How is it that republican voters justify voting suppression by the GOP?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Here are some important points to consider:

1) No one even thought this was a problem before Obama’s administration. Hmm what interesting timing. Why did no one care about it? Because it has always been statistically very RARE and therefore pointless to come up with policy to fight it. All it really accomplishes is keeping legal voters from casting their votes.

2) It goes beyond new extra ID requirements. It also involves closing voting stations in key democratic voting areas. How in the hell do you justify shit like that?

3) Do republican voters not care the GOP is doing this simply because it helps their side win? Is that the real truth?

4) Oh and just to state the obvious, just because dead people are still on voting records, it doesn’t somehow magically mean actual votes are being cast from these dead people. This shouldn’t have to be spelled out.
The only votes the GOP would like to suppress are illegal votes....the question is...why is the DNC in favor of illegal votes?....
Lib please YOU PEOPLE demand multiple forms of ID just to get a fishing license in your Dem run states, enough with your faux voter suppression crap. :eusa_hand:
Lib please YOU PEOPLE demand multiple forms of ID just to get a fishing license in your Dem run states, enough with your faux voter suppression crap.

I think that the right to vote is fundamental, and far more important than the right to go fishing. Hence, I am more sensitive to problems caused by placing unnecessary burdens on voting than I am to problems caused by placing unnecessary burdens on fishing. That seems reasonable to me.

On the other hand, you could probably convince me that states should reduce the amount of bureaucracy around hunting/fishing licenses, I'm just less likely to focus as much on it as a problem because it's less important.
Here are some important points to consider:

1) No one even thought this was a problem before Obama’s administration. Hmm what interesting timing. Why did no one care about it? Because it has always been statistically very RARE and therefore pointless to come up with policy to fight it. All it really accomplishes is keeping legal voters from casting their votes.

2) It goes beyond new extra ID requirements. It also involves closing voting stations in key democratic voting areas. How in the hell do you justify shit like that?

3) Do republican voters not care the GOP is doing this simply because it helps their side win? Is that the real truth?

4) Oh and just to state the obvious, just because dead people are still on voting records, it doesn’t somehow magically mean actual votes are being cast from these dead people. This shouldn’t have to be spelled out.
Why are you so against requiring that people prove who they are in order to vote?
Lib please YOU PEOPLE demand multiple forms of ID just to get a fishing license in your Dem run states, enough with your faux voter suppression crap.

I think that the right to vote is fundamental, and far more important than the right to go fishing. Hence, I am more sensitive to problems caused by placing unnecessary burdens on voting than I am to problems caused by placing unnecessary burdens on fishing. That seems reasonable to me.

On the other hand, you could probably convince me that states should reduce the amount of bureaucracy around hunting/fishing licenses, I'm just less likely to focus as much on it as a problem because it's less important.
Do you have to be an American citizen to get a fishing lisence too?
Here are some important points to consider:

1) No one even thought this was a problem before Obama’s administration. Hmm what interesting timing. Why did no one care about it? Because it has always been statistically very RARE and therefore pointless to come up with policy to fight it. All it really accomplishes is keeping legal voters from casting their votes.

2) It goes beyond new extra ID requirements. It also involves closing voting stations in key democratic voting areas. How in the hell do you justify shit like that?

3) Do republican voters not care the GOP is doing this simply because it helps their side win? Is that the real truth?

4) Oh and just to state the obvious, just because dead people are still on voting records, it doesn’t somehow magically mean actual votes are being cast from these dead people. This shouldn’t have to be spelled out.
Democrats consider "voter suppression" to be

"anything that hinders Democrats from cheating on election day"
Lib please YOU PEOPLE demand multiple forms of ID just to get a fishing license in your Dem run states, enough with your faux voter suppression crap.

I think that the right to vote is fundamental, and far more important than the right to go fishing. Hence, I am more sensitive to problems caused by placing unnecessary burdens on voting than I am to problems caused by placing unnecessary burdens on fishing. That seems reasonable to me.

On the other hand, you could probably convince me that states should reduce the amount of bureaucracy around hunting/fishing licenses, I'm just less likely to focus as much on it as a problem because it's less important.
/---/ All of the things that requires a photo ID and voting can't be one? Registering to vote - ID required - but not voting?
Working on my concession speech...

"Americans were cheated out of the blue wave by suppressing the votes of illegals and the voting dead."

How's it sound so far?
Do you have to be an American citizen to get a fishing lisence too?

I'll take this question to imply that you're concerned with ineligible people voting, and address that instead of what you actually asked.

I'd note that I said I am sensitive to unnecessary burdens on voting, not to there existing any burdens whatsoever. In order to register to vote, someone should clearly need to establish their eligibility. There's no problem with that, although following the principle I suggested states should take seriously their obligation to make that process easy for everyone who wants to vote. The same is true for actually voting.

I have no theoretical objection to voter ID requirements at the time of voting, in conjunction with voter registration requirements. But such requirements must (in my view) be paired with programs to ensure that the burden on acquiring the ID is minimal. The same is true for other voting burdens. States shouldn't close polling locations strategically in order to disadvantage voters in urban areas. States shouldn't impose licensing fees where they will have the effect of placing a disproportionate burden on the very poorest, who have the same right to vote as everyone else. A voter ID policy which takes those problems seriously is not inherently problematic, but that's not usually how they've been implemented.

Also, while I have no theoretical objection I do have a practical objection, for much the same reason I'd guess that there's too much bureaucracy around fishing licenses: voter ID laws aren't actually accomplishing anything. If I'm sensitive to placing burdens on voting, that's especially true if the costs have no associated benefit. Voter ID laws only address one possible form of voter fraud, and there is no evidence of any significant problem of voter fraud of that type. Instead, it's very clear that the primary motive behind GOP support for voter ID laws is really to gain an advantage in election outcomes, usually by making it harder for members of Democrat-leaning groups to vote. I grant that many voters believe what they are told about the threat of voter fraud, but that doesn't change the fact that there is no evidence to support claims that voter ID laws are necessary. Nor does it change the fact that several voter ID laws have been struck down on the grounds that they target specific groups in order to make it harder for them to vote. Laws which pretend to be concerned with fraud but which are really only concerned with gaining an electoral advantage are illegitimate in my view.
Keeping dead voters, illegals, felons and cartoon characters from casting fraudulent democrook ballots isn't "suppression".

It's called patriotism and a civic duty.

The only time bed wetters do anything close to "civic duty" is when they set themselves on fire to protest global warming.



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