How is it that republican voters justify voting suppression by the GOP?

Here are some important points to consider:

1) No one even thought this was a problem before Obama’s administration. Hmm what interesting timing. Why did no one care about it? Because it has always been statistically very RARE and therefore pointless to come up with policy to fight it. All it really accomplishes is keeping legal voters from casting their votes.

2) It goes beyond new extra ID requirements. It also involves closing voting stations in key democratic voting areas. How in the hell do you justify shit like that?

3) Do republican voters not care the GOP is doing this simply because it helps their side win? Is that the real truth?

4) Oh and just to state the obvious, just because dead people are still on voting records, it doesn’t somehow magically mean actual votes are being cast from these dead people. This shouldn’t have to be spelled out.
Simple...they think it helps them win. And that's all. No need to think too far into it.
Here are some important points to consider:

1) No one even thought this was a problem before Obama’s administration. Hmm what interesting timing. Why did no one care about it? Because it has always been statistically very RARE and therefore pointless to come up with policy to fight it. All it really accomplishes is keeping legal voters from casting their votes.

2) It goes beyond new extra ID requirements. It also involves closing voting stations in key democratic voting areas. How in the hell do you justify shit like that?

3) Do republican voters not care the GOP is doing this simply because it helps their side win? Is that the real truth?

4) Oh and just to state the obvious, just because dead people are still on voting records, it doesn’t somehow magically mean actual votes are being cast from these dead people. This shouldn’t have to be spelled out.
If the nonliving are not able to vote democrat, how can we be certain that there is an afterlife
The only votes the GOP would like to suppress are illegal votes....the question is...why is the DNC in favor of illegal votes?....
You LIE!!! The GOP actively suppresses any democrat voter they can. They set up fake voter registration drives in black areas to make blacks think they registered to vote until it's to late. They constantly add regulations & hurdles to democrat voters that strip them from voter rolls or prevent them from voting.
Working on my concession speech...

"Americans were cheated out of the blue wave by suppressing the votes of illegals and the voting dead."

How's it sound so far?

You forgot the Russians. Always include the Russians.
The only votes the GOP would like to suppress are illegal votes....the question is...why is the DNC in favor of illegal votes?....
You LIE!!! The GOP actively suppresses any democrat voter they can. They set up fake voter registration drives in black areas to make blacks think they registered to vote until it's to late. They constantly add regulations & hurdles to democrat voters that strip them from voter rolls or prevent them from voting.
Ask Ramhead to look up what republican scum are doing in Kansas to suppress the vote there And that's just one of many examples Georgia Texas etc etc falling prey to republican thieves Guess they love playing follow their leader ,a lifetime crook,

Let's see if we can improve on that, shall we?

I want to see 100% rich and 0% poor.
Who will mow your lawns, kill the pigs to make your bacon , cut your chickens heads off , slaughter your cows ? The rich won't

Let's see if we can improve on that, shall we?

I want to see 100% rich and 0% poor.
Who will mow your lawns, kill the pigs to make your bacon , cut your chickens heads off , slaughter your cows ? The rich won't

You misunderstand. I don't mind that there are poor people. I just am not so keen about them voting.

As for the poor doing all the work you might have a point. But, if it weren't for rich venture capitalists, they wouldn't have any work to do. They'd be hunter-gatherers.

Oh, and I thought it would be clear from my avatar. I don't eat bacon.

Let's see if we can improve on that, shall we?

I want to see 100% rich and 0% poor.
Who will mow your lawns, kill the pigs to make your bacon , cut your chickens heads off , slaughter your cows ? The rich won't

IOW, true equality cannot exist. If everyone has exactly the same, there is no incentive for wealth to move around. Thus, we will always have rich and poor.

Let's see if we can improve on that, shall we?

I want to see 100% rich and 0% poor.
Who will mow your lawns, kill the pigs to make your bacon , cut your chickens heads off , slaughter your cows ? The rich won't

You misunderstand. I don't mind that there are poor people. I just am not so keen about them voting.

As for the poor doing all the work you might have a point. But, if it weren't for rich venture capitalists, they wouldn't have any work to do. They'd be hunter-gatherers.

Oh, and I thought it would be clear from my avatar. I don't eat bacon.
I'm Jewish also and love bacon
Every nation has stricter voting laws than the United States. I provided you with those facts.

I think you must have forgotten to do this, since this is your first post in this thread to mention the topic. I doubt that this claim is true, but in any case you have provided no evidence for it. It's also mostly irrelevant from my perspective. (Nearly?) every nation has stricter gun laws than the United States too, but I doubt you would accept that as a conclusive argument for gun control. I've outlined the principles I think are important to evaluating voting laws a couple of times now, but you haven't responded to my actual argument at all. You seem mostly to just be trying to change the subject.

Democrats have a long history of voter suppression and cheating.

Citation needed, but this is also irrelevant in my view, unless you can demonstrate that Democrats are engaging in voter suppression in the present, in which case I will join you in demanding that they cease. Otherwise this is a tu quoque fallacy at best, and I would point out that I'm against voter suppression tactics regardless of who engages in them.

Regarding the courts, There are many activist leftist judges that the Democrat party has put in place to "fix" things when the people don't vote Democrat like they're expected to.

Again, citation needed. But also: the nice thing about the court cases is you can read the decisions, and often you can see the evidence for yourself. It's in the public record. The decision in the NC case (linked above) goes into a lot of detail about exactly what happened. You can decide for yourself if you think it sounds legitimate.
Every nation has stricter voting laws than the United States. I provided you with those facts.

I think you must have forgotten to do this, since this is your first post in this thread to mention the topic. I doubt that this claim is true, but in any case you have provided no evidence for it. It's also mostly irrelevant from my perspective. (Nearly?) every nation has stricter gun laws than the United States too, but I doubt you would accept that as a conclusive argument for gun control. I've outlined the principles I think are important to evaluating voting laws a couple of times now, but you haven't responded to my actual argument at all. You seem mostly to just be trying to change the subject.

Democrats have a long history of voter suppression and cheating.

Citation needed, but this is also irrelevant in my view, unless you can demonstrate that Democrats are engaging in voter suppression in the present, in which case I will join you in demanding that they cease. Otherwise this is a tu quoque fallacy at best, and I would point out that I'm against voter suppression tactics regardless of who engages in them.

Regarding the courts, There are many activist leftist judges that the Democrat party has put in place to "fix" things when the people don't vote Democrat like they're expected to.

Again, citation needed. But also: the nice thing about the court cases is you can read the decisions, and often you can see the evidence for yourself. It's in the public record. The decision in the NC case (linked above) goes into a lot of detail about exactly what happened. You can decide for yourself if you think it sounds legitimate.
I provided a link in this thread with evidence that many nations require voter ID and many require a picture. Democrats are well known for voter fraud and suppression. Which party do you think is responsible for the Jim Crow laws in the deep south after the Civil War? Take your time and read this thoroughly.
Voter Fraud
Last edited:

Let's see if we can improve on that, shall we?

I want to see 100% rich and 0% poor.
Who will mow your lawns, kill the pigs to make your bacon , cut your chickens heads off , slaughter your cows ? The rich won't

You misunderstand. I don't mind that there are poor people. I just am not so keen about them voting.

As for the poor doing all the work you might have a point. But, if it weren't for rich venture capitalists, they wouldn't have any work to do. They'd be hunter-gatherers.

Oh, and I thought it would be clear from my avatar. I don't eat bacon.
I'm Jewish also and love bacon

I won't tell your bubbe.
Here are some important points to consider:

1) No one even thought this was a problem before Obama’s administration. Hmm what interesting timing. Why did no one care about it? Because it has always been statistically very RARE and therefore pointless to come up with policy to fight it. All it really accomplishes is keeping legal voters from casting their votes.

2) It goes beyond new extra ID requirements. It also involves closing voting stations in key democratic voting areas. How in the hell do you justify shit like that?

3) Do republican voters not care the GOP is doing this simply because it helps their side win? Is that the real truth?

4) Oh and just to state the obvious, just because dead people are still on voting records, it doesn’t somehow magically mean actual votes are being cast from these dead people. This shouldn’t have to be spelled out.

I provided a link in this thread with evidence that many nations require voter ID and many require a picture

"Many nations require voter ID and many require a picture" is not the same statement as "every nation has stricter voting laws than the United States." Also, you did not provide any such link prior to your last post. Maybe you're thinking of another thread? Obviously whether or not you mentioned it before isn't very important, but it is important that you're changing the claim, because your new claim ("many countries require voter ID") is true but your previous claim ("every nation has stricter laws") is false. You're also still not responding to my actual argument, for example I pointed out that I think this entire point is irrelevant to my claims, and you ignored that.

I'm happy to read your link a little later when I have time, but in exchange you ought to engage with the arguments I've made and the materials I've provided more seriously. You shouldn't expect me to take your arguments seriously and engage with your citations if you dismiss mine out of hand. If your attitude towards court decisions is that they don't count because of bias, why is it then unreasonable for me to reject the Heritage Foundation out of hand, given that they are an explicitly ideological organization and the courts are not?

Which party do you think is responsible for the Jim Crow laws in the deep south after the Civil War?

As I said in my previous response, I'm only interested in evaluating currently proposed laws and policies. Pre-Civil-Rights era Democrats supporting egregious violations of voting rights (much worse than today) does not justify Republican practices in the present. Both are objectionable, but only one is ongoing. This is still just a tu quoque fallacy and completely irrelevant to our topic.
I provided a link in this thread with evidence that many nations require voter ID and many require a picture

"Many nations require voter ID and many require a picture" is not the same statement as "every nation has stricter voting laws than the United States." Also, you did not provide any such link prior to your last post. Maybe you're thinking of another thread? Obviously whether or not you mentioned it before isn't very important, but it is important that you're changing the claim, because your new claim ("many countries require voter ID") is true but your previous claim ("every nation has stricter laws") is false. You're also still not responding to my actual argument, for example I pointed out that I think this entire point is irrelevant to my claims, and you ignored that.

I'm happy to read your link a little later when I have time, but in exchange you ought to engage with the arguments I've made and the materials I've provided more seriously. You shouldn't expect me to take your arguments seriously and engage with your citations if you dismiss mine out of hand. If your attitude towards court decisions is that they don't count because of bias, why is it then unreasonable for me to reject the Heritage Foundation out of hand, given that they are an explicitly ideological organization and the courts are not?

Which party do you think is responsible for the Jim Crow laws in the deep south after the Civil War?

As I said in my previous response, I'm only interested in evaluating currently proposed laws and policies. Pre-Civil-Rights era Democrats supporting egregious violations of voting rights (much worse than today) does not justify Republican practices in the present. Both are objectionable, but only one is ongoing. This is still just a tu quoque fallacy and completely irrelevant to our topic.
The republicans aren't suppressing the vote. You're just upset because Democrats have been losing ground for 10 years. You can blame the democrat party for that, not republicans.

Let's see if we can improve on that, shall we?

I want to see 100% rich and 0% poor.
Who will mow your lawns, kill the pigs to make your bacon , cut your chickens heads off , slaughter your cows ? The rich won't

You misunderstand. I don't mind that there are poor people. I just am not so keen about them voting.

As for the poor doing all the work you might have a point. But, if it weren't for rich venture capitalists, they wouldn't have any work to do. They'd be hunter-gatherers.

Oh, and I thought it would be clear from my avatar. I don't eat bacon.
I'm Jewish also and love bacon

I won't tell your bubbe.
many years ago the rabbi said to me .."it won't be long now" If I knew then what he meant I would have converted

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