How is it that republican voters justify voting suppression by the GOP?

Ask Ramhead to look up what republican scum are doing in Kansas to suppress the vote there And that's just one of many examples Georgia Texas etc etc falling prey to republican thieves Guess they love playing follow their leader ,a lifetime crook
You tell me Eddie....I'm you tell me what Republicans are doing to suppress votes in Kansas or anywhere....if its clearing old voter rolls of dead people and asking for ID I and every American should support that 100%....
You LIE!!! The GOP actively suppresses any democrat voter they can. They set up fake voter registration drives in black areas to make blacks think they registered to vote until it's to late. They constantly add regulations & hurdles to democrat voters that strip them from voter rolls or prevent them from voting
Bullshit....the fake registration drives have been investigated fully and found to be untrue...The GOP is allowed to try and register blacks or anyone else...just because you think all blacks belong to democrat plantation masters means nothing to civil minded Americans...Those days are over...Blacks as you refer to them and Hispanics are leaving the democrat party in droves...
Ask Ramhead to look up what republican scum are doing in Kansas to suppress the vote there And that's just one of many examples Georgia Texas etc etc falling prey to republican thieves Guess they love playing follow their leader ,a lifetime crook
You tell me Eddie....I'm you tell me what Republicans are doing to suppress votes in Kansas or anywhere....if its clearing old voter rolls of dead people and asking for ID I and every American should support that 100%....
They closed up convenient voting booths in Topkea and moved them many miles away All explained on Madows show last night
Ask Ramhead to look up what republican scum are doing in Kansas to suppress the vote there And that's just one of many examples Georgia Texas etc etc falling prey to republican thieves Guess they love playing follow their leader ,a lifetime crook
You tell me Eddie....I'm you tell me what Republicans are doing to suppress votes in Kansas or anywhere....if its clearing old voter rolls of dead people and asking for ID I and every American should support that 100%....
Ram I thought you knew
Voter Fraud news, video and community from MSNBC
Here are some important points to consider:

1) No one even thought this was a problem before Obama’s administration. Hmm what interesting timing. Why did no one care about it? Because it has always been statistically very RARE and therefore pointless to come up with policy to fight it. All it really accomplishes is keeping legal voters from casting their votes.

2) It goes beyond new extra ID requirements. It also involves closing voting stations in key democratic voting areas. How in the hell do you justify shit like that?

3) Do republican voters not care the GOP is doing this simply because it helps their side win? Is that the real truth?

4) Oh and just to state the obvious, just because dead people are still on voting records, it doesn’t somehow magically mean actual votes are being cast from these dead people. This shouldn’t have to be spelled out.

Republicans justify it because the more minority voters are suppressed the greater the chances of Republicans winning elections.
Here are some important points to consider:

1) No one even thought this was a problem before Obama’s administration. Hmm what interesting timing. Why did no one care about it? Because it has always been statistically very RARE and therefore pointless to come up with policy to fight it. All it really accomplishes is keeping legal voters from casting their votes.

2) It goes beyond new extra ID requirements. It also involves closing voting stations in key democratic voting areas. How in the hell do you justify shit like that?

3) Do republican voters not care the GOP is doing this simply because it helps their side win? Is that the real truth?

4) Oh and just to state the obvious, just because dead people are still on voting records, it doesn’t somehow magically mean actual votes are being cast from these dead people. This shouldn’t have to be spelled out.
They’re for the most part dishonest and want to win at any cost, no matter how reprehensible and wrong.
Here are some important points to consider:

1) No one even thought this was a problem before Obama’s administration. Hmm what interesting timing. Why did no one care about it? Because it has always been statistically very RARE and therefore pointless to come up with policy to fight it. All it really accomplishes is keeping legal voters from casting their votes.

2) It goes beyond new extra ID requirements. It also involves closing voting stations in key democratic voting areas. How in the hell do you justify shit like that?

3) Do republican voters not care the GOP is doing this simply because it helps their side win? Is that the real truth?

4) Oh and just to state the obvious, just because dead people are still on voting records, it doesn’t somehow magically mean actual votes are being cast from these dead people. This shouldn’t have to be spelled out.
If you really want to prove there is nothing to the allegations have mueller look into it.
They justify it because winning and power are all that they care about
3) I did not say that "selecting a POTUS should require no ID whatsoever". I said that people registering to vote should be required to establish their eligibility, but that voting laws should aim at making the burden on voters as small as reasonably possible because voting is a fundamental right. I also said that voting laws which purport to solve a problem but which can't demonstrate the existence of said problem are unnecessary, and that voting laws which are intentionally aimed at disenfranchising voters for partisan benefit are illegitimate.

I have never been burglarized. Should I just leave the doors unlocked? No. I can foresee a scenario where that might happen.

You would be the guy telling me that I must ignore common-sense foresight, and leave my doors unlocked.

We know voting fraud happens. It is the easiest scam ever, which happens during registration, and can only be stopped with an ID requirement at the poll. I could explain it to you, but you really don't give a fuck. You either have your blinders on, or you know how it works and you just want to cheat.

The republicans aren't suppressing the vote.
Of course, this is a shameless lie, and the republican strategy on this has been a concerted, multi-faceted effort to reduce voter turnout. It's not a secret; republicans have admitted this. ALEC crafts boilerplate legislation and talking points designed precisely for this strategy. Voter ID laws, restricting early and absentee voting, closing and moving polling places, litigation against groups who actively register voters, purging voter rolls....these things are all done together for this reason. Anyone who claims otherwise is a bald faced liar.
Many people can function with an expired ID, or for some time after losing their ID, or for a day after leaving it on their dresser at home. Try it, you'll get by.

But that's a moot point anyway, as the true intent of voter ID laws has nothing to do with ensuring the integrity of elections or of the identity of voters.
ID is required to apply for food stamps, but Dem's say no ID should be required to vote why? So Dem's can cheat?
That's not accurate. Most Dems (and people in general) would support voter ID, if it came with qualifications and efforts to get everyone a valid ID free and easily. But that is not what is being proposed by the current laws on the table and their supporters. The reason these laws are opposed is that they will do more to keep people from voting than they will to stave off any voter fraud.
If a person needs an ID to register to vote honestly what is the suppression in requiring them to show their ID to cast a ballot?
ID is required to apply for food stamps, but Dem's say no ID should be required to vote why? So Dem's can cheat?
That's not accurate. Most Dems (and people in general) would support voter ID, if it came with qualifications and efforts to get everyone a valid ID free and easily. But that is not what is being proposed by the current laws on the table and their supporters. The reason these laws are opposed is that they will do more to keep people from voting than they will to stave off any voter fraud.

Try to pay attention, you people require the poor to have ID to get food stamps. Here I'll answer for you, but but but…:aargh: that Blues guy :aargh:
ID is required to apply for food stamps, but Dem's say no ID should be required to vote why? So Dem's can cheat?
That's not accurate. Most Dems (and people in general) would support voter ID, if it came with qualifications and efforts to get everyone a valid ID free and easily. But that is not what is being proposed by the current laws on the table and their supporters. The reason these laws are opposed is that they will do more to keep people from voting than they will to stave off any voter fraud.

Try to pay attention, you people require the poor to have ID to get food stamps. Here I'll answer for you, but but but…:aargh: that Blues guy :aargh:
I directly responded to your points. And you sidestepped mine.
If a person needs an ID to register to vote honestly what is the suppression in requiring them to show their ID to cast a ballot?
Because it can and does reduce turnout and participation. This is a fact, you can look up the data. So you have two choices:

1) you think this cost is acceptable to stave off in person voter fraud, of which there is scant evidence

2) you do not think this cost is acceptable

Two choices....own your choice...

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