How George Soros Became The Subject Of So Many Far-Right Conspiracies

That's the way our government operates. Boy would I love it if it was clear cut. Democrats are the labor party and Republicans are the corporation party. Then we'd always win because there are more of us workers than there are owners.

I listen to left, center and right wing media and if what they are saying is true (and Fox was discovered recently to be KNOWINGLY lying to it's idiot audience) but if what the 3 are telling me is true, I'm a liberal progressive Democrat. Based on what all three sides are saying. The more right wing sources you show me the further left I go.

Democrats are the labor party and Republicans are the corporation party

See, I disagree with that. They (the left) tell you that, but I think they are all the same. For example, if the left were the labor party, then why weren’t all these companies run by liberals at the forefront of increased wages? Why did it take society screaming for $15 per hour before these lefty run businesses started paying that? If they were really the party of labor, they should have been paying $15 per hour a decade ago.

When it comes to money, greed, and profits, the left and the right come from the same corner.
Why did Reagan, Bush and Trump give them tax breaks?

Stop being a liar

We're the union party not you. I know Trump tried to steal them but that was a con.

If tax breaks are so bad, if they are immoral…why didn’t any coloration run by lefties refuse them? You know, you can do that right? You don’t have to take those deductions.

The left likes to complain about those tax cuts, but lefty businesses loved having them and they all took advantage of them.

Again, I’m business, there is no difference between the left and right.
New York DA Morgenthau protected Trump. Trump donated to his campaigns and to Morgenthau's favorite charities.

Morgenthau is dead now.

Sooner or later, karma catches up to everyone.
You’re a douche.
See, I disagree with that. They (the left) tell you that, but I think they are all the same. For example, if the left were the labor party, then why weren’t all these companies run by liberals at the forefront of increased wages? Why did it take society screaming for $15 per hour before these lefty run businesses started paying that? If they were really the party of labor, they should have been paying $15 per hour a decade ago.

When it comes to money, greed, and profits, the left and the right come from the same corner.
The Preppy Republic

Both cliques comprise spoiled richkids and their house slaves. That class is unAmerican. They all should go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where they belong. Allowing hereditary wealth was America's Original Sin.
You are nuts. We have a fucked up criminal justice system. Do you know when it started? When Len Bias OD'd and died. Look at the war Republicans waged on drugs after that. Look at how many people we got locked up. And look how WHITE cocaine got less time in jail than BLACK crack.

You know who also agrees with Soros on the criminal injustice system? The Koch brothers. Only they have different reasons. They see they pay a lot in taxes and a lot of tax dollars go to the prison industrial complex. Private prisons, etc..

You guys have demonized a great man. A phylanthropist. Because you don't like his liberal agenda. See? Even some rich people aren't so greedy that they vote GOP. GOP is for trickle down. Rich people first. Lower wages for workers. No regulations or accountability for corporations. Give corporations personhood. Citizens United.

Thank god we have a few billionaires on our side.

Also, there's a hint of anti semitism in your attacks on George. It doesn't go unnoticed. Probably why 70% of American jews vote Democratic.

Your wrong about one thing:

The GOP is for trickle UP, they may call it 'trickle down' to gaslight the masses, but all the money trickles up, not down.
Conspiring to fuck over Britain's economy for profit wasn't a theory.

But anyway, a leftwing asshole conspiring to do something like that would make it a confirmed LEFT-wing conspiracy, not a RIGHT-wing theory wouldn't it.

Is he still in politics?

Clarence Thomas accepts gifts from a billionaire who has a HUGE Nazi memorabilia collection.

Compare that to one southern Democrat who dressed up in blackface 40 years ago. How much do Republicans pay for these pictures? If anyone can produce a Democrat in black face. What is that worth?
So anyone who voted for Trump is as good as being a member of the KKK?

Idiocies like that are the reason everyone laughs at progs.
This is why it's hard talking to you. Is that what you think I said?

I'm just wondering how black Americans or Bruce Jenner can vote GOP when the party is so racist and homophobic.

I know why. Because the GOP is the party for the rich. Why else would rich Ben Carson and rich Bruce Jenner vote GOP?
Your wrong about one thing:

The GOP is for trickle UP, they may call it 'trickle down' to gaslight the masses, but all the money trickles up, not down.
Explain. Because the way I understand trickle down is you take care of the rich and corporations. Cut their taxes as much as possible. Then they will take that money and either hire or spend it on things and that helps us, the rabble.

Now you explain how the GOP is the trickle up party. Never heard that before.
Is he still in politics?

Clarence Thomas accepts gifts from a billionaire who has a HUGE Nazi memorabilia collection.

Compare that to one southern Democrat who dressed up in blackface 40 years ago. How much do Republicans pay for these pictures? If anyone can produce a Democrat in black face. What is that worth?

No one cares other than deranged progs.
Explain. Because the way I understand trickle down is you take care of the rich and corporations. Cut their taxes as much as possible. Then they will take that money and either hire or spend it on things and that helps us, the rabble.

Now you explain how the GOP is the trickle up party. Never heard that before.
"Trickle down" is just an insulting label some left-winger invented to refer to it. There's no such economic policy. Allowing people to keep their money rather than the government taking it always benefits taxpayers.

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