How is government in way of Business??

Hiring employees was not and is not the thread premise.

Hiring workers and providing benefits is not the end game of anyone who starts and operates a business venture.

Your self-proclamation of victory is irrelevant to anything.
Even the other wingnuts are hanging their heads oddball. You are fucking exposed, completely. Everything that you spew is a fucking lie. The government does nothing that harms you or your business. If it did, you'd be waving it like a banner in my face. But you aren't. You're letting me dominate your silly ass.

Too fucking easy. Are there any smart people where you are that you can let come to the keyboard? I need a challenge. A real challenge.
Hiring employees was not and is not the thread premise.

Hiring workers and providing benefits is not the end game of anyone who starts and operates a business venture.

Your self-proclamation of victory is irrelevant to anything.

You set the bar pretty low.

Govt certainly does get in the way of businesses that want to profit from activities considered illegal, unsafe or wasteful/corrupt. However, it seems that even the wingnuts in this thread agree that this is both right and necessary. If this is what you're arguing for, then you're really not saying anything of significance.

And as far as the govt being an impediment to "any business", I doubt you'll ever back that up with any evidence.
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Even the other wingnuts are hanging their heads oddball. You are fucking exposed, completely. Everything that you spew is a fucking lie. The government does nothing that harms you or your business. If it did, you'd be waving it like a banner in my face. But you aren't. You're letting me dominate your silly ass.

Too fucking easy. Are there any smart people where you are that you can let come to the keyboard? I need a challenge. A real challenge.
We're all so impressed with your self-declaration of victory.

What's next?...Can you rub your belly and pat your head at the same time? :lol::lol::lol:
Even the other wingnuts are hanging their heads oddball. You are fucking exposed, completely. Everything that you spew is a fucking [mistaken]. The government does nothing that harms you or your business. If it did, you'd be waving it like a banner in my face. But you aren't. You're letting me dominate your silly ass.

Too fucking easy. Are there any smart people where you are that you can let come to the keyboard? I need a challenge. A real challenge.

Yeah, I called him a liar as well, and thinking about it, and I will apologize to OddBall. I think mistaken is a better word.

Even big business doesn't beat the "government is in the way" excuse. It usually comes from loose radicals probably repeating something Rushkie said. No one at Fo News would have the balls to say that, in fact, no one with a brain and an ounce of logic would say that.
Shitnao, have you ever run a business?

Another repetition of the prayers. But this idiot goes further...

Ever hear of OSHA?

Indeed I have. My father was the first ironworker to be saved by OSHA regulated safety nets. You want to go back to the days before OSHA? Try it. Please have your idiot tea partiers propose it. I want that debate.

Ever hear of workman's comp?

Indeed I have. Yeah, let's get rid of OSHA so we have millions of injured and maimed workers and then let's get rid of comp so they will be penniless when they are butchered by industry. Go ahead, propose it. I dare you. I want this debate. Let them all see what you are really on about.

Minimum wage?

Yeah, lets get rid of that to. Now we can have people work for nothing, then get maimed then go penniless. What a wonderful world you see for us my man. bannana Republic even.

a study of how the hoover dam was built will lead any sane person to a strong belief in safety regulations, workers comp, and accountability of employeers
Even the other wingnuts are hanging their heads oddball. You are fucking exposed, completely. Everything that you spew is a fucking [mistaken]. The government does nothing that harms you or your business. If it did, you'd be waving it like a banner in my face. But you aren't. You're letting me dominate your silly ass.

Too fucking easy. Are there any smart people where you are that you can let come to the keyboard? I need a challenge. A real challenge.

Yeah, I called him a liar as well, and thinking about it, and I will apologize to OddBall. I think mistaken is a better word.

Even big business doesn't beat the "government is in the way" excuse. It usually comes from loose radicals probably repeating something Rushkie said. No one at Fo News would have the balls to say that, in fact, no one with a brain and an ounce of logic would say that.
I can't wait until either of you two moonbats goes on a patented leftloon rant, about how BigBiz pays off BigGubmint to squeeze out the little guy.

Yet, BigGubmint is completely blameless in the whole affair.

Lemmie guess...That's all the fault of republicans....Right? :rolleyes:
Government doesn't help business?

(This is insane. Is Mark Levine this powerful)

Where do you think the computer and the technology that fueled the 80s consumer electronic boom came from? It came from the Space Program and the Cold War Pentagon. It was subsidized by the public and directed by government. The costs were socialized, then the technology and profits were privatized.

Or what about the military apparatus which, by "stabilizing" dangerous regions, ensures that American transnationals have access to 3rd world labor and resources? The public pays for this, but the benefits are narrowly distributed. The oil industry gets tax breaks in exchange for the billions the public pays to control the middle east. The oil industry gets endless help from Washington, which was paid to destroy the first electronic car movement in California, as well as the conservation movement, thus limiting competition and artificially lifting energy prices.

Or what about Reagan protecting the American auto industry from Japan. Big business craves big government help -- and it pays endlessly for it. Nothing likes big government more than big business. The two are one.
The Free Market: Ronald Reagan: Protectionist

Or what about Eli Lilly paying the government to protect them from foreign competition, so drug prices could remain artificially high and choke the middle class (whose jobs were not protected by Washington).

Big business is not only helped by Washington, it can't live with out big government subsidies, bailouts, protections, regulatory rigging, and legislative favors.

(wow, I cannot believe what the right wing information system has done to this country)
Wow...I cannot believe what the Fabian socialist/ progressive propaganda system has done to this country.

Most of those are examples of Big Daddy Big Gubmint breaking your leg, then handing you a crutch and condescendingly patting you on the back and telling you how lucky you are to have them around.

nah hes right on most of his post. we are currently fighting two wars to protect oil company profits and ensure that the cycle of destory, build, destroy keeps military contractors with huge profits. we still give away billions of dollars to irsael and the like for them to then buy these weapons from private weapons manufacturers, allowing them to profit from tax payer money. none of these companies would exist with govenrment acting as their baby sitter.

nah hes right on most of his post. we are currently fighting two wars to protect oil company profits and ensure that the cycle of destory, build, destroy keeps military contractors with huge profits. we still give away billions of dollars to irsael and the like for them to then buy these weapons from private weapons manufacturers, allowing them to profit from tax payer money. none of these companies would exist with govenrment acting as their baby sitter.
And that's not breaking your leg then handing you a crutch in what way?
Here's what we pay to "big government"

city occ license ($100)
county occ license ($100)
county op license ($100)
state incorp fee ($250)

The incorp fee is voluntary, of course.

None of these fees are required of people just starting out as an independent contractor.

There is a lot of misinformation and whining on this thread.
breaking your leg then handing you a crutch

And here we have a wingnut mindlessly repeating a catch phrase in prayerlike fashion. He thinks that a collection of these spoon fed catch phrases actually describes the real world but his rhetorical masters know better.

You're duped Oddball and your rhetorical suzerians are laughing all the way to the bank.
nah hes right on most of his post. we are currently fighting two wars to protect oil company profits and ensure that the cycle of destory, build, destroy keeps military contractors with huge profits. we still give away billions of dollars to irsael and the like for them to then buy these weapons from private weapons manufacturers, allowing them to profit from tax payer money. none of these companies would exist with govenrment acting as their baby sitter.
And that's not breaking your leg then handing you a crutch in what way?

its giving a guaranteed millions/billions of profit to companies that otherwise would not exist if the government didn't make regulations that axes out competition and use our military to protect their interests
Nobody gives anything to anyone.

What you're describing here are exactly the kind of obstacles that they put in the way...The onerous regulations can only be overcome by companies with the deepest of pockets, who then in turn use some of those resources to lobby for even more regulations, which continue to price the competition out of business....Unless, of course, they qualify for a subsidy on the other end.

Like I said....Breaking your leg then handing you a crutch.
Nobody gives anything to anyone.

What you're describing here are exactly the kind of obstacles that they put in the way...The onerous regulations can only be overcome by companies with the deepest of pockets, who then in turn use some of those resources to lobby for even more regulations, which continue to price the competition out of business....Unless, of course, they qualify for a subsidy on the other end.

Like I said....Breaking your leg then handing you a crutch.

That doesn't sound like an obstacle to business. It may be an obstacle to your business but that's because it's run by an incompetent. It's not an obstacle to the corps with deep pockets, who obviously know how to compete.
my most-loathed government obstructionists are the asshats at the local planning and permitting departments. more time and money probably goes down that drain on aggregate than anywhere else is my guess.
Here's what we pay to "big government"

city occ license ($100)
county occ license ($100)
county op license ($100)
state incorp fee ($250)

The incorp fee is voluntary, of course.

None of these fees are required of people just starting out as an independent contractor.

There is a lot of misinformation and whining on this thread.

That is simply not true. In fact people just starting out are required to do much more than your claim here.

I think you are also forgetting the insurance costs on small business or

my most-loathed government obstructionists are the asshats at the local planning and permitting departments. more time and money probably goes down that drain on aggregate than anywhere else is my guess.

I have to agree with you there. And the rightwings answer to this is "More local govt":cuckoo:
Here's what we pay to "big government"

city occ license ($100)
county occ license ($100)
county op license ($100)
state incorp fee ($250)

The incorp fee is voluntary, of course.

None of these fees are required of people just starting out as an independent contractor.

There is a lot of misinformation and whining on this thread.

That is simply not true. In fact people just starting out are required to do much more than your claim here.

I think you are also forgetting the insurance costs on small business or

Rightwingers want people to run businesses without insurance so when they screw up, they can just cut and run, and leave the people they harm in the lurch. So much for personal responsibility
Nobody gives anything to anyone.

What you're describing here are exactly the kind of obstacles that they put in the way...The onerous regulations can only be overcome by companies with the deepest of pockets, who then in turn use some of those resources to lobby for even more regulations, which continue to price the competition out of business....Unless, of course, they qualify for a subsidy on the other end.

Like I said....Breaking your leg then handing you a crutch.

That doesn't sound like an obstacle to business. It may be an obstacle to your business but that's because it's run by an incompetent. It's not an obstacle to the corps with deep pockets, who obviously know how to compete.
I get it...You're being an idiot on purpose.
Here's what we pay to "big government"

city occ license ($100)
county occ license ($100)
county op license ($100)
state incorp fee ($250)

The incorp fee is voluntary, of course.

None of these fees are required of people just starting out as an independent contractor.

There is a lot of misinformation and whining on this thread.

That is simply not true. In fact people just starting out are required to do much more than your claim here.

I think you are also forgetting the insurance costs on small business or

Rightwingers want people to run businesses without insurance so when they screw up, they can just cut and run, and leave the people they harm in the lurch. So much for personal responsibility
Here...You'll need this to keep posting.


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