How is Joe Biden not arrested and impeached?

You say that as if it will make any difference. :lol:

When Republicans take over and massively overspend, and once again fail to keep their promise to replace Obamacare, you all suddenly become deaf, DUMB, and blind.

Just how many times will it take for you to be hoaxed over and over and over to finally get it?
The last year if anything has proven that the Left looks at tens of millions of everyday Americans as collateral damage on their way to destroying America in order to build back a socialist utopia.
Because the GOP isn’t controlling either chamber, and the attorney general Garland is a corrupt Leftist hack that should be impeached.

More from the article you posted, seems like the attorney saw this as an uphill battle against the entire fake news media Democratic Party and not enough funding:

“The high-powered attorney’s move to sever ties was “by no means a reflection on whether then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted Ms. Reade,” Wigdor said in a statement provided to The New York Times.

Wigdor did not specify the exact reason why he no longer was representing Reade but attacked the way media covered her.

“Much of what has been written about Ms. Reade is not probative of whether then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted her, but rather is intended to victim-shame and attack her credibility on unrelated and irrelevant matters,” Wigdor’s statement continued. “We have and will continue to represent survivors regardless of their alleged predator’s status or politics.”

Reade’s claims have polarized the media, as many mainstream news organizations were slow to cover her accusations against Biden. As a result, other critics have condemned the media for hypocrisy amid the “believe-all-women” era ushered in by the #MeToo movement.

Wigdor LLP did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.


How coincidental, the media providing cover for a sexual assaulter, but conspiring to falsely accuse a potential Supreme Court nominee. And the Left wonders why they’re hated so much.
Lawyers are like politicians, the higher the profile of a case brings greater notoriety and more $$$.

As part of an investigation into Reade’s allegations against Biden — charges that are already shaping the contours of his campaign against a president who has been accused of sexual assault and misconduct by multiple women — POLITICO interviewed more than a dozen people, many of whom interacted with Reade through her involvement in the animal-rescue community.

A number of those in close contact with Reade over the past 12 years, a period in which she went by the names Tara Reade, Tara McCabe or Alexandra McCabe, laid out a familiar pattern: Reade ingratiated herself, explained she was down on her luck and needed help, and eventually took advantage of their goodwill to extract money, skip rent payments or walk out on other bills.

The people quoted in this article provided copies of past emails, screenshots of Facebook Messenger or text exchanges with Reade, copies of billing invoices or court records detailing their grievances or correspondence. POLITICO also reviewed dozens of public records, including court documents, divorce filings and Reade’s 2012 bankruptcy records.

A number of those who crossed paths with Biden’s accuser say they remember two things: She spoke favorably about her time working for Biden, and she left them feeling duped.

'More from the article you posted, seems like the attorney saw this as an uphill battle against the entire fake news media Democratic Party and not enough funding'.

You're trying claim after the GQP made Rittenhouse a millionaire, they wouldn't jump at the chance to take Biden down because of 'funding'?

'Uphill battle, fake news and the democratic party'?
That isn't stopping the GQP of election fraud claims.

Reade is a liar.
Lawyers are like politicians, the higher the profile of a case brings greater notoriety and more $$$.

As part of an investigation into Reade’s allegations against Biden — charges that are already shaping the contours of his campaign against a president who has been accused of sexual assault and misconduct by multiple women — POLITICO interviewed more than a dozen people, many of whom interacted with Reade through her involvement in the animal-rescue community.

A number of those in close contact with Reade over the past 12 years, a period in which she went by the names Tara Reade, Tara McCabe or Alexandra McCabe, laid out a familiar pattern: Reade ingratiated herself, explained she was down on her luck and needed help, and eventually took advantage of their goodwill to extract money, skip rent payments or walk out on other bills.

The people quoted in this article provided copies of past emails, screenshots of Facebook Messenger or text exchanges with Reade, copies of billing invoices or court records detailing their grievances or correspondence. POLITICO also reviewed dozens of public records, including court documents, divorce filings and Reade’s 2012 bankruptcy records.

A number of those who crossed paths with Biden’s accuser say they remember two things: She spoke favorably about her time working for Biden, and she left them feeling duped.

'More from the article you posted, seems like the attorney saw this as an uphill battle against the entire fake news media Democratic Party and not enough funding'.

You're trying claim after the GQP made Rittenhouse a millionaire, they wouldn't jump at the chance to take Biden down because of 'funding'?

'Uphill battle, fake news and the democratic party'?
That isn't stopping the GQP of election fraud claims.

Reade is a liar.
So all women are to be believed and get their day in court, except if they’re going against Democrat leaders. Then they get the Monica treatment. Don’t worry, your pedophile rapist sniffer will get his day, bad habits are hard to quit.
So all women are to be believed and get their day in court,
Yes, until they aren't to be believed.
Too bad.
She appears to be a liar and a grifter.

Tara Reade AKA Alexandra Tara McCabe, Tara Reade Moulton, Alexandra Reade among other aliases has a long history. There is a legacy of lies that she tells regarding her past. Then there is the unvarnished truth regarding this woman who cons, scams and steals from people.
Tara Reade has been a flimflammer almost her entire adult life.Where to start with this huge volume of information is the dilemna we have to consider. Another consideration was what to put in and what to leave out for the potential well being of people who know her.

The next individual she accuses is her ex. This individual whom she referred to as "Tate" worked for 2 elected officials from the Dakotas. He then started a business which has been highly successful and remains so to this day. This is the second person she has accused of abuse.

That person is was married/is divorced, owns a home and operates a highly successful business. What is interesting however is that the individual started his business in 1995 and it became successful very quickly. Right after success was apparent Tara Reade filed abuse charges against this person.

Next we have a case which some people believe was legitimate and might be so. But it certainly shows Reade's litigious nature. Several woman from the YWCA accused their supervisors of harassment. One of them was Reade. She stated that her African American supervisor engaged in reverse discrimination and called her 'too white'.

She has also accused her former partner on the Soul Vibes Show Frankie Knight whose real name is Edward Franklin Walker of abusing her. He had an assault complaint against him during the time they lived together but the plaintiff is not listed.

except if they’re going against Democrat leaders.
Well, they are the ones running the cabal, that kidnaps babies, kills them, then drinks their blood.

Then they get the Monica treatment.
Republicans are the ones that portrayed her as a victim.
was a 22 year old college graduate at the time, she never quit, she kept going back for more.
I'm sure she banged a few guys in college.

Don’t worry, your pedophile rapist sniffer will get his day, bad habits are hard to quit.
Sure, he will, when JFK Jr. emerges as Trump's running mate. › media › biden-accuser-tara-reade
Prominent attorney Douglas H. Wigdor dropped Tara Reade, who has accused the Democrats’ presumptive 2020 presidential nominee Joe Biden of sexual assault, as a client this week as questions about her past have been reported.

Reade is a former Senate staffer who came forward this past March saying Biden assaulted her in 1993. The former vice president repeatedly has denied Reade’s claims, bluntly saying it “never happened.”

Why hasn't any GQP 'lawyer' picked up her case?
Because, she is a liar.
If I were a GOP lawyer I would be very hesitant to take on any cases favoring Trump or any cases that could embarrass Joe Biden. That might prove a career ending move.
If I were a GOP lawyer I would be very hesitant to take on any cases favoring Trump or any cases that could embarrass Joe Biden. That might prove a career ending move.
Never stopped Rudy Giulliani, Sydney Powell or Lin Wood.

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