How has Trump hurt or harmed you personally, tangibly, or physically?

Trump getting elected has helped my family.

My sons both have great jobs in this booming economy.

They both pay lesser taxes.

My 401K is doing great.

Because of Trump's tax cut this year I have about $300 more a month to spend on what I want rather than giving it some filthy ass bueracrats to be given away to welfare queens and Illegals.

God bless Trump!
Really? My 401 took a pretty good hit last year. Have you actually looked at yours?

I got a $2K tax INCREASE.

My son went without healthcare with a bad back for a year until I picked up the cost for him because of the increases that Republican policies caused.

So yea...

most of these people making claims about their 401k probably do not even know how to look at how it is doing.
Trump getting elected has helped my family.

My sons both have great jobs in this booming economy.

They both pay lesser taxes.

My 401K is doing great.

Because of Trump's tax cut this year I have about $300 more a month to spend on what I want rather than giving it some filthy ass bueracrats to be given away to welfare queens and Illegals.

God bless Trump!
Really? My 401 took a pretty good hit last year. Have you actually looked at yours?

I got a $2K tax INCREASE.

My son went without healthcare with a bad back for a year until I picked up the cost for him because of the increases that Republican policies caused.

So yea...

Yes I have looked at mine. It is doing great! When that worthless piece of shit Obama was President the DOW was about 18000. With Trump as President it is at 26,000. If you can't make money on investments in a growth market like that then you really need to reevaluate your portfolio. What are you invested in, Solyndra stock?

Of course you are the same Moon Bat idiot that can't figure our your income tax withholding so we know that you could never get investments right.
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All you can do is post that something is funny because you know the comment is right. You have no rebuttal so you would rather make yourself look like the ass you are(butt)!
Keep on kneeling before tRump and take your juice.

Ok Democrats, progressives, liberals, leftists, and socialists. Here's your chance to unload on President Trump. Please tell me if you can, exactly what has President Trump done to hurt, harm, or damage you personally, tangibly, or materially?

I don't mean vague idealistic concepts like "He messin' wit muh constutunal rights" or "Trump cheated muh HIllary."

I mean just what has Trump done to hurt you materially, to take something away from you, or to make your life worse off that it was before?
Ok Democrats, progressives, liberals, leftists, and socialists. Here's your chance to unload on President Trump. Please tell me if you can, exactly what has President Trump done to hurt, harm, or damage you personally, tangibly, or materially?

I don't mean vague idealistic concepts like "He messin' wit muh constutunal rights" or "Trump cheated muh HIllary."

I mean just what has Trump done to hurt you materially, to take something away from you, or to make your life worse off that it was before?
Stop whining about people not worshipping your cult leader...

I bet yo dumb ass asked this same question about Bush in the past....look at you now...
They are attempting to prove Trump has improved lives. That's like saying Trump is the reason unemployment is low. It's false, and demonstrably so. Even Trump is shitting himself over rising interest rates. Low inflation, moderate growth and a stable dollar have caused the econ to be where it is.

Gator is right that the stock market has gone flat since Trump initiated his "trade wars." But assuming the dow rose another 20% and we had uncertainty in rates and Europe ......
stock market being flat doesn't mean bad things at all. trading still takes place and citizens are making a lot of money. so what? why are you anti america?
Trump getting elected has helped my family.

My sons both have great jobs in this booming economy.

They both pay lesser taxes.

My 401K is doing great.

Because of Trump's tax cut this year I have about $300 more a month to spend on what I want rather than giving it some filthy ass bueracrats to be given away to welfare queens and Illegals.

God bless Trump!
Really? My 401 took a pretty good hit last year. Have you actually looked at yours?

I got a $2K tax INCREASE.

My son went without healthcare with a bad back for a year until I picked up the cost for him because of the increases that Republican policies caused.

So yea...
so you have no skillset investing i guess. that's on you bitch. My 401k went up 8%. Same president. so what's your point? Also, my IRA's went up 9%.
Ok Democrats, progressives, liberals, leftists, and socialists. Here's your chance to unload on President Trump. Please tell me if you can, exactly what has President Trump done to hurt, harm, or damage you personally, tangibly, or materially?

I don't mean vague idealistic concepts like "He messin' wit muh constutunal rights" or "Trump cheated muh HIllary."

I mean just what has Trump done to hurt you materially, to take something away from you, or to make your life worse off that it was before?
Thanks to his tariffs, prices on BOTH imported and domestically produced goods have increased. That is money out of my pocket every time I buy something.
Shop at the Dollar Store.
Ok Democrats, progressives, liberals, leftists, and socialists. Here's your chance to unload on President Trump. Please tell me if you can, exactly what has President Trump done to hurt, harm, or damage you personally, tangibly, or materially?

I don't mean vague idealistic concepts like "He messin' wit muh constutunal rights" or "Trump cheated muh HIllary."

I mean just what has Trump done to hurt you materially, to take something away from you, or to make your life worse off that it was before?

On the 22nd of Jan 2018 Trump issued his first tariffs showing that he was stupid enough to start a trade war. On that day the DJI was at 26,214.60. 407 days later it is at 25,814.55.

On that same day the S&P 500 was at 2,832.97, 407 days later it is at 2,791.67.

On that same day the NASDAQ was at 6,906.28, 407 days later it is at 7,154.91.

So, 407 days of stagnation in the financial markets. That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios.

That is 407 days of preparing for retirement that has been wasted thanks to a stupid, unneeded trade war. 407 days that we cannot get back.
You were issued a guarantee of growth for your 401k?

Of course not.

But again the question was asked in what tangible way I have been hurt. I gave an answer. My 401k grew slower due to Trump's actions, this is undeniable.
Actually, it is deniable. I am not saying that the tariffs did not harm the markets, but unless you remove any and all other possible reasons, then it is very deniable.

Without a guarantee of success, then you assume the risk which means you are as much at fault as he is if you chose the wrong investments.

I get what you are saying, but the reply by that other poster about the national debt actually has more validity to it. We each will have to pay more for the debt that is being wracked up.
I cant believe you mother fuckers are talkin bout trumps debt increases aint his fault :lol:
any debt acquired in his term is on him. why wouldn't. he signed the bills. shut the fking government down. he will do it again btw. I'll hope he keeps it there until a balanced budget is received. period.
It is quite obvious when someone tells you something you never seem to believe them, because you are smarter than everyone else.
Sounds quite familiar..doesn't it.
Trump says his ‘gut’ is more reliable than everyone else’s ‘brains’

Ok Democrats, progressives, liberals, leftists, and socialists. Here's your chance to unload on President Trump. Please tell me if you can, exactly what has President Trump done to hurt, harm, or damage you personally, tangibly, or materially?

I don't mean vague idealistic concepts like "He messin' wit muh constutunal rights" or "Trump cheated muh HIllary."

I mean just what has Trump done to hurt you materially, to take something away from you, or to make your life worse off that it was before?

On the 22nd of Jan 2018 Trump issued his first tariffs showing that he was stupid enough to start a trade war. On that day the DJI was at 26,214.60. 407 days later it is at 25,814.55.

On that same day the S&P 500 was at 2,832.97, 407 days later it is at 2,791.67.

On that same day the NASDAQ was at 6,906.28, 407 days later it is at 7,154.91.

So, 407 days of stagnation in the financial markets. That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios.

That is 407 days of preparing for retirement that has been wasted thanks to a stupid, unneeded trade war. 407 days that we cannot get back.
/----/ "That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios."
Nonsense. Unless you're 100% invested in indexes - your portfolio could be anywhere on the map. It depends on what stocks you owned - how often you trade - dividends and options trading. And what part of your investment strategy do you take responsibility for, anyway?

I have one account that I play around with, the 401ks and the other accounts I leave to trained professionals, though we do communicate often.

Regardless of how you have your money spread around, 407 days of stagnation in the markets affects everyone, there is no getting around it unless you have no money in the markets at all.

and all because Trump was stupid enough to think that Trade wars were easy to win...and you fools believed him!
/----/ " I leave to trained professionals, though we do communicate often. "
That's your first mistake. Never let anyone manage your money. Do your homework and make your own decisions because no one cares more about your financial security than you do. The so-called trained professions didn't do a very good job except when it came to making trades to earn more commissions. Join a local Stock Market Trading Club.
/----/ She's not your president either.
hillary fashion.jpg
He is making us more in debt. He embarrasses me a lot.
/---/ You stupid libtard - that's congresses responsibility - so where is Nancy Pants balanced budget?
That is funny. Before Trump you tards blamed it on the POTUS :lmao:
/----/ Some did - but not all of us. It's Congress. Yes the president can set the agenda but Congress controls the spending.
however, if he signs the bill he gets, it's now his. at least be honest. It is who we conservatives are.
It is quite obvious when someone tells you something you never seem to believe them, because you are smarter than everyone else.
Sounds quite familiar..doesn't it.
Trump says his ‘gut’ is more reliable than everyone else’s ‘brains’

On the 22nd of Jan 2018 Trump issued his first tariffs showing that he was stupid enough to start a trade war. On that day the DJI was at 26,214.60. 407 days later it is at 25,814.55.

On that same day the S&P 500 was at 2,832.97, 407 days later it is at 2,791.67.

On that same day the NASDAQ was at 6,906.28, 407 days later it is at 7,154.91.

So, 407 days of stagnation in the financial markets. That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios.

That is 407 days of preparing for retirement that has been wasted thanks to a stupid, unneeded trade war. 407 days that we cannot get back.
/----/ "That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios."
Nonsense. Unless you're 100% invested in indexes - your portfolio could be anywhere on the map. It depends on what stocks you owned - how often you trade - dividends and options trading. And what part of your investment strategy do you take responsibility for, anyway?

I have one account that I play around with, the 401ks and the other accounts I leave to trained professionals, though we do communicate often.

Regardless of how you have your money spread around, 407 days of stagnation in the markets affects everyone, there is no getting around it unless you have no money in the markets at all.

and all because Trump was stupid enough to think that Trade wars were easy to win...and you fools believed him!
/----/ " I leave to trained professionals, though we do communicate often. "
That's your first mistake. Never let anyone manage your money. Do your homework and make your own decisions because no one cares more about your financial security than you do. The so-called trained professions didn't do a very good job except when it came to making trades to earn more commissions. Join a local Stock Market Trading Club.
/----/ She's not your president either.
View attachment 248872

thank goodness
Trump wants a lower dollar, lower rates

Lower dollar means more expensive imports, more stuff made here and a rise in gnp. Claims of more mftring jobs are not supportable because mftring continues to need less humans.

If you like Lexus, you’re fucked.

Lower dollar also means that the Japanese can buy US debt with fewer Yen, and other countries as well.

Lower rates means a new car or house will cost less over the time of interest charged; that is, people buy more shit.

More shit bought and built here means a higher gnp.

The Fed does not really want a weaker dollar because it’s unwinding QE, which means its selling the bonds it "bought" during the recession. But the fed essentially buys by issuing an non-negotiable IOU for fed debt, and agrees to pay the interest to the Treasury. If the Fed chooses to not repurchase that bond, someone has to buy it. In effect the continuing deficts Trump is running are doubled because someone else has to buy the old debt. And and at WHAT INTEREST RATE?

That is one reason for rate hikes and why Trumpy Bear is so Grumpy.

And higher rates mean we buy less shit. And that means less GNP and less jobs.

IN SHORT WE’RE TAPPED OUT ON DEBT. We consumers borrowed weigh (-: too much on our houses to buy SHIT during the W years.
Ok Democrats, progressives, liberals, leftists, and socialists. Here's your chance to unload on President Trump. Please tell me if you can, exactly what has President Trump done to hurt, harm, or damage you personally, tangibly, or materially?

I don't mean vague idealistic concepts like "He messin' wit muh constutunal rights" or "Trump cheated muh HIllary."

I mean just what has Trump done to hurt you materially, to take something away from you, or to make your life worse off that it was before?

On the 22nd of Jan 2018 Trump issued his first tariffs showing that he was stupid enough to start a trade war. On that day the DJI was at 26,214.60. 407 days later it is at 25,814.55.

On that same day the S&P 500 was at 2,832.97, 407 days later it is at 2,791.67.

On that same day the NASDAQ was at 6,906.28, 407 days later it is at 7,154.91.

So, 407 days of stagnation in the financial markets. That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios.

That is 407 days of preparing for retirement that has been wasted thanks to a stupid, unneeded trade war. 407 days that we cannot get back.
You were issued a guarantee of growth for your 401k?

Of course not.

But again the question was asked in what tangible way I have been hurt. I gave an answer. My 401k grew slower due to Trump's actions, this is undeniable.
Actually, it is deniable. I am not saying that the tariffs did not harm the markets, but unless you remove any and all other possible reasons, then it is very deniable.

Without a guarantee of success, then you assume the risk which means you are as much at fault as he is if you chose the wrong investments.

I get what you are saying, but the reply by that other poster about the national debt actually has more validity to it. We each will have to pay more for the debt that is being wracked up.

i agree 100% about the debt, but I have tried in the past to show how it hurts me now and got shouted down every time, so thought I would try something a bit more tangible.
Ok Democrats, progressives, liberals, leftists, and socialists. Here's your chance to unload on President Trump. Please tell me if you can, exactly what has President Trump done to hurt, harm, or damage you personally, tangibly, or materially?

I don't mean vague idealistic concepts like "He messin' wit muh constutunal rights" or "Trump cheated muh HIllary."

I mean just what has Trump done to hurt you materially, to take something away from you, or to make your life worse off that it was before?

Trump has shaken up the deep state and the media in Washington - that's a good thing. He's surrounded by neocons but otherwise I believe he's done almost as much as he can within his control. He could do more if people realized how the bully pulpit works ( same with Obama - who even quoted the famous Frederick Douglas saying about power) and stopped buying into the MSM lies and propaganda.

That being said, whenever he leaves office, between the FBI and previous unpaid debts, he could be in a world of shit.

The People vs. Donald Trump: An Updated Guide to Every Major Lawsuit the President Faces
What are you talking about numb-nuts?
Pull your head out of tRumps ass once.

It is quite obvious when someone tells you something you never seem to believe them, because you are smarter than everyone else.
Sounds quite familiar..doesn't it.
Trump says his ‘gut’ is more reliable than everyone else’s ‘brains’

On the 22nd of Jan 2018 Trump issued his first tariffs showing that he was stupid enough to start a trade war. On that day the DJI was at 26,214.60. 407 days later it is at 25,814.55.

On that same day the S&P 500 was at 2,832.97, 407 days later it is at 2,791.67.

On that same day the NASDAQ was at 6,906.28, 407 days later it is at 7,154.91.

So, 407 days of stagnation in the financial markets. That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios.

That is 407 days of preparing for retirement that has been wasted thanks to a stupid, unneeded trade war. 407 days that we cannot get back.
/----/ "That is 407 days of little to no growth for my 401ks, that is 407 days of little to no growth for my investment portfolios."
Nonsense. Unless you're 100% invested in indexes - your portfolio could be anywhere on the map. It depends on what stocks you owned - how often you trade - dividends and options trading. And what part of your investment strategy do you take responsibility for, anyway?

I have one account that I play around with, the 401ks and the other accounts I leave to trained professionals, though we do communicate often.

Regardless of how you have your money spread around, 407 days of stagnation in the markets affects everyone, there is no getting around it unless you have no money in the markets at all.

and all because Trump was stupid enough to think that Trade wars were easy to win...and you fools believed him!
/----/ " I leave to trained professionals, though we do communicate often. "
That's your first mistake. Never let anyone manage your money. Do your homework and make your own decisions because no one cares more about your financial security than you do. The so-called trained professions didn't do a very good job except when it came to making trades to earn more commissions. Join a local Stock Market Trading Club.
/----/ She's not your president either.
View attachment 248872

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