How George Soros Became The Subject Of So Many Far-Right Conspiracies

I know but why is Trump complaining about him after he was arrested?

A massively stupid and ignorant question from sillybozo. Bragg is one of the beneficiaries of $oros’ funding. The shit that Bragg is doing is exactly what shitballs, like Soro$, wanted.
He's a conspiracy theory nut just like the rest of you.
Nah. That’s just your imbecility talking.
Do you know how many right wing George Soros' were behind
Oh so close. That was almost a sentence. But, alas, sillybozo couldn’t quite pull it off.
Ok, so how are the left any better than the “trickle downers”? You have many corporations owned and operated by liberals…how have they been any different than those run by republicans? They all seem to operate pretty much exactly the same. The lefts approach is “we should take more money from the rich and give it to the poor”, ok, but if that’s the case, then why don’t we see these rich liberals giving away all their money?

As far as your social comment, those people exist in both sides, but it, in no way, represents the party as a whole, or their ideology. You only believe that because left wing media picks out all the stories that help their agenda and splatters it all over the internet. There a many millions of right who are just fine with gay people and trans people.

I’m not sure what you mean about anti freedom, please list some examples.

Nobody hates immigrants, that’s one of those things leftist media sells you to gin up your hate. Every situation you hear about when it comes to immigration is about illegal immigration. I can’t recall anyone saying that other people should not be able to come to America, just do it legally.

Women as second class citizens. Again, cite some examples. Abortion? It’s the one thing where the right draws the line. They see that pregnancy as a baby and thus that baby deserves a chance to live.

The left is doing its own good job of turning women into second class citizens because now they are having to compete with trans people, who are biologically men.
That's the way our government operates. Boy would I love it if it was clear cut. Democrats are the labor party and Republicans are the corporation party. Then we'd always win because there are more of us workers than there are owners.

I listen to left, center and right wing media and if what they are saying is true (and Fox was discovered recently to be KNOWINGLY lying to it's idiot audience) but if what the 3 are telling me is true, I'm a liberal progressive Democrat. Based on what all three sides are saying. The more right wing sources you show me the further left I go.
A massively stupid and ignorant question from sillybozo. Bragg is one of the beneficiaries of $oros’ funding. The shit that Bragg is doing is exactly what shitballs, like Soro$, wanted.

Nah. That’s just your imbecility talking.

Oh so close. That was almost a sentence. But, alas, sillybozo couldn’t quite pull it off.
OMG! Bragg's campaign accepted legal money from a group that took money from Soros!!!

They can't do that!!!! Can they?

Can they you dumb fuck? Is there anything illegal about Bragg's campaign taking money from a group that took money from Soros? Are you fucking kidding me?
A massively stupid and ignorant question from sillybozo. Bragg is one of the beneficiaries of $oros’ funding. The shit that Bragg is doing is exactly what shitballs, like Soro$, wanted.

Nah. That’s just your imbecility talking.

Oh so close. That was almost a sentence. But, alas, sillybozo couldn’t quite pull it off.

So if Soros took Bragg on expensive trips that would bother you?

For more than 20 years now, conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been accepting luxury trips from billionaire and Republican super donor Harlan Crow, without reporting them in his financial disclosures, a news investigation from ProPublica found.

OMG! Bragg's campaign accepted legal money from a group that took money from Soros!!!
You are hyperventilating. Take a deep breath. Then, gfy.
They can't do that!!!! Can they?
Obviously they can. And did.

Already answered you fucking assmuncher.
Is there anything illegal about Bragg's campaign taking money from a group that took money from Soros?
Please quote where I ever said that was not allowed. Be precise. None of your usual fudging.
Are you fucking kidding me?
No, bitch. It’s just reality that befuddles you.
So if Soros took Bragg on expensive trips that would bother you?
For more than 20 years now, conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been accepting luxury trips from billionaire and Republican super donor Harlan Crow, without reporting them in his financial disclosures, a news investigation from ProPublica found.
Don’t care.
Sillybozo often laughs out loud for no reason. He is a completely befuddled retard.

The Republicans love to use George Soros as their boogieman. For years it was only right wing conspiracy theorists, Fox News and Rush doing it. But now even the Republican front runner (Trump) is doing it. George Soros isn't the boogieman. For example, Trump said the prosecutor is tied to GEORGE SOROS. Yea, because George Soros donated to a group who donated to that prosecutor. But ANY connection and Republicans will see what they want to see. It's ridiculous and it's time us liberals stand up for George Soros. He is not a monster. He's simply a rich guy who donates to Democrats because like me he sees Republicans for what they are. And yes there is a bit of anti semitism in their attack on Mr Soros.
Nearly everything Soros does counters the intent of America's Founding Fathers. That is not a conspiracy. It's a fact.

Don’t care.

Sillybozo often laughs out loud for no reason. He is a completely befuddled retard.
So we all agree when Trump brings up Soros, he's got nothing. All he has is that Democratic prosecutors accept campaign contributions from liberals and conservatives. And of course it's not going to be a Trump appointed judge who brings charges against Trump. They pledged him their loyalty. But notice even they through out his claims that the election was rigged.

So connecting Bragg to Soros is pathetic of Trump and you. It's just making shit up. Pulling shit out of your asses.

Remember Trump and his team met with Russians who said they had dirt on Hillary. They also had connections to Putin. But Trump doesn't mind working with the dark side if he serves him.

I think Soros is a great man. Philanthopist. Gives a lot to charity.
Nearly everything Soros does counters the intent of America's Founding Fathers. That is not a conspiracy. It's a fact.
But the right passed citizens united allowing dark money to come into play. At least you are seeing clearly that Soros is contributing to Democrats. What about all the dark money going to politicians?

Every trip Clarence took from Billionaire Crow. How did the Founding Fathers feel about that? You know. It was inappropriate. Don't deny it. You can argue that they all PROBABLY do it so he shouldn't have to step down. I disagree. But you can't say him not disclosing all those trips wasn't an ethics violation. Lower courts can't do it why can he? Soooo fucking corrupt.

Soros is a person who donates his money. You got a problem with that? No you don't. In fact, your party wants to make Corporations into people. Give them the rights of people and let them unfairly influence our politics.

Why did the founders not like Soros? Or the Koch Brothers? Or Mr. Crow. Please explain it to us all why they are a problem. Or is it just Soros?

The Republicans love to use George Soros as their boogieman. For years it was only right wing conspiracy theorists, Fox News and Rush doing it. But now even the Republican front runner (Trump) is doing it. George Soros isn't the boogieman. For example, Trump said the prosecutor is tied to GEORGE SOROS. Yea, because George Soros donated to a group who donated to that prosecutor. But ANY connection and Republicans will see what they want to see. It's ridiculous and it's time us liberals stand up for George Soros. He is not a monster. He's simply a rich guy who donates to Democrats because like me he sees Republicans for what they are. And yes there is a bit of anti semitism in their attack on Mr Soros.
He finances the most dangerous DA's in the US who ignore the law. There are a bunch of them. They wreck every city where Soros installs them. This isnt a theory at all. We know their names and how much he donated to them. :cuckoo:

The Republicans love to use George Soros as their boogieman. For years it was only right wing conspiracy theorists, Fox News and Rush doing it. But now even the Republican front runner (Trump) is doing it. George Soros isn't the boogieman. For example, Trump said the prosecutor is tied to GEORGE SOROS. Yea, because George Soros donated to a group who donated to that prosecutor. But ANY connection and Republicans will see what they want to see. It's ridiculous and it's time us liberals stand up for George Soros. He is not a monster. He's simply a rich guy who donates to Democrats because like me he sees Republicans for what they are. And yes there is a bit of anti semitism in their attack on Mr Soros.
Always have defended SOROS from the bizarre personal attacks on his character and person.
You know what you would say if it was a Republican judge and prosecutor like Liz Chaney, McCain, Romney??? You'd say they were RINO's.

Unfortunately for you the next charges coming against Trump are in Georgia. That was a Republican secretary of state he called asking him to manufacture 150,001 more votes for him. "Which is one more than we need" Trump said "oh give me a break" trump said on the call. As if it's easy for a SOS to just manufacture 150,001 votes.

Makes me wonder if Florida and Texas elections aren't rigged. Trump seemed to know something perhaps after working with another swing state that probably went to Biden.

The Republicans love to use George Soros as their boogieman. For years it was only right wing conspiracy theorists, Fox News and Rush doing it. But now even the Republican front runner (Trump) is doing it. George Soros isn't the boogieman. For example, Trump said the prosecutor is tied to GEORGE SOROS. Yea, because George Soros donated to a group who donated to that prosecutor. But ANY connection and Republicans will see what they want to see. It's ridiculous and it's time us liberals stand up for George Soros. He is not a monster. He's simply a rich guy who donates to Democrats because like me he sees Republicans for what they are. And yes there is a bit of anti semitism in their attack on Mr Soros.
He’s a convenient distraction from the truth that the MAGA god is a criminal.
That's the way our government operates. Boy would I love it if it was clear cut. Democrats are the labor party and Republicans are the corporation party. Then we'd always win because there are more of us workers than there are owners.

I listen to left, center and right wing media and if what they are saying is true (and Fox was discovered recently to be KNOWINGLY lying to it's idiot audience) but if what the 3 are telling me is true, I'm a liberal progressive Democrat. Based on what all three sides are saying. The more right wing sources you show me the further left I go.
Democrats are the corporation party, dumbass.
Always have defended SOROS from the bizarre personal attacks on his character and person.
And to be fair, I have always called out the Koch brothers for doing what Soros does. But that's because I have a problem with the policies they are trying to get passed.

Lately the Koch's have switched to prison reform. Not because they care about the people but because this is a place where we spend a lot of money. Prisons. If we could reform our prison system that would save them money because they pay a lot of taxes. Plus this is something people like me won't complain about. I actually agree with them prisons need reforming. I'd rather make Martha Stewart spend 6 months in prison instead of 1 year but fine the shit out of her. So cut the prison cost on her in half and actually make money by fining her a lot of money.

If you rape or murder you go to jail.

We need to start treating people we are mad at differently than people we are afraid of. You know what I mean? If we aren't afraid of you, then let your ass out. Make you pay a huge penalty to the victims and the courts and be on probation working and paying off your debts. If you fall behind or stop paying you may have to go to jail but only last resort.

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