How Is It Legal????

No personal religion about it . The word of the one true God says homosexuality is a sin.


What does that have to do with equal access to marriage laws?

You obviously didn’t read the cited supporting case law:

Homosexuals indeed constitute a specific class of persons, entitled to 14th Amendment equal access, as determined by the Supreme Court.

Actually my argument is that the courts cannot overturn a referendum by the people, as they did in CA, without a tremendously good and clear reason, which they don't have.

Your argument has no merit and exhibits your ignorance of the law.

It’s incumbent upon the state – via legislative action or referendum – to provide a compelling reason and evidence to preempt a given right, not the courts. The courts are merely the neutral venue in which an issue is reviewed.

There is no given right for two same sex people to marry. That seems to be what you're missing here.

If the Federal Government extends benefits to straight married couples who get married in a Mormon church then they also need to extend benefits to gay couples married by the Episcopalian church. That's what you're missing here.
Just a thought, when you are trying to accomplish something that has Never been the Norm, and you are trying to win over support, sugar works better than vinegar. We are not Idiots. Misinformation tends to do more harm than good, when exposed. I'd personally support Civil Unions, as an equivalent to Marriage, giving you Equal footing, legally. My only problem is with you using the word Marriage, which to Me means One Man, One Woman. I view the use of it that way, a corruption of the meaning. Pick Any Other word you want, have a National Contest, make one up.

How about this;

Instead of the government overstretching its arms and defining marriage for us, how about the government will only be in the business of granting two consenting adults (straight or gay) who want to be recognized legally as "a couple" a civil union. This union will grant the couple all of the traditional legal benefits a married couple today enjoys under the law - ie allowing them to file taxes together, access to one another's health care records, access to employment benefits, access to one another's wills, ability to make medical decisions for each other - it just will no longer be called a "marriage" from a legal standpoint.

Next, the term "marriage" will be solely be left up to the church or religion or spiritual group of the couple to define. If the couple is Catholic, and the Catholic church will not perform a marriage on the couple because they're gay, then too bad - the couple is SOL. Go to a new church.

I think this would work perfectly fine. Problem solved?
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I thought the only "sins" were those laid out in the 7 Noahide Commandments or the 10 Commandments.

Neither of them say "thou shalt not be gay".

Try again.
Then you thought wrong. Read leviticus 20:13. Also Jesus spoke about sexual immorality, which homosexuality is.

Here's something interesting for you to read from a theological scholar site.......

* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home
When you truly read and understand the Bible, you know that all that you just posted are lies. Keep it up, comedy is a funny thing.

What does that have to do with equal access to marriage laws?

You obviously didn’t read the cited supporting case law:

Homosexuals indeed constitute a specific class of persons, entitled to 14th Amendment equal access, as determined by the Supreme Court.

Your argument has no merit and exhibits your ignorance of the law.

It’s incumbent upon the state – via legislative action or referendum – to provide a compelling reason and evidence to preempt a given right, not the courts. The courts are merely the neutral venue in which an issue is reviewed.

There is no given right for two same sex people to marry. That seems to be what you're missing here.

If the Federal Government extends benefits to straight married couples who get married in a Mormon church then they also need to extend benefits to gay couples married by the Episcopalian church. That's what you're missing here.
Two wrongs don't make it right. The episcopalian church is wrong.
There is no given right for two same sex people to marry. That seems to be what you're missing here.

If the Federal Government extends benefits to straight married couples who get married in a Mormon church then they also need to extend benefits to gay couples married by the Episcopalian church. That's what you're missing here.
Two wrongs don't make it right. The episcopalian church is wrong.

Two Wrongs?

You realize you just said that:

(a) It was wrong for the federal government to recognize as Civilly Married a different-sex couple.


(b) It was wrong for the federal government to recognize as Civilly Married a same-sex couple.​

There is no given right for two same sex people to marry. That seems to be what you're missing here.

If the Federal Government extends benefits to straight married couples who get married in a Mormon church then they also need to extend benefits to gay couples married by the Episcopalian church. That's what you're missing here.
Two wrongs don't make it right. The episcopalian church is wrong.

Oh please.... the old "My religion is better than your religion"?

That's the reason why your religious argument fails every time.
Supreme court is wrong, gays are not a class of people. Gay is a sexual preference, period.

The supreme court fell for the lying scheme of the sinning gays.

Until you can find support for your position that is not religiously based, do not expect the rest of us to adopt it.[/QUOTE]
I have all the support I need, God. His truth is the only truth that matters, not mans misguided version.
If the Federal Government extends benefits to straight married couples who get married in a Mormon church then they also need to extend benefits to gay couples married by the Episcopalian church. That's what you're missing here.
Two wrongs don't make it right. The episcopalian church is wrong.

Two Wrongs?

You realize you just said that:

(a) It was wrong for the federal government to recognize as Civilly Married a different-sex couple.


(b) It was wrong for the federal government to recognize as Civilly Married a same-sex couple.​



Yes, and that too!
If the Federal Government extends benefits to straight married couples who get married in a Mormon church then they also need to extend benefits to gay couples married by the Episcopalian church. That's what you're missing here.
Two wrongs don't make it right. The episcopalian church is wrong.

Oh please.... the old "My religion is better than your religion"?

That's the reason why your religious argument fails every time.
My religious argument doesn't fail, it is based on the Bible, which trumps man's sinfulness every time.
Just a thought, when you are trying to accomplish something that has Never been the Norm, and you are trying to win over support, sugar works better than vinegar. We are not Idiots. Misinformation tends to do more harm than good, when exposed. I'd personally support Civil Unions, as an equivalent to Marriage, giving you Equal footing, legally. My only problem is with you using the word Marriage, which to Me means One Man, One Woman. I view the use of it that way, a corruption of the meaning. Pick Any Other word you want, have a National Contest, make one up.

How about this;

Instead of the government overstretching its arms and defining marriage for us, how about the government will only be in the business of granting two consenting adults (straight or gay) who want to be recognized legally as "a couple" a civil union. This union will grant the couple all of the traditional legal benefits a married couple today enjoys under the law - ie allowing them to file taxes together, access to one another's health care records, access to employment benefits, access to one another's wills, ability to make medical decisions for each other - it just will no longer be called a "marriage" from a legal standpoint.

Next, the term "marriage" will be solely be left up to the church or religion or spiritual group of the couple to define. If the couple is Catholic, and the Catholic church will not perform a marriage on the couple because they're gay, then too bad - the couple is SOL. Go to a new church.

I think this would work perfectly fine. Problem solved?

Sounds like a perfect solution! Gays don't need the Catholic church. There are plenty of churches around which will marry gay couples if they decide they want a religious ceremony.
Just a thought, when you are trying to accomplish something that has Never been the Norm, and you are trying to win over support, sugar works better than vinegar. We are not Idiots. Misinformation tends to do more harm than good, when exposed. I'd personally support Civil Unions, as an equivalent to Marriage, giving you Equal footing, legally. My only problem is with you using the word Marriage, which to Me means One Man, One Woman. I view the use of it that way, a corruption of the meaning. Pick Any Other word you want, have a National Contest, make one up.

How about this;

Instead of the government overstretching its arms and defining marriage for us, how about the government will only be in the business of granting two consenting adults (straight or gay) who want to be recognized legally as "a couple" a civil union. This union will grant the couple all of the traditional legal benefits a married couple today enjoys under the law - ie allowing them to file taxes together, access to one another's health care records, access to employment benefits, access to one another's wills, ability to make medical decisions for each other - it just will no longer be called a "marriage" from a legal standpoint.

Next, the term "marriage" will be solely be left up to the church or religion or spiritual group of the couple to define. If the couple is Catholic, and the Catholic church will not perform a marriage on the couple because they're gay, then too bad - the couple is SOL. Go to a new church.

I think this would work perfectly fine. Problem solved?

Sounds like a perfect solution! Gays don't need the Catholic church. There are plenty of churches around which will marry gay couples if they decide they want a religious ceremony.
Then they are not a church of God.
Two wrongs don't make it right. The episcopalian church is wrong.

Oh please.... the old "My religion is better than your religion"?

That's the reason why your religious argument fails every time.
My religious argument doesn't fail, it is based on the Bible, which trumps man's sinfulness every time.

In this country, laws are based on the Constitution, which is why your religious argument fails.

As The Rabbi correctly pointed out, the laws are not written as a function of homosexuality as a "recognizable class", the laws concerning Civil Marriage are written as a function of gender - a recognizable situation determined by biology, just as race is a biological function.

Don't believe it? Take a look at the laws:
Heterosexual Man + Heterosexual Woman = Legal
Heterosexual Man + Homosexual Woman = Legal
Homosexual Man + Heterosexual Woman = Legal
Homosexual Man + Homosexual Woman = Legal
Heterosexual Man + Heterosexual Man = Illegal
Heterosexual Man + Homosexual Man = Illegal
Homosexual Man + Homosexual Man = Illegal
Heterosexual Woman + Heterosexual Woman = Illegal
Heterosexual Woman + Homosexual Woman = Illegal
Homosexual Woman + Homosexual Woman = Illegal​

What is the determining condition? Yep gender.

Under the premise of Equal Protection under the law the government should have a compelling reason for treating citizen differently in like situated positions. In this case those that are in like situated positions are law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adult different-sex couples and law abiding, tax paying, US Citizen, infertile, consenting, adult same-sex couples. To date I have not seen anyone articulate a compelling government interest (i.e. one that exists as a function of secular law) as to why these groups should be treated differently.

And no, the laws in the evaluation of Civil Marriage is not made based on the access of the individual, that argument was tried in Loving v. Virginia and failed and the court recognized it was the treatment of the couple that mattered.

How about this;

Instead of the government overstretching its arms and defining marriage for us, how about the government will only be in the business of granting two consenting adults (straight or gay) who want to be recognized legally as "a couple" a civil union. This union will grant the couple all of the traditional legal benefits a married couple today enjoys under the law - ie allowing them to file taxes together, access to one another's health care records, access to employment benefits, access to one another's wills, ability to make medical decisions for each other - it just will no longer be called a "marriage" from a legal standpoint.

Next, the term "marriage" will be solely be left up to the church or religion or spiritual group of the couple to define. If the couple is Catholic, and the Catholic church will not perform a marriage on the couple because they're gay, then too bad - the couple is SOL. Go to a new church.

I think this would work perfectly fine. Problem solved?

Sounds like a perfect solution! Gays don't need the Catholic church. There are plenty of churches around which will marry gay couples if they decide they want a religious ceremony.
Then they are not a church of God.

Thank you for your opinion.

Plenty of other people believe they are.
Oh please.... the old "My religion is better than your religion"?

That's the reason why your religious argument fails every time.
My religious argument doesn't fail, it is based on the Bible, which trumps man's sinfulness every time.

In this country, laws are based on the Constitution, which is why your religious argument fails.
Constitution based on Christian principals. Your argument fails.
Then they are not a church of God.

Well, technically, you don't know that for sure. In fact, no one in history has ever been able to prove/disprove if (a) God exists and (b) if he/she does, who's story is the correct one. This is primarily because once you die (and find out), you can't come back.

Therefore, "They are not a church of God" is solely your personal opinion (which is as valid as anyone else's - might I add), but is certainly not a "fact" by any stretch of the imagination.

That's why I suggest we get the government out of the marriage business. Only civil unions. Then each Church will be able to define marriage based on their own opinions of what marriage should be. Everyone wins - agree?
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What does that have to do with equal access to marriage laws?

You obviously didn’t read the cited supporting case law:

Homosexuals indeed constitute a specific class of persons, entitled to 14th Amendment equal access, as determined by the Supreme Court.

Your argument has no merit and exhibits your ignorance of the law.

It’s incumbent upon the state – via legislative action or referendum – to provide a compelling reason and evidence to preempt a given right, not the courts. The courts are merely the neutral venue in which an issue is reviewed.

There is no given right for two same sex people to marry. That seems to be what you're missing here.

If the Federal Government extends benefits to straight married couples who get married in a Mormon church then they also need to extend benefits to gay couples married by the Episcopalian church. That's what you're missing here.

No, they do not have to. Any more than they have to extend benefits to people who are also married to other people, or people who are consangueneous with other people. Or people who are under age of consent.
The law is not a free for all. If a state decides to vote democratically, that is one thing. But having an unelected fag judge rule is not rule of law anymore. Or rule by the people. It is a dictatorship of judiciary.
In this country, laws are based on the Constitution, which is why your religious argument fails.
Constitution based on Christian principals. Your argument fails.

The Constitution allows for any and all religions to exist. Including the ones which marry gay people.

You have to show any right to marriage in the constitution. If there is one, it is under the 10th A that reserves it to the states. Which is why states have set their own criteria.

I thought the only "sins" were those laid out in the 7 Noahide Commandments or the 10 Commandments.

Neither of them say "thou shalt not be gay".

Try again.

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”

Only 2, ABS.....only 2.

How can one love God with all their heart and honor Him by going against His plan...His creation??
That's why it's said that lying with another man as you would a woman is an 'abomination'. It goes against creation.

All of that is why I am against gay sex.
It has nothing to do with why I am against gay marriage.

The word "marriage" is why I am against it.
I am all for Civil Unions or Legal Partnerships.
Gay people should have just as much right to lose half their shit in a break-up as the rest of us.
Just find your own word.

Why should a small minority be allowed to redefine a word for the majority for the sake of a word?

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