How has the Trump presidency negatively affected your quality of life?

You say that, yet you can’t explain how I am wrong.

Trump's already done more to benefit the middle and poor class than then the previous 4 presidents combined. Next!
You’re basing that on absolutely nothing lol. Can’t you think for yourself for once?

Wrong, dumbshit. I'm basing it on the EOs he's signed and the policies he's enacted. Cutting taxes, revamping NAFTA, streamlining the EPA, encouraging domestic production, securing the borders. Things that have needed to be done for years. Whatcha think about that? I'm not some unthinking mook like you. From my observations, you absolutely do not know how to critically think. You're a simple online shill.

Here's a nice link for ya, thanks to PoliticalChic :

Report: Blue-collar Job Growth At Highest Level In 30 Years

So, what evidence do you have to the contrary, aye?

What's that? Jack Squat?! Color me surprised...not!
Lol we already had record high job growth before he came into office.

So now it’s okay for a president to sign a shitload of EO’s?

Those tax cuts did jack shit besides making rich people richer. Corporations didn’t use the money they saved on labor. They just kept it most of it like they always do. Why you people have such a hard time understanding that is way beyond me.

Lol so him flip flopping on NAFTA doesn’t matter huh? Oh and the tariffs are raising prices on several different profucts.

You don’t even understand the importance of having the EPA. Maybe you like to pretend the EPA is hippie bullshit or something, but the actual function of the agency is critical. You’re too dense to understand that I guess.
The only fair way to use state and local deductions is to cap them at the lowest state's rate. That way we all get the same deduction, or no deduction.
Strive for the lowest common denominator and strive for poor public services

Hey America....let’s all be Mississippi
There is another thread regarding the Debt and interest on the Debt. The Federal Government is living on borrowed money. As the Debt rises so does the interest payment. If the states need to tighten their belts to level the playing field, so be it.

Here is a list of state income tax rates
Overall Tax Burden By State

My state also has a state sales tax, and a gas tax for highways, which is not shown in the above link. Plus property taxes and a 1% income tax for local schools. So we all pay taxes, some more and some less. Either way we're not MS. Growing the economy helps state revenues too.
We borrowed money to give tax cuts to billionaires an$ corporate America

Trump took away my state and local tax deduction

It affected my quality of life

We all lost state and local tax deductions. If your state and local taxes are too high, elect better pols.

Our state and local taxes provide excellent schools and public services.
Why should we be punished for taking care of our people?

So we now have to subsidize your shenanigans to defend you now?

Wow you sound like Norway .
The only fair way to use state and local deductions is to cap them at the lowest state's rate. That way we all get the same deduction, or no deduction.
Strive for the lowest common denominator and strive for poor public services

Hey America....let’s all be Mississippi
There is another thread regarding the Debt and interest on the Debt. The Federal Government is living on borrowed money. As the Debt rises so does the interest payment. If the states need to tighten their belts to level the playing field, so be it.

Here is a list of state income tax rates
Overall Tax Burden By State

My state also has a state sales tax, and a gas tax for highways, which is not shown in the above link. Plus property taxes and a 1% income tax for local schools. So we all pay taxes, some more and some less. Either way we're not MS. Growing the economy helps state revenues too.
We borrowed money to give tax cuts to billionaires an$ corporate America


How does taxing me more help my quality of life?
Trump took away my state and local tax deduction

It affected my quality of life

We all lost state and local tax deductions. If your state and local taxes are too high, elect better pols.

Our state and local taxes provide excellent schools and public services.
Why should we be punished for taking care of our people?

So we now have to subsidize your shenanigans to defend you now?

Wow you sound like Norway .

The OP asks how Trump has impactied quality of life

Being forced to downgrade public services impacts quality of life
The only fair way to use state and local deductions is to cap them at the lowest state's rate. That way we all get the same deduction, or no deduction.
Strive for the lowest common denominator and strive for poor public services

Hey America....let’s all be Mississippi
There is another thread regarding the Debt and interest on the Debt. The Federal Government is living on borrowed money. As the Debt rises so does the interest payment. If the states need to tighten their belts to level the playing field, so be it.

Here is a list of state income tax rates
Overall Tax Burden By State

My state also has a state sales tax, and a gas tax for highways, which is not shown in the above link. Plus property taxes and a 1% income tax for local schools. So we all pay taxes, some more and some less. Either way we're not MS. Growing the economy helps state revenues too.
We borrowed money to give tax cuts to billionaires and corporate America


In theory the corporate tax rate cut keeps corporations and good jobs here in the US, otherwise the corporations (like Pfizer, Burger King, Budweiser, Medtronic, Purina, McDermott, Seagate, Good Humor, Frigidare, etc.) bail overseas to lower tax rates. We want good jobs so we need to lower corporate taxes.

I'm on you side regarding the top personal tax rate. The top tax rate doesn't need a tax cut. They gained from the Corporate tax cut as well as from the stock market appreciation. The top tax rate needs to increase, either by the GOP, or if all else fails, by the dems.
I’d like to direct this question to the anti Trump folks with U.S. citizenship status for obvious reasons.
Given the amount of over the top outrage we’ve witnessed over a two year period one would think the haters will be able to post a laundry list of things here.....BUT I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess there will be very little participation from the Left in this one.
He is ugly and fat , narcissist, bully. Bigot, asshole and that brought out the uglies like him. He needs to go!!!!
Says a Clinton supporter
I dont like her. One doesnt have to be a liberal to hate a racist bigot, conman. Pussy grabber you know.
I’d like to direct this question to the anti Trump folks with U.S. citizenship status for obvious reasons.
Given the amount of over the top outrage we’ve witnessed over a two year period one would think the haters will be able to post a laundry list of things here.....BUT I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess there will be very little participation from the Left in this one.
He is ugly and fat , narcissist, bully. Bigot, asshole and that brought out the uglies like him. He needs to go!!!!
Says a Clinton supporter
I dont like her. One doesnt have to be a liberal to hate a racist bigot, conman. Pussy grabber you know.

He’s a racist bigot because he wants to do work for good Americans, defend our southern border and keep the human cockroaches out?
Do you grab dick or don’t grab pussy like the rest of us heterosexual men?
I’d like to direct this question to the anti Trump folks with U.S. citizenship status for obvious reasons.
Given the amount of over the top outrage we’ve witnessed over a two year period one would think the haters will be able to post a laundry list of things here.....BUT I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess there will be very little participation from the Left in this one.
He is ugly and fat , narcissist, bully. Bigot, asshole and that brought out the uglies like him. He needs to go!!!!
Says a Clinton supporter
I dont like her. One doesnt have to be a liberal to hate a racist bigot, conman. Pussy grabber you know.

He’s a racist bigot because he wants to do work for good Americans, defend our southern border and keep the human cockroaches out?
Do you grab dick or don’t grab pussy like the rest of us heterosexual men?
Too funny

Thanks for posting
It is no longer an option to have reasonable debate with family and friends. They have become part of the loony left who are so filled with anger and bitter resentment that they don't have the capacity for a measured discussion.
I voted for Trump. And even I have noticed a negative effect on one very important area. That would be in the divide between the Left, and the Right. While there has always been friction; I didn't want to believe that it was an unmendable divide. But alas...
Since the mass shooting of Republican leadership at a friendly ball game, to the gunning down of country music fans, and the endless rioting, and ever increasing violence from the Left; I've come to accept that there will likely never be a truly United America for my son's to inherit. And sadly it's entirely likely that the violence will continue to escalate. Possibly to civil war proportions. This November's midterms are the last thing the Leftists have to hold out hope for. And when they don't win them... They'll have absolutely nothing but hate, and desperation. And as we all know; men are at their most dangerous When they have nothing to lose.

This has been caused 100% by the left. They have been unwilling to give, heck unwilling to accept Trump as president.

Rather than take it as a lesson learned and a rejection of the Obama era politics, they started saying how Hillary should have been president based on popular vote, a method of voting for a president that this country has never used in its history.

They preach tolerance, but practice violence.

They preach gun control to "save lives" but can't wait to suck a fetus out through a tube, and give women the right to do so at any time during their pregnancy.

They preach "climate change" and force toy cars down our throats, and then fly in private jets to "climate conventions."

They preach "russian collusion" is why Trump won, and then get caught having paid Russians for a dirty dossier to use on Trump.
Last edited:
It is no longer an option to have reasonable debate with family and friends. They have become part of the loony left who are so filled with anger and bitter resentment that they don't have the capacity for a measured discussion.
Getting along is way overrated
I voted for Trump. And even I have noticed a negative effect on one very important area. That would be in the divide between the Left, and the Right. While there has always been friction; I didn't want to believe that it was an unmendable divide. But alas...
Since the mass shooting of Republican leadership at a friendly ball game, to the gunning down of country music fans, and the endless rioting, and ever increasing violence from the Left; I've come to accept that there will likely never be a truly United America for my son's to inherit. And sadly it's entirely likely that the violence will continue to escalate. Possibly to civil war proportions. This November's midterms are the last thing the Leftists have to hold out hope for. And when they don't win them... They'll have absolutely nothing but hate, and desperation. And as we all know; men are at their most dangerous When they have nothing to lose.

This has been caused 100% by the left. They have been unwilling to give, heck unwilling to accept Trump as president.

Rather than take it as a lesson learned and a rejection of the Obama era politics, they started saying how Hillary should have been president based on popular vote, a method of voting for a president that this country has never used in its history.

They preach tolerance, but practice violence.

They preach gun control to "save lives" but can't wait to suck a fetus out through a tube, and give women the right to do so at any time during their pregnancy.

They preach "climate change" and force toy cars down our throats, and then fly in private jets to "climate conventions."

They preach "russian collusion" is why Trump won, and then get caught having paid Russians for a dirty dossier to use on Trump.
Very true

We are unwilling to accept a man who is clearly unsuited to be President
I voted for Trump. And even I have noticed a negative effect on one very important area. That would be in the divide between the Left, and the Right. While there has always been friction; I didn't want to believe that it was an unmendable divide. But alas...
Since the mass shooting of Republican leadership at a friendly ball game, to the gunning down of country music fans, and the endless rioting, and ever increasing violence from the Left; I've come to accept that there will likely never be a truly United America for my son's to inherit. And sadly it's entirely likely that the violence will continue to escalate. Possibly to civil war proportions. This November's midterms are the last thing the Leftists have to hold out hope for. And when they don't win them... They'll have absolutely nothing but hate, and desperation. And as we all know; men are at their most dangerous When they have nothing to lose.

This has been caused 100% by the left. They have been unwilling to give, heck unwilling to accept Trump as president.

Rather than take it as a lesson learned and a rejection of the Obama era politics, they started saying how Hillary should have been president based on popular vote, a method of voting for a president that this country has never used in its history.

They preach tolerance, but practice violence.

They preach gun control to "save lives" but can't wait to suck a fetus out through a tube, and give women the right to do so at any time during their pregnancy.

They preach "climate change" and force toy cars down our throats, and then fly in private jets to "climate conventions."

They preach "russian collusion" is why Trump won, and then get caught having paid Russians for a dirty dossier to use on Trump.
Very true

We are unwilling to accept a man who is clearly unsuited to be President

In 2008, we seemed quite willing and we showed it again in 2012.
I’d like to direct this question to the anti Trump folks with U.S. citizenship status for obvious reasons.
Given the amount of over the top outrage we’ve witnessed over a two year period one would think the haters will be able to post a laundry list of things here.....BUT I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess there will be very little participation from the Left in this one.
For one, it gives me anxiety a moronic, whiny little bitch has access to the use of nuclear weapons. The second is that I feel completely embarrassed that this sack of garbage represents the most powerful nation on Earth. The third is that Trump and his band of corrupt/retarded GOP politicians will do absolutely NOTHING to help the middle class or poor.

As usual, Billygoat:



You say that, yet you can’t explain how I am wrong.

If you are wrong.
I voted for Trump. And even I have noticed a negative effect on one very important area. That would be in the divide between the Left, and the Right. While there has always been friction; I didn't want to believe that it was an unmendable divide. But alas...
Since the mass shooting of Republican leadership at a friendly ball game, to the gunning down of country music fans, and the endless rioting, and ever increasing violence from the Left; I've come to accept that there will likely never be a truly United America for my son's to inherit. And sadly it's entirely likely that the violence will continue to escalate. Possibly to civil war proportions. This November's midterms are the last thing the Leftists have to hold out hope for. And when they don't win them... They'll have absolutely nothing but hate, and desperation. And as we all know; men are at their most dangerous When they have nothing to lose.

This has been caused 100% by the left. They have been unwilling to give, heck unwilling to accept Trump as president.

Rather than take it as a lesson learned and a rejection of the Obama era politics, they started saying how Hillary should have been president based on popular vote, a method of voting for a president that this country has never used in its history.

They preach tolerance, but practice violence.

They preach gun control to "save lives" but can't wait to suck a fetus out through a tube, and give women the right to do so at any time during their pregnancy.

They preach "climate change" and force toy cars down our throats, and then fly in private jets to "climate conventions."

They preach "russian collusion" is why Trump won, and then get caught having paid Russians for a dirty dossier to use on Trump.
Very true

We are unwilling to accept a man who is clearly unsuited to be President

In 2008, we seemed quite willing and we showed it again in 2012.
Yet, an overwhelming majority of Americans supported the Great Obama

Something, Crooked Donnie can never claim
I voted for Trump. And even I have noticed a negative effect on one very important area. That would be in the divide between the Left, and the Right. While there has always been friction; I didn't want to believe that it was an unmendable divide. But alas...
Since the mass shooting of Republican leadership at a friendly ball game, to the gunning down of country music fans, and the endless rioting, and ever increasing violence from the Left; I've come to accept that there will likely never be a truly United America for my son's to inherit. And sadly it's entirely likely that the violence will continue to escalate. Possibly to civil war proportions. This November's midterms are the last thing the Leftists have to hold out hope for. And when they don't win them... They'll have absolutely nothing but hate, and desperation. And as we all know; men are at their most dangerous When they have nothing to lose.

This has been caused 100% by the left. They have been unwilling to give, heck unwilling to accept Trump as president.

Rather than take it as a lesson learned and a rejection of the Obama era politics, they started saying how Hillary should have been president based on popular vote, a method of voting for a president that this country has never used in its history.

They preach tolerance, but practice violence.

They preach gun control to "save lives" but can't wait to suck a fetus out through a tube, and give women the right to do so at any time during their pregnancy.

They preach "climate change" and force toy cars down our throats, and then fly in private jets to "climate conventions."

They preach "russian collusion" is why Trump won, and then get caught having paid Russians for a dirty dossier to use on Trump.
Very true

We are unwilling to accept a man who is clearly unsuited to be President

In 2008, we seemed quite willing and we showed it again in 2012.
Yet, an overwhelming majority of Americans supported the Great Obama

Something, Crooked Donnie can never claim

Like HRC, the Kenyan whored himself out to the filthy unAmericans in Mexifornia and Loon York...That’s all. Good, real Americans can’t fucking stand his ghetto ass.
First 100 Days: Trump and the Degradation of the Presidency

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Trump’s failure to accomplish little or any of his agenda during his first 100 days shouldn’t blind us to the vast harm he has done in this comparatively short time to our system of government, especially his degradation of the presidency.

From early in the Republic, we have looked at the office of the president as a focal point for the nation’s values. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and the two Roosevelts exemplified for generations of Americans the moral authority of the highest office in the land. It is not merely what these men accomplished, but how they did it; not just their policies but their positive effects on the institutions of democratic governance.

True, many of our presidents have fallen short of those ideals. But our disappointments in those individuals reflected the high expectations we have had for those who hold that office.

Yet under Trump, the moral authority of the presidency has all but disappeared.

I’m old enough to recall when John F. Kennedy invited the world’s great artists, writers, and philosophers to dine at the White House. The nation felt ennobled.

Donald Trump invites Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent, who once called President Obama a “mongrel,” and we feel sullied.

But it has not just been Trump’s vulgarity.

There have also been Trump’s lies – blatant, continuous, and unsubstantiated even after the lack of evidence has been pointed out repeatedly.

They are not just any lies, but lies that deepen Americans’ suspicion of one another and undermine our confidence in our system of government – such as his repeated contention that “three to five million” people voted illegally in the last election, or that Obama spied on him during the campaign.

Prior presidents have embellished the truth and on occasion have lied about a particular important thing, such as the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But never before Trump have we had a president who chronically lies, whose lies have become an integral part of his presidency even in the first 100 days.

There is also Trump’s vast family business, from which he continues to benefit even though the decisions he makes in office affect what he earns, and the almost certain decisions by foreign governments to curry favor with him by bestowing benefits on his business.

Trump shrugs off such conflicts – even refusing to release his tax returns, even inviting his daughter and son-in-law, each with their own businesses and conflicts of interest, to join him at the highest reaches of the White House.

Some presidents have profited from their presidencies after they leave office through large speaking fees and book contracts. But never before Trump have we had a president for whom conflicts of financial interest during his presidency are so flagrant yet ignored.

The first 100 days has also been marked by Trump’s divisiveness – turning Americans against each other, legitimizing hatefulness toward Mexican-Americans and Muslim-Americans and African-Americans, fueling violence between his supporters and his opponents.

We have had divisive elections before. But after them, other presidents have sought to heal the wounds. Even after the horrors of the Civil War, Lincoln famously asked us to come together without malice.

Trump, by contrast, has fomented the warring camps – calling his opponents “enemies,” suggesting they are plotting against his administration, and staging rallies to encourage and fuel his bedrock supporters.

We have also seen Trump’s cruelty – toward refugees, undocumented immigrants, and the poor among us. He has issued a budget that would deeply harm the least advantaged Americans, and supported a repeal of the Affordable Care Act that would also hurt those most in need.

He has refused asylum to refugees at a time when the world faces the largest refugee crisis since World War II, and unleashed immigration enforcers on 11 million residents of the United States, many of whom have been productive members of their communities for years. He has even deported people who have been here since childhood and know know no other nation.

Other presidents have on occasion been cruel. But Trump’s cruelty has defied reason. It is utterly unnecessary.

There has also been Trump’s affect on the rest of the world – legitimizing crude nationalism and hateful xenophobia. He has promoted France’s Marine Le Pen and encouraged authoritarians such as Turkey’s Tayyip Erdogan, while at the same time confusing our democratic allies and friends.

Finally, there is Donald Trump himself – who in the first 100 days as president has shown himself to be narcissistic, xenophobic, paranoid, vindictive, and thin-skinned; who takes credit for the work of others and blames others for his own failings; who lashes out at the press and journalists when they criticize him, and who demonizes judges who disagree with him.
First 100 Days: Trump and the Degradation of the Presidency

By Robert Reich!

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