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How is it we lack protective gear for health care workers?

Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

It IS the fault of the POTUS. He ignored the downplayed the extent and potential severity of the crisis for months before it happened. Trump disbanded the pandemic office in the White House, and fired both the head of the CDC, and second and third in command. He decimated the leadership at DHS as well. TRUMP FIRED EVERYONE WHO WOULD HAVE DEALT WITH THE PANDEMIC AT DHS AND THE CDC AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO REPLACE THEM.

The virus has substantially increased the useage and need for PPE's. In a "for profit" health care system, it isn't profitable for hospitals to stockpile and store stuff they don't need, "just in case". It is the job of the pandemic response team, and the head of the CDC to advise hospitals to increase stock. But since Trump disbanded the pandemic response team, and there was no head of the CDC, and Trump was busy denying the danger, nobody told American hospitals to stock up.

Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

It IS the fault of the POTUS. He ignored the downplayed the extent and potential severity of the crisis for months before it happened. Trump disbanded the pandemic office in the White House, and fired both the head of the CDC, and second and third in command. He decimated the leadership at DHS as well. TRUMP FIRED EVERYONE WHO WOULD HAVE DEALT WITH THE PANDEMIC AT DHS AND THE CDC AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO REPLACE THEM.

The virus has substantially increased the useage and need for PPE's. In a "for profit" health care system, it isn't profitable for hospitals to stockpile and store stuff they don't need, "just in case". It is the job of the pandemic response team, and the head of the CDC to advise hospitals to increase stock. But since Trump disbanded the pandemic response team, and there was no head of the CDC, and Trump was busy denying the danger, nobody told American hospitals to stock up.


we knew this was coming back in january - plenty of time to prep... but donny ignored it, instead having secret SCIF room meetings at HHS, where the actual experts were kept out but the insider traders were attending.

the virus itself isn't donny's fault - but everything else that has to do with it is all on him.
We could have watied 6 months like Obama.... Instead of acting inside 14 days as Trump did... Hell, Trump was even trying to get us to onshore our manufacturing BEFORE this even happened...
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

It IS the fault of the POTUS. He ignored the downplayed the extent and potential severity of the crisis for months before it happened. Trump disbanded the pandemic office in the White House, and fired both the head of the CDC, and second and third in command. He decimated the leadership at DHS as well. TRUMP FIRED EVERYONE WHO WOULD HAVE DEALT WITH THE PANDEMIC AT DHS AND THE CDC AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO REPLACE THEM.

The virus has substantially increased the useage and need for PPE's. In a "for profit" health care system, it isn't profitable for hospitals to stockpile and store stuff they don't need, "just in case". It is the job of the pandemic response team, and the head of the CDC to advise hospitals to increase stock. But since Trump disbanded the pandemic response team, and there was no head of the CDC, and Trump was busy denying the danger, nobody told American hospitals to stock up.

One more time with this LIE.....
Why didn't OBAMA replenish the National Stockpile with PPE after he used them with N1H1?

You fuckers are blaming Trump for something OBAMA DID....

Yup. Given. But Trump has been President since January of 2017. And your excuse for him not taking action is.....??? Oh yeah...Trump Defense Syndrome.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

It IS the fault of the POTUS. He ignored the downplayed the extent and potential severity of the crisis for months before it happened. Trump disbanded the pandemic office in the White House, and fired both the head of the CDC, and second and third in command. He decimated the leadership at DHS as well. TRUMP FIRED EVERYONE WHO WOULD HAVE DEALT WITH THE PANDEMIC AT DHS AND THE CDC AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO REPLACE THEM.

The virus has substantially increased the useage and need for PPE's. In a "for profit" health care system, it isn't profitable for hospitals to stockpile and store stuff they don't need, "just in case". It is the job of the pandemic response team, and the head of the CDC to advise hospitals to increase stock. But since Trump disbanded the pandemic response team, and there was no head of the CDC, and Trump was busy denying the danger, nobody told American hospitals to stock up.

The only good thing from a colapse is we will not have to hear from people like you anymore. We will all wise up. for when we open our mouths it may be the last thing we say. A lot of people have a commupance due. We have spend endless resources on government and everything under the sun. And yet we are always short f something when needed. That means over the decades massive corruption has existed. I guarantee you many are progs.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.
It might have to do with the fact they need to dispose of all of it after seeing one patient.

if you wear it from patient to patient then you transfer all germs from one patient to the next
That's not what he meant. If they stockpile 100,000 masks, and then they only teat one patient for the Wuhan flu, then the rest of the masks are superfluous.

Except they use them for other patients as well. And if you treat one for COVID-19 and have 10 others that had to be ruled out, they all use up PPE gear.

You people are still clueless to how a hospital operates.
There are no other patients. Assume we had only 3000 patients.

There are always other patients at hospitals, they did not close down to only COVID patients.

Why are you so clueless?
What the fuck are you ralking about? If the virus turned out to be nothing buy hype, the never of cases could end up being far fewer than expected. Do you understand what a hypothetical is?

Obviously not.
What the fuck are you ralking about? If the virus turned out to be nothing buy hype, the never of cases could end up being far fewer than expected. Do you understand what a hypothetical is?

Obviously not.

I am not good at playing "what if" games, lets stick to reality.

I talked with my daughter an hour ago and her hospital in Florida has a critical shortage of PPE gear, including N95 mask, and they have not even had a positive patient yet. Our medical personnel are now being told the complete opposite to what they have been told for decades. Now all of a sudden it is ok to just wipe off an N95 mask and reuse it, it is ok to just wear a surgical mask, you do not need that face shield we told you that you needed for the last 50 years.

The same things are going on all over the country.

None of this is hypothetical for me as I have two loved ones on the front lines of this, including my wife who Friday had her first positive COVID-19 patient.
My pastor was born and raised in Cuba. His father is still the Bishop. Whenever his family needs health care they run as far and as fast as they can from Cuba
Haha, yeah, every right winger has an anecdote for every occasion. Now tell us about your Canadian cousin that had to wait a year on a new big toe. GTFO here ...
He is Mexican and his name is Roberto.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
we knew this was coming back in january - plenty of time to prep... but donny ignored it, instead having secret SCIF room meetings at HHS, where the actual experts were kept out but the insider traders were attending.

the virus itself isn't donny's fault - but everything else that has to do with it is all on him.
All we knew in January was about the fake impeachment you liars and the media staged for us all.

donny knew. HHS knew. the inside traders knew.... & they did nothing.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You idiots that think the president is responsible for everything in the country are the biggest retards of all time. You see that individual states are supposed to take care of themselves, idiot.
If we extend Trump's philosophy that he is an absolute ruler within the executive branch then it follows that he is ultimately responsible for the mistakes of any executive branch agency. He's a pretty handy scapegoat too since he continues to mishandle this crisis. This was his time to shine and finally become The President but unfortunately for us he is incapable of thinking of himself as a public servant.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

The blob sent a shitload of it overseas. Where to you ask? China of course.

View attachment 316746
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You mean everyone yelling about the deficit might not have had anything to do with it? You mean having Mueller trying to give him a colonoscopy wasn't a concern? You mean the democrats in the house and senate grabbing the mic and condemning him for even daring to look cross eyed gave him nothing else to think about? You think CNN with its 24/7 hate was not a concern? You think that 44 should not have bothered because he wasn't elected to a third term?
I could go on but no matter what you will still blame Trump rather then 44.

Damn. That's the best deflection I've seen on the board today. And I gave you that Obama shares some blame. Look, Trump has no interest in being President. It's just a popularity contest for him. So even if he didn't make all of his own problems with Russia and Ukraine (because he's a fundamentally corrupt liar), he still wouldn't have had any interest in actually doing the job he was elected for. He did what he's capable of. Campaigning, tweeting, bullying.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.
Around JAN 15th, our news reported that as soon as the Chinese people were told about the new virus, there was absolute mayhem and run at their stores for protective gear and sanitizer....

Search Bloomberg news, they had an article on masks etc selling out in China, (it's hard for me to do on this device) in mid January.

OBVIOUSLY our Pandemic team and National security teams HAD TO KNOW this was happening, if just a reporter knew....

At that very moment, our guys in charge of a pandemic response HAD TO KNOW the same run on masks and sanitizer response by our citizens, would be the same, ( and was the same).....

FAILED IN SECURING SUPPLIES EARLY, for the just in case scenario....

This team is suppose to have foresight.
Do you know how many times sick people in foreign lands hop on a plane to Cuba to avoid the profit oriented USA health care? NOT ONCE!!
Actually genius, it's something like thousands every year.

LefTarded filth have kept our president quite distracted since the 2016 election...that and filthy LefTards have been burying our healthcare system in dirty wetbacks for decades.
We desperately need Auschwitz style concentration camps for Americas worst enemy....THE LEFT.

No one has kept him distracted. Other than the issues he's made all on his own.
Seriously. Pence steps in on March 13th and the ship seems to right itself. Trump's poll numbers go up. Then sometime around March 23rd, they decide to take the training wheels off and let Trump be out front again. Slowly but surely, it heads downhill again. Fauci and the rest of the experts sidelined and second guessed. What happened?
You never stop lying. It's been fake accusation after fake accusation, media attacks, fake Russia hoax, fake impeachment sham, and never ending obstruction. Lying filth.

It has NOT been fake accusation after fake accusation. All of the accusations and allegations against the President have been proven in spades. Trump cultists continue to deny, deny, deny, just like their corrupt leader. There was sufficient evidence of his conspiracy with the Russians in the election, to say that there was "no collusion" or "no obstruction" is patently false.

The impeachment allegations were proven, but the Senate claimed that the offences were not impeachable. Which is also false.

Yes the obstruction is never ending. Trump obstructs oversight right up to the Supreme Court. The Senate obstructs every bill the House has sent over and refused to act on anything other than ramming unqualified judicial appointments through.

"Lying filth" doesn't begin to describe Trump and his cultists. I suppose the only bright light in all of this is that those who think it's all a "hoax" will continue with their lives until they get sick, so a good percentage of those who believed Trump when he said the virus is a hoax, will likely be dead by November.
Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here.

No, it kinda isn't and no, you aren't. Lack of protective gear in hospitals is not a new issue. It's gone on for years and it is not the responsibility of the president to make sure that hospitals have it. It's a state and local responsibility.

it's the president's responsibility to prepare for a pandemic sized catastrophe by having PPE in it's stockpile - just like the oil reserves we have. back in january DONNY knew this was heading our way & did no preparing. at all. the pandemic response team was dismantled in 2018 & we just had a gov'ment size mock drill for just this kind of catastrophe & we failed miserably. donny simply wasn't interested.

that is a fact, jack.
And exactly what is your source for this little tid bit? I don't recall anything in the constitution or the presidents oath of office about that. Maybe you're just full of shit.
What the fuck are you ralking about? If the virus turned out to be nothing buy hype, the never of cases could end up being far fewer than expected. Do you understand what a hypothetical is?

Obviously not.

I am not good at playing "what if" games, lets stick to reality.

I talked with my daughter an hour ago and her hospital in Florida has a critical shortage of PPE gear, including N95 mask, and they have not even had a positive patient yet. Our medical personnel are now being told the complete opposite to what they have been told for decades. Now all of a sudden it is ok to just wipe off an N95 mask and reuse it, it is ok to just wear a surgical mask, you do not need that face shield we told you that you needed for the last 50 years.

The same things are going on all over the country.

None of this is hypothetical for me as I have two loved ones on the front lines of this, including my wife who Friday had her first positive COVID-19 patient.

Same for me. My son's fiancee has four people in her ICU that are on ventilators diagnosed with the virus. My sister sees people everyday that could be infected..wearing masks.

No matter what right wing media says...this is real. About as real as it gets.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

It IS the fault of the POTUS. He ignored the downplayed the extent and potential severity of the crisis for months before it happened. Trump disbanded the pandemic office in the White House, and fired both the head of the CDC, and second and third in command. He decimated the leadership at DHS as well. TRUMP FIRED EVERYONE WHO WOULD HAVE DEALT WITH THE PANDEMIC AT DHS AND THE CDC AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO REPLACE THEM.

The virus has substantially increased the useage and need for PPE's. In a "for profit" health care system, it isn't profitable for hospitals to stockpile and store stuff they don't need, "just in case". It is the job of the pandemic response team, and the head of the CDC to advise hospitals to increase stock. But since Trump disbanded the pandemic response team, and there was no head of the CDC, and Trump was busy denying the danger, nobody told American hospitals to stock up.

More repeats of the same tired lies. STFU
What the fuck are you ralking about? If the virus turned out to be nothing buy hype, the never of cases could end up being far fewer than expected. Do you understand what a hypothetical is?

Obviously not.

I am not good at playing "what if" games, lets stick to reality.

I talked with my daughter an hour ago and her hospital in Florida has a critical shortage of PPE gear, including N95 mask, and they have not even had a positive patient yet. Our medical personnel are now being told the complete opposite to what they have been told for decades. Now all of a sudden it is ok to just wipe off an N95 mask and reuse it, it is ok to just wear a surgical mask, you do not need that face shield we told you that you needed for the last 50 years.

The same things are going on all over the country.

None of this is hypothetical for me as I have two loved ones on the front lines of this, including my wife who Friday had her first positive COVID-19 patient.

I have a dear friend who is an emergency room nurse in downtown Manhattan. They're being told to continue to treat patients even if they test positive, until they develop symptoms. Not because they aren't contagious, but because there's no one to replace them if they stop working.

She works in the blood bank, and said that the "runners" who pick up and drop off from all parts of the hospital, have told her things she would not have believed of a top NY Hospital one month ago. To be honest, I am worried to death for her right now.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
we knew this was coming back in january - plenty of time to prep... but donny ignored it, instead having secret SCIF room meetings at HHS, where the actual experts were kept out but the insider traders were attending.

the virus itself isn't donny's fault - but everything else that has to do with it is all on him.
All we knew in January was about the fake impeachment you liars and the media staged for us all.

donny knew. HHS knew. the inside traders knew.... & they did nothing.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You idiots that think the president is responsible for everything in the country are the biggest retards of all time. You see that individual states are supposed to take care of themselves, idiot.
If we extend Trump's philosophy that he is an absolute ruler within the executive branch then it follows that he is ultimately responsible for the mistakes of any executive branch agency. He's a pretty handy scapegoat too since he continues to mishandle this crisis. This was his time to shine and finally become The President but unfortunately for us he is incapable of thinking of himself as a public servant.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

The blob sent a shitload of it overseas. Where to you ask? China of course.

View attachment 316746
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You mean everyone yelling about the deficit might not have had anything to do with it? You mean having Mueller trying to give him a colonoscopy wasn't a concern? You mean the democrats in the house and senate grabbing the mic and condemning him for even daring to look cross eyed gave him nothing else to think about? You think CNN with its 24/7 hate was not a concern? You think that 44 should not have bothered because he wasn't elected to a third term?
I could go on but no matter what you will still blame Trump rather then 44.

Damn. That's the best deflection I've seen on the board today. And I gave you that Obama shares some blame. Look, Trump has no interest in being President. It's just a popularity contest for him. So even if he didn't make all of his own problems with Russia and Ukraine (because he's a fundamentally corrupt liar), he still wouldn't have had any interest in actually doing the job he was elected for. He did what he's capable of. Campaigning, tweeting, bullying.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.
Around JAN 15th, our news reported that as soon as the Chinese people were told about the new virus, there was absolute mayhem and run at their stores for protective gear and sanitizer....

Search Bloomberg news, they had an article on masks etc selling out in China, (it's hard for me to do on this device) in mid January.

OBVIOUSLY our Pandemic team and National security teams HAD TO KNOW this was happening, if just a reporter knew....

At that very moment, our guys in charge of a pandemic response HAD TO KNOW the same run on masks and sanitizer response by our citizens, would be the same, ( and was the same).....

FAILED IN SECURING SUPPLIES EARLY, for the just in case scenario....

This team is suppose to have foresight.
Do you know how many times sick people in foreign lands hop on a plane to Cuba to avoid the profit oriented USA health care? NOT ONCE!!
Actually genius, it's something like thousands every year.

LefTarded filth have kept our president quite distracted since the 2016 election...that and filthy LefTards have been burying our healthcare system in dirty wetbacks for decades.
We desperately need Auschwitz style concentration camps for Americas worst enemy....THE LEFT.

No one has kept him distracted. Other than the issues he's made all on his own.
Seriously. Pence steps in on March 13th and the ship seems to right itself. Trump's poll numbers go up. Then sometime around March 23rd, they decide to take the training wheels off and let Trump be out front again. Slowly but surely, it heads downhill again. Fauci and the rest of the experts sidelined and second guessed. What happened?
You never stop lying. It's been fake accusation after fake accusation, media attacks, fake Russia hoax, fake impeachment sham, and never ending obstruction. Lying filth.

It has NOT been fake accusation after fake accusation. All of the accusations and allegations against the President have been proven in spades. Trump cultists continue to deny, deny, deny, just like their corrupt leader. There was sufficient evidence of his conspiracy with the Russians in the election, to say that there was "no collusion" or "no obstruction" is patently false.

The impeachment allegations were proven, but the Senate claimed that the offences were not impeachable. Which is also false.

Yes the obstruction is never ending. Trump obstructs oversight right up to the Supreme Court. The Senate obstructs every bill the House has sent over and refused to act on anything other than ramming unqualified judicial appointments through.

"Lying filth" doesn't begin to describe Trump and his cultists. I suppose the only bright light in all of this is that those who think it's all a "hoax" will continue with their lives until they get sick, so a good percentage of those who believed Trump when he said the virus is a hoax, will likely be dead by November.
TDS strong. Liar.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

How is it we lack protective gear for health care workers?
The 100 million here either illegally or riding on a stolen citizenship with illegal roots certainly hasn't created any streamline efficiency.
What the fuck are you ralking about? If the virus turned out to be nothing buy hype, the never of cases could end up being far fewer than expected. Do you understand what a hypothetical is?

Obviously not.

I am not good at playing "what if" games, lets stick to reality.

I talked with my daughter an hour ago and her hospital in Florida has a critical shortage of PPE gear, including N95 mask, and they have not even had a positive patient yet. Our medical personnel are now being told the complete opposite to what they have been told for decades. Now all of a sudden it is ok to just wipe off an N95 mask and reuse it, it is ok to just wear a surgical mask, you do not need that face shield we told you that you needed for the last 50 years.

The same things are going on all over the country.

None of this is hypothetical for me as I have two loved ones on the front lines of this, including my wife who Friday had her first positive COVID-19 patient.

I have a dear friend who is an emergency room nurse in downtown Manhattan. They're being told to continue to treat patients even if they test positive, until they develop symptoms. Not because they aren't contagious, but because there's no one to replace them if they stop working.

She works in the blood bank, and said that the "runners" who pick up and drop off from all parts of the hospital, have told her things she would not have believed of a top NY Hospital one month ago. To be honest, I am worried to death for her right now.

Yep. My son's fiancee has been told that a refusal to treat is an automatic termination...and a life blacklisting in the medical profession...and all she was asking is if her hospital would provide the necessary protective gear to keep her safe.
What the fuck are you ralking about? If the virus turned out to be nothing buy hype, the never of cases could end up being far fewer than expected. Do you understand what a hypothetical is?

Obviously not.

I am not good at playing "what if" games, lets stick to reality.

I talked with my daughter an hour ago and her hospital in Florida has a critical shortage of PPE gear, including N95 mask, and they have not even had a positive patient yet. Our medical personnel are now being told the complete opposite to what they have been told for decades. Now all of a sudden it is ok to just wipe off an N95 mask and reuse it, it is ok to just wear a surgical mask, you do not need that face shield we told you that you needed for the last 50 years.

The same things are going on all over the country.

None of this is hypothetical for me as I have two loved ones on the front lines of this, including my wife who Friday had her first positive COVID-19 patient.

I have a dear friend who is an emergency room nurse in downtown Manhattan. They're being told to continue to treat patients even if they test positive, until they develop symptoms. Not because they aren't contagious, but because there's no one to replace them if they stop working.

She works in the blood bank, and said that the "runners" who pick up and drop off from all parts of the hospital, have told her things she would not have believed of a top NY Hospital one month ago. To be honest, I am worried to death for her right now.

Yep. My son's fiancee has been told that a refusal to treat is an automatic termination...and a life blacklisting in the medical profession...and all she was asking is if her hospital would provide the necessary protective gear to keep her safe.

At my wife's facility they have the positive COVID-19 patients in a negative pressure area and they were told that if a patient codes there will only be two nurses that respond...one to do CPR compressions and one to administer drugs. The doctor and RT will "supervise" from outside the area!

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