How Is Inflation Affecting You?

My grocery bill is considerably higher and going out to eat has become so expensive it really is not worth it anymore. Last time I went out, my normal bill at my favorite place went from $80 to $160.

I am not paying 160 bucks for a nice meal, that has gotten stupid.

Most of the other places I like to go out to eat simply went out of business. Quite sad to see so many empty storefronts.
Several of my favorite restaurants and two of my favorite movie theatres. Gone. Thanks to our idiot democrat governor.
Inflation? What's that? I am 75 now. I got a VA pension 5 years ago and just 3 months ago, I signed up for Social Security. Because I waited 10 years, they gave me $13,000 cash and started me out at $1762 per month on the third Wednesday of every month, and I also get to keep my VA pension, so I am now getting just shy of $3000 per month until I die. And the best part is, 3 of my 4 grandparents lived into their mid 80's and one was killed in a train accident at 67. Inflate away.
As long as you get yours, fuck everyone else, right?
I doubt he'll have much impact on my life, good or bad. Me thinks we give too much importance to someone who is not really all that powerful.
I agree, Presidents don’t really intrude on our lives. Yet, some people they obsess.
And chances are the solution will not be as good. Group think is not a good thing

The discussion here is about happiness. Discord among the population does not bring about happiness. According to the chart posted, Finland is the happiest country on earth. It is also one of the least diverse along with the other countries in the top 10.

It could be because they aren’t fighting about every issue because they at least have a common goal and agree on fundamental issues. Having small disagreements and discussions about rather insignificant issues is to be expected and even encouraged, but Democrats and Republicans in this country are not even close to being on the same page. One is patriotic the other is not, one supports Christianity the other doesn’t, one supports unfettered immigration the other doesn’t, only one supports abortion, one believes the government should be relied on more heavily the other doesn’t, one believes taxing heavily those that make more money is the way to help those that don’t/won’t work, one believes the government should provide healthcare for “free” while the other believes the private sector is the answer, etc, etc, etc. Countries like Finland don’t have these issues. They agree on the major issues and discuss the details. If you want to call that group think, then so be it.
The discussion here is about happiness. Discord among the population does not bring about happiness. According to the chart posted, Finland is the happiest country on earth. It is also one of the least diverse along with the other countries in the top 10.

It could be because they aren’t fighting about every issue because they at least have a common goal and agree on fundamental issues. Having small disagreements and discussions about rather insignificant issues is to be expected and even encouraged, but Democrats and Republicans in this country are not even close to being on the same page. One is patriotic the other is not, one supports Christianity the other doesn’t, one supports unfettered immigration the other doesn’t, only one supports abortion, one believes the government should be relied on more heavily the other doesn’t, one believes taxing heavily those that make more money is the way to help those that don’t/won’t work, one believes the government should provide healthcare for “free” while the other believes the private sector is the answer, etc, etc, etc. Countries like Finland don’t have these issues. They agree on the major issues and discuss the details. If you want to call that group think, then so be it.

Did you bother read what they measure "happiness" by?

Well, here it is....gross domestic product per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make your own life choices, generosity of the general population, and perceptions of internal and external corruption levels.

Which of the strawmen you created above fall into which of these categories?
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One has to be willfully blind to not see the drastic effects that have happened to ALL communities in the last 2 years.

And to pretend it is immaterial because your politics is fucking disgusting.
Sorry to say it but inflation is a pain but a minor one to the poor. Affordable housing, day care, elder care, and healthcare are way more expensive. And to pretend they are immaterial because of your politics is fucking disgusting.
Sorry to say it but inflation is a pain but a minor one to the poor. Affordable housing, day care, elder care, and healthcare are way more expensive. And to pretend they are immaterial because of your politics is fucking disgusting.
I am not the one pretending they don't matter. You are. And that you want to shift the discussion is solid proof of that fact.

Continue on in utter ignorance and pretend that Biden's approval numbers are not in Trump territory. Continue thinking that the majority of those that are utterly pissed off at him are not doing so because of the economic squeeze they are feeling from inflation. Pretend that they are not upset every fucking time they buy a gallon of milk.

And watch your party cede power back to the republicans because of it. What a pathetic joke.
Sorry to say it but inflation is a pain but a minor one to the poor. Affordable housing, day care, elder care, and healthcare are way more expensive.
So you don't think that housing, day care, elder car and healthcare costs are effected by inflation? You contradicted yourself in that statement as you assert in the first sentence that inflation in a minor inconvenience to the poor. Tell a hungry child that as the price of groceries doubles.
I am not the one pretending they don't matter. You are. And that you want to shift the discussion is solid proof of that fact.

Continue on in utter ignorance and pretend that Biden's approval numbers are not in Trump territory. Continue thinking that the majority of those that are utterly pissed off at him are not doing so because of the economic squeeze they are feeling from inflation. Pretend that they are not upset every fucking time they buy a gallon of milk.

And watch your party cede power back to the republicans because of it. What a pathetic joke.
I'm confused. Are you saying affordable housing, day care, elder care, and healthcare matter? if so we agree. If you claim the GOP is doing more than the Dems in these areas, we'd disagree.
So you don't think that housing, day care, elder car and healthcare costs are effected by inflation? You contradicted yourself in that statement as you assert in the first sentence that inflation in a minor inconvenience to the poor. Tell a hungry child that as the price of groceries doubles.
The increased cost of housing is irrelevant if you're homeless. The increased cost of heath insurance is irrelevant if you don't have any. The increased cost of day and elder care is irrelevant if you're unemployed or make minimum wage.
The increased cost of heath insurance is irrelevant if you don't have any.
The increased cost of day
When you choose to have a child, these are issues that should be taken into account. The government is not your mommy or daddy.
The point of the matter is you have chosen to side with the party that has created these issues. The democrat business climate is not conducive to any kind of logical productivity. If you have a populace that expects the government to provide what they refuse to take responsibility for, it is destined to fail. There is no free lunch.
So you're a proponent of both? Thanks.

When you choose to have a child, these are issues that should be taken into account. The government is not your mommy or daddy.
The point of the matter is you have chosen to side with the party that has created these issues. The democrat business climate is not conducive to any kind of logical productivity. If you have a populace that expects the government to provide what they refuse to take responsibility for, it is destined to fail. There is no free lunch.
Disagree. It is the GOP's laisse faire attitude that allows booms and busts that hurt the economy and workers in the long term.
So you're a proponent of both? Thanks.
Learn to read and comprehend. They are available, so your statement about not having healthcare was irrelevant to the conversation, just as your attempt to twist my words are.
GOP's laisse faire attitude that allows booms and busts
The GOP had the economy clicking along just fine until your commie democrat buddies decided that any parasite should get everything for free with no responsibility to produce ANYTHING. Run along parasite--you'll live as one into perpetuity because you will spend everything that has been unjustly GIVEN to you by the people who DO produce and then beg for more.
Learn to read and comprehend. They are available, so your statement about not having healthcare was irrelevant to the conversation, just as your attempt to twist my words are.
Would it be your choice to end Obamacare? That is certainly how the GOP behave. Don't you think it hypocritical to offer a solution that you would end if you could?

The GOP had the economy clicking along just fine until your commie democrat buddies decided that any parasite should get everything for free with no responsibility to produce ANYTHING. Run along parasite--you'll live as one into perpetuity because you will spend everything that has been unjustly GIVEN to you by the people who DO produce and then beg for more.
Interesting view of history. Exactly when did my commie, democrat buddies decide to give away everything for free?
Would it be your choice to end Obamacare? That is certainly how the GOP behave. Don't you think it hypocritical to offer a solution that you would end if you could?

Interesting view of history. Exactly when did my commie, democrat buddies decide to give away everything for free?
Play your strawman games with someone else moron.

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