How I really feel about Trump and politics


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
This may not go over too well because I'm going to step on partisan toes here on both sides.

Oh well, he it goes anyway.

It is my contention that the Swamp really wanted to elect Trump, even with the 24/7 Orange man is bad routine in the media. It's like the old saying, any press is good press, even if it is negative. Either way, it is advertisement. For example, you can't tell me that the 24/7 orgy of Trump is bad campaign in the media does not agitate voters on both sides, solidifying their positions even further and making them want to vote that much more.

Now consider how Ron Paul was treated as he did well early in one of the previous races for President. The press essentially ignored him.

But this is not true with Trump. Trump has always been front and center 24/7 in the media despite the Trump derangement syndrome we see in the media and abroad.

So why is this? I think that the Progressive agenda has core agendas that are nonnegotiable. They are as follows

1. Continued exponentially expanding debt.

2. Continued mass illegal immigration

3. Continued Abortion on demand

Now let's look at before Trump, during Trump, and after Trump.

1. Illegal immigration continues and no wall.
2. Exponentially increasing debt.
3. Abortion on demand reigns supreme.
4. Media and Hollywood and Academia are pissed out of their minds

So what happens if he loses?

1.. Illegal immigration continues and no wall.
2. Exponentially increasing debt.
3. Abortion on demand reigns supreme.
4. Media, Hollywood, and Academia are happy again.

When Trump leaves, the Left will be energized again, a much needed energy that was dead before Trump came on the scene.

Ron Paul threatened all of these pillars of the Progressive movement. That is why they ignored him like plague, even though he was doing very well early on.

Why do we have these pillars? It is my contention that the powers that be have the agenda of bringing down the Super power knowns as the United States in order to form a world government of some kind. This helps explain all 3 pillars of Progressivism in my opinion. Why a world government? To end wars, control exploding population levels, and ration natural resources world wide. It is the final solution.

In short, the elites are out to "save" us, by first destroying us.
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the swamp is a scapegoat for Trump and his drones.

something else he made up so he can blame them for his incompetence.
the swamp is a scapegoat for Trump and his drones.

something else he made up so he can blame them for his incompetence.

Trump is in a sweet spot here. He is not all that likeable, but the Swamp is even less likeable.

In short, Trump is a natural byproduct of the politics that came before him. The swamp and media are corrupt and out of control which led to us choosing Trump.

For example:

The media rails against Trump running the country like a tyrant for saying that businesses will not do business with China, even though he wrote no Executive Order or to do so like Obama did to ignore illegal immigration laws or wrote Executive orders to bypass his own health care legislation, etc.. They rail against him being Hitler when Trump is the first President not to go to war since Carter. And yes, the children in cages started under Obama back when no one cared................ cuz hey, Obama is a good guy. They rail against him for being a womanizer when Congress was just caught paying off sexually abused women in Congress to the tune of $17 million of taxpayer money as they continue to get elected. The list is still confidential, by the way. Democrats rail against Trump for being a racist by saying that the US is being invaded by hordes of illegal immigrants, which it is, but then turn a blind eye to their own political leaders who say anti-Semitic things against Jews in the US and who have said that they were a native American to gain certain perks when proven later to be a lie, and are on the verge of winning the Presidential nomination for it.

No matter who Trump may be, which is pretty bad, he is always outdone by the Swamp.
the swamp is a scapegoat for Trump and his drones.

something else he made up so he can blame them for his incompetence.

Trump is in a sweet spot here. He is not all that likeable, but the Swamp is even less likeable.

In short, Trump is a natural byproduct of the politics that came before him. The swamp and media are corrupt and out of control which led to us choosing Trump.

For example:

The media rails against Trump running the country like a tyrant for saying that businesses will not do business with China, even though he wrote no Executive Order or to do so like Obama did to ignore illegal immigration laws or wrote Executive orders to bypass his own health care legislation, etc.. They rail against him being Hitler when Trump is the first President not to go to war since Carter. And yes, the children in cages started under Obama back when no one cared................ cuz hey, Obama is a good guy. They rail against him for being a womanizer when Congress was just caught paying off sexually abused women in Congress to the tune of $17 million of taxpayer money as they continue to get elected. The list is still confidential, by the way. Democrats rail against Trump for being a racist by saying that the US is being invaded by hordes of illegal immigrants, which it is, but then turn a blind eye to their own political leaders who say anti-Semitic things against Jews in the US and who have said that they were a native American to gain certain perks when proven later to be a lie, and are on the verge of winning the Presidential nomination for it.

No matter who Trump may be, which is pretty bad, he is always outdone by the Swamp.
You are pretty much right on everything.
The Global Elite owns much of the GOP, the Democratic Party, the American Media and Hollywood.They had the champagne on ice when it appeared their candidate Hillary would win in 2016. That might have been the death knell for American independence had it not been for Donald Trump's astonishing victory.

The post America world may be inevitable but President Trump represents America's last gasp as the true independent world super power. Any true American should support him because when he is gone, the borders will open like you have never seen before, elections will be owned by Democrats at every level and the America our kids and their kids inherit will not be the America we know.
Trump and his followers daily remind me of psychics and their followers.

A psychic is a con artist. But to the psychic's believers, the psychic is a holy person surrounded with an aura of light, endowed with secret knowledge. The psychic could be sitting there with a cigarette dangling from her lip and open sores on her face, and the believers would still see an angel. The psychic could spit in their faces, and the followers would sell the phlegm as holy water with curative powers.

That's Trump. When you see him for what he really is, he is an ugly, ugly sight. But to his hypnotized, gullible herd, he is "The Chosen One".
Well, he promised the Trumpettes to be on no one's side but there's. They're not giving up the lie

No one can honestly give Trump the benefit of the doubt on ending illegal immigration, because he's done nothing about the .1% appetite for illegal workers. Imo he may be sincere in thinking illegal immigration is a scourge, and the Swamp of both parties demands MORE. But he doesn't have the appetite for really taking on the swamp. He caved to Coulter on doing a deal over the Dreamers. And he lacks the stones to take on the Kochs, and perhaps he just likes having cheap illegal labor at this golf courses.
the swamp is a scapegoat for Trump and his drones.

something else he made up so he can blame them for his incompetence.

Trump is in a sweet spot here. He is not all that likeable, but the Swamp is even less likeable.

In short, Trump is a natural byproduct of the politics that came before him. The swamp and media are corrupt and out of control which led to us choosing Trump.

For example:

The media rails against Trump running the country like a tyrant for saying that businesses will not do business with China, even though he wrote no Executive Order or to do so like Obama did to ignore illegal immigration laws or wrote Executive orders to bypass his own health care legislation, etc.. They rail against him being Hitler when Trump is the first President not to go to war since Carter. And yes, the children in cages started under Obama back when no one cared................ cuz hey, Obama is a good guy. They rail against him for being a womanizer when Congress was just caught paying off sexually abused women in Congress to the tune of $17 million of taxpayer money as they continue to get elected. The list is still confidential, by the way. Democrats rail against Trump for being a racist by saying that the US is being invaded by hordes of illegal immigrants, which it is, but then turn a blind eye to their own political leaders who say anti-Semitic things against Jews in the US and who have said that they were a native American to gain certain perks when proven later to be a lie, and are on the verge of winning the Presidential nomination for it.

No matter who Trump may be, which is pretty bad, he is always outdone by the Swamp.
You are pretty much right on everything.

I was afraid you would say that.
Well, he promised the Trumpettes to be on no one's side but there's. They're not giving up the lie

No one can honestly give Trump the benefit of the doubt on ending illegal immigration, because he's done nothing about the .1% appetite for illegal workers. Imo he may be sincere in thinking illegal immigration is a scourge, and the Swamp of both parties demands MORE. But he doesn't have the appetite for really taking on the swamp. He caved to Coulter on doing a deal over the Dreamers. And he lacks the stones to take on the Kochs, and perhaps he just likes having cheap illegal labor at this golf courses.

Notice how Trump tackles immigration and the wall AFTER the GOP loses the House.

Well, he promised the Trumpettes to be on no one's side but there's. They're not giving up the lie

No one can honestly give Trump the benefit of the doubt on ending illegal immigration, because he's done nothing about the .1% appetite for illegal workers. Imo he may be sincere in thinking illegal immigration is a scourge, and the Swamp of both parties demands MORE. But he doesn't have the appetite for really taking on the swamp. He caved to Coulter on doing a deal over the Dreamers. And he lacks the stones to take on the Kochs, and perhaps he just likes having cheap illegal labor at this golf courses.

Notice how Trump tackles immigration and the wall AFTER the GOP loses the House.

Well, initially he tried to do a deal with the dems, but got cold feet after RW talk media scorched him on the Dreamers.

So, yes, now he has NO allies in the gop of the dem party. I don't doubt he's sincere in seeing open borders as a threat, and they are. But the Swamp of both the dems, want new voters, and the .1%, want cheap brown labor, so they have invested interests. It would take a potus wiling to go directly to the people, and the RW and LEft media be damned, and demand a compromise of regulated and humane working conditions and limited and regulated immigration of low skill workers.

To be fair, he was over 70 and was never in politics, and didn't have the support staff ALL previous poutes have had. Reagan for example had Meese and Deaver as aids when he was governor. Meese was on board in 67 and Deaver worked for Reagan on an off for 30 years, and saved his life with a Heimlich maneuver to get rid of a peanut. (Jimmy Carter)

Weinberger served in Reagan's CA gov administrations. William Smith was on board in 67.

Trump has his werewolf children and Michael Cohen. LOL And Trump NEVER did a deal where he had to get his own shareholders on board and also contract with another entity. He's a media creature.

I dont' doubt he's sincere on illegal immigration, china, and even the entire world fockung us over on trade (as our standard of living improved to 2000)

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