How is government in way of Business??

Non-Union guys, while they have to meet the same requirements for licensure, usually don't go through multi-year apprenticeships like the union guys do. Union ironworkers get 3-year apprenticeships with classes every saturday and direct supervision by a master ironworker while on the job site.

Thus a 1st year journeyman ironworker is better than a 1st year scab on average.

And how do you explain that little accident in the Big Dig tunnel( constructed by skilled and infallable union labor) a few years ago...
You know which accident.....The one where the roof fell in and killed a motorist.
The one where the unions quickly jumped and said " it's not our guys. It was management's fault. No , wait ....It was the panel manufacturer's fault.....No ,, it was the government's fault....
You still cannot get around the fact that probably 90% of all construction tradespeople are NOT union..
BTW you're so up on union shit then why is it you cannot use the term "scab" properly?
A scab is a person not a union member who crosses a picket line to take a job previously held by a union member.
A scab is NOT simply a worker who refuses to or is not required by law to join a union.
I have never been a union member,. Does that make ME a scab.. 93% of all private sector workers are non union. Does that make them all scabs?

Why don't you explain it bozo? There is an accident report somewhere, look it up and stop bullshitting. Next you will be saying every union built car that was in an accident was caused by union labor, ya smuck!!! LMAO!!!:cuckoo:
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So all that bullshit about "what business have you ever run" is exactly that, bullshit. Right? You couldn't run a one car funeral. If the mental capacity required is beyond reading and regurgitating sections of right wing propaganda, you can't fucking do it.

I bet you still live with Mom.

Hey Southie, who the fuck are you replying to?
Dude have you been guzzling your stash of Bushmills?
You go find where I specifically stated to implied government regulation is a "shakedown"..
I stated that certain governments use licensce fees as a means to increase revenue. That's not a "shakedown"..
A shakedown would be if a government officail in one way or another communcates to an individual or business that if they do not "play ball" that person or business can expect "trouble"....THAT would be a shakedown. And BTW, in some places that is exactly what does occur. It is done by certain unscrupulous employees of government that have too much authority and not enough oversight. And example would be the plumbing inspector who wants his palm greased to get to a job to perform and inspection in a timely manner.
The regualtion itself is not the shakdown. It is the individual employee that is the shaker-down.
Don't make shit up to support your weak assed argument. That the equivalent of having a battleship mouth and a rowboat ass.

Some Govt regulatory agencies collect fees, but none do it "to increase revenue"; they do it to help pay for their operations. The way you described it, as a payment for which they get nothing in return, is indeed a "shakedown". If the business doesn't "play ball" (by paying), they can expect "trouble" (in the form of the govt shutting their business down)

And fines relating to inspections, etc can be appealed. All you have to do is prove you followed the rules. It's not that hard.

Unless you're a stupid wingnut businessman who thinks some govt pencil pusher has the final say.
If you do not think government uses license fees to increase revenue ,you're in la la land.
Look, it really doesn't matter what you think. Government regulation that is fair balanced and serves the public good is an essential function of government under the area of public safety or providing for the general welfare of the people.
Having a rouge employee of government knocking on doors of businesses looking for a "little something to speed things up" is a shakedown.
Now because you are a lib and a fan of big government, I will excuse your lack of comprehension skills.

If you think I"m going to believe a word you say simply because you said it, it's you who is living in lala land :lol:

The facts don't care what you think. Taking bribes is illegal, and if you're asked for a bribe, you should do your civic duty and report it to the police.

Stop blaming your cowardly failure to run your business correctly on regulations when you're really concerned about mythical bribes.
Some Govt regulatory agencies collect fees, but none do it "to increase revenue"; they do it to help pay for their operations. The way you described it, as a payment for which they get nothing in return, is indeed a "shakedown". If the business doesn't "play ball" (by paying), they can expect "trouble" (in the form of the govt shutting their business down)

And fines relating to inspections, etc can be appealed. All you have to do is prove you followed the rules. It's not that hard.

Unless you're a stupid wingnut businessman who thinks some govt pencil pusher has the final say.


They do not use it to increase revenue?

Fees are part of government revenue, and any increase in fees increases revenue. They might claim the intent is not to increase revenue, but that is the inevitable result. Why esle have fees?

The fees pay for the services the agency provides. Saying that their purpose is to increase revenues is wrong as even you acknowledge "the intent is not to increase revenue". If he had said "increasing revenue was the result", it would have left him without any way to tar the process without any evidence, as he tried to do.
Some Govt regulatory agencies collect fees, but none do it "to increase revenue"; they do it to help pay for their operations. The way you described it, as a payment for which they get nothing in return, is indeed a "shakedown". If the business doesn't "play ball" (by paying), they can expect "trouble" (in the form of the govt shutting their business down)

And fines relating to inspections, etc can be appealed. All you have to do is prove you followed the rules. It's not that hard.

Unless you're a stupid wingnut businessman who thinks some govt pencil pusher has the final say.


They do not use it to increase revenue?

Fees are part of government revenue, and any increase in fees increases revenue. They might claim the intent is not to increase revenue, but that is the inevitable result. Why esle have fees?

The fees pay for the services the agency provides. Saying that their purpose is to increase revenues is wrong as even you acknowledge "the intent is not to increase revenue". If he had said "increasing revenue was the result", it would have left him without any way to tar the process without any evidence, as he tried to do.

Which is why California tried to tack an $18 fee on license plates to pay for state parks, because fees are only used to cover the costs of providing the service the agency provides.

Please explain the connection between the DMV and parks.
Some Govt regulatory agencies collect fees, but none do it "to increase revenue"; they do it to help pay for their operations. The way you described it, as a payment for which they get nothing in return, is indeed a "shakedown". If the business doesn't "play ball" (by paying), they can expect "trouble" (in the form of the govt shutting their business down)

And fines relating to inspections, etc can be appealed. All you have to do is prove you followed the rules. It's not that hard.

Unless you're a stupid wingnut businessman who thinks some govt pencil pusher has the final say.


They do not use it to increase revenue?

Fees are part of government revenue, and any increase in fees increases revenue. They might claim the intent is not to increase revenue, but that is the inevitable result. Why esle have fees?

Concentrate on the word "FEES". Fees are paid directly by the user. Taxes are payed by everybody. Do you actually believe a city is going to gouge it's local contractors?? LOL!! If anything it is the taxes + fees used to do inspections, etc.
Translation: I've never run a business

Oddball, you're a fucking joke. I'm beyond running businesses. That's fucking work. I buy and sell them now. I could go to the bank tomorrow and withdraw more than your net worth from just one of my accounts. If i then burned all the cash, I'd still be worth at least 10 times more than you.

What business have you ever run shit for brains? You see, i think you're lying. No fucking actual businessperson would go straight to FDA as something that's hurting business. They'd think of something a little more relevant to themselves.

You still live with Mom, don't you?
Translation: I've never run a business

Oddball, ou're a fucking joke. I'm beyond running businesses. That's fucking work. I buy and sell them now. I could go to the bank tomorrow and withdraw more than your net worth from just one of my accounts. If i then burned all the cash, I'd still be worth at least 10 times more than you.

What business have you ever run shit for brains? You see, i think you're lying. No fucking actual businessperson would go straight to FDA as something that's hurting business. They'd think of something a little more relevant to themselves.

You still live with Mom, don't you?
And I'm J. R. Ewing.

Ain't the interwebs fun? :rolleyes:

They do not use it to increase revenue?

Fees are part of government revenue, and any increase in fees increases revenue. They might claim the intent is not to increase revenue, but that is the inevitable result. Why esle have fees?

The fees pay for the services the agency provides. Saying that their purpose is to increase revenues is wrong as even you acknowledge "the intent is not to increase revenue". If he had said "increasing revenue was the result", it would have left him without any way to tar the process without any evidence, as he tried to do.

Which is why California tried to tack an $18 fee on license plates to pay for state parks, because fees are only used to cover the costs of providing the service the agency provides.

Please explain the connection between the DMV and parks.

Try to pay attention wingnut!!

We're talking about BUSINESS regulations; not motor vehicle regulations

And state parks provide services to the public that need funding.

They do not use it to increase revenue?

Fees are part of government revenue, and any increase in fees increases revenue. They might claim the intent is not to increase revenue, but that is the inevitable result. Why esle have fees?

The fees pay for the services the agency provides. Saying that their purpose is to increase revenues is wrong as even you acknowledge "the intent is not to increase revenue". If he had said "increasing revenue was the result", it would have left him without any way to tar the process without any evidence, as he tried to do.

Which is why California tried to tack an $18 fee on license plates to pay for state parks, because fees are only used to cover the costs of providing the service the agency provides.

Please explain the connection between the DMV and parks.

Roads, parking places, camp site parking, Ranger vechicles, signs, any motorized trails, law enforcement, etc. ANY more moron questions?? :eusa_angel:
The fees pay for the services the agency provides. Saying that their purpose is to increase revenues is wrong as even you acknowledge "the intent is not to increase revenue". If he had said "increasing revenue was the result", it would have left him without any way to tar the process without any evidence, as he tried to do.

Which is why California tried to tack an $18 fee on license plates to pay for state parks, because fees are only used to cover the costs of providing the service the agency provides.

Please explain the connection between the DMV and parks.

Try to pay attention wingnut!!

We're talking about BUSINESS regulations; not motor vehicle regulations

And state parks provide services to the public that need funding.

Like free access for disabled veterans.
What business did you ever run oddball?

You're so full of fucking shit.
I am presently running a construction business....One that has been in more or less continuous operation since the late '80s.

I also do some real estate investing.

My family operates a tree farming operation in NW Wisconsin.

Back when I was young, dumb and full of cum, I looked into the viability of buying a bar and grill.

I haven't been a W-2 employee since 1995.

I know plenty about how small business works, in numerous contexts, dickweed.

Now, if you're such a big friggin' genius, why is it you can't even use a simple forum quote function? :lol:
I know plenty about how small business works, in numerous contexts, dickweed.

Then you won't have any trouble explaining to us all exactly what the government is doing that is stopping you from hiring a worker. I wait in breathless anticipation Mr. Wood Butcher.
That's not the premise of the thread, Hijackasaurus Rex.

This is not now, nor ever has been, about you or me hiring anyone.

It's about how Big Gubmint is an impediment and obstacle to doing business...Any business.

You really, really aren't very good at staying on topic, are you? :lol:

And still incapable of using basic forum functions. :lol:
That's not the premise of the thread

Let's fucking make it the subject of the thread shit for brains. Small business hires almost all the workers. You wingnuts tell us this constantly. You claim to run a small business. Government is in the way of small business hiring. You wingnuts tell us this constantly. So, logically, the government is stopping you from hiring workers. Right?

Please tell us how. hey, maybe we can work together to stop the Eeeevil gubbermint from doing this thing that's stopping you from hiring a worker.

Is it that you think you're fooling anyone here?
You are obviously defeated. Anyone with the intellectual capacity above the common aphid can see that you're full of shit. Truth is, the government does nothing that stops you from hiring a worker and you're just too much of a chickenshit to admit it.

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