How is government in way of Business??

And how many people die each year from FDA approved drugs?

Far less people die from legal drugs than would if there were no FDA. Not to mention people who would die from bad food.

Do you deny it?

I really can't agree or disagree.. unless of course you have some independent study that can support your opinion?
unless of course you have some independent study

There are many of them, many. That isn't the point. The point is that there's an FDA for a reason. To most people, that reason is fucking obvious. Why isn't it fucking obvious to you?
unless of course you have some independent study

There are many of them, many. That isn't the point. The point is that there's an FDA for a reason. To most people, that reason is fucking obvious. Why isn't it fucking obvious to you?

Ease off the acrimony there Sparky... the need for a Government Agency for everything isn't that fucking obvious to everybody.

All I am saying is that for me to spend 2 1/2 months and $930 in fees and surveys to replace a six-foot cedar fence that has been in place since 1965 is an obvious example of an out-of-control government encroaching on shit they needn't be encroaching upon in an effort to simply extract fees from citizens.
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Obama is the most business unfriendly pres I can ever think of. The turbo-libs are hillarious.
"Exxon's of the World" bs and voters showed him how much bs it is
FDA issues numerous regulations that stifle promising drugs

Name one promising drug stopped by FDA. Just one.
Google "orphan drugs" and you'll get a pretty comprehensive list.

But, as I predicted, you're moving the goalposts to argue your belief that the FDA is absolutely necessary --which it isn't-- past the obvious fact that it's an immense impediment and obstacle to the medical care business.
FDA issues numerous regulations that stifle promising drugs

Name one promising drug stopped by FDA. Just one.
Google "orphan drugs" and you'll get a pretty comprehensive list.

But, as I predicted, you're moving the goalposts to argue your belief that the FDA is absolutely necessary --which it isn't-- past the obvious fact that it's an immense impediment and obstacle to the medical care business.

So you're suggesting that drug companies police themselves?
a question is asked - how does government hinder business? and the only people who seem to believe that government does just this this still have no actual explanation. all they can do is say, "you havent run a business, so you just don't understand." this is the flawed logic so many people are scared and brainwashed into believing. once again, please explain how the obama agenda is hostile to private sector growth.
I'll give you a great example: The FDA.

It costs in excess of $500 million dollars and as much as a decade worth of bureaucratic red tape and delays to bring a new medication or device to market. This automatically prices out of the market smaller competitors and favors the eeeeeevilll BigPharm companies all you libs snivel about ....That costs jobs.

Then, supposing the medication or device gets to market, the companies have to recoup the R&D costs...This is done through higher prices.

But, like I already said, y'all will say "well I think it's worth it", as you attempt to move the goalpsosts from whether they're getting in the way, to arguing whether that impediment in the marketplace is "worth it", in your opinion.

And don't even get me started with things like the ADA, licensing and permit shakedowns, silly environmental regs that do little to nothing, etcetera.

Again, if you've never actually run a business, you'd neither know nor care about how Big Daddy Big Gubmint gums up the works and drives up the costs of virtually everything.

Yep lets do away with the FDA, who needs non poison pet food and drugs for kidney patients. (Heparin).
I like some salmonella in our peanut butter and in my salads.
Kinda adds flavor.

FDA issues numerous regulations that stifle promising drugs

Name one promising drug stopped by FDA. Just one.
Google "orphan drugs" and you'll get a pretty comprehensive list.

But, as I predicted, you're moving the goalposts to argue your belief that the FDA is absolutely necessary --which it isn't-- past the obvious fact that it's an immense impediment and obstacle to the medical care business.

So you're suggesting that drug companies police themselves?

Because we know without government oversight businesses will simply rape and pillage, right?
Google "orphan drugs" and you'll get a pretty comprehensive list.

But, as I predicted, you're moving the goalposts to argue your belief that the FDA is absolutely necessary --which it isn't-- past the obvious fact that it's an immense impediment and obstacle to the medical care business.

So you're suggesting that drug companies police themselves?

Because we know without government oversight businesses will simply rape and pillage, right?

Rape and pillage are heavy words, but fuck us for the sake of profits?

a question is asked - how does government hinder business? and the only people who seem to believe that government does just this this still have no actual explanation. all they can do is say, "you havent run a business, so you just don't understand." this is the flawed logic so many people are scared and brainwashed into believing. once again, please explain how the obama agenda is hostile to private sector growth.
I'll give you a great example: The FDA.

It costs in excess of $500 million dollars and as much as a decade worth of bureaucratic red tape and delays to bring a new medication or device to market. This automatically prices out of the market smaller competitors and favors the eeeeeevilll BigPharm companies all you libs snivel about ....That costs jobs.

Then, supposing the medication or device gets to market, the companies have to recoup the R&D costs...This is done through higher prices.

But, like I already said, y'all will say "well I think it's worth it", as you attempt to move the goalpsosts from whether they're getting in the way, to arguing whether that impediment in the marketplace is "worth it", in your opinion.

And don't even get me started with things like the ADA, licensing and permit shakedowns, silly environmental regs that do little to nothing, etcetera.

Again, if you've never actually run a business, you'd neither know nor care about how Big Daddy Big Gubmint gums up the works and drives up the costs of virtually everything.

Yep lets do away with the FDA, who needs non poison pet food and drugs for kidney patients. (Heparin).
I like some salmonella in our peanut butter and in my salads.
Kinda adds flavor.

Nice strawman.

Funny how we ended up with those extremely rare circumstances with the FDA....If they're so effective, how did those things happen?

Let me guess...Those failures are just evidence that they need even more power, right?

So you're suggesting that drug companies police themselves?

Because we know without government oversight businesses will simply rape and pillage, right?

Rape and pillage are heavy words, but fuck us for the sake of profits?

And politicians fuck us for the sake of window dressing to get votes.

If overbearing know-it-all central authoritarian big gubmint was the path to Utopia, then the USSR would today be the greatest nation of all time.

Still, this is all a distraction from the fact that massive overbearing bureaucracies are indeed an impediment to business, to arguing the petty little details as to whether you believe those impediments are worthwhile...Just as I predicted.

Good job.
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I bet Oddball can't come up with one way that the big gubbermint hurts him in any way with their big bad regulations.

I bet I can name 20 ways the government helps him right off the top of my head.

Any takers?
Because we know without government oversight businesses will simply rape and pillage, right?

Rape and pillage are heavy words, but fuck us for the sake of profits?

And politicians fuck us for the sake of window dressing to get votes.

If overbearing know-it-all central authoritarian big gubmint was the path to Utopia, then the USSR would today be the greatest nation of all time.

Still, this is all a distraction from the fact that massive overbearing bureaucracies are indeed an impediment to business, to arguing the petty little details as to whether you believe those impediments are worthwhile...Just as I predicted.

Good job.

So how has this massive overbearing bureaucracy of ours stood in your way of achieving your business goals?

C'mon, you're a businessman give me some specifics.
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The rightys keep chanting from under their rocks, that somehow government is preventing the economy recovery, BECAUSE GOVERNMENT IS IN THE WAY!! I'ts all somehow governments fault that jobs are not being created with the Trillon dollars corporations are known to be hoarding. So lets eliminate a few myths;

1.That government creates jobs. No, cons know that is not true, and they tell us quite often that government does not create jobs.:lol:

2.That government is standing in the way of corporations. Yet they cannot cite anything, and when you put them on the spot, they take their Rushkie myths and dive back under their rocks.:lol:

So rightys, this is your chance to tell us Leftys, honestly, how is government in the way of business's creating jobs??

Just in case you wonder why you aren't getting much response....

As you can tell Oddball, you are clueless. You can't give reasons government is in the way of businesses. Why not admit you are full of bullshit all the way up to your muff diving goggles.:lol: Admit you are just parroting something Rushkie said on the radio to appease dumb fucking rednecks in the trailer park. And if your ideas can be rejected, you must have a piss poor case to begin with.

Don't pretend you're actually looking for an answer.

Here are two:

OSHA was created to enforce basic safety, it has evolved into a convoluted system of contradictory rules and regulations where selective enforcement is practiced. In some cases the mere act of inspecting a construction site is punitive since the inspector has blanket authority to shut down all work which disrupts the entire project. Many different resources from different sources have to be scheduled and completed in order to make a profit. If a job is delayed by a week, that project has a very good chance to lose money. This is before anything has been proven to have been done wrong. I accepted this as just a cost of doing business but then I noticed a trend that when few or no errors were found, the inspector kept the site shut down longer. Colleagues told me that's standard, the easiest thing to do was to have some bait violations - easy to find and easy to correct. The inspector got to report a successful day and I got to get back on schedule.

The IRS was created to collect taxes and enforce tax law. Since the rules are so contradictory and assessments are made based on case law, the approach is "innocent until proven guilty," as in if there is some part of some case out there that substantiates an assessment, the auditor can at his or her discretion levy it. Business owners have the very expensive and in most cases unaffordable option of appealing the decision. In the mean time, assets are seized that cannot be used and the mere mention of undergoing an IRS audit eliminates the possibility to borrow to have the resources to appeal to then free up those assets prematurely seized. The shortcut to this is to simply pay what the IRS says. Again, the mere action of auditing is punitive since it's so expensive and the auditor is trained to never walk away without finding some error.

If you wish we can talk about the process to start a home builder.
Rape and pillage are heavy words, but fuck us for the sake of profits?

And politicians fuck us for the sake of window dressing to get votes.

If overbearing know-it-all central authoritarian big gubmint was the path to Utopia, then the USSR would today be the greatest nation of all time.

Still, this is all a distraction from the fact that massive overbearing bureaucracies are indeed an impediment to business, to arguing the petty little details as to whether you believe those impediments are worthwhile...Just as I predicted.

Good job.

So how has this massive overbearing bureaucracy of ours stood in your way of achieving your business goals?

C'mon, you're a businessman give me some specifics.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

And woe betide you if you aren't an in-state union contractor in Fonicalia and you end up with a building inspector on your project who is a union pimping leftist goober.

The ADA, which has driven up the costs of just about everything.

Those are just a few...You may now predictably begin arguing your opinion as to whether those road blocks are worth all the fuss, rather than the fact that they are needless obstacles thrown in the way.
I bet Oddball can't come up with one way that the big gubbermint hurts him in any way with their big bad regulations.

I bet I can name 20 ways the government helps him right off the top of my head.

Any takers?
I came up with one...You simply refuse to accept the example. Indeed, you want to argue that the meddlesome rules, regulations and bureaucracies are a benefit, even though you personally don't have to deal with them and pay for the "benefits" directly out of your pocket.

Just like all good Fabian socialists, you like visible beneficiaries and invisible casualties. Likewise, when the costs get driven up to borderline prohibitive levels because of your do-goodery, as in the example of FDA red tape driving R&D costs sky high, you then turn around and blame the eeeeeviilllll corporations.

There's absolutely no wining with you schmucks.
I bet Oddball can't come up with one way that the big gubbermint hurts him in any way with their big bad regulations.

I bet I can name 20 ways the government helps him right off the top of my head.

Any takers?
I came up with one...You simply refuse to accept the example. Indeed, you want to argue that the meddlesome rules, regulations and bureaucracies are a benefit, even though you personally don't have to deal with them and pay for the "benefits" directly out of your pocket.

Just like all good Fabian socialists, you like visible beneficiaries and invisible casualties. Likewise, when the costs get driven up to borderline prohibitive levels because of your do-goodery, as in the example of FDA red tape driving R&D costs sky high, you then turn around and blame the eeeeeviilllll corporations.

There's absolutely no wining with you schmucks.

Pointed out for truth.
Yes, liberal morons cannot think beyond Stage One. They cannot see that when you raise the min wage some workers benefit while others lose their jobs and many more don't get hired to begin with.
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And politicians fuck us for the sake of window dressing to get votes.

If overbearing know-it-all central authoritarian big gubmint was the path to Utopia, then the USSR would today be the greatest nation of all time.

Still, this is all a distraction from the fact that massive overbearing bureaucracies are indeed an impediment to business, to arguing the petty little details as to whether you believe those impediments are worthwhile...Just as I predicted.

Good job.

So how has this massive overbearing bureaucracy of ours stood in your way of achieving your business goals?

C'mon, you're a businessman give me some specifics.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

And woe betide you if you aren't an in-state union contractor in Fonicalia and you end up with a building inspector on your project who is a union pimping leftist goober.

The ADA, which has driven up the costs of just about everything.

Those are just a few...You may now predictably begin arguing your opinion as to whether those road blocks are worth all the fuss, rather than the fact that they are needless obstacles thrown in the way.

So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

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