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How is it we lack protective gear for health care workers?

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here.

No, it kinda isn't and no, you aren't. Lack of protective gear in hospitals is not a new issue. It's gone on for years and it is not the responsibility of the president to make sure that hospitals have it. It's a state and local responsibility.

it's the president's responsibility to prepare for a pandemic sized catastrophe by having PPE in it's stockpile - just like the oil reserves we have. back in january DONNY knew this was heading our way & did no preparing. at all. the pandemic response team was dismantled in 2018 & we just had a gov'ment size mock drill for just this kind of catastrophe & we failed miserably. donny simply wasn't interested.

that is a fact, jack.
And exactly what is your source for this little tid bit? I don't recall anything in the constitution or the presidents oath of office about that. Maybe you're just full of shit.


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Section 8.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States

if 'general welfare' includes stimulus cash - - - & waiving all medical costs associated with this disease --- then the ability to impose the DEFENSE PROTECTION ACT is something donny could have & should have enacted 2 months ago; in anticipation of & to ward off the clusterfuck that he helped create.

you're welcome for the education., now go wash that cheeto dust off yer mouth.

but b4 you do, IF you do... here are 2 links that verify my other points:

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised
By DEB RIECHMANNMarch 14, 2020 GMT
Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

WASHINGTON (AP) — Public health and national security experts shake their heads when President Donald Trump says the coronavirus “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world.”
They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.
Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

Homeland Security
May 31, 2018
This Mock Pandemic Killed 150 Million People. Next Time It Might Not Be A Drill.

The Johns Hopkins pandemic exercise, as some of the audience members noted, took place one week after the top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic left the administration and the global health security team he oversaw was disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.

By the end of the exercise, failure to develop a vaccine within 20 months had led to 150 million deaths globally, or about 2 percent of the world’s population. Players underscored the need for the United States to “go from bug to drug” faster, said Jim Talent, a former Republican senator from Missouri who played the defense secretary.

Added Tara O’Toole, a former top Homeland Security Department official who played the homeland security secretary: “We are in an age of epidemics, but we aren’t treating them like the national security issues that they are.”
This Mock Pandemic Killed 150 Million People. Next Time It Might Not Be A Drill.
And yet John Hopkins stated the U.S. was better prepared then any other country for the virus outbreak.
We also play nuclear war games. Those have shown that the U.S. survivors fare worse then Russian survivors because Russia is not as heavily reliant on tech. So according to your thinking we Obviusly need more nuclear weapons so that when we go to war with Russia their survivors end up worse off then the U.S.

is that why SK is way better off than us?
You mean a country that has less international travel?
You mean a country that has only 51 million versus 300 million?
A country that is almost 99 times smaller then the U.S.?
a country that does not have the same freedom guarantees as the U.S.?
Do you often compare watermelons and grapes?

people are people. bodies are bodies, & test kits are test kits.

the US & SK both received the genome sequence at the same time. THEY started testing using drive thrus on day 1.

we didn't.



it really is as simple as that, but yet too complicated for y-o-u. poor poor poorly educated you.
Just give it a few minutes. The same Trump cultists talking about how different SoKo is will then be touting their stats to downplay the covid-19 crisis
Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here.

No, it kinda isn't and no, you aren't. Lack of protective gear in hospitals is not a new issue. It's gone on for years and it is not the responsibility of the president to make sure that hospitals have it. It's a state and local responsibility.

it's the president's responsibility to prepare for a pandemic sized catastrophe by having PPE in it's stockpile - just like the oil reserves we have. back in january DONNY knew this was heading our way & did no preparing. at all. the pandemic response team was dismantled in 2018 & we just had a gov'ment size mock drill for just this kind of catastrophe & we failed miserably. donny simply wasn't interested.

that is a fact, jack.
And exactly what is your source for this little tid bit? I don't recall anything in the constitution or the presidents oath of office about that. Maybe you're just full of shit.


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Section 8.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States

if 'general welfare' includes stimulus cash - - - & waiving all medical costs associated with this disease --- then the ability to impose the DEFENSE PROTECTION ACT is something donny could have & should have enacted 2 months ago; in anticipation of & to ward off the clusterfuck that he helped create.

you're welcome for the education., now go wash that cheeto dust off yer mouth.

but b4 you do, IF you do... here are 2 links that verify my other points:

Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised
By DEB RIECHMANNMarch 14, 2020 GMT
Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

WASHINGTON (AP) — Public health and national security experts shake their heads when President Donald Trump says the coronavirus “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world.”
They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.
Trump disbanded NSC pandemic unit that experts had praised

Homeland Security
May 31, 2018
This Mock Pandemic Killed 150 Million People. Next Time It Might Not Be A Drill.

The Johns Hopkins pandemic exercise, as some of the audience members noted, took place one week after the top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic left the administration and the global health security team he oversaw was disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.

By the end of the exercise, failure to develop a vaccine within 20 months had led to 150 million deaths globally, or about 2 percent of the world’s population. Players underscored the need for the United States to “go from bug to drug” faster, said Jim Talent, a former Republican senator from Missouri who played the defense secretary.

Added Tara O’Toole, a former top Homeland Security Department official who played the homeland security secretary: “We are in an age of epidemics, but we aren’t treating them like the national security issues that they are.”
This Mock Pandemic Killed 150 Million People. Next Time It Might Not Be A Drill.
And yet John Hopkins stated the U.S. was better prepared then any other country for the virus outbreak.
We also play nuclear war games. Those have shown that the U.S. survivors fare worse then Russian survivors because Russia is not as heavily reliant on tech. So according to your thinking we Obviusly need more nuclear weapons so that when we go to war with Russia their survivors end up worse off then the U.S.

is that why SK is way better off than us?
You mean a country that has less international travel?
You mean a country that has only 51 million versus 300 million?
A country that is almost 99 times smaller then the U.S.?
a country that does not have the same freedom guarantees as the U.S.?
Do you often compare watermelons and grapes?

people are people. bodies are bodies, & test kits are test kits.

the US & SK both received the genome sequence at the same time. THEY started testing using drive thrus on day 1.

we didn't.



it really is as simple as that, but yet too complicated for y-o-u. poor poor poorly educated you.
Lol. Poor thing you think that the countries are the same. Damn it just doesn't get any crazier. You can't test even close to our numbers with the distances involved in even close to the same time frame. We had and still have people gathering and partying in large groups. We have people fleeing cities like New York and we have those that are trying to return them. In other wards we do not the orderliness of South Korea. Wake up and smell the coffee and take your head out of where you have been keeping it.
In other wards we do not the orderliness of South Korea.
South Korea never even locked down. We are forced to take more drastic measures, because we used worse tactics and waited too long to do so. This is not a mystery. You can either admit this or be wrong, those are your choices.
In other wards we do not the orderliness of South Korea.
South Korea never even locked down. We are forced to take more drastic measures, because we used worse tactics and waited too long to do so. This is not a mystery. You can either admit this or be wrong, those are your choices.
If you want to be wrong have at it, I could care less if you really don't have a clue. A large portion of our country never locked down.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.
we knew this was coming back in january - plenty of time to prep... but donny ignored it, instead having secret SCIF room meetings at HHS, where the actual experts were kept out but the insider traders were attending.

the virus itself isn't donny's fault - but everything else that has to do with it is all on him.

Lie. You had elected officials in New York telling people that this was no big deal.
Let me state this is NOT the fault of the POTUS. What is hard to comprehend is the richest, greatest country that currently contains the greatest workforce in the world has even one hospital that is lacking enough protective gear for it's healthcare workers. Unacceptable.

Actually, it kinda is. And we'll be fair here. After the H1N1 virus outbreak during the Obama administration, supplies were not restocked. But last I looked, Donald Trump has been President since January, 2017. What stopped him from authorizing it?
Was Obama Responsible for N95 Masks Shortage?
You idiots that think the president is responsible for everything in the country are the biggest retards of all time. You see that individual states are supposed to take care of themselves, idiot.
If we extend Trump's philosophy that he is an absolute ruler within the executive branch then it follows that he is ultimately responsible for the mistakes of any executive branch agency. He's a pretty handy scapegoat too since he continues to mishandle this crisis. This was his time to shine and finally become The President but unfortunately for us he is incapable of thinking of himself as a public servant.
The greatest failing of the feds was the failure of medical professionals at CDC/NIH to pursue research into corona viruses and instead wasted their time and money on bullshit having nothing to do with epidemics

the state and local authorities failed to maintain adequate supplies on hand

there is also the problem of globalization and the offshoring of vital production that should be here

Great in ignoring the actual problem...

The White House:
Cut CDC budget
Cut NIH budget
Didn't order masks three months then blames Obama
Hid the the threat it was going impose on US
Downplayed it
And still today are more worried about the economy than peoples lives

Lie, lies, and more lies. Why don't you STFU and go back into hiding where your idiocy belongs?

Lies, lies, lies, yeah...
So, again, when did we depend on what other countries do before we acted.?
Trump campaigned..while people died...Almost writes itself?
Trump has done a good job so far to overcome shortages of supplies that are a state and local responsibility

no he hasn't. he had the 'power' to impose the DEFENSE PROTECTION ACT weeks if not months ago & he did nothing.
you want the federal government acting as a dictatorship and strong-arming private businesses to make a product it desires?

I dont

trump has been successful in appealing to the better angels and, may I say, patriotism in most companies to do the right thing

the only holdout is the formerly American company of GM which is quickly becoming a chinese company with loyalty to china instead of America

oh BULLSHIT. those better angels waited as well - NOBODY stepped up until they saw the deluge of infections ramping up & nobody is immune even them & their families. you gave the same BULLSHIT reply b4 on another thread.

it's TEMPORARY with both clinton & george W using it & like i said b4 - it went away.
I do t expect private companies to invest millions in what will be over capacity after the crisis ends unless it is really necessary

Ford and other companies saw the need but GM didnt

they would have a guaranteed buyer so any 'investment' is covered.

greed is why people die.
I dont know how much it costs to set up new production lines but it could be substantial

normally the price after doing so would be higher

but in this case I suspect they wont get much over the actual cost

what's a few bucks that the CEO & board of directors won't have in their pocket & won't miss anyway? are you kidding me?
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those paupers couldn't possibly spare a dime let alone a 'square'.
Its their money

i know libs think being part of a mob gives them the right to take a anything they want from whoever you want

but it doesent

you’re still just a mob

it's their money sans all the fucking loopholes & stock buybacks. AND they wanna do it again.

No, you missed it.

ALL of the money they have... is their money.

Taxes, whether it's 50%, 25%, 10%, or 1%.... all of that money is still THEIR money.

Doesn't matter if their is a tax loop hole or not. They earned it. It's their money. You are taxing THEIR money, with or without loopholes.

Further... name a loophole? I'll give you a hint. You can't because there are none.

Second, I love how all these super rich people, have stupid left-wingers like you, wrapped around your finger.

IT's just so great to see that. I have said since the 1990s, that left-wingers are more in bed with the rich wealthy elite, than the Republicans are, and all the proof I need, is that every single time I turn around, the stupid left-wingers run panting like dogs, looking the boots of the nearest super elite.

You posting that video, is just yet another empirical example to add to list of proofs.

So lets look at the claim....

So I myself am a low income wage earner. One of the first things my company did, was increase dividends. Well, as a shareholder, that dividend payment came to me in increasing my 401K.

Which even now, with the stock market temporarily depressed, I still have far more money and stocks in my 401K, than how much money I put in, by about 150%. In other words, I have doubled my money and a half.... even now, with the market depressed.

So the economy booming, is for me. So she's just a liar.

Further, I can speak for my own company, our increased over all profits, have dramatically increased hiring. We have signed on large customers, and hired skilled people to fit those customer needs. This includes opening a bran new facility, and investment several million into it.

Several million that if taxed away, wouldn't have been invested.

So.... your video is crap. Thanks for barking like a dog at your elite wealthy overlord's command.... but facts beat opinion. Class dismissed.

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