How George Soros Became The Subject Of So Many Far-Right Conspiracies

None, you fucking moron. If there were any you could name them.

No comparison.

You don't even know how much money Trump has raised and who's giving him the money.

What are dark money groups?

In the politics of the United States, dark money refers to spending to influence elections where the source of the money is not disclosed to voters.

Perfectly fine because of Citizens United.

Bottom line. Don't cry about Soros when you have so many Soros' on your side. Should we pick on your Soros'? Out them and boycot their corporations? Is that what you are asking us to do?

I say we should just say corporations need to stay out of our politics. The CEO of the corporation can donate his money. His company needs to stay out of our politics. Agreed?
You cons need to stop going to the sites you go to and read what we are telling you because Fox and sources like them are lying to you!!!

Did CNN, barely surviving in the ratings, or the NY Times, who won Pulitzers for writing fiction, tell you that?

Or perhaps it was the Democrat disinformation pushers / propagandandists who have and continue to try to silense anyone who opposes their narratives while spreading disinformation, propaganda and lies...

Democrats don't know what a woman is, don't know what bathroom to use, believe biological males can give birth, brag online about Trangender-confusing kids, and have been caught committing Perjury, making up non-existent whistleblowers, and manufacturing false evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by trying to illegally remove a sitting President from office...

...and we are suppose to believe you are the 'truth tellers'.

Did CNN, barely surviving in the ratings, or the NY Times, who won Pulitzers for writing fiction, tell you that?

Or perhaps it was the Democrat disinformation pushers / propagandandists who have and continue to try to silense anyone who opposes their narratives while spreading disinformation, propaganda and lies...

Democrats don't know what a woman is, don't know what bathroom to use, believe biological males can give birth, brag online about Trangender-confusing kids, and have been caught committing Perjury, making up non-existent whistleblowers, and manufacturing false evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by trying to illegally remove a sitting President from office...

...and we are suppose to believe you are the 'truth tellers'.

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He deserved to be impeached both times. Don't worry, Mitch protected Trump's crimes. Mitch even said he was guilty for starting the insurrection. Who are you kidding?

Me thinks I'm talking to a conspiracy theory nutjob.

Trump loves whistleblowers until they whistle on him. Or leakers. A leaker told him he'd be arrested. He liked that right?

The 34 counts trump is indicted on now are the weakest of the crimes he's committed. More to come. Stay tuned.

What did the prosecutors wife say?
The water, itself, is the evidence. Any more brainstorms coming? Should we seek shelter?
Richard Ellis Uihlein and Elizabeth Uihlein are American billionaire business people, founders of Uline and conservative donors. Richard is also an heir to the Schlitz brewing fortune.

Why go after George and not him?

This guy gives a lot to Republicans too

Kenneth Cordele Griffin is an American hedge fund manager, entrepreneur and investor. He is the founder, chief executive officer, co-chief investment officer, and 80% owner of Citadel LLC, a multinational hedge fund. He also owns Citadel Securities, one of the largest market makers in the U.S.

Jeffrey S. Yass is an American options trader and billionaire. He is the co-founder and managing director of the Philadelphia-based Susquehanna International Group and an early investor in TikTok.

OMG the chinese owned tiktok is donating to Republicans?
He deserved to be impeached both times.

I stopped reading yiur debunked bullshit at this point because you are beating a dead horse with 'stupid' again.


Democrats were literally caught red-handed committing TREASON by committing perjury, criminally altering transcripts, claiming to have proven non-existent whistleblowers, and manufacturing false evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by trying to illegally remove a sitting President from office.

Nothing you said after this was worth reading because you have no credibility after this.
I stopped reading yiur debunked bullshit at this point because you are beating a dead horse with 'stupid' again.


Democrats were literally caught red-handed committing TREASON by committing perjury, criminally altering transcripts, claiming to have proven non-existent whistleblowers, and manufacturing false evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by trying to illegally remove a sitting President from office.

Nothing you said after this was worth reading because you have no credibility after this.

Mitch was too scared of Trump supporters to convict Trump but even he admits Trump was responsible for the insurrection

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said that there was no question that former President Donald Trump was "practically and morally responsible" for provoking the January 6 US Capitol insurrection despite the Senate voting to acquit Trump for inciting the riot.
I stopped reading yiur debunked bullshit at this point because you are beating a dead horse with 'stupid' again.


Democrats were literally caught red-handed committing TREASON by committing perjury, criminally altering transcripts, claiming to have proven non-existent whistleblowers, and manufacturing false evidence in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by trying to illegally remove a sitting President from office.

Nothing you said after this was worth reading because you have no credibility after this.

When you accuse George Soros, accuse him of being like Crow, the Koch Family and even your messiah Trump himself

Mitch was too scared of Trump supporters to convict Trump but even he admits Trump was responsible for the insurrection

Mitch is as much a POS as Democrats - he was about the only Republican who joined the Democrats in the 'Ukraine' ponzi scheme, lining their pockets with tax dollars.

The Republicans love to use George Soros as their boogieman. For years it was only right wing conspiracy theorists, Fox News and Rush doing it. But now even the Republican front runner (Trump) is doing it. George Soros isn't the boogieman. For example, Trump said the prosecutor is tied to GEORGE SOROS. Yea, because George Soros donated to a group who donated to that prosecutor. But ANY connection and Republicans will see what they want to see. It's ridiculous and it's time us liberals stand up for George Soros. He is not a monster. He's simply a rich guy who donates to Democrats because like me he sees Republicans for what they are. And yes there is a bit of anti semitism in their attack on Mr Soros.
Its the same story with transgender Americans now. They've run out of other boogeymen to try to fire up their base. They have seen that ostracizing ethnic minorities, women, etc... has not played now it's transgender Americans.

They, by definition, can't be inclusive so they will always need an enemy at the gates.
He deserved to be impeached both times. Don't worry, Mitch protected Trump's crimes. Mitch even said he was guilty for starting the insurrection. Who are you kidding?

Me thinks I'm talking to a conspiracy theory nutjob.

Trump loves whistleblowers until they whistle on him. Or leakers. A leaker told him he'd be arrested. He liked that right?

The 34 counts trump is indicted on now are the weakest of the crimes he's committed. More to come. Stay tuned.

What did the prosecutors wife say?

Richard Ellis Uihlein and Elizabeth Uihlein are American billionaire business people, founders of Uline and conservative donors. Richard is also an heir to the Schlitz brewing fortune.

Why go after George and not him?

This guy gives a lot to Republicans too

Kenneth Cordele Griffin is an American hedge fund manager, entrepreneur and investor. He is the founder, chief executive officer, co-chief investment officer, and 80% owner of Citadel LLC, a multinational hedge fund. He also owns Citadel Securities, one of the largest market makers in the U.S.

Jeffrey S. Yass is an American options trader and billionaire. He is the co-founder and managing director of the Philadelphia-based Susquehanna International Group and an early investor in TikTok.

OMG the chinese owned tiktok is donating to Republicans?
I have never denied that some Republicans are owned by China.

How George Soros Became The Subject Of So Many Far-Right Conspiracies​

Primarily by funding far leftwing fubar policies and candidates.
Its the same story with transgender Americans now. They've run out of other boogeymen to try to fire up their base. They have seen that ostracizing ethnic minorities, women, etc... has not played now it's transgender Americans.

They, by definition, can't be inclusive so they will always need an enemy at the gates.
You mean now the left has decided to get the transgendered riled up since Hispanics and blacks are no longer swallowing their horseshit,
Mitch is as much a POS as Democrats - he was about the only Republican who joined the Democrats in the 'Ukraine' ponzi scheme, lining their pockets with tax dollars.
You don't know what you are talking about. Geopolitical is not your area of expertise. Stay in your lane goober.

The Republicans love to use George Soros as their boogieman. For years it was only right wing conspiracy theorists, Fox News and Rush doing it. But now even the Republican front runner (Trump) is doing it. George Soros isn't the boogieman. For example, Trump said the prosecutor is tied to GEORGE SOROS. Yea, because George Soros donated to a group who donated to that prosecutor. But ANY connection and Republicans will see what they want to see. It's ridiculous and it's time us liberals stand up for George Soros. He is not a monster. He's simply a rich guy who donates to Democrats because like me he sees Republicans for what they are. And yes there is a bit of anti semitism in their attack on Mr Soros.

like me he sees Republicans for what they are.

And what would that be, exactly?

How George Soros Became The Subject Of So Many Far-Right Conspiracies​

Primarily by funding far leftwing fubar policies and candidates.
I know but why is Trump complaining about him after he was arrested? He's a conspiracy theory nut just like the rest of you.

Do you know how many right wing George Soros' were behind
And what would that be, exactly?

Economically? Trickle downers. Instead of 50 people making $100K they think it's better that 100 people make $50K a year.

Socially? Anti freedom. Anti gay, racists, people who hate immigrants and treat women like second class citizens. Overly religious types. Science deniers. American Taliban.
You are nuts. We have a fucked up criminal justice system. Do you know when it started? When Len Bias OD'd and died. Look at the war Republicans waged on drugs after that. Look at how many people we got locked up. And look how WHITE cocaine got less time in jail than BLACK crack.

You know who also agrees with Soros on the criminal injustice system? The Koch brothers. Only they have different reasons. They see they pay a lot in taxes and a lot of tax dollars go to the prison industrial complex. Private prisons, etc..

You guys have demonized a great man. A phylanthropist. Because you don't like his liberal agenda. See? Even some rich people aren't so greedy that they vote GOP. GOP is for trickle down. Rich people first. Lower wages for workers. No regulations or accountability for corporations. Give corporations personhood. Citizens United.

Thank god we have a few billionaires on our side.

Also, there's a hint of anti semitism in your attacks on George. It doesn't go unnoticed. Probably why 70% of American jews vote Democratic.

GOP is for trickle down. Rich people first. Lower wages for workers. No regulations or accountability for corporations.

The rich people on the left are no different. They use the exact same loopholes, and do the exact same things as rich people on the right. Rich people on the right give to charity the same as those on the left. You say the GOP is “trickle down”, but I don’t see anyone on the left being any more benevolent. Wages by ALL companies have been stagnant for years. If the left were all about “the people”, why didn’t they raise the pay of their employees decades ago? Because, like corporations run by people on the right, they have to manage their business for maximum profit and to keep the board members and stock holders happy, and rich.

As far as “rich people first”, again, I don’t see rich lefty’s on the street handing out thousand dollar bills. And those lefty’s who say there should be a higher tax on the rich, again, there is a way to donate to the government. If those rich lefty’s really feel that way, why aren’t they handing over millions to the government voluntarily?

The point here is, it’s disingenuous to call out the right for these things, because they all do the same thing.
I know but why is Trump complaining about him after he was arrested? He's a conspiracy theory nut just like the rest of you.

Do you know how many right wing George Soros' were behind

Economically? Trickle downers. Instead of 50 people making $100K they think it's better that 100 people make $50K a year.

Socially? Anti freedom. Anti gay, racists, people who hate immigrants and treat women like second class citizens. Overly religious types. Science deniers. American Taliban.

Ok, so how are the left any better than the “trickle downers”? You have many corporations owned and operated by liberals…how have they been any different than those run by republicans? They all seem to operate pretty much exactly the same. The lefts approach is “we should take more money from the rich and give it to the poor”, ok, but if that’s the case, then why don’t we see these rich liberals giving away all their money?

As far as your social comment, those people exist in both sides, but it, in no way, represents the party as a whole, or their ideology. You only believe that because left wing media picks out all the stories that help their agenda and splatters it all over the internet. There a many millions of right who are just fine with gay people and trans people.

I’m not sure what you mean about anti freedom, please list some examples.

Nobody hates immigrants, that’s one of those things leftist media sells you to gin up your hate. Every situation you hear about when it comes to immigration is about illegal immigration. I can’t recall anyone saying that other people should not be able to come to America, just do it legally.

Women as second class citizens. Again, cite some examples. Abortion? It’s the one thing where the right draws the line. They see that pregnancy as a baby and thus that baby deserves a chance to live.

The left is doing its own good job of turning women into second class citizens because now they are having to compete with trans people, who are biologically men.

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