How is government in way of Business??

Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

Sorry, This completely destroys your credibility, but then,..........someone had to do it so you might stop lying, guessing, opining your bullshit. You learn that government code changes have reduced risks by 25%, how is that gov. standing in the way dumbass? That is 25% less dead and injured people, without gov. standing in the way.

And buildings built without gen. cont. license?? Here is what you get, the same situation that exists in Mexico. That is where you want to take those viewing here. Imagine the people who were injured or died in these colorado collapses, and if gov. leaves it to your responsible hands. LOL!!! Children in schools, people vacationing, citizens on their way to work or working, shoppers, are really an Odd Ball alright.

A 14-story building under construction in a Denver suburb collapsed Thursday, seriously injuring four workers, a fire department spokesman said. Ten others suffered minor injuries.

Officers say construction workers were pouring concrete on the 13th floor of the building when the floor collapsed, reports CBS' Denver affiliate KCNC.

PUEBLO - Strong winds early Thursday afternoon caused the center building of an apartment complex under construction to collapse, injuring two people.

Comparisons of collapse and fatality risks between buildings designed according to current (2005) building codes and older (1967) codes indicate that
improvements to building code requirements have reduced risks by about a factor of 25 times.
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Civil & Env. Engr. , Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA

He has investigated and reported on 14 major structural failures since 1977, including the Hyatt Regency walkway disaster in 1981 and 600 foot long air supported building near Grand Junction in about 1979.
Major Structural Cases
University Hills Baptist Church, Denver, Colorado
Rangeview High School, Aurora, Colorado
RREEF Roof ($1.2 M loss), Denver, Colorado
Gateway High School ($8.8 M), Aurora, Colorado
I-25 Bridge Collapse, Denver, Colorado
Potato Barn, Monte Vista, Colorado
Cinderella City Parking Deck, Denver, Colorado
Wind Damage to Barnes Business College, Denver, Colorado JUST HUFF & PUFF & COLORADO BUILDINGS COME DOWN!!!170 Foot Dome in Colorado Springs, Colorado
600 Foot Air Building, Fruita, Colorado
Sawmill Roof Collapse, Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Denver Airport Column Collapse/Fatal, Colorado

Rex E. Paulsen, P.E., Ph.D. Engineering Mechanics
Uh-huh...And flawed structures are NEVER EVER built in states that run strict contractor licensing protection rackets, right? :rolleyes:

Besides that you've failed to draw any direct correlation between the two in the first place.
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Which one of you leftist dweebs has ever run an honest-to-goodness business?

Is a bar an honest to goodness business?
Sure is.

Tell us all about where you get your liquor...Do you have any choice of who you'll purchase from, if you can find the same stuff cheaper at Costco?
Then, tell us how many competitors there are out there for the purchase of dram shop insurance and workman's comp?
The rightys keep chanting from under their rocks, that somehow government is preventing the economy recovery, BECAUSE GOVERNMENT IS IN THE WAY!! I'ts all somehow governments fault that jobs are not being created with the Trillon dollars corporations are known to be hoarding. So lets eliminate a few myths;

1.That government creates jobs. No, cons know that is not true, and they tell us quite often that government does not create jobs.:lol:

2.That government is standing in the way of corporations. Yet they cannot cite anything, and when you put them on the spot, they take their Rushkie myths and dive back under their rocks.:lol:

So rightys, this is your chance to tell us Leftys, honestly, how is government in the way of business's creating jobs??

You're joking right? You can look at any industry or business within the United States--and you will find 'UNNECESSARY regulation" that are only there--because some sales person bought off someone in a regulatory government agency to increase company profit.

American citizens always get the short end of this stick.
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Not sure I follow your logic here.
BTW union membership in the private sector is at an alltime low of 7%.
We have nothing to fear from unions.

That is quite true, no fear, yet that is what the right squeals about, has nightmares about.

They are on their way out of the private sector. Now if we could just get rid of public worker unions, the country would be in much better shape.

No, they will never be out of the private sector, because someone has to do what only trained skilled organized craftsmen can do.
Ahh yes/...The old "only union people are skilled" nonsense.
BY that analogy there are no skilled people in the 28 states that do not have forced unionization of trades. Of course that is absurd.
Look, unions are nothing but a big pain in the ass. That is why they are on the way out.
The simplest of all reasons why unions suck is "I don't like how much you pay me so I am not coming to work and you can't fire me".....Oh really? Watch me. BYE!.
If unions were such a benefit to workers and unions GUARANTEED their workers are better than everyone else then why is it no one wants to deal with unions?..Jeez, by any stretch a business would adore union labor. After all, you said it....Union workers are the only ones with any skills.
Cut the crap.
A worker used to the virtual protections of job security and work rules that make it impossible to be productive could not and would refuse to do my job. I don't take breaks by the clock. I often skip lunch so I can get my stuff accomplished so I can get home early. I don't bitch and moan about having some union approved tool. Or have a tool that the union prohibits because it helps me do what I need to faster and more efficiently. I don't constantly look at the clock and when it tells me a certain time so I can drop what I am doing and announce "break time"...I get to the end of my task, then I take 5....Unions despise and prohibit merit and productivity. In the union world working to quickly or effficently is bad becasue there are less days of work that the union can milk the clock.
Lastly and most importantly I do not have the adversarial relationship with my employer that unions demand their members have with their employers.
One only needs to look at the mess in Haiti following the earthquake to see the value in building codes ( or the lack thereof).

Since I am a small business contractor in the building industry and have been for over 30+ years--YES you're right in Haiti where there exists no building or concrete--soil tests--and stress factors--buildings do collapse.

BUT in the United States we not only have those kind of enginerring requirements--but we have regulatory government agencies--that add NON--critical items to plumbing--electrical--and other than have absolutely nothing to do with safety--but are new codes to fill someone's else's pockets--that add to the cost of construction in the United States--that are non-neccessary to safety--that YOU get to pay for.

And that's exactly how government gets in the way of prosperity. If you don't believe me--take a set of resisdential plans to you local building department and see what they require--LOL.
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So how has this massive overbearing bureaucracy of ours stood in your way of achieving your business goals?

C'mon, you're a businessman give me some specifics.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

And woe betide you if you aren't an in-state union contractor in Fonicalia and you end up with a building inspector on your project who is a union pimping leftist goober.

The ADA, which has driven up the costs of just about everything.

Those are just a few...You may now predictably begin arguing your opinion as to whether those road blocks are worth all the fuss, rather than the fact that they are needless obstacles thrown in the way.

So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

Typical of you libs to spin this in that manner.
Yeah right..We want NO rules.
Don't be stupid. Of course there is a need for regulation. The problem is government has gone off the deep end with burdensome regulations, capriciuos rule changes, and selective enforcement.
Licensure of any trade or profession would not exist if one or two things ,or both, never occured. First, the willingness of a trade or profession to police itself. Or, the political angle where government uses licensure as a tool to raise revenue.
We're not duscussing that.
The issue here is THIS presidential admin and others which have decided to place a stranglehold on success and profit.
In this particualr climate, the unknown is prevalent. Business and industry has two potential obstacles in the way. One is taxes. Business has no clue how much this admin is going to add to the tax burden of business. There is Cap and Trade. That in and of itslef would send energy costs skyrocketing. Obama said so himself during the '08 campaign. He said under his plan electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket. Those are HIS words!!!!!
Obama also said "I'd be comfortable with $4 gasoline.
IN addition to Obama's meddling with energy , business also has to deal with the potential fallout from Obamacare.
At the end of the day companies are not going to hire employees they might very likely have to let go in the face of these increased costs from governemnt mandates.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

And woe betide you if you aren't an in-state union contractor in Fonicalia and you end up with a building inspector on your project who is a union pimping leftist goober.

The ADA, which has driven up the costs of just about everything.

Those are just a few...You may now predictably begin arguing your opinion as to whether those road blocks are worth all the fuss, rather than the fact that they are needless obstacles thrown in the way.

So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

That depends on the work being done. I don't need a licensed electrician to move an outlet or split a circuit. I don't need a licensed plumber to change out a sink or add a sprinkler. Why should I and why should I need a permit for those things?
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

And woe betide you if you aren't an in-state union contractor in Fonicalia and you end up with a building inspector on your project who is a union pimping leftist goober.

The ADA, which has driven up the costs of just about everything.

Those are just a few...You may now predictably begin arguing your opinion as to whether those road blocks are worth all the fuss, rather than the fact that they are needless obstacles thrown in the way.

So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

Typical of you libs to spin this in that manner.
Yeah right..We want NO rules.
Don't be stupid. Of course there is a need for regulation. The problem is government has gone off the deep end with burdensome regulations, capriciuos rule changes, and selective enforcement.
Licensure of any trade or profession would not exist if one or two things ,or both, never occured. First, the willingness of a trade or profession to police itself. Or, the political angle where government uses licensure as a tool to raise revenue.
We're not duscussing that.
The issue here is THIS presidential admin and others which have decided to place a stranglehold on success and profit.
In this particualr climate, the unknown is prevalent. Business and industry has two potential obstacles in the way. One is taxes. Business has no clue how much this admin is going to add to the tax burden of business. There is Cap and Trade. That in and of itslef would send energy costs skyrocketing. Obama said so himself during the '08 campaign. He said under his plan electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket. Those are HIS words!!!!!
Obama also said "I'd be comfortable with $4 gasoline.
IN addition to Obama's meddling with energy , business also has to deal with the potential fallout from Obamacare.
At the end of the day companies are not going to hire employees they might very likely have to let go in the face of these increased costs from governemnt mandates.

This liberal must be really stupid---I am a 30+ year LICENSED electrical contractor that has chozen to be NON-UNION. My employees that are also non-UNION are also state licensed electricians--as is often seen in every single trade in construction. We have to pass the exact same tests--we have to show the exact same time in commercial/residential projects--BEFORE we are allowed to take an examination.

THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN UNION AND NON-UNION--is which employer "wishes" to join the union--and which one doesn't. UNION-NON-UNION has absolutely NOTHING to do with experience or PROFESSIONAL license held.
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So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

That depends on the work being done. I don't need a licensed electrician to move an outlet or split a circuit. I don't need a licensed plumber to change out a sink or add a sprinkler. Why should I and why should I need a permit for those things?

You don't. You, like me are quite capable of doing those things ourselves. It's not exactly rocket science.

But on the other hand, if you needed some extensive electrical work like replacing an entire service panel, and didn't have the skill set for a job of that size, would you really want to leave it up to an unlicensed electrician?

What if this so called electrician fucked up the job and your house burned down? Do you think your insurance company is going to be forthcoming with payment when they find out your service panel was installed and wired by an amateur electrician?
Non sequitur.....No one has stated nor implied this.
Licensing laws...The entire state of Colorado has been built without the "benefit" of general contractor licensing --which is just a big shakedown-- yet skyscrapers aren't tumbling down.

And woe betide you if you aren't an in-state union contractor in Fonicalia and you end up with a building inspector on your project who is a union pimping leftist goober.

The ADA, which has driven up the costs of just about everything.

Those are just a few...You may now predictably begin arguing your opinion as to whether those road blocks are worth all the fuss, rather than the fact that they are needless obstacles thrown in the way.

So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

Typical of you libs to spin this in that manner.
Yeah right..We want NO rules.
Don't be stupid. Of course there is a need for regulation. The problem is government has gone off the deep end with burdensome regulations, capriciuos rule changes, and selective enforcement.
Licensure of any trade or profession would not exist if one or two things ,or both, never occured. First, the willingness of a trade or profession to police itself. Or, the political angle where government uses licensure as a tool to raise revenue.
We're not duscussing that.
The issue here is THIS presidential admin and others which have decided to place a stranglehold on success and profit.
In this particualr climate, the unknown is prevalent. Business and industry has two potential obstacles in the way. One is taxes. Business has no clue how much this admin is going to add to the tax burden of business. There is Cap and Trade. That in and of itslef would send energy costs skyrocketing. Obama said so himself during the '08 campaign. He said under his plan electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket. Those are HIS words!!!!!
Obama also said "I'd be comfortable with $4 gasoline.
IN addition to Obama's meddling with energy , business also has to deal with the potential fallout from Obamacare.
At the end of the day companies are not going to hire employees they might very likely have to let go in the face of these increased costs from governemnt mandates.

You are talking out of both sides of your mouth. On one side of your mouth, you're acknowledging the need for regulation, while the other is insisting that govt regs are a "shakedown"

And in the real world, "taxes" <> "regulations" and besides, businesses never know what taxes the govt will be raising in the future. That's not new with Obama.

Bottom line: You can't identify one regulation that is a "shakedown".
You don't. You, like me are quite capable of doing those things ourselves. It's not exactly rocket science.

But on the other hand, if you needed some extensive electrical work like replacing an entire service panel, and didn't have the skill set for a job of that size, would you really want to leave it up to an unlicensed electrician?

What if this so called electrician fucked up the job and your house burned down? Do you think your insurance company is going to be forthcoming with payment when they find out your service panel was installed and wired by an amateur electrician?

I am looking at a property now that I am praying has some past building permits and drawings for. The backyard looks like an electrical nightmare of underground wires for fountains, deck, BQ, patio, and yard lights. Can my digger start pool construction. What will he hit? Are wires hot or cold, fused or not, 220, etc. Only a qualified electrician and the building inspector will tell the entire story.
WHy go through all that?..Just cut the power and dig up the wiring. It's safe to assume it's all most likely not to code anyway.
The all or nothing argument does not wash. So stop using it.
So you'd be perfectly comfortable letting an unlicensed electrician or plumber work on your house?

Or how about allowing an unlicensed "doctor" do a bypass operation?

And maybe we should just do away with driver's licenses and just let anybody drive a car.

Typical of you libs to spin this in that manner.
Yeah right..We want NO rules.
Don't be stupid. Of course there is a need for regulation. The problem is government has gone off the deep end with burdensome regulations, capriciuos rule changes, and selective enforcement.
Licensure of any trade or profession would not exist if one or two things ,or both, never occured. First, the willingness of a trade or profession to police itself. Or, the political angle where government uses licensure as a tool to raise revenue.
We're not duscussing that.
The issue here is THIS presidential admin and others which have decided to place a stranglehold on success and profit.
In this particualr climate, the unknown is prevalent. Business and industry has two potential obstacles in the way. One is taxes. Business has no clue how much this admin is going to add to the tax burden of business. There is Cap and Trade. That in and of itslef would send energy costs skyrocketing. Obama said so himself during the '08 campaign. He said under his plan electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket. Those are HIS words!!!!!
Obama also said "I'd be comfortable with $4 gasoline.
IN addition to Obama's meddling with energy , business also has to deal with the potential fallout from Obamacare.
At the end of the day companies are not going to hire employees they might very likely have to let go in the face of these increased costs from governemnt mandates.

This liberal must be really stupid---I am a 30+ year LICENSED electrical contractor that has chozen to be NON-UNION. My employees that are also non-UNION are also state licensed electricians--as is often seen in every single trade in construction. We have to pass the exact same tests--we have to show the exact same time in commercial/residential projects--BEFORE we are allowed to take an examination.

THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN UNION AND NON-UNION--is which employer "wishes" to join the union--and which one doesn't. UNION-NON-UNION has absolutely NOTHING to do with experience or PROFESSIONAL license held.

No one has argued that an electrician must be union. Learn to read.

As even your post acknowledges, there is value in licensing for occupations that involve public safety, which is the point of the post you are responding to.
What if this so called electrician fucked up the job and your house burned down? Do you think your insurance company is going to be forthcoming with payment when they find out your service panel was installed and wired by an amateur electrician?

ALL electrical contractors within each state are regulated by the department of regulatory agencies within each state by the state electrical board. They are required to pass journeyman exams--master electrician exams--and carry general libability insurance.


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Which one of you leftist dweebs has ever run an honest-to-goodness business?
Probably a lot of us. Careful, dud, your rightwingloon partisan slip is showing.
Then why are none answering the question in the affirmative.
"Probably a lot of us"...probably shit. Not probably. Let the people who are critical be honest and answer yes , they do or have run a business or no, they don't or have not...In the case of the former, let them explain their views. In the case of the latter they should just shut it.
What if this so called electrician fucked up the job and your house burned down? Do you think your insurance company is going to be forthcoming with payment when they find out your service panel was installed and wired by an amateur electrician?

ALL electrical contractors within each state are regulated by the department of regulatory agencies within each state by the state electrical board. They are required to pass journeyman exams--master electrician exams--and carry general libability insurance.



Where does it say anything about union or non-union?
Which one of you leftist dweebs has ever run an honest-to-goodness business?
Probably a lot of us. Careful, dud, your rightwingloon partisan slip is showing.
Then why are none answering the question in the affirmative.
"Probably a lot of us"...probably shit. Not probably. Let the people who are critical be honest and answer yes , they do or have run a business or no, they don't or have not...In the case of the former, let them explain their views. In the case of the latter they should just shut it.

I've run several successful businesses.
I bet Oddball can't come up with one way that the big gubbermint hurts him in any way with their big bad regulations.

I bet I can name 20 ways the government helps him right off the top of my head.

Any takers?
I came up with one...You simply refuse to accept the example. Indeed, you want to argue that the meddlesome rules, regulations and bureaucracies are a benefit, even though you personally don't have to deal with them and pay for the "benefits" directly out of your pocket.

Just like all good Fabian socialists, you like visible beneficiaries and invisible casualties. Likewise, when the costs get driven up to borderline prohibitive levels because of your do-goodery, as in the example of FDA red tape driving R&D costs sky high, you then turn around and blame the eeeeeviilllll corporations.

There's absolutely no wining with you schmucks.

What, you own a pharmaceutical company? I doubt it. Maybe a street corner pharmacy is more your speed.

I said you personally odball. How does the government stop you, today, from hiring a worker?

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