How George Soros Became The Subject Of So Many Far-Right Conspiracies

You're right. What is weird is Clarence Thomas going on trips with a guy who's known for having a huge collection on Nazi memorabilia.

So clearly you guys love Jews and Blacks so long as they are conservatives.
This is rich coming from the side that told Blacks if they did not vote Democrat then they are not Black. Where’s the love?
This is rich coming from the side that told Blacks if they did not vote Democrat then they are not Black. Where’s the love?

How does Ben Carson justify voting with the KKK? I guess his attitude is black people have to get past that. Racism will always exist and the black community needs to stop blaming whites for the conditions of their hoods. Owner mentality instead of victim mentality.

Earlier someone else pointed out 70% of American Jews vote Democratic too. One could say you aren't a real American jew if you vote for Trump.

Only conservative republican jews vote Republican. One's that wanted Bush to invade Iraq. Netenyahoo's I call them.
How does Ben Carson justify voting with the KKK? I guess his attitude is black people have to get past that. Racism will always exist and the black community needs to stop blaming whites for the conditions of their hoods. Owner mentality instead of victim mentality.

Earlier someone else pointed out 70% of American Jews vote Democratic too. One could say you aren't a real American jew if you vote for Trump.

Only conservative republican jews vote Republican. One's that wanted Bush to invade Iraq. Netenyahoo's I call them.
When did Carson ever "vote with the KKK," whetever the hell that means.
OMG! Bragg's campaign accepted legal money from a group that took money from Soros!!!

They can't do that!!!! Can they?

Can they you dumb fuck? Is there anything illegal about Bragg's campaign taking money from a group that took money from Soros? Are you fucking kidding me?

LOL! ^^^The FBI fuckboi is getting angry.
Soros financed him, you dumb asshole.
Yes and no. SOROS himself has financed candidates for office (which Bragg was), and so have groups he's funded. But when an election is over, nobody finances and controls the DAs office.

You probably watch too many tv cable series and movies where shit in your imagination happens.
Soros financed him, you dumb asshole.
That's a lie. We know that Soros donated to a group and that group donated to Bragg's campaign. Soros did not donate to Bragg.

Even if he did, so what? Is that illegal? You're suggesting something sinister you can't prove. Is Soros the Boogie man or something?
Why not? They're all such paragons of virtue, these Trump Liars.

Let me remind you what I said yesterday

The only way BackAgain will be happy is if it's a Trump appointed prosecutor and judge to bring charges against Trump.

Meet the chief federal judge overseeing several high-profile Trump grand jury probes​

In one of his first official acts, Chief Judge Boasberg issued what could become a landmark ruling that directs former Vice President Mike Pence to testify about his contacts with Trump in the days before the insurrection.

Boasberg started his judicial career in the D.C. Superior Court, where he was appointed by then-President George W. Bush. Years later, President Barack Obama elevated him to a seat on the federal court, where he won unanimous confirmation by the Senate in 2011.

Let me remind you what I said yesterday

The only way BackAgain will be happy is if it's a Trump appointed prosecutor and judge to bring charges against Trump.

Meet the chief federal judge overseeing several high-profile Trump grand jury probes​

In one of his first official acts, Chief Judge Boasberg issued what could become a landmark ruling that directs former Vice President Mike Pence to testify about his contacts with Trump in the days before the insurrection.

Boasberg started his judicial career in the D.C. Superior Court, where he was appointed by then-President George W. Bush. Years later, President Barack Obama elevated him to a seat on the federal court, where he won unanimous confirmation by the Senate in 2011.

Unanimous confirmation? Has to be a Deep State plan
really? is this how your twisted mind works?

go away
This is what they do. They imagine the worse with Soros but meanwhile there are 1000 Republican Soros' donating the exact same way Soros is.

NO! They are donating dark money. At least Soros isn't trying to hide his donations. And even if he did, because of Republicans on the Supreme court, it would be perfectly legal. And Republicans are doing that too. So if they complained, which they would, they'd just be hypocrites, which they are.

In his mind Soros gave Bragg $1 million dollars to go after Trump. No proof.

But for 30 years Billionaire Crow took Clarence Thomas and his wife on expensive trips and nothing to see here everyone.
This is what they do. They imagine the worse with Soros but meanwhile there are 1000 Republican Soros' donating the exact same way Soros is.

NO! They are donating dark money. At least Soros isn't trying to hide his donations. And even if he did, because of Republicans on the Supreme court, it would be perfectly legal. And Republicans are doing that too. So if they complained, which they would, they'd just be hypocrites, which they are.

In his mind Soros gave Bragg $1 million dollars to go after Trump. No proof.

But for 30 years Billionaire Crow took Clarence Thomas and his wife on expensive trips and nothing to see here everyone.
But, but, but SOROS is a Jew! Yet they support Israel. Why the dissonance? Because they are awaiting the End Times. :rofl:

Dystopian troglodytes

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