How is it not blatantly obvious to liberals that Obama = Bush to the T?

Jul 14, 2011
Immigration, bailouts, military spending, general spending, lack of financial regulations, tax cuts for the rich, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Gitmo, Patriot Act, and on and on and on... I'm not asking if you agree with any of the above mentioned actions or policies, just asking what about these 2 Presidents makes you think they're any different in practice?

And no I stopped supporting Bush after teh Patriot act,. So libs please do not use that failed arugment that i supported him his whole 8 years

You can say he he gave the order for OBL to be killed but so what? Yeah im glad OBL is dead but that doesnt escape the facts above
So, the only logical conclusion we can come to, based on your theory, is that the right hates Obama because he's black.
So, the only logical conclusion we can come to, based on your theory, is that the right hates Obama because he's black.

There nothing in the post about playing the race card, why use it?

It's not a card but a conclusion. If he's exactly like Bush but conservatives hate him with the heat of a thousand white-hot suns...what other explanation is there?
So, the only logical conclusion we can come to, based on your theory, is that the right hates Obama because he's black.

There nothing in the post about playing the race card, why use it?

It's not a card but a conclusion. If he's exactly like Bush but conservatives hate him with the heat of a thousand white-hot suns...what other explanation is there?

All conservatives don't hate Obama. I can attest to that. I personally think he's a good guy, at heart, he just can't lead worth a shit, and he's in way over his head. I don't have a thing against him personally.

Does everyone on the left/Liberal hate Bush??
I have been saying that Obama = a third Bush term every since i saw he was not going to close Gitmo nor end the war quickly.
And all his finiancial, etc deals have been very bushish as well.
I just do not understand why all the ex bushites do not love him?
Immigration, bailouts, military spending, general spending, lack of financial regulations, tax cuts for the rich, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Gitmo, Patriot Act, and on and on and on... I'm not asking if you agree with any of the above mentioned actions or policies, just asking what about these 2 Presidents makes you think they're any different in practice?

And no I stopped supporting Bush after teh Patriot act,. So libs please do not use that failed arugment that i supported him his whole 8 years

You can say he he gave the order for OBL to be killed but so what? Yeah im glad OBL is dead but that doesnt escape the facts above
Starting in 1996...politics in America began it's transition into being presented much like sports events. So everybody craves the rush of a win, as opposed to knowing what's best for America and supporting that. Obama, Bush2, Clinton, Bush1, Reagan, and so on...all had to develop the art of compromise, and would have accomplished nothing if they hadn't.

As for the hatred of Obama from the's no less intense than hatred of Bush or Clinton, but the 24 hour media is becoming more efficiently integrated with the ideological political industries they support. So they're getting really good at driving us towards becoming implacable enemies.

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