legal and it wasn't even against ethics rules until quite recently,

As always, you're just another Trump hating boob who doesn't know what he's talking about.
It's about Justice Thomas, not Trump. You fail.

Trump pay for people's medicare?

HE pays taxes?
Isn't that why you want to take 90% of his estate when he dies?

Yem Trump pays taxes. One year he didn't pay taxes because his losses were greater than what he earned. Prog idiots like you pretend that happens every year.
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

Take all inheritances over $100,000 from the Daddy-moochers. Anything more than that severely tilts the economic playing field.
Nonsense. I'm going to get $400,000 someday. Now you're going too far. And if we did this, my dad would just slowly give me money while he's alive. Tax free.

I only want to impose a death tax on extreme wealth because


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